Today’s Reading: Joshua 11-12
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Tel Hazor is located on the site of the ancient city of Hazor (mentioned several times in today’s reading). Hazor was located in the Upper Galilee, north of the Sea of Galilee, between Ramah and Kadesh, on the high ground overlooking Lake Merom (Joshua 11:5). It is the largest archaeological site in northern Israel. There is an upper city of 30 acres and a lower city of more than 175 acres. This photo is of the Solomonic Gate, dated to the 10th century BC. This gate has six chambers and two towers (1 Kings 9:15).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 11:15
As the Lord had commanded Moses his servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did. He left nothing undone of all that the Lord had commanded Moses.
There are at least two ways to approach our readings. First, for inspiration, and second, for information. You’ve read under my son David Reynold’s picture some information about the city state, Hazor. According to 11:10b, Hazor was the “head of all those kingdoms.” Verse 13 mentions “their mounds,” or in modern times, they would call the mounds “tels.” The central public buildings were destroyed, or simply fell down with age, and the people would build on top of the rubble. This would result in a tel…a hill made up of the ruins. The archaeologists, who have excavated Hazor, dated the main destruction by Israel in the late 15th century BC. Evidence of fire was found in several places.
So far, the blog is not too inspirational, but perhaps our key verse can inspire us to complete, no matter how long or how much effort it takes, the commitments we’ve made. The word “discipline” is from the same root word as “disciple,” “talmudim” in Hebrew. It means “students.” The Apostle Paul, a lifetime student and teacher, wrote to the young Timothy, encouraging him to “study” or “be diligent.” We might read for inspiration, 2 Timothy 2:1-15.
Lord God, I am confident that these stories of war are accurate as told. I’m thankful that the archaeological digs confirm that, for if the history is true, it follows that the inspirational messages are worthy of our respect also. Please grant that I will have grace to be and do as Paul wrote: “Strong – faithful – enduring hardship – hard working – diligent – a worker – and unashamed.” In Jesus’ Name (the One who modeled all these qualities), Amen!
There I go again, well over 100 words. If I had called the blog, “200 words” I’d probably go over that. Oh well, I’ll just be diligent. I’ve participated in archaeological digs in Israel, not with a backhoe or even a shovel, but with a spoon, trowel and brush. I would not have the patience to do that as a profession!
My photographer son, David Reynold, blesses us with the blog pictures. He and Kathy are serving as missionaries in Uganda. Kathy sent me a prayer which was prayed for them by Dr. Jay Dennis, Pastor of First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland, Florida. I am asking every reader to join him, along with my wife and me, in praying for them and their mission. To learn more about the cause that has taken them to Africa, click here. My wife, Norma-Jean, wants to print that prayer, frame it, and hang it on our wall. Here it is…
“Our Heavenly Father, Thank You for Calling, Gifting and Equipping Reynold and Kathy to go into Uganda and beginning there starting a movement of the Holy Spirit that will bring Oneness to the Body of Christ. Please let what happens there Touch and Change the Body of Christ, for we know when Your Body is Awakened, the world will be Shaken for You. Lord we sense that our time is short and the opportunities are long. I am praying that You would give Your two servants the Wisdom, Strength, Anointing, Joy, Discernment and Divine Appointments that can only Originate from You. I pray for Your Hedge of Protection around them. I pray for Your Spirit to go Before them, preparing the way, preparing the hearts of those they will meet. I pray that you will walk behind them, protecting the Seeds they have sown. Father, please raise up those who will Sacrificially and Generously give to this Ministry. Prompt Your people, specifically the people at FBC at the Mall to do everything Possible and Beyond to Assist in this Ministry.
“Lord, Divinely Surprise us through the People they will meet; the Places they will Go; and the Experiences they will Have. Father, we pray not just for a Ministry, but for a Movement, one that Connects the Body of Christ in Unity and through that let the world see that You are Real; that You are Available; and You are Ready to Forgive, Bless and Redeem. From the Continent of Africa, touch North America; South America; Antarctica; Australia; Asia; and Europe. I pray that even on the trip to Uganda You will Confirm once again that Reynold and Kathy are in the Center of Your Will. I pray for their precious Children that You will bring a daily Awareness of Your Presence and that You will Protect them. We Pray Big O God and We Implicitly Place our Trust and Dependence upon You. May they Realize continually the meaning of “Give us this Day our Daily Bread.” Lord, thank You for allowing me to be a part of their Lives. Help me to Help them! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”
Yours for learning to study diligently and for striving to be a worker for God who does not need to be ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15),

Among the ancient ruins of Tel Hazor, you can see an olive press with a stone basin in the foreground. The mortar which held the walls in place has long since disintegrated, as has the plastered walls which often were decorated with beautiful paintings.
Amen to David’s prayer. Be at peace, for all is well, in your hearts and minds, today. Fear not the storms that come, or what is brought your way. For the battle is but the Lord’s. Lean on Him with all your might. And savour the Word of God, to memorize in the fight. These words were brought to me, just now, in prayer, saints. May they bless you. Praying for you, Kathy Mainse, especially. I have not checked facebook for an update about your Bell’s Palsy. Know the saints are praying for your full healing and protection. God loves you and Reynold, so, for the incredible work you are doing in Uganda with the WE ministry and for all the work you have done for His Kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven.
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8 ESV
This is my favourite Robin Mark song, Bill:
Robin Mark – Be Unto Your Name [with lyrics]
Amen Beverlee for your thoughts and for reminding us to pray for Kathy Mainse” Bells Palsy.
I really enjoy Robin Mark and have done so for many years. Thank you for sharing.
I am also praying for Ger and hoping that she will get some help with snow and ice removal. Blessings to all Eleanor.
Yes, Eleanor. Lord, we hold up our sister-in-Christ, Ger, on . the east coast, faced with mounds of snow. Lord, You know all Ger has to deal with on her own. Please send an army of angels and helpers to her side and give her the rest and respect she deserves. In Jesus Mighty Name, we pray. Amen, amen, and amen.
Amen, Beverlee!
Amen Eleanor M.
Beverlee,I think I have only heard that one at the Revival In Belfast,PEI.It’s “His words in Robin’s anointed words” that we actually ‘feel’ that draws us to Robin and his music…in my opinion.
Your first few lines brought this poem to mind,written in about 10 min,as were nearly all of my early poems (but they only came ‘through’ me):
Trust Me
Trust Me,I know what I am doing,
It’s not just your heart I am wooing
But your soul is so dear to Me,
I want you with Me for eternity.
Even when your days are very bad,
I share the load that makes you sad,
So do not be angry with Me,
You must trust in Me eternally.
I love all my children most dearly,
And in life I see you clearly,
That is why you are on the Earth,
It is a school and the grave is your birth.
‘I knew you before you were born’,
I would never leave you forlorn,
I know every hair on your head,
Death is not for you to dread.
Life is through my precious Son,
A reward for when your day is done,
So know that this is my gift to you
And trust in Him your life through.
G W (Bill) Marshall/.2011
Praying for Kathy’s Palsy and a quick recovery.
Eleanor,I think Ger lives in NB.I live near the NB border and we had heavy rains 2 nights ago.If she is not too far north she probably had all the snow washed off her roof too.About 90% of the snow is gone here and my roof is bare.We are enjoying a very mild spell continuing into next week.
Beautiful poem, Bill!! Thank you for sharing and God bless your day!!
Amen I agree, thank you William
Yes Bill, your poem is beautiful, indeed!
Thank you for sharing your inspiring poetry with us.
Blessings to you!
Am overwhelmed and blessed spiritually with the beautiful messages, prayers and song this morning. Thank you, thank you to the Mainse family, David, Ron and Ann, Reynold and Kathy, Dr. Jay Dennis, Sah from yesterday’s message, Beverlee and Eleanor and to the Lord for all His goodness to us through whom all blessings flow. Amen? Will pray for Kathy as well. Have a great day saints. Am going to my sister-in-law’s 80th birthday party in the US. Is sunny and quiet here today!
Yes, you are right William and all the snow is off the roofs except I had to rake it off my porch roof and shed front and back so the snow that fell and blew in plus that off my roofs is piled up to the roofs plus a lot in the yard which is now frozen which needs to be removed as well. Thank you for your prayers Eleanor and I am trusting this warm spell to melt it down so that the big snowblower can remove a lot of it. It’s the shoveling away from the buildings which is hard work and taxing. God bless you saints. Let’s hope and pray for an early spring. Amen(so be it). Remember Elijah prayed for the rain and it stopped and started again.
Amen Ger agreeing with your prayer for the snow would melt as the weather stays warm!
Praying for Kathy mainse and thank you William for the poem God bless everyone this day amen
Praying for Kathy mainse today and thank you William for the poem God bless everyone this day amen
God Bless you Marilyn; yes also praying for complete healing for Kathy Mainse, may God continue to bless their ministry, may God continue to be with Reynold and not only their ministry but is gift of picture taking for this prayer site! In Jesus Name we Pray amen
Hope everyone is resting, now, for the afternoon. Deviled eggs and gherkins pickles, a cup of tea, and a movie, are ready for me. And a crock pot of chili is on the go. Bless your day, precious saints in the Lord.
WOW! Beverlee Kay! That chili smells so-so-so- good! May God rant you an enjoyable afternoon…….
should read `may God GRANT you an enjoyable afternoon! it`s funny, sometimes I do rant….good for a laugh, God bless
Thanks Sah! You are very funny!
love you Beverlee Kay……so thankful for you and the many others precious children of the Lord that engage on this prayer site! Lord we are so thankful for all the blessings of this day! in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Sounds like the perfect way to spend your afternoon, Beverlee. Hopefully with some sunshine coming through your window.
Trust it was very enjoyable.
God bless you! You
made me hungry for pickled eggs! Delicious!
Thanks for the update Ger will continue to pray that the snow will melt????, have a good time at the Birthday party.
. Love Bill”s poem and Beverlee sounds like she is doing ok. It is so nice to have all blog friends. Eleanor M.
Amen Eleanor M.