Today’s Reading: Psalms 105
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Giza necropolis, situated in the immediate vicinity of the southwestern suburbs of Cairo, is home to the most famous ancient Egyptian monuments. The Great Pyramid of Khufu (on the right) is the oldest and sole remnant of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Over 2 million blocks of stone were used to construct the pyramid during a 20-year period, concluding around 2560 BC, at about the same time period in which Chinese became the world’s first written language (don’t miss the amazing message from a Chinese Pastor in Singapore attached to yesterday’s blog). The pyramid is awe-inspiring, rising 139 metres (455 feet) high, making it the largest pyramid in Egypt. Abraham would have passed by this pyramid on his way into Egypt, and the Hebrew slaves on their way out of Egypt.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 105:1-3
Oh, give thanks to the Lord!
Call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the peoples!
Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him;
Talk of all His wondrous works!
Glory in His holy name;
Those first three verses of today’s reading sum up what we should do daily. (1) Give thanks! (2) Pray! (3) Communicate! (4) Sing! (5) Testify! These are the five essential elements of our mission! How long are we to do this? Psalm 105:8 lets us know the answer, “For a thousand generations!” Our responsibilities are not over yet! God remembers “His holy promise.” He promised Abraham that in his seed (105:6) all nations would be blessed! Together we will help make the blessing of the “Seed of Abraham,” Jesus, known to the whole world! Read Genesis 22:1-18. God spared Abraham’s son but did not spare His own Son. Our job is to make this known to all generations!!! EVERYBODY HELP!!!
Lord Jesus, I pray with thanksgiving for the entire Crossroads team. I ask for Your Holy Spirit to communicate through them in a powerful way. Lord God, please encourage the Crossroads team by our support. Thus, all of us together will enable the leadership and the Board to establish the plan in following God’s instructions given in our key verses! In the Name of the “Seed” (singular) of Abraham, Jesus, I pray! Amen!!!
As founders of the Crossroads Family of Ministries, Norma-Jean and I have experienced such “joy” and “gladness.” We read those words in verse 43 of today’s reading! Through the years, we’ve reached out with soul-winning television productions for children, teens, families, and people of all ages. A quarter of a million children and teens have spent at least a week each at the Circle Square Ranches over the years, and approximately 60% came from homes where they don’t attend Church. About 100,000 of these have made first-time decisions to give their lives to Jesus! We have graduates from our School of Broadcasting and Communications in over 80 countries of the world, and many of them are reaching their own people on television with the message of Jesus! I could give more examples of what has been accomplished (“remember” as Psalm 105 tells us), but the reason I’m telling this story again is that I know what it is to carry the heavy burden of leadership. It is a huge responsibility before God to make sure sufficient funds are on hand to do all that God expects of us! Remember to pray for and support our Crossroads leadership team!
Yours to help Crossroads not only to survive but to thrive in the saving of precious souls for time and for eternity!

The Luxor Temple is located on the east bank of the River Nile in the ancient city of Thebes and was founded in 1400 BC during the New Kingdom, about 100 years after the Hebrew slaves had escaped their bondage in Egypt. Today’s reading tells us that, “Egypt was glad when they departed for the fear of them had fallen upon them” (Psalm 105:38). Let us consider the impact of these visual temple scenes on the people! Today’s visual support for our message is television!!! Imagine the cost and sacrifice involved in building the pyramids and temples. To fulfill the Crossroads mission, it requires all who will to give sacrificially so that the “Glory” of His holy Name will be seen and heard all over the world!!! Together we are building, not a temple of stone, or a memorial to a dead Pharaoh, but a worldwide communications network potentially reaching every person with the saving message of Christ.
Wonderful scripture and message–well done oh good and faithful servants–David in heaven and Norma-Jean on earth! Thank you for the Crossroads Ministries and I appreciate the pyramid photo/caption from Reynold. Here we saints are, Lord. We praise You, most high. Your Word rests in our hearts, however sad we are when others do not claim You and follow Your ways. We are grateful for the goodness, nourishment and bounty you provide us. We give You all the thanks and praise, for it is all for Your glory! Be well, fellow saints and soak in His loving and rich Presence, today. You are His angels on earth, spreading His seeds of faithfulness!
“In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.” Genesis 22:18 NKJV
Here I am Lord with lyrics
Amen….. agreeing with you in prayer Beverlee!
Thank you Beverlee, for always posting such beautiful songs!
…and beautiful prayers.
You are most welcome. I tried to find the singer you like Bill, but couldn’t.
Amen. I also agree with you ladies in prayer.
AMEN Beverly.also was blessed singing the song, thank you
When it says, “sing to him in Psalms”, does that mean the Bible Psalms or Psalms that we make up? Not understanding that. Prayer for our youth is so badly needed. Everywhere they seem to be targeted by Satan. They face challenges that we never knew. God has promised to teach our children and great “will be their peace”. Let’s claim that promise!!
We sing psalms from our hymnals and other sources.You can sing them throughout the day ‘within your heart’ if you like or out loud,”to the Lord”.I believe Pst.David felt the joy of the Lord as he did this and I think that is what we feel corporately in church or in a fellowship group when we sing hymns.God looks within our hearts and knows our ‘every thought’.God bless
Oh Lord
Send me,oh Lord,where danger is rife,
Send me,my Master,that I might serve,
Send me,my Friend,I give You my life,
Send me,my Christ,but give me nerve.
Let me,oh Lord,show Satan’s black eyes,
That a common man can give his all
And one so lowly suffers and dies,
Before You return to watch him fall.
Use me,oh Lord,I am worthy as dirt,
Make me,my King,a nameless soul,
That I might,Your Holy Name assert;
Let me,Oh Jesus,fulfill Your goal.
G W Marshall / May 24, 2013
Let Me
Let me please you,oh Lord,
Let me leave a kiss upon Your hand,
That You may wield a mighty sword
To cleanse the evil from this land.
Let me serve You too my God,
Let me sacrifice my life for You,
So that You can point Your holy rod
To show what a sinner will do.
I am nothing to call a treasure,
But my life I freely now will give,
That You might at Your leisure
Return to show us how to live.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 19 July, 2013
In our mens’ group,we “sing a joyful noise to the Lord” as a group.That way we cover each other’s mistakes,lol.
Amen Bill!!
Dear Doreen: A Psalm is a sacred song or Hymn according to the dictionary.
Thanks everyone for their wonderful prayers and poems from yesterday. So glad you are back from hospital Irene, praying that you will be completely well again.
Thanks Beverlee for your beautiful prayer this morning. Blessings to all ,Eleanor M.
Did not know you were in hospital, sister Irene. May God watch over you at home, with all the help you need, and provide you with comfort and rest in His Spirit. May His Hand be upon you for healing, dear one. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen.
Agreeing with Eleanor about Psalms, Doreen.
He says in melodies and Psalms: sing song that praise and glorify
the Lord
Hope that answers your question
you can sing the Psalms from the Bible; or from a Hymnal; or make up your own Psalm as you wake each day and see God at Work!
Thanks again to Ron and family for this blog;for reaching us and for those who will be reached.Praying still for Ann’s complete recovery.God bless
Here is a Psalm beautifully done with today’s music:
Beautiful! Amen for Ann’s continued healing and thanks for your poem and song, Bill. God bless you for all you do for this blog.
Thanks William for the song by Shane & Shane. My son’s name is Shane, by the way!
Father God, thank You for your constant, unchanging Truth and grace. Your Word is forever settled in heaven. Your promises are sure. Thank You. As David said, may we join in support of Crossroads and other Christian ministries that are working to serve and honour You, Lord God. Keep them faithful and bring more workers to labour for your Kingdom. We commit them into your care, and ask that You bless them that they may be a blessing to You, Father. In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen, Rob! Thank you for all the beautiful prayers from your heart you post for our blog.
Thank you for your prayers that we may all join you in praying your words of thankfulness and praise.
Read all your posts and am blessed by each one. Thank you and God bless you. Have been over doing it for my heart sake the last few days getting prepared for winter. Would appreciate your prayers at this time. Thanking you in advance. Glad you are home from the hospital Sister Irene and trust Anne is responding well to treatment. Saw her on “A Better Us” last night.
Ger they are reruns on A Better Us I have watched them before. I wonder if anyone knows if Anne is finish her Chemo yet?
Dear Father in Heaven I ask that you would keep Ger in your care. Send some one to help her get things prepared for winter. May she find quiet restful moments where she relax in your presence. I pray this in the precious name Of Jesus. Eleanor M.
Holding you up in prayer, Ger, that the Lord provides the help you need to winterize. Bless you, dear!
Amen Eleanor M!
Thank you Beverlee,Ger. and Doreen for your prayers; I am feeling well, almost normal (if there is such a thing as normal)
TY Lord for this website; bless all you post; heal those who need healing;forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;
please pray for the right person to come across my path for the back room; I ask the Lord to hand pick me the right person and I ask that I would know that person is from the Lord;
we rebuke the devil;
we Plead the Blood of the Lamb over our homes;families;communities;governments;leaders;over all Christians;mend broken relationships thank you Lord bless the concert tonight Thank you Lord in Jesus Name I Pray amen
Love all your prayer and psalms.
So blessed to be part of the group.
God Bless You All
Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised!