Today’s Reading: Psalm 106
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The North end of the Red Sea is in the south of Israel and also the south of the Kingdom of Jordan. The border between Israel and Jordan runs south from the Dead Sea to Elat on the Israeli side and to Aquaba on the Jordanian side. The coral reefs and marine life in the Red Sea are, to my judgement, the most spectacular in the world. In today’s reading it says of God, “He rebuked the Red Sea also, and it dried up; so He led them through the depths, as through the wilderness” (Psalm 106:9). Egypt borders Israel on the west at this point on the shores of the Red Sea. God made a way of escape for the Hebrew slaves from Egypt into what now would be the territory of Jordan or Saudi Arabia.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 106:13, 15
They soon forgot His works;
They did not wait for His counsel…
And He gave them their request,
But sent leanness into their soul.
Psalms 105 & 106 are historical records of Israel’s journeys and struggles. These Psalms were repeated by the people in their worship of God in the liturgical calendar at least once a year. The privileges of the covenant with God come with responsibilities. Israel was to worship Him and obey Him. God was faithful to keep His covenant, but the people, most of the time, were not faithful. Psalm 106 documents their unfaithfulness. The composer of this Psalm writes with a repentant heart. Verse one tells us that, “His mercy endures forever.” Without this fact, the human race would’ve been extinct long ago. No wonder we are told to, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!”
Our key verse is still true today. God has answered our prayers, as He did with Israel. He has blessed us with so many good things, but a materialistic, self-centred life will always bring leanness to our souls. Our souls will be malnourished.
Lord God, I pray that as I partake of the fresh bread and the meat of this daily blog, that I will be well nourished. Thank You, Lord, for Your patience with me when I grieve Your great heart of love and mercy with vain pursuits and foolish pride. Lord Jesus, You gave us the sinner’s prayer. I pray it now: “Lord be merciful to me, a sinner.” In the Name of the One who promised that this prayer, prayed in true repentance, would result in my being justified in the sight of God. Amen!!! (read Luke 18:9-14).
In my leadership calling at Crossroads over the years, I worked hard to make sure every cent given to the ministry was well spent for the cause to which God’s people gave. Apart from things I learned from my Dad, like turning out lights that are not needed, etc., I would list everything we did under three categories… (1) Necessary (2) Essential (3) Absolutely Essential. If funds were not available, the “Necessary” would be cut. If there still was not enough money coming in from the offerings of our wonderful partners, the “Essential” would be cut. Never, never, never was the “Absolutely Essential” cut, as these were the vital organs of ministry! For example, without the television ministry going out every day, the ministry would loose its purpose and die. Winning people to Christ on the telephone prayer lines in response to the telecasts was never on the table for cuts!!! Today, as a result of God’s blessing and the giving of God’s people, calls are up from an average of 1000 calls daily to almost 1200 in each 24-hour period. More precious souls are coming to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord and are being directed to local churches. Praise God!
Yours with an apology for going way over my goal of 100 personal words again,
I shall not want nor tarry for my soul,
Whereby my heart be given unto Thee.
An ounce of love, pure gold, of this I know,
My Saviour God, You live and breathe in me.
Your Holy Spirit, called, to sanctify,
My unceasing inner strength and surest shield.
I will go Lord, for Your people, please send I,
To spread the seeds of faith, within Your field.
Beverlee Kay
© Oct. 2019
Vinesong – Peace like a river (Lyric Video)
Beautiful song. Thanks Beverlee.
Love that song. Thanks Beverlee
Wow,your are gifted….’blessed’ with greater talent than I,Beverlee.I have never formally copyrighted any of my poems and I suspect many have been plagiarized from my FB page.One day FB revealed 4-5 other members with the same name as mine,one a professional “author/poet” in Conneticut.I did not sign nor date my poems until then and had to go back and sign them all at least a year later and add an approximate date.
I’m curious:when you write;do the words come to you instantly,as fast as you can type??Here is another beautiful song,written by a Spanish monk in 1989.Our tiny choir often sings this at Christmas time.Be blessed
You are too kind, friends. Yes, I am as you are, Bill, writing it down in one pen stroke, typically. That is when the Holy Spirit gives it to us. You must put the copyright symbol on all your writings that are posted anywhere as it is yours. Thank you, too, Eleanor. It is a gift to share with you.
It took me about a year to accept that he was really using me to bring comfort and faith to the grieving even though my pastor and others could see it.I did not feel like the poems were mine so I could not sign them….but I have come to know they are a gift to be shared.God bless
Thanks William the song is uplifting
Beverlee, what a wonderful talented lady you are. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem. Eleanor M.
So talented Yes thank you for sharing!!!
Thanks Eleanor M and Beverlee for your prayers and all others. I woke up this morning feeling much better so your prayers are working. God bless you. Prayed David’s prayer this morning. Like your poem and song Beverlee. Appreciate all of you on this blog. Have a great day. Is still sunny here today!
For Ger
May your troubles be known for what they are
As you trust them to the One above
And may peace be yours not from afar
While the warmth in your soul bestows His love.
So be not worried for what you have not,
But glad in your heart for what is yours,
For freedom itself is what He bought
And the promise to come still reassures.
So trust in His promise,in Him believe,
For you are His chosen,next of kin
And therefore on nothing should you grieve
Since eternity is yours,free from sin.
GW(Bill) Marshall,26 Oct,019
Amen Bill, keep them going! E
Yes beautiful blue/green seascape, thank you Reynold; also the explanation!
Pride is the source of evil; Lord help us to follow the example of the Tax Collector;
who humbled himself before the Lord. I pray this in Your Name Jesus, Amen!
Amen Luisa!
Thank you William for the Poem, well said!
Thanks Beverly for sharing your heart in poetry!
Glad you are feeling better Ger. Eleanor M.
Hope you are having a good restful day, sister Ger. Enjoy the sun!
God Bless You All
So Blessed to be part of the Blog!!!
I live in Ottawa and got saved on 100 Huntley
many moons ago.
Amen Teresa!
I’m glad you’re feeling better, Ger. May the Lord continue to strengthen you and make you completely well!
You were asking about Ann Mainse’s treatment. As far as I know she will have treatments ( bi-weekly) until just before Christmas.
So happy to have you back and glad for your input, dear Beverlee! Not only do you share beautiful and uplifting songs, scripture and words from your heart but you are a poet, as well! A woman of many talents! Bless you and everyone else on this blog.
Thanks for the update on Ann Mainse, Luisa. We will continue to hold her in prayer. It is so much to go through and we think of the countless number of women who face the same each year. May God strengthen, heal, and comfort you all, through it. Thank you for your loving words.