Today’s Reading: Mark 9
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This photo of Mount Hermon was taken from about 45 kilometres south of the mountain and nine kilometres north of the Sea of Galilee. I (Reynold Mainse) was standing at an elevated point in Meshushim Stream Nature Reserve. A peak in this area rises to 2,236 m (7,336 ft) and is the highest elevation in Israeli-controlled territory. The Hermon range covers an area of about 1,000 square km, of which about 70 are under Israeli control. This mountain range is shared by Lebanon, Syria, and Israel. The Jordan River’s main source of water comes from the melted snow off of Mount Hermon. Mt. Hermon may have been the “High Mountain” referred to in today’s reading.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 9:7
And a cloud came and overshadowed them; and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!”
Why Peter, James and John? Did Jesus show favouritism? God always responds according to our level of commitment. Do we want to see Jesus in new ways? Then ask God for a greater desire for Him. Why Moses and Elijah? Jesus had tried again and again to share His coming death with His disciples, but they didn’t get it. Moses and Elijah were two servants of the Lord who, at one point in their lives, had become so discouraged that they asked God that they would die (Numbers 11:15 and 1 Kings 19:4). Perhaps they were the only human beings who could begin to understand Jesus’ feelings as He faced death. Yes, Jesus was 100% Human, and this record establishes that Jesus is also 100% God. The voice of God the Father burned its way into the memories of the three disciples. Later in the chapter we learn that “fasting and prayer” is another evidence of our level of fervency. Why be fervent? One reason is because of the reality of “hell fire” (9:43,47). There’s a lost world that needs Jesus before it’s too late.
Lord Jesus, like Peter, James and John, I’m sticking close to You. May I, too, hear the voice of the Father, and may I fast and pray so that I may see Your mighty works. Amen and Amen!
It was at the altar during August I952 at a Camp Meeting. I had just turned 16 when God made it crystal clear to me that I was called by Him into the full-time ministry of His Church. I had been praying for some time that God would do me the great honour of giving me such a call. I wanted with all my heart to spend my life working as an ordained minister of Christ. That summer I had spent weekends helping Bob Johnson plant a new congregation in the village of Madoc, Ontario. Bob’s picture was on our High School wall as having qualified for several scholarships, yet here he was, sleeping on the floor of a little apartment, because he did not have the money to buy a bed. That example of sacrifice increased my desire to make the same commitment as Bob. If I had been offered a comfortable salary, a nice house and an established pulpit for some future time, I don’t think that I would’ve been interested.
Yours for a high level of fervency in hearing from God and in serving Him,
Thanks again Reynold not only for your photos, but all the interesting and detailed information you provide with them. You definitely go above and beyond the “call of duty” and that adds so much to the blog.
I notice there are at least two other Eleanors who read this blog, two of us have last names starting with “C”. Hello to my fellow Eleanors!
August 1st, Echoes Eternity
by Fanny Crosby
“Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone
Can turn our hearts from sin;
His pow’r alone can sanctify
And keep us pure within.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone
Can deeper love inspire;
His pow’r alone within our souls
Can light the sacred fire.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can bring
The gifts we seek in pray’r;
His voice can words of comfort speak,
And still each wave of care.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can give
The grace we need this hour;
And while we wait, O Spirit, come
In sanctifying pow’r.”
God’s blessings on you, dear saints in the Lord!
Thank You Lord by Hillsong Worship
Hello and Blessings to you Eleanor and all our blog friends.
I was going to stop reading the Bible this time around, but it seems I am drawn to it everyday. It is a real blessing to me, I am very grateful to Ron and all who help to keep this going. Eleanor Mc.
Thank you Beverlee, my son and grandson are flying to New York today to a Hillsong event.
The Lord will grant them a “great time” I can hear the music already! What a wonderful event to attend as a son and grandson…..God bless them and God bless you also Eleanor M……
Thank you Sah. God Bless you as well.
Thanks,Beverlee.I wonder how many hymns and poems Fanny wrote?Some may read the poem but miss the message.God bless
My best friend’s brother-in-law is an 88 yr old retired Pentecostal pastor who lives in that same village of Madoc.I invited him to speak in at our little church one Sunday this month when Pastor Chris is on vacation,while he is home on vacation.His daughter is very talented and may join him in music.He loves our old piano.He’s preached here before but I think he finds us a bit bland…and we are.We need more vigor when worshiping but…..Nuff said.
I wonder if Gerry was acquainted with Bob Johnson?I’m not sure but I think Gerry may have been a guest on 100 Huntley St.He did have a radio show in St John,NB,years ago.Perhaps I’ve said too much.
It’s time for me to have that discussion again with my pastor re “Son of man” and “Son of God” over a coffee.Yall have a great day.God bless
I wish to thank one and all for their prayers yesterday. We had a wonderful excursion. I did also drop a longer blog on yesterday’s blog with respect to the trip. Thanks again…God really blessed our group.. I am tired,but I still must start my day with prayer and devotions.
William, I don’t know if you mean me when you said Gerry; however I have heard of the name but don’t recall meeting him.
Hi,Ger.No,I was referring to Gerry Morgan.He’s the brother-in-law of my closest friend.God bless
Enjoyed all the postings today. Thank you saints. Just heard there is violence in Zimbabwe during their election. We need to pray for that country, that God’s choice will reign.
Amen Ger!
Yes Ger! May God lead the people and keep them safe! In Jesus Name may all evil be rebuked! Lord we pray that You will send armies of angels to bring peace to Zimbabwe! Bless the Christian people, May the Word of God be spoken to everyone, May the Word of God heal the hurt! May the Word of God be spoken to the young people, May the Word of God bring forth leaders and believers in Jesus Christ as the True God, the Triune God, Our Saviour, Our Redeemer! May the Word of God bring forth calm, in Jesus Name we Pray amen
I too often wander why Jesus chose those three, exclusively, to be with Him during special times of His ministry.
Yes, Lord, we do need rain to cool the temperature down, as well as douse the fires across this land of Canada! Thank You Jesus for hearing our prayer, Amen!
Asking for prayer for “Marion”, (age around 60). She is an indirect relative connection. She just survived extensive heart surgery a week ago. Some type of complication. Legs have gone black. Severe problem. Afraid of gangrene setting in, May need to amputate part or both legs. Presently heavily sedated. Surgery tomorrow August 3 which will determine if more radical procedure will be needed. Very risky since her major heart surgery so recently. I would appreciate if you can join me in lifting her before the Lord Who is our great Physician. Just sharing a burden with the Crossroads Family on 100 words, reading through the Bible, partnership. Though I do not often make comments on the blog, I continue to join all in the third round of reading through the Bible initiated by David Mainse. “Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees”
I am requesting prayer for Marion and will update you as information is available. Thank You and many blessings. Sam
Lord we thank you for Sam and his prayer request for healing for Marion! Lord You know this precious child of Yours, You have a plan for Marion! Thank You Lord being able to come to You in prayer, You know our hearts, You know our every thought! We thank you Lord for Your unconditional love! We pray in Jesus Name amen
Lord, I lift Marion up before You; Lord I pray for Your wisdom to guide those who are attending to her, that nothing will be done for or to her that is not of You, Lord. I pray for Your intervention for Marion’s highest and best that comes from You, In Jesus Mighty Holy Name, I pray, Amen!!
Lord God you are able to do anything, so I asking on behalf of Marion that you would heal her body. I ask this in the precious name of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ . Amen.
Yes Lord, I join my sisters and brothers in prayer for Marion.
You are the Great Physician to whom nothing is impossible!
Touch Marion, Lord with your Divine healing power. We ask that there will be no need for amputation or further surgery.
May we hear a good report from Samuel, very shortly.
Thank you Father for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen!
Yes, Lord God, our Mighty Healer, we lift Marion up to You and pray for Your hand to be upon her. In our unified prayer, in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.