NOTE from Ron Mainse: Today would have been Dad’s 82nd birthday. We all miss him very much. Two years ago, when he wrote this blog post, there was a special edition of 100 Huntley Street to celebrate his 80th birthday. You can watch the entire hour HERE. Also, tomorrow is my Mom’s birthday (Norma-Jean Mainse).
Today’s Reading: Exodus 8
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut is located beneath the cliffs at Deir el Bahari on the west bank of the Nile near the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 8:13a
So the Lord did according to the word of Moses.
Moses spoke, and God backed him up with supernatural power. Some have used this reality to get God to do their will. No, no, we are to do God’s will. First we find out the will of God, and then we speak, and God acts accordingly. Jesus’ word was always effective, 100% of the time. Why? Because He could say, “The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do” (John 5:19). Jesus got up very early each morning to spend time with His Father in prayer (Mark 1:35). Jesus functioned as a Man filled with the Holy Spirit. He was, is, and ever shall be fully God, but He laid aside the exercise of His Diety. He took time to find His Father’s plan for the new day, and then did what His Father wanted Him to do. This is also the way we can know what to speak, and God will do that which we speak as He did for Moses.
Father God, I want what You want. Help me to speak out that which You give me to speak so that “Your will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” I pray this in the Name of Jesus Who always, without fail, did Your perfect will. Amen!
I remember Norma-Jean coming home with a booklet entitled, “Hung by the Tongue.” It pointed out the power of our words for good or evil, for positive or negative results. Jesus never ever used His essential divinity for selfish purposes. He lived as a Holy Spirit-filled Human Being. The temptation of Jesus is an example of this (Matthew 4:3-4). He could’ve turned the stones into bread as Satan suggested, but He refused to help Himself in this way. It’s sad to report that there are those today who claim “prosperity” for themselves, twisting the Scriptures, seeking to manipulate God for their own purposes, taking advantage of their position of influence to manipulate people into giving sacrifically so that the manipulator may prosper. Simon the sorcerer did this. Please look this up as I have done (Acts 8:9-25). Run from those who, like Simon, are “claiming to be someone great,” and (as verse 10 says), “All gave heed to him from the least to the greatest saying, ‘This man is the great power of God.'”
Yours for hearing from God each morning and then speaking and doing His will,
Thanks again, Ron and family, for continuing this blog and for reminding us that today would have been your father’s 82nd birthday. He made such a contribution to Canada and the world. But with all these contributions, it was so obvious how much his family meant to him. He often mentioned how much he appreciated all of you in this blog and that was an inspiration to me. Wishing your mother a happy birthday tomorrow. She obviously was a great inspiration to your father.
We miss David also. I remember him celebrating his birthday @ Crossroads that last birthday on earth with his earlier church Family and Lorna Dueck. How wonderful to still have his teaching each day. Happy birthday or a Jean! God’s greatest blessings on you.
I did type Norma Jean! Don’t know why it came out “a Jean”!
the world misses David. Happy Birthday to David in heaven and to your mother tomorrow. May God continue to bless 100 Huntley street and its’ ministries.
Yes, David was a faithful witness to this generation and is still speaking through the posting of this blog. Thank you Ron and Ann and all connected to this blog. He is enjoying his 82nd in heaven. May God bless the whole Mainse family!
Watching part of the birthday video from David’s 80th was almost like having him here with us again. We miss him terribly but we all know he is in a better place. My thoughts are with the Mainse family circle today as they remember dear David.
I also want to wish Norma Jean a Happy Birthday tomorrow. Eleanor M.
thank you Ron and Ann for continuing this blog. Blessings to David as he celebrates in Heaven.
A very special “Happy Birthday” to you Norma Jean – you are one precious child of God.
blessings to all
Wow,You all have expressed my thoughts better than I could.Whether it’s the enemy or not,I can’t seem to express myself very well on here concerning the Mainse family,except for David.I felt like I knew David…and still do through his continuous teaching.This blog is a huge blessing now and for future disciples.Happy heavenly ….correction….earthly birthday to David;his heavenly birthday was the day he went Home.God bless the Mainse family and thank you again.
Forgot to mention:Davids comments were right on with my feelings about the lie of the Prosperity teachings,however,the Lord may allow them each to continue while they are drawing in new believers.It may be the ‘Genuine teachers’ chore to correct these new believers.Prosperity teaching is for selfish believers.I have mentors who believe these fakes and I have ‘known’ they were fakes since before I became a Christian.I guess God was speaking to me way back then…it (The Prosperity belief) made me think that was the way with all Christians,thus it hindered me from from seeking God.Thank you again/still,David.(It’s really the holy Spirit working through David…but David made himself willingly available.)Amen.
William God bless you! just keep on posting what you post; your words are right on; we all enjoy reading your blogs; you always give us food for thought!
I thank God for David Mainse; I pray for the Lord to bring another person to the forefront in Canada and share the Gospel with the country!
Lord we ask You to provide rain for all the fires, we confess Lord that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed; we are sorry, please forgive us, thank you for always forgiving us, thank you for Your unconditional love!
TY Lord for all the blessings You have given us this day!
We plead the Blood of the Lamb over our homes,family,communities,countries;our children;/parents;grand-parents;all family members;our Pastors, Missionaries;over all who serve the Lord in many other areas, thank you Lord in Jesus Name we Pray amen amen amen
Amen Sah!
Thanks for your note Ron! Your Dad would have been 82 today, I wonder what his age is in heaven where he is celebrating with Our Lord Jesus Christ.
He was such an inspiration to all of us.
Bless you Ron and your family as you remember your Dad! And a blessed birthday for your Mom, Norma-Jean tomorrow! Praise God He is with us through all our pain and sorrow!
Have a wonderful day all you saints!