Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 29-30
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

At Timna Park, 20 miles north of Eilat, a life-sized replica of the biblical Tabernacle has been constructed. While no original materials (e.g. gold, silver, bronze) have been used, the model is accurate in every other way based upon the biblical description. This “Holy Place” of the Tabernacle housed the golden lampstand, the altar of incense and table of showbread. The lampstand (menorah) was beaten and fashioned out of a single block of gold and had three branches coming out of each side of the central shaft. The seven lamps on top of the branches were likely round saucers with pinched rims which held the wick and olive oil.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 30:14-15
But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it. See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil…
HAPPY NEW YEAR to my blog friends…May God bless you in amazing ways in this New Year!!!
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). When God first called Moses to lead the Children of Israel out of slavery, Moses tried to avoid the task by telling God that he had problems speaking (check out Exodus 4:10-16). In our readings over the past few days, it’s obvious that after 40 years of leadership, Moses no longer had a problem speaking. Four times in today’s reading Moses stresses, “Keep the words of this covenant and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do” (Deuteronomy 29:9).
The Apostle Paul quotes our key verse in Romans 10:8 and then gives us some powerful words of assurance of our eternal salvation. Romans 10:8-15 tells us that when we speak our faith in Jesus, who is Himself “the Word of God,” we truly have “life and good.” Amen!
Lord God, thank You for the gift of speaking. Please grant that we will never speak “death and evil” by gossip, slander, half truths, and other destructive words. May my words always speak life and good in this New Year. I pray In the Name of the One whose words are most powerful, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, Amen!
In Grade 10 high school I was given a book of words. The title on the cover was “WORDS ARE IMPORTANT.” The student sitting next to me changed the title to read, “WORDS AREN’T IMPORTANT.” Learning new words every day was truly important, I discovered. When God made it clear to me that my vocation (calling) was to become an ordained minister of Christ, I realized that a large part of carrying out my responsibilities was my use of words. Words are my trade, my means of communicating God’s message to precious people. One of the greatest communicators during the 20th century was Malcolm Muggeridge. On the BBC, he debated such people as Bertrand Russell, the noted agnostic. In my opinion, Muggeridge won the debates. He and his wife Kitty appeared on 100 Huntley Street to give their witness for Christ. He also was our narrator for The Scroll, a musical masterpiece composed by Bruce Stacey, which was the centrepiece of our Crossroads sponsored pavilions at several World Expos. The epitaph on Muggeridge’s tombstone reads, “HE USED WORDS WELL.”
“WOW! It’s a New Year! On New Years eve I was presented with Superman pyjamas. Ron took my picture and his son Adam doctored it. God promises that if we wait on Him, among other things, we will mount up on wings as eagles.
A Blessed New Year to you Norma-Jean and all your family. Thank you again to all who take part in this blog. Your input is greatly appreciated
Happy New Year Norma-Jean, Ron, Ann, Elaine, Bruce, Reynold, Kathy, Ellen, Nizar and your families. And to all the saints–the start of a wonderful 2019! God’s continued blessings of peace, love and joy!
And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Revelation 21:5 ESV
The New Year Worship Song
Amen Beverlee Great scripture selection for this day!
Happy New Year to everyone and thank God for this inspired blog.What stood out in today’s readings most to me (perhaps because this poem jumped to mind?) were these words:
“‘ 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”[d]
Romans 10:14-15 New International Version (NIV) ”’
Our World Forgot
The world forgot what is right
For we were supposed to teach them,
By sharing with them the light
But we could not reach them.
Not long ago I was ‘them’
Until I found the light He gives;
The One the world would condemn,
Who died to show He lives.
They don’t want to know our ways
For they think their ways suit them best,
But we know how it dismays
When one begins the quest.
We must begin to reach out
Or we may loose them all to sin,
So we must defeat the doubt,
To plant the seed within.
Using words at their command
Will allow His word to embed,
Thus they can then understand
How He rose from the dead.
G W(Bill) Marshall/26 July, 2015
Very nice observation of scripture and poem, Bill. God bless you and Happy New Year to you and your family!
Yes, well said William!
Happy new year fellow bloggers of 100 words. Words are so important. Lord may we as believers have words of life
Kindness gentleness and especially Love daily in our walk with you in Jesus name amen
Happy New Year Norma-Jean and the rest of The Mainse’s Family.
Happy New Year to all the Bloggers.
Kelly came home yesterday and is doing fine. She is still having side effects but her blood count is going up daily, thanks to all the prayers that were said for her. To God give the Glory.
Hope 2019 will be better for all of us and everyone’s Prayers will be answered. God’s will be done, not ours.
Thanks again everyone, All the Best for the New Year.
Praise God for Kelly being home, Thelma. Happy New Year!
Agreeing with your prayer for Kelly!!
Thanks Irene. Happy New Year.
Thanks Beverley. Happy New Year to you also.
TY Thelma! What wonderful news! Yes indeed we all give God the Glory! Happy New Year to Kelly and to all her family, I pray everyone is celebrating! I know the Lord’s smiles at us when we celebrate just as we do when our children dance and sing for joy!
What a wonderful blog to read on this first day of another year of our Lord! amen amen amen
Thank You Lord!
Happy New Year precious people! May God bring you all lots of peace, health, love and happiness in this new year.
Got a chuckle out of this one, by Jim Denison:
“Happy New Year!”
These words, or their equivalents, were first heard in ancient Babylon four thousand years ago. Today, New Year’s Day is the most universal of all holidays, transcending religions and cultures everywhere.
And making resolutions is as old as the holiday itself. The Babylonians invented this custom as well. Their most popular New Year’s resolution was to return borrowed farm equipment.
had a good laugh Lynda!
my dad would do exactly that same thing; come the new year he would return any farm equipment he had borrowed in the harvest season; this was in Alberta and sometimes the fall was very long and somewhat warm and we did not always have the extra help we needed, so dad borrowed equipment and me and my sister had to do the work on the land…we finished any harvest that needed gathering, and again,,it was warm so we worked until it became too cold…..before we realized it the winter was upon us and it was Christmas and then New Years,
I miss those days, of course my dad would always give our neighbours any meat when we had extra and we always gave eggs to those who needed them and this was my mom’s pride and joy, she raised the chickens again with my help and again, those were very good times….
I praise and thank the Lord for those days on the farm, my grandparents were always around and we always met with our neighbours almost every day, you couldn’t help but meet them, they lived across the road on either side of our farm, so we always waved or shouted “Hi there” How is everything?” and the reply was a wave back and “everything is good today” and the reply, “well we can thank the good Lord”
May God’s presence and peace flood our lives this New Year.
Today’s reading is exceptionally important when it was speaking about how important are words are and that there really is power in the words of the tongue and there’s a saying that says with words we can bless and lift up and with words we can also cast down so once again happy New Year 2019 to Norma Jean and family and all my fellow bloggers God bless you today and always amen
Amen Marilyn!!
Blessicngs to all fellow bloggers! May you be blessed this 2019 New Year! May the Love of God be with you each day this year. May God Bless your family and may you have God’s hand on all of your family & household!
Yes once again Happy New year to Norma Jean, Ron and Ann, Reynold and Kathy, Elaine and Bruce, Nizar and Ellen, all the grandchildren, Lorna Dueck, family and all the staff of 100 Huntley St, as well as my blogging friends. May you have love, joy and peace in the new year!
Blessings and Joy, propserity and health in the New Year to you Norma-Jean and all your family!!
Thank you Ron, Ann and Reynold for posting this fresh manna today! I pray will continue to bless us with it throughout this the Year!! Amen!
Be blessed in the New Year all you saints!
The scriptures this morning carried much to chew on! I agree with David,
I chose Life! Thank you Jesus that you came to give us life forevermore!! That You Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit that You are with us and in us always! Praise the Name of the Lord!!!
David’s Prayer and Personal Words are a great inspiration today! He makes a great “superman”!
please pray and send letters to the government to ask them not to make common-law a marriage, if people live together and do not take the marriage vows then it is common-law. We need to speak up about these things that God does not bless, He blesses marriages and children from the marriages, He blesses husbands and wives, He designed marriage and it does work when a couple,man and woman, declare their vows to love and honor each other all the days of their lives, God blesses marriages, we need Him to do this for our people, in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Lord God bless marriages! Bless the children of a marriage! Bless the husband and wife;bless their vows to each other;be with the couple, help them to build a strong marriage;help them to worship you the King if Kings, in Jesus Name we Pray amen