Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 31
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Children surround a mother as she tells of the past and shares wisdom. Moses said to gather the “little ones” that they may hear, learn and observe (Deuteronomy 31:12). These followers of Jesus encourage all who visit “The Nazareth Village” to follow Jesus too!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 31:23b
Be strong and of good courage; for you shall bring the Children of Israel into the land of which I swore to them, and I will be with you.
Twice Moses said the words of our key verse to Joshua. We need to speak words of encouragement to leaders…Happy birthday Moses! (verse 2). For a reluctant leader, you’ve done fairly well. Yes, you’ve had some failures, and for that reason you are not leading your people into the Promised Land. You were a war-time leader. The nations through which you led the former slaves were determined to destroy you, but with the help of God, you won many battles. Now it’s up to the new leader to win the war. Moses, you showed up on the Mount of Transfiguration to encourage Jesus as He faced death in the most decisive battle in human history (Matthew 17:1-8). Thank you, Moses, for your faithfulness to God’s call.
It’s interesting to note the words “God said” and “Moses said.” Believing in the verbal inspiration of Scripture means that we have an accurate account. It’s good history. It doesn’t mean that Moses always, without fail, said and did all that God wanted him to say and do. After all, he was a human leader. Jesus always got it right. He’s the Leader we seek to follow (check out John 8:25-29).
Dear Jesus, You ALWAYS said and did what pleased Your Father. Like Moses, I’m very human. I confess I made mistakes in my leadership. Because of these errors in judgment, I’ve not entered into all of Your perfect plans for me and for those I have led. I’ve asked forgiveness and You have granted it. Now I pray that You’ll guide and direct the new leadership, and please give me the grace to encourage them more and more. Amen!
I remember the old song, “Home On The Range.” Some of the words are, “…where seldom is heard a discouraging word.” I want so very much to be an encourager, particularly of our leadership in the Church, in missions and evangelism, yes, even in government, and specifically in the ministry that sponsors this blog, Crossroads Christian Communications Incorporated, both in Canada and in the USA. Our CEO is Lorna Dueck. She has a worldwide vision for communicating the message of Jesus, both for people’s eternal salvation and also in obedience to Jesus, caring for those who need food, water, medical care, and in general all who need deliverance from evil. Click here to learn more about Lorna.
Yours for encouraging God’s leaders. Let’s help them all to have the best year ever in God’s cause during this New Year!!!
Happy New Year to all!
May the Lord help us, each and everyone to always speak words of life and encouragement to others!
Thank you, Irene and Anne for your prayers for Scott and Celia. I am asking everyone to pray for this young couple who is having marital problems. I’m praying for a miracle so that they will turn to God wholeheartedly and work at resolving their issues in order to spare their 3 young children the heartache of a broken home.
Thank you, Thelma for the update on Kelly. May God continue to work in her life, physically, spiritually and in every way! Amen!
To God be the glory! Great things He has done and continues to do.
Lord God, our Heavenly Father, Prince of Peace, and to the Sanctity of the Holy Spirit, come into the home and lives of Scott and Celia. Breathe through them a peace and grace they have never known before. Take a calmness and strengthened unity into their marriage and family, Lord. Lead them Lord to a church that will help them grow and be a witness to their children. Grant them the hope Lord that we so graciously know as Christians. Let the peace that surpasses all understanding come into their hearts, Lord. In Jesus mighty Name, we pray. Amen, amen, and amen.
Amen, Beverlee ! ????????
Amen Beverlee!
Happy New Year, Luisa and God bless you, dear.
Thanks Luisa. All the best for the New Year.
encourage the couple to get counselling, it is well worth it, they should receive separate and then together, the counsellors have a very smart way of listening, ask a Pastor for suggestions….
Yes Lord, it would be a good thing for couples to enter into counselling long before they marry, to be able to understand themselves and each other. You Lord are always with us to help us to understand, to learn to forgive, to learn to laugh, love, play, and have fun in life…Lord God we thank You for being with us EVERY DAY.In Jesus Name we Pray amen
Such glorious words of scripture from God to Moses, this morning. Wishing all saints a blessed day as we go into the world, before Him. May His peace be with each and every one.
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV
Grace Wins, Matthew West
May His mercies find you in dreams,
May that comfort shine from you
And may God lead you where He deems
That your mercies will also be true,
For in showing mercy to someone,
Brings a smile to the Father’s face,
For He knows the mercy of His Son
Whereby we receive His grace.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 20 Feb, 2014
Praying for Scott and Celia to find Jesus and the peace He gives.
I just spent over 2 hr writing this,inspired from God’s instructions to Moses and of what would transpire.Usually it take 10-20 min,not like the 10 min in the first few years.
Lord,please let me feel all Your love for me
So that You will feel my deep love for you,
Even though my eyes can not see
All the glory that’s yet Your due.
How Your heart must ache for what we lack,
For we sometimes stray from all Your right ways,
When we fail to glean the right knack,
Because we live but numbered days.
As I write help me to hear You clearly,
Let Your true thoughts flow from my fingertips,
So others can know sincerely
What Love my own can not eclipse.
It is this love for you we must all seek
If we are truly to walk in Your ways,
For then we may hear when you speak
And serve You throughout all our days.
I ask for this love not just to please You,
For feeling this Love brings such strength to us,
But that all might know as You do,
That this Love is found in Jesus.
G W (Bill)Marshall /02 Jan,2019
I was interrupted by that poem just before the prayer and just finished reading the blog.David’s prayer,like Moses felt,would have further inspired ‘that love’.(It’s like we don’t put our foot down enough on our gas paddle when we commune with God,to let that love flow.)God bless
Amen Bill, amen!!
Yes, be strong and of good courage. Have received so much from my Heavenly Father in prayer at the beginning of this new year. May Scott and Celia be strong and of good courage in their marriage not giving up on each other and most of all wanting to please you Lord in their lives for with God all things are possible. It’s important to have the third person in their marriage Jesus to make it work. I pray they do. Be blessed today saints. Amen!
Moses lived to be 120 years. I think it says in our bible somewhere, (I could be wrong) that God got sick and tired of looking after people who lived to be around 1000 years so He limited our lives to 120 years.
Great poetry again William and thanks to all others who posted their comments. Praying for those joyful and sorrowful.
Thank you Sah for all your comments on yesterday’s post. I too was raised on a farm, but in Ontario. I think I was spoiled as I was the youngest of 14 children. With 9 brothers I didn’t have to do too much farm work:-). We had a dairy farm and my dad didn’t borrow any equipment from others. He never had a tractor but just a hard-working team of horses. It was lovely to hear of your memories of your childhood on the farm. Thanks again and may God bless you in this New Year.
Yes Lynda we also had teams of horses, I really like working with them, I usually had to hook a team up to pull the harrows, machinery that would break up the soil before planting, memories are terrific, I thank God for them and thank you Lynda for sharing…..A very happy and healthy New Year …….in Jesus Name we pray amen
Thanks Sah. Kelly boys (6 & 4) are so happy that she is home. All the best for the New Year.
God bless you Kelly, God bless your boys, praise and thank the Lord daily, I am so thankful for this website, it allows us to pray for each other and we share deep concerns which God blesses and I am so thankful to be able to pray for others,
Lord this is a New Year and You know all about what is happening; we Thank You that we can come to You and bring our deepest concerns to You and You hear each one. thank You Lord amen
Thanks for this blog, its an inspiration to our daily walk.
Be blessed this New Year, and in each New for it is the Day that the Lord has made!