Today’s Reading: Exodus 9
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Temple of Kom Ombo stands on the east bank of the Nile, right next to the river. It was dedicated to two gods, Horus and Sobek.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 9:7b
But the heart of Pharaoh became hard, and he did not let the people go.
From the pictures of the Egypt of the Pharaohs, we get an idea of the pride and splendour of what was the most impressive empire for hundreds of years. The temples show that “the god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4), whose original sin was pride and who sought to overturn the rule of the God of the universe, was still seeking to oppose the will of the great Creator, Almighty God (Rev. 12:7-9). The war goes on, even today. The “god of this age” still takes advantage of hearts that are hard toward the rule of the true Sovereign God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our response for hard hearts must be “repentance;” not as a temporary fix like Pharaoh, but true “repentance” is turning away totally from our disobedience and doing what the Eternal God tells us to do.
Almighty God, grant me the gift of a soft heart so that I will do Your will and not my own. Please give me the grace of obedience to You in all things, and the gift of true repentance so that, having turned away from my own way, I will continue consistently in Your way. Through Jesus Christ, who dwells within me. Amen!
Today is Norma-Jean’s birthday. When we were married, September 19, 1958, I was 22 and she was 19. I love her and wanted to make her my wife. I also wanted God’s will more than anything. I was hard headed (not hard hearted) enough to pray on the way to the church, “Lord, one final time, if this marriage is not Your perfect will, You can still cause something to happen so that either Norma-Jean or I are stopped from getting to the altar.” God didn’t stop either of us, and now we’ve been married almost 58 years and have 4 children and their spouses, 16 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. The second letter Norma-Jean wrote to me had printed on it, 1st Thes. 5:18, which says it all, “This is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” I agreed!
Yours for God’s will in everything,
P.S. Ron found an outstanding documentary video with scientific proof of the “Exodus” story. For example, it shows video from the bottom of the Red Sea, revealing coral-encrusted Egyptian chariot wheels scattered across the sea bottom. Online last week the Egyptian department of antiquities announced a confirmation of these findings. Reputable scientists used the same equipment that photographed the Titanic on the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. A recent survey showed that a majority of Canadians said that the Bible was not reliable. If you know anyone who feels that way, show them this video!!! Of course the old saying is, “Convince a man against his will, he stays the same opinion still.” This amazing documentary is 90 minutes long. There are pauses about every 15 or 20 minutes. You may want to spread out your viewing over the next few days as we continue our Exodus readings. Please, please don’t miss this, and also share it with others. To watch it click HERE.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Norma Jean ☺????????????
I’m not one to blog comments. I’ve only done so once before.
But today is a very important day. The day of your birth! Fearfully and wonderfully made, you entered this world on this day many years ago.
You have been walking in your destiny, hand in hand with David, as you shared a destiny together.
Thank you for hearing and following the voice of the Lord so clearly! Canada ???????? has been blessed and helped and changed so much because of your lives and your walk. I am personally forever thankful.
Rejoice, celebrate, remember, with your family and friends around you, know that David is celebrating with you. Rejoicing with you!
Happy Birthday,Norma Jean may your day be filled with joy.
I have come across that same video before but resisted watching it as I did 2 years ago because there are so many videos on Youtube that are full of lies.I will watch this one.
Pride is healthy if kept in check by a humble mind but when one becomes so arrogant that he thinks he is superior to all those around then that arrogance becomes a danger to all those around him,as well as to himself.This was Pharaoh.
Can’t Be Bought
May happiness be yours to share
And joy be your constant kin,
So you have peace beyond compare
As He cleanses the temple within
And as the world sees your face,
Will be seen what they have not,
For this gift is an unearned grace
From a Love that can’t be bought.
GW(Bill) Marshall 24 Aug, 2015
great poem William!
Happy Birthday Norma Jean.
Thank you Mainse family for continuing your fathers blog.
Blessing to all.
thank you Ron & Ann for keeping the blog going. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Norma-Jean GOD bless you Norma and all the Maines Family
Happy Birthday Norma Jean. May God bless you on your special day with family and friends. Trust you have been well. Am still enjoying David’s blog and find it inspiring!
And may God bless you today and every day.
God bless Norma Jean! Happy Birthday! God bless all on this prayer site;
please pray for rain; please pray for the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of my children and remove all anger, TY Lord
Forgive me Lord for causing my children to be angry; I am very sorry; that is what I would like to say to them, TY Lord for Your Forgiveness
please pray the Lord will tell me what I am to do…Blessings and thank you
Happy Birthday Norma-Jean! God grant many more
please pray for rain
please pray the Lord guides me and tells me what He wants me to do
so thankful for swimming
very thankful for all who post on this prayer site
very encouraging and inspiring
God bless and thank each and everyone
IJNWP amen
Blessings on your Birthday Norma-Jean! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
God is sooo Faithful, His purposes are Yes and Amen!
Have a great day all you saints!
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Norma-Jean!
May God bless you today and always.