Today’s Reading: Job 5-6
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

In present-day Nazareth, first century family life is re-created at a place called Nazareth Village.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Job 5:17
Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects; Therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty.
The above statement was made by Eliphaz to Job. Eliphaz had a good grasp on truth, but let us remember that the words of Job and his friends are their opinions. They are accurately recorded in the inspired Scriptures as being what Job’s friends said. Our key verse can be considered to be “Truth” because when we compare Scripture with Scripture, it stands the test. For example, we may want to read Hebrews 12:5-11.
In everyday life we know those (maybe ourselves) who are suffering because of the sins and failures of others, or because of circumstances beyond control. Job did not know why he was going through such testing, but in it all he retained his faith in God. Someone has said, “A believer is like tea; real strength only comes out when we are put into hot water.” The Apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 2:19-25 about the example of Jesus in enduring suffering. God’s plan is to make us like His Son and our Saviour, Jesus. Suffering temporarily is included in that plan. It is not meant to defeat or destroy us but to strengthen and refine us as gold, purified in the fire.
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for strength to endure any suffering that may come to me. I worship You, Lord God! In the Name of Jesus, the One who “learned obedience by the things which He suffered,” Amen!!! (Hebrews 5:7 & 8).
Today is Norma-Jean’s birthday. Happy Birthday my darling wife! Thank you for sticking with me throughout 59 years as of this September 19th. God has allowed testing in your life and you have come through as fine gold. I think that I’ve been a big test for you! Thank you for passing the test and continuing to love.
If you keep reading to the end of the book of Job, you’ll find a happy ending with a family larger than the original one!
Yours to celebrate,
Note from Ron Mainse: Watch today’s evening edition of 100 Huntley Street for a special celebration of Norma-Jean’s 80th birthday! If you miss it, you can find it tomorrow at 100huntley.com.
Very glad to see Norma Jean’s birthday celebration & Ann looking so well. For some reason the blog is not coming my email for 2 days. I have to do a search. Have a great day all.
Happy birthday, to you Norma-Jean.
Happy to hear Ann is doing well. Prayed for her this morning and you too Doreen.
May God bless you all today.
Thank you Nan. My BP has been stable for a week now! Thanks all – it was a scary time! Thank You Lord. Amen
So glad to hear.
I hope Norma-Jean had a wonderful birthday. I’m looking forward to seeing the celebration on TV. I’m glad to hear Ann is recovering well.
Wishing you a sincere and happy birthday,Norma Jean.It’s amazing David found strength to stand for this picture.That is inspiration and an example of endurance in suffering.Thank you all for your wonderful ministries.May God bless
PS:Big hugs,Norma Jean.
Dear Norma Jean: God’s richest blessings on this your birthday
Happy Birthday, Norma Jean! Thanks for sharing your family with us.
Happy 80th birthday Norma Jean have a great and blessed and special day with family and friends it’s good to hear that Anne is doing is is doing well freaking God all the praise amen and fellow bloggers you have a great day as well
Typo again that that is to be praising God not freaking God sorry for the typo
Norma Jean, I am looking forward to your birthday celebration tonight on TV . May you enjoy many more years to come, you are an inspiration to all of us.
I am glad Ann is doing well and I am also glad that your Blood pressure Doreen is stable now. Blessings to all all Eleanor M.
Typo again I meant to say giving God all the praise not freaking sorry about that
It is a privilege to wish you happy birthday, Norma-Jean. Your quiet strength has been inspirational to me. May GOD bless you with a loving loved year.
Happy Birthday Norma Jean! Looking forward to seeing your celebration on 100 Huntley St. Lovely photo of you and David. So glad I had the trip to Israel with you. Thanks to you, David and family for blessing us over the years! God blessings on you.
Wishing Norma-Jean a blessed Happy 80th Birthday today.
Thank you for being a true inspiration to me also.
May God bless you always in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
Happy Birthday Norma-Jean. God has bless you and your family through all the twists and turns of your journey.
Here is a great chorus we love to sing when we think of God’s gracious care through our lives:
“All through the years His providence has led me,
His abounding goodness has been all my song:
All through the years I tell His love and mercy,
Singing Ebenezer as the years roll on”
“Strength” and “Peace” – Psalm 29:11
Be blessed on your birthday Norma Jean!!