Today’s Reading: Leviticus 13
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The ancient Caesarea Maritima city and harbour was built by Herod the Great about 25-13 BC. It served as an administrative centre of Judaea Province of the Roman Empire. You can read in Acts chapter 10 about the story of Cornelius, who lived in Caesarea. Cornelius, his family, and neighbours were cleansed from the leprosy of sin as the Holy Spirit came upon them.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 13:44
…he is a leprous man. He is unclean. The priest shall surely pronounce him unclean; his sore is on his head.
When Jesus healed the 10 lepers, as recorded in Luke 17, He said to them, “Go show yourselves to the priest.” The priests were the medical doctors of the day. Jesus’ miracles will always stand the test of medical scrutiny. The word “leprosy” is found 28 times in Leviticus alone. Obviously, God and Moses treated this disease most seriously. There are two purposes for the instructions concerning leprosy. First, the health of those suffering from this dreaded disease, as well as the protection of others from the disease, and second, the spiritual lesson that leprosy illustrates. Leprosy illustrated for Moses the spiritual corruption that will infect God’s people if left untreated, and if there is no separation from sin.
Lord, please bless those that serve us in the medical profession. You care about every detail concerning our health and the treatment of our diseases. You are our Healer, Lord Jesus. Please help me to keep clean spiritually. Give me a heart that yearns to honour You always in all I do, say, and think. I pray these blessings through the Person of the One who healed many lepers, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
From time to time Norma-Jean and I have sent offerings to the Leprosy Mission of Canada. A pill has been developed which can halt and reverse the spread of this disease, particularly if taken regularly at an early stage. Thousands have been helped. In the early 1970’s I travelled to Calcutta. There I spent time with missionary Mark Buntain, who established a wonderful Christian congregation and built a great hospital. In a Sunday morning service we were together at the altar laying hands on the sick, praying for their healing. Before me stood a lady with an obvious leprous sore on her head. To my shame, I drew my hand back, but not Mark. He laid his hand upon her forehead, and prayed. The following Wednesday she appeared at the church. The leprous sore on her head was gone. She was pregnant at the time. Norma-Jean and I took on the support of the Avatoon family (the husband and father had left them). She named the new baby, David, after me. I have never felt so unworthy. Today, the three children are professionals in various fields. Reynold, our son, met the eldest daughter in Calcutta a few years back and took a picture (below). What a joy to receive his first-hand report! Reynold and his wife Kathy were there dedicating a school building project on behalf of Crossroads Missions. Many of you supported this project that helped to get young children away for a few hours each day from the city dump and into school. Reynold called this missions project, “Treasures in the Trash.”
Yours because of God’s concern for every person,
Below is the picture of Rita Avatoon. I first met this person when she was a little girl living in a Calcutta slum with her leprous pregnant mother and another sister. A baby boy soon arrived. Mother named him David. Norma-Jean and I had a part in supporting this family until all three children graduated from University.
May God bless you and your family for this kindness. Please, Lord God, help us all to be kind, and we give You the glory for it, in Jesus’s name, amen
Thank you Irene and Sah for your prayers. I did some research on my situation and was encouraged by what I read. It appears that coffee(caffeine) might have been the culprit. Pray that the Lord meets all your need Sah! What a beautiful girl pictured above and a wonderful story of David’s. Much happening in the world and we can only rightly pray,” Lord, your will be done in earth as it is in heaven, Amen?
That story David shared also makes me feel ‘unworthy’.I pray for the ability to be more useful.Today we say goodbye to my eldest sister who was taken home to be with thee Lord one week ago with myself and one sister at her side.Her husband is very weak from ongoing radiation treatment.Please pray for the family.Thanks.God bless
I have and will continue to pray as you requested. May God richly bless you and yours.
Lord Jesus I agree with your prayer William, and I pray for peace and comfort for you and your sister. Amen!
we are praying for the Lord to give you peace and comfort,
God has certainly given our doctors and scientists such a lot of knowledge and skill compared to days of old. Praise be to God. It would be natural to pull back from something we have been taught to be careful of; no need to be shameful Rev. Mainse; God loves us so much He would understand.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Words of wisdom from the Denison Forum I’m sure God would love:
“God’s word calls us to defend our faith “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). We are to “honor everyone” (1 Peter 2:17), whether they honor us or not. We are to “show no partiality” (James 2:1) as we show the world “brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind” (1 Peter 3:8).
In so doing, we continue the earthly ministry of Jesus. He prayed that we would live in such a way that the world would believe in Him because of us (John 17:21). Then He returned to heaven so His Spirit could bear witness to Him through Christians all over the world (John 15:26-27).”
Amen Lynda!
What a beautiful young woman – what a treasure we’ve received through God’s Word, the Bread that David breaks for us each morning in Jesus’ name. My beautiful daughter is with me right now, off on stress leave. Please pray that she will be made whole in Jesus’ Name and that I will be Jesus hands during this crisis in her life – that she will be delivered from the infectious leprosy of sin which has run rampant, and is so infectious. In Jesus precious Name, the Name above all Names – thank you ????
Dear Heavenly Father, I am bringing Alice’s daughter to you right now. Please touch this dear one and heal her, spiritually and physically. I pray that the enemy willl flee as we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen
Always find David’s comments interesting and informing!
Lord thank You for giving someone wisdom to develop a pill that would cure this dreaded disease!
Agreeing prayer with David: “You are our healer Lord, please me to keep clean spiritually”
Have a wonderful day all you saints!
Another great testimony from David ! ????