Today’s Reading: Mark 10
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The Jordan River is 251 kilometres (156 miles) long and flows from the Galilee (approximately 600 ft below Sea Level) south to the Dead Sea (approximately 1,300 feet below Sea Level). Currently, the river serves as the eastern border of Israel and the Palestinian Authority West Bank. On the east of Jordan’s waters is the Kingdom of Jordan.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 10:27
But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”
God has established humanly impossible standards. Why? Because He desires that we will learn that “with God all things are possible.” We can’t reach those standards on our own. “All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Jesus is the perfect manifestation of the Glory of God (please read John 1:14). In His response to the rich young ruler, Jesus establishes God’s standard. Our possessions must never become more important than our obedience. This young person found it impossible to surrender his wealth for the sake of Jesus. Notice two insights into this story: (1) Jesus loved this man. (2) The youth was truly sorry that he found it impossible to obey Jesus. Perhaps after Jesus’ death, resurrection, the coming of the Holy Spirit to empower people, and the establishment of the Church, this man was among those who gave away their possessions for the sake of Christ (Acts 2:45). We don’t know, but remember, “with God all things are possible!”
Dear Lord Jesus, I can’t follow You on my own. Therefore, I’m asking for special grace every day. With Your presence and power, “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Amen!
When my great-grandson, Myles Neilson, was four years old, he announced to me that he would never kill an animal. I said, “What if a lion was about to eat you and you had a gun…would you shoot the lion?” He thought about it and said, “No. I would raise my hands and say, ‘Stop!’ and God would tell him to stop!” He paused again and then said, “Well, maybe lions don’t listen to God very well.” This gave me the opportunity to tell him the story of Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6). In verses 13 to 16 of today’s reading, Jesus gives a profound truth about children. I have learned much from children. Once I’m sure I heard God’s still small voice speak to me saying, “David, you’ve become far too sophisticated. Be childlike as you once were, and you’ll see many more of My mighty works than you do now.”
Yours from a childlike heart,
Indeed, Lord, we serve you with childlike hearts. We lift up Marion as per Pastor Samuel’s request, Lord. All the saints continue to pray for Your mighty Hand of healing upon her and the breath of the Holy Spirit to blow through her. Just as the blind Bartimaeus received his sight in Mark 10, Lord, we pray for Marion’s healing, through her faith and ours. Ease her pain, strengthen her body and faith, to glorify Your Holy Name. God’s continued blessings dearest saints in the Lord.
Therefore let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found;
surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them.
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:6-7 NIV
Elvis Presley, How Great Thou Art
Amen Beverlee….”Great is our LORD and Greatly to be Praised!!! None other like Himj!!!
Bless you, sister Irene!
Agreeing in prayer with you Beverlee for Marion!!
WOW! WOW! Beverlee Kay
we will never know the plans that God had for Elvis; I sometimes think that God did not want Elvis to get into any further trouble and so decided to bring him home to Heaven!
I do believe the world has been given a very special through the voice of Elvis!
Blessings to all, thanks Beverlee Kay
I pray that all are well,
praying for rain to put our the forest fires and to help new growth,
amen amen and amen
Praying for rain for you out west, Sah. Think of the joy to see Elvis in heaven.
Amen, agreeing in prayer with you Beverlee for Marion that she will be healed and restored for with you all things are possible dear Lord.
Also agreeing with Beverlee for Marion’s healing.
Good morning Saints and our Lords blessings to you. Thank you again to all who make this video blog possible, a wonderful daily blessing. Just wondering if anyone reading this blog is planning to go on the Huntley Holy Land Tour March 2019? I have just registered with my friend Elenor C.
I have a very very urgent prayer request I have severe excruciating pain in my sciatic nerve it’s going down all down my leg and I’ve been to chiropractor and I’m now seeing a physiotherapist and the pain is not going away it’s only getting worse I feel like the woman in the Bible who spent all she had and got and got worse instead of better so I just asked everyone for your urgent urgent prayer this is this is very very urgent thanks to all have a blessed day amen
Praying for you Marilyn.I’m no stranger to back pain.God bless
Holding you up in prayer, Marilyn, that your pain ceases. Can you get your doctor to order an MRI with dye so your nerve endings will show up better and they can determine the source of your pain. Suggest physio and chiro are not enough to help and you need an MRI for sure. Please consider going to the hospital.
Lord God, please help Marilyn, we ask in Jesus’s great name, amen
Marilyn, I do gentle, gentle, stretching exercises before I get out of bed. They really have helped. May God bless and keep you.
Prayed for you Marilyn. I pray you’re pain free very soon. I pray you will have a good sleep tonight. God bless.
Lord You removed smokes/booze from me & gave me swimming from a broken leg! You did this for me! TY Lord
I now come to You and ask that You would heal Marilyn completely, from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet! Remove all pain!
Lord You see her pain! You love this precious gal Lord! You made her beautiful and graceful and full of mercy, we come to you Lord and we confess that we have sinned against you and others, we are sorry Lord, please forgive us! Please heal Marilyn completely, she will be able to smile and do her activities that she enjoys when the pain is all gone! We thank you Lord, we praise You, in Jesus Name we Pray for complete healing for Marilyn!
Praying for you Marilyn!
Praying for you Marilyn for the Lord’s intervention for total release from sciatic nerve pain, and for the root cause would be exposed removed in Jesus Mighty Name I pray, Amen!!!
Thank You Jesus, Your Word tells us that You hear and answer our cry. We cry out to You for the answer on behalf of Marilyn, Amen!!
G’day.I’m praying for healing in Marion also in Jesus’ name.She and we must learn to trust as a little child does,remembering what it was like to trust an adult when we were very young.That trust is now for the Lord.In Him all things are possible.God bless
Trust Me
Trust Me,I know what I am doing,
It’s not just your heart I am wooing
But your soul is so dear to Me,
I want you with Me for eternity.
Even when your days are very bad,
I share the load that makes you sad,
So do not be angry with Me,
You must trust in Me eternally.
I love all my children most dearly,
And in life I see you clearly,
That is why you are on the Earth,
It is a school and the grave is your birth.
‘I knew you before you were born’,
I would never leave you forlorn,
I know every hair on your head,
Death is not for you to dread.
Life is through my precious Son,
A reward for when your day is done,
So know that this is my gift to you
And walk with Him your life through.
G W (Bill) Marshall/.2011
Amen to every prayer request above, in Jesus’ Almighty Name
I pray.
Agreed in prayer with David; Yes, “I can do all things with Christ who strengthens me” but without Him, I can do nothing.
Great photo of the Jordan River, Reynold,, thank you!!
Be blessed in the Lord this day all you saints!!
Agreeing in prayer with all who prayed for Marilyn’s back for God’s healing and may she also receive the medical help she needs in Jesus Name, and for His Glory. Amen!
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