Today’s Reading: Joshua 1
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Broad Wall is an ancient defensive wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. The wall was unearthed in the 1970s and dated to the reign of King Hezekiah (late 8th century BC). The Broad Wall is a massive defensive structure, seven metres thick. The motivation for building the wall was the expected invasion of Judea by Sennacherib. The wall is referred to in Nehemiah 3:8 and Isaiah 22:9-10. This would have been similar to the walls of Jericho as described in the Book of Joshua.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 1:8
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Today, “You will make your way prosperous,” and “You will have good success.” How can I predict this with confidence? The answer is that you are faithfully participating with me in this blog. You are confessing God’s Word with your mouth. You are meditating consistently on what you read. And you are practicing what you are learning. Yes? Yes!
Four times in our reading the Lord says, ” Be strong and of good courage.” Could we agree that God wants to get through to us with this message? Yes? And yes, again! If we could listen in on God’s conversation with Joshua, we might observe other ways that God emphasizes His message, but for us His way is to repeat Himself. May I suggest that all of us repeat 4X these words out loud if possible, “BE STRONG AND OF GOOD COURAGE!”
Lord God, I’ve held in my hand Your answer to spiritual and even material prosperity as I’ve read Your Word today. Grant that Your Word will permeate my being. May Truth fill every cell of my body, even more than the breath in my lungs or the blood in my veins. I pray this prayer with fervency, and in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
Many of the sites of Joshua’s conquest are in what is today Palestinian Authority territory. There are many locations in which David Reynold Mainse took photographs which we’ll see here on my blog as we read through Joshua, Judges, 1st and 2nd Samuel and on. For example, Jericho, with its ruins of what once were walls, the fountain of Elisha, and many events that took place in Samaria with King Ahab and Jezebel, are presently under the control of Palestinians. I’m also looking forward to seeing pictures from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, where many more Biblical events took place. My son spent over three months in the pursuit of excellent photographs. I give him these words today, “Be strong and of good courage.” His current mission is in Uganda, Africa. Please remember him in your prayers. His strong and courageous wife, Kathy, faithfully serves the Lord together with my son in a ministry called, “World Embrace” (WE).
Yours for strength and courage,
P.S. Here is a clip from 100 Huntley Street that illustrates strength and courage. It highlights Nick Walenda’s amazing tight rope walk across Niagara Falls a few years back. Did you see it? It was on almost every major TV channel across North America. As he walked you could hear him saying, “Thank You, Jesus!” and “Praise You, Lord!” (click here).
Thank you, Reynold for these beautiful and informative photos and explanations
I agree with Eleanor–so blessed by the photos Reynold took for the blog. Thank you and God’s continued blessings to you.
Yes, Amen Eleanor C!!
This is for Marilyn Busse
I don’t know why you are so interested in Sah’s sleep disorder, but the official name for it is DSPD– you can go on line and find more about it.
Basically it is when a person’s internal clock that regulates sleep is set to a different time– which is only a problem because most of society runs on daytime wakefulness, nighttime sleep cycle.
Sah’s solution of not fighting her internal clock, and sleeping when her body wants to sleep is one of many. Some people do not have the option of doing that because their job, etc might require them to be awake at a time not natural for their bodies.. So there are other treatments out there.
As Sah stated many people have this– and it is important to find a way to live with it, because chronic sleep deprivation can lead to other illness, and cause problems at work, in one’s family etc.
Many people do not know this is a real thing– and think what we used to call “night owls” are just choosing to sleep this way– or at worse label them as lazy. I have been praying for Sah that the people in her life, have more compassion for her condition and understand her sleep pattern is not a choice– and she is doing what works for her to get the sleep her body needs.
If your interest is based on someone you know might have this, or yourself, you should see a family doctor and they can directed to those who can help find a solution that works for your circumstances.
Sah, I hope you don’t mind me adding to what you said and I am so glad God helped you find a solution that works for you— you are a woman of great faith, and been a source of encouragement many times for me.
Amen Doreen M.!
Amen Donna M.
should say Amen Donna M.!
TY Donna! I am so thankful that you understand! and that you have posted your blog! I am so very thankful to God for giving me this sleep pattern BECAUSE it works very well for me!
Also I know there are many others even in my church (maybe 20 others) but they will not talk about it even to me. they have been made to feel ashamed!
I also know of many who are working and are having a very difficult time in dealing with a sleep disorder. I pray for many who are going through these issues while working and raising a family!
I have been through all this `crapy`remarks in dealing with a mental illness! HOWEVER I know without a doubt that God has pushed me to speak up many times in the past and I would not and then one day God spoke very clearly and said “SPEAK UP, I WILL HELP YOU“
Again thank you Donna, and I encourage others to speak about any issues you may have because God encourages us to love one another, speak well of others, share our concerns, and pray without ceasing!
I have shared before how God gave me swimming from a broken leg! Again, that was His Divine plan! I always wanted to swim but I was so scared of drowning! The Lord took care of that problem for me AND any exercise helps immensely with any illness in the body, over and over I thank the Lord God for swimming. It`s fun! and so healthy!
Blessings to everyone…..I am so thankful for all the comments…..
Amen Sah. !
Amen Donna M !
If we want God to lead us we have to ‘be strong (in faith) and of good courage (trust). ‘Look for where God is working and join in’.(Henry Blackaby)
Not only do Reynold’s pics help to make us feel like we are there but the link to the of the pic allows us to explore the area virtually via Google Earth,wow !
I watched a video about (apparently )the above mentioned disorder.(I have always been a night owl too.I have to fight to get myself to go to bed earlier even now.)The video was of a Swedish (?) dairy farmer’s family.The farmer and daughter were up before sunrise doing chores but his wife could not get her Circadian Clock to function it the desired way.Here’s a link to a plethora of info:
Nuff said.
“…feel like we are there but the link to the sight of the pic allows us ….”
Thanks Bill!
Thank you Reynold for all the beautiful pictures of far away places. And thanks to all concerned for continuing this blog. How pleased God must be also.
C. S. Lewis: “When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”
How would God redeem the rising opposition to public Christianity in our day? I believe he wants us to make two prayer commitments.
One: Pray for those with whom we disagree.
Two: Pray for the strength to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Dr. Jim Denison
I Will Sing The Wondrous Story:
Wonderful quote, Lynda. Thanks for sharing it.
Thank you Lynda! God bless you! amen
Prayed protection and blessing on Reynold and Kathy today in Uganda.
Kathy is back in Canada at present, Ger. She has come down with Bells Palsy as posted on facebook. Please keep her healing in your prayers and the best treatment possible for her.
Praying for the complete recovery of
Kathy Mainse with the best treatment
possible for her Bells Palsy condition,
in Jesus’ Great Name, Amen!
Also remembering all the blog friends
in prayer that our Lord God would bless
and protect each one, in their daily lives, in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.
Amen Beverlee, Fervent prayer, avails much!!
Dear Beverlee Kay
do you mean Reynolds wife, Kathy!
I do not do Facebook! Let know please!
I see postings that mention it is Reynold’ wife Kathy!
We pray for healing for her; for the right treatment so her body will heal and function as brand new! TY Lord that Reynold and Kathy have a servants heart for the people in Uganada!
TY Lord that in Canada we have the best medical treatments possible for the people, TY Lord for the forgiveness of all our sins; for complete healing of our bodies, minds and souls.
David Phelps is singing IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL, praise and thank the Lord amen
A few years ago, I came down with Bells Palsy and received treatment through Homeopathy. Well it worked and in a short time I was totally healed. Btw. my homeopathic doctor is also a Christian. Praying for Kathy!
Great to read Joshua 1. Yes, be strong and courageous, fellow saints, in the Lord. For our God will never leave us nor forsake us. Stay safe in the snow, dear ones. We have been hit with lots of it in Prince Edward County and more on the way over the week-end.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2 NIV
Kim Walker Smith – Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here
Amen Lydia
Hii sah I just want to say thank you for your response and your answer so God bless thank you and have a great day
Marilyn I am so thankful for your posting! The more we talk, the more we can understand each other and we begin to realize how very important praying for one another is so crucial for our spiritual lives and to build one another up in prayer, praise and thanksgiving to our Lord God Almighty!
It also gives others the desire to speak up and not have to feel ashamed in any way….
another area that is needing much prayer and this for our young people, many of them are experiencing depression of all sorts and this due to hormonal changes and the precious young people also need to realize that they can go to Mental Health and they will get the proper counselling.
I am asking people to pray for those going through mental illness or a chemical imbalance; that they will go to see Mental Health and begin to receive the care they need…..
we must remember the more we keep quiet the more the devil wins and the devil is nothing! we rebuke the devil! Through the death and resurrection of our Lord God Jesus Christ we have won the victory over evil. Pray for one another; pray without ceasing…amen
From Merv and Pat. Jan 18, 2019. Are prayers to all of the ones that sent in the blogs keep the faith our Lord is in control of all things. When we get sick call upon Him and He will bring us through it all. Stand firm in the word and what the Holy Spirit leads. God bless keep your eyes on The Lord.
Amen Merv and Pat!