Today’s Reading: Job 7-8
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Pictured here is one of the Majestic entrances to Jerash Jordan. Recent excavations show that Jerash was already inhabited during the Bronze Age (3200 BC – 1200 BC). After the Roman conquest in 63 BC, Jerash and the land surrounding it was annexed by the Roman province of Syria and later joined the Decapolis cities (mentioned in Matthew 4:25 and Mark 5:20). In AD 90, Jerash was absorbed into the Roman province of Arabia, which included the city of Philadelphia (modern day Amman, the capital city of the Kingdom of Jordan).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Job 7:17, 8:21
What is man, that You should exalt him, that You should set Your heart on him?…He will yet fill your mouth with laughing, and your lips with rejoicing!
Job asks a great question. What is man? Jesus answered that question. Mankind is the object of God’s love (John 3:14-17). Jesus changed many things that Job and his friends believed. For example, Job said, “He who goes down to the grave does not come up” (Job 7:9b). But Jesus did come up! His grave is empty! (John 11:17-26).
Bildad correctly predicts God’s ultimate plan for Job: (1) Eventual prosperity. (2) The joy of God’s way. (3) Laughing. (4) A confession that brings rejoicing! (Romans 10:8-13). As I’ve written often here in the blog, “Jesus changes everything!”
Lord God, I pray for the grace to look beyond my present circumstances to Your long-range plans for me. Thank You for the fact that I am loved by You and that You are mindful of me. May I not live, as has often been said, “under the circumstances,” but may I live “over and above.” In the Name of the One who has overcome even death itself, the Lord Jesus, Amen!
I confess every day that I am an “overcomer.” In the last book of the New Testament, Revelation 12:11, we are told that, “They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” Job and Bildad did not have the written Scriptures in order to know absolute truth, but we are able to compare Scripture with Scripture. I’ve learned through the years that I must diligently study in order to, as the Apostle Paul taught a young pastor/teacher, Timothy, be “diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).
I had a great example from my Dad. Mother died when I was 12 and Dad and I were left to carry on. He would have the porridge on the stove when he called me to get up for school, and when I arrived in the kitchen, he would have his Bible open on the table, ready to read to me, and then we would kneel and he would pray for me for the day ahead. Only then would he serve the porridge for our breakfast. A child never forgets such consistency. To this day, my number one priority is reading God’s Word and then praying for the day ahead. I’m overcome with emotion just now as I type this and think of the heritage I was given.
Yours for consistently reading God’s Word and for praying with our loved ones,
I wonder if David is still asking for answers form those who lived in bible times?Perhaps there will be no need to ask?Thank you all for this blog.God bless
We my wife Lorna and I Dale sit after breakfast reading the Bible and prayer.
God bless you and that is probably the most treasured time together, your marriage is being blessed beyond your wildest dreams, Lord God bless all marriages, Thank You Lord for Your mercy,grace and unconditional love
How blessed David was following the example of his Godly parents.
Our children and grand-children are watching us.
May we constantly be Godly examples as we daily conduct our Christian Faith.
What a wonderful heritage that David grew up in
Amen Marilyn!
I pray for God’s fulfillment of His Word in these times we live in. May we align our lives with His desires. In Jesus’s matchless name, amen
Wonderful Huntley Street program this morning. Tears welled up in my eyes. I miss David a lot. So enjoyed seeing Norma-Jean enjoying her birthday celebration. What an amazing woman.
Gods blessings to all today.
Yes Amen, Nan
Today’s prayer was the perfect one for me. I’ve just recently found out there is a mass on my ovary, and I will be getting more tests, then surgery in a few weeks time. They won’t be able to 100% confirm whether it is cancer or not until after it is removed. But it needs to come out anyways. I would sure appreciate the prayers of my blog brothers and sisters. I know that the Lord is my Healer and my Defender. Praise His dear Name.
Agreeing in prayer with you Deanna for the Lord’s intervention for a good report and for peace of mind for you and your family; Lord Jesus I pray this in Your Holy Name, Amen!!
Amen !????????
Yes Deanna; we will be praying for complete healing for you; I am so thankful that we can post requests for prayer for all areas of our lives; IMAGINE, this blog is a message from God Himself; Praise the Lord that you found out about the mass now, God has everything in control, He knows exactly what is going on;
I had an instant happen and it made me move to get my affairs in order; it takes time and to find someone to do as I have laid out is difficult, no family, so pray the Lord sends me the right person;
also, pray for good health, happiness, safety for all the people I have met at the pool from Argentina, also some from Mexico; they are wonderful people, speak English very well, happy, helpful people, may God bless their journey;
Blessings to all and Lord Thank You for loving us as we are, Your children; amen amen amen…..
Praise God, Jesus is risen from the dead!!
what a promise those who believe and has gone ahead to prepare a place for us!!Amen and Amen!!
Thank you dear saints, for your prayers for me. It is so good to be part of this Bible reading. Love and much blessings to you all.