Today’s Reading: Exodus 7
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“On the way to the ‘old’ city of Jerusalem I saw this ‘new’ light rail train suspension bridge. Where are the train tracks? Down below, but I found the cables and sky far more interesting. It is designed to represent the harp of King David.” – Reynold
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 7:5
And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them.
God’s purposes will be carried out in His timing, with or without the willing co-operation of His people, and in spite of the opposition of His enemies. Please look up and read Psalm 105:26-36 where the plagues that came upon the Egyptians are capsulized. Pharaoh set himself to oppose God’s purposes. Pharaoh does not win this battle. I recommend also that we read Revelation 15 & 16. The plagues listed in Revelation are in the future and come upon mankind to fulfill God’s purposes. “God is Love” (1 John 4:8), and it must hurt Him far more than we can conceive when He must allow judgment, which people bring upon themselves, so that His purposes come to pass. As our Father, He knows what is best for His children, and He will do what is right for time and for eternity.
Dear Lord God, I humbly ask for Your grace that I may fulfill Your purposes in obedience to Your will. I understand so very little about Your ways in which You do things; but I’m trusting You that “Your will may be done in earth as it is in Heaven.” I know that to do Your will cost Jesus of Nazareth His life. Whatever it takes, Lord, I’m Yours forever. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
Reynold’s photo for today speaks to me of the fact that the Children of Israel made it to the Promised Land twice (in ancient AND modern times). The first time 40 years after their deliverance from Egypt and the second time after the demonic anti-semitism of Hitler and others. The first deliverance was 1400 B.C. approximately, and the second in 1948 A.D., when Israel became a sovereign state once again. I remember the first because at family devotions we read the words of Moses, and the second time I remember because we read the Ottawa Citizen newspaper and discussed the purposes of God for His ancient people (I was almost 12 at the time). When God asks in His Word that we should pray for something, I try to remember to do it. He tells us to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). That prayer is sure needed today!
Yours, praying for God’s will to be done in His way and in His timing,
I’m praying for peace in Jerusalem.Today I pray for Keith.He and I count the offering and yesterday he had a seizure which caused his friend to perform CPR on him.I hoping for good news when I get to church.Please pray for him in Jesus name.Amen.
God bless all
Oh Israel
The Phoenix is Israel reborn,
No longer scattered and badly torn,
But arisen as prophets did warn;
Never seek the Allmighty’s scorn.
Ben Gourion led a mighty few,
Powerful in spirit through and through,
With God on their side they knew
They were fighting for every Jew.
Praise be to this nation all alone,
Among the wolves time has shown
That hatred’s seeds widely sown,
For the land they call their own.
She will know the Messiah’s return,
For that is what her people yearn
And then it is the Master’s turn
To make His foe to forever burn.
G W (Bill) Marshall,2011
I remind you that I was brand new to
my Christian walk when poems started
to come to me.This is one of them.
Bill I an praying for Keith that the Lord in his mercy will heal him. Thank you once again for yours poems
Amen Eleanor…agreeing in prayer with you!
TY Lord for this friend who asks for prayers of healing for Keith! Lord You know this beloved child of yours;we pray that You would heal him completely inside and outside;that he may enjoy a good happy life in his service to You, Our Lord God Almighty; Our Saviour, Jesus Christ the True Son of God and Son of Man; Thank you Lord, thank you. amen
As always, beautiful poem(s) Bill, young or old:-). Will talk to God about Keith today for sure.
Blessings on all believers today and always.
Thank you dear Lord for the rain we’re getting in our part of Alberta today. The smoke is soooo thick we can’t see our beloved mountains, even with the rain.
So sad to think of our heavenly Father suffering anger, sadness and other unwanted feelings. Amazing how some dear souls see the light and others appear to be blind and deaf as in Pharaoh’s case. God is good! Praying for all the different parts of the world which need rain desperately and aren’t getting it.
Agreeing in prayer with you Lynda.
Amen Lynda, agreeing in prayer with you!!
Lord Jesus we agree in prayer for Keith today that he will recover well from this seizure and be able to continue to do his work for you. Glad to hear that rain is falling in Alberta. Lord Jesus continue to open the windows of heaven and let it downpour. Amen.
Lord we thank You for the rain in other parts of Canada; we pray that You would open the Heavens and pour down rain in British Columbia and the United States and other places where there is fires! Lord we Thank You that new growth will happen, ever green trees that produce cones will explode and new plants will begin; we Thank you Lord for this new growth….
we Praise and Thank You for people who ask You dear Lord to be the Saviour in their life! We thank You Lord for the forgiveness of all our sins; that each day is a new beginning, Thank you Lord in Jesus Name we pray amen amen amen
Keith is in my prayers to
Yes Reynold, thank you for that beautiful design; it does look a like a harp!!!