Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 29
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Looking up to the western side of the southwest containment wall of the Temple Mount, you can see protruding from the wall what is now called Robinson’s Arch. This was once a magnificent staircase that led up to the Temple Mount. The two pictures below are from inside a ritual bath just beneath Robinson’s Arch, where pilgrims had to cleanse themselves before entering the Temple Mount.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 29:20
Then King Hezekiah rose EARLY, gathered the rulers of the city, and went up to the house of the Lord.
Consider the word “EARLY.” Hezekiah had his priorities in order. Abraham, the friend of God, began “EARLY” (recorded 4 times). Moses and the word “EARLY” connect 6 times. Joshua, 5 times, and in the Psalms and Proverbs we are encouraged to be “EARLY” 11 times. In the Gospels (NKJV) the word “EARLY” shows up 9 times. To get to my motivating verse for my 4 a.m. rising time to prepare my heart and mind for the daily blog, I quote to myself frequently from the New International Version, Mark 1:35, “Very EARLY in the morning, while it was yet dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went to a solitary place, where He prayed.” Jesus always lived His life as “Son of man,” not using the fact that He was 100% God to help Himself. I’m convinced that the EARLY time with His Father was the reason He could say, “The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him” (John 8:29). Like Jesus, we need to wait on God EARLY, if possible, in order to get our instructions for the day. Making notes or journaling as we pray is a very effective way to check up on ourselves. I’ve just given 3 cheers for Hezekiah…Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Lord God, I pray for consistency in my appointments with You every morning. Jesus shows me the way to learn how to please You every day. I give myself to You as fully as I know how. I’m listening for Your voice within my spirit just now, then I expect to receive the grace to obey. In the Name of the One who always pleased You, Lord God, Jesus, Himself, Amen!!!
My son Ron asked if he could write the “100 Personal Words” today with a story of his own. I said Yes:
Hi…Ron here. This is one of my favourite “EARLY” stories about Dad…
When I was a teenager, I was part of our high school basketball team. I remember having to wake up extremely early one morning in order to attend a practice, which our overly zealous coach had scheduled well before the school day began. My teammates and I were far from enthusiastic about having to get our bodies out of bed that early, but that was the only time the gymnasium was available before our big championship game. So I set my alarm for “dark and early.” When the dreaded beeping noise hit my ears, I reluctantly rolled out of bed, got dressed, and tiptoed my way through the dark hallway and down the stairs, being careful not to wake anyone else in the family. However, when I got to the living room, I was surprised to see the lights on and hear someone speaking. When I looked to my left, I saw my Dad kneeling next to the couch with dozens of pieces of paper spread out all over the furniture. I paused long enough to figure out what was going on. Dad was in prayer, weeping and interceding before God on behalf of the many who had written to him as a result of the recently launched 100 Huntley Street daily TV program. He never saw me as I continued tiptoeing out the door and off to my practice. That experience deeply impacted me. It strongly reinforced to my heart the truth of Dad’s genuine passion for God and passion for people. He wasn’t on television because of any ego trip or because he needed a job. He was called by God to share the love of Jesus to a lost and hurting world. He often says, “One soul is worth more than the whole world!”…and he has always lived what he believes. After that, I could think of nothing else I wanted to do with my life than work with my Dad… and I had the privilege of doing that for 30 years. — Ron Mainse
I admit I fall short in the early rising to spend time with our Father. Please forgive me Lord. When I do awake early in the pre dawn hour, I thank God for this new day and seem to go back to sleep.
Time now to get up and get ready for church. I enjoyed today’s blog very much. So thankful the blog is continuing.
God is good. Blessings to all reading today.
Remembering Pastor David in Brantford & Ann Maines. Both are facing cancer challenges. Father touch them both mightily in Jesus Name. We thank You knowing that You love us & know each of us so very much. I saw a little sparrow sitting on a tree branch in the rainstorm & I remembered that Your eye was upon it too. How much more is Your care for each of us. Thank You Lord. Amen
I knew what Ron’s story would be from previous years and it also invoked in me that same respect (and envy too:”Envy” to me meaning only that I aspire to a higher quality of character;there is no malice attached.) for ‘our teacher’,David.
Like Norma Jean,I am a night owl.so I am not up before the roosters are.I am late
reading the blog today but we had a great message in church this morning with the temperatures being more comfortable.
Today’s message was one of restoration and repentance,as so much of the OT is also about.Here is another Hezachia with a great praise song that’s really in the public’s face.God bless
Thank you Ron for continuing what your father started. I am not an early , early riser, but I do spend at least 20 minutes upon arising (and before breakfast)
In God’s Holy Word and I pray daily for God’s guidance for you , Ann and family..
I love this story of your dad Ron. I have heard it before but it never get old. We need to return to his kind of passion and prayers for the lost. Lord break our hearts as you broke David Mainse’. He was a man after God’s heart until the end of his life. What an example to us. Bless you Ron for carrying on the torch!
This story you shared today, really touched me. I love my bible study time and I love 100 words! Pictures ,the study, the history, the message! Please continue.
Your story of your Dad praying moved me to tears. His dedication is inspiring. It has inspired me to spend more time in prayer as well.
May God continue to bless this ministry!