Today’s Reading: Psalms 148-150
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Joppa is a major port on the west coast of Israel, as it was during Biblical times. It was here that the Apostle Peter fell into a trance and saw a sheet being lowered down from Heaven. On the sheet were all kinds of creatures (Acts 10:12). According to today’s reading, all creatures great and small are to “Praise the Lord!” We non-Jews got in on the blessings of Abraham and Jesus as a result of what happened to Peter. Jonah departed from this port on a whale of a trip! (Jonah 1:3).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
In Psalm 148, the crown of God’s creation — men and women — are mentioned last for emphasis! Regardless of status, age or sex, everyone is urged to “Praise the Lord!” We, who are believers in Jesus, may want to consider a New Testament reading which expands our reason to “Praise the Lord!” (Philippians 2:8-11).
Psalm 149 moves us into another dimension of praise. We are to praise Him for Who He is! For the ancient Israelite, the celebration of praise was often accompanied by singing, playing musical instruments and dancing!!!
Just in case we failed to get King David’s message, he writes here, in the final hymn in this, the temple hymnbook from which Jesus would have sung, the word “Praise” 13 times in six short verses!
I praise You, O God! I lift up Your name to honour and glorify You! You alone are worthy! I magnify You with the words of my mouth and with my body language also! Glory! Glory! Glory! You are great and greatly to be praised! Amen!!!
After reading today’s Psalms, I’ve decided to join Norma-Jean, just the two of us for now, in singing the doxology, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”
[Note: The following was written November 13, 2015]… I have much to praise God for. Some readers may be aware that I was given an “expiry date” of March 2014. MDS acute leukaemia was to take my life in 2 years after diagnosis (March 2012). Yesterday I had a check up and the specialist said that I’m doing better than expected. It will be two years ago this January that he said of my health, “Jaw dropping remarkable.” He gave me permission to quote him. I love having more time with my 11 great-grandchildren, Norma-Jean and the entire family, friends and people down here on earth. Thanks for all who remember me in their prayers!!! I must confess, however, that I was disappointed for a while that I didn’t get to see Jesus when I had expected to. God’s timing will always be just right!
Yours to encourage us all to “PRAISE THE LORD!”
P.S. Here is a beautiful rendition of “The Doxology” I found on Youtube, sung during a wedding ceremony (click HERE). Why not take a moment to praise God and sing along with these young men?
Oh, David, you are with Jesus, now, indeed! Praising Your Holy Name, above all names. We worship and glorify You, oh Lord, our God, Creator of heaven and earth! Wonderful photo, Reynold. Wishing all saints a blessed day. Praise the Lord!!
He alone is your God, the only one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done these mighty miracles that you have seen with your own eyes.
Deut 10:21 NLT
Russ Taff – Praise the Lord [Live]
Yes, amen David you are in God’s presence and praising Him today. Listened to the doxology and love the song you posted Beverlee. Have a blessed day Mainse family and all fellow bloggers.
We should envy David for where he is now…if we truly believe,but we should be in no hurry to leave this ‘school’ either.I remember writing this poem for David,feeling inspired to do so.I do not write good poems,just good messages within,I hope.This is one of many that came to me as quickly as I could type with my 2 index fingers;the other just goes with today’s reading.Yall have a great day,God bless
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be my most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
Let us praise Him in our day,
Let us praise Him in our sleep,
Let unceasing praise convey
The harvest our praises reap.
Unending love is always ours,
So unending praise is owed,
Then His word of truth empowers
From the Spirit He bestowed.
Let only truth bespeak His praise,
Let not hope flee from sight,
Thus,let us dance and voices raise,
To soak in His eternal Light.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 24 Feb, 2014
Because of my opening comment I thought I’d share this opne too.Blessings
Faith Defeats Sorrow
You speak of me in the past tense
But I am more alive than you,
For I know now what makes sense,
It’s in the grace I never knew.
I’m free of every earthly care,
Not even sorrow can touch me
In this blissful home I share
Where you and I will both be free.
Earthly eyes can ne’er understand
The truth in His words,left behind,
For He came from this very land,
To which earthly eyes remain blind.
Faith defeats sorrow every time,
Without it each day is the same
And Satan repeats his crime
By imparting to you the blame.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 15 March, 2014
Thank you for sharing, William!
Thank you Bill Marshall , So timely . . God Bless you..Rosemarie…..
2 Praise Songs
1-Thank You For Giving
To The Lord- Ray Boltz
2 Let EverythingThat
Has Breath-Matt Redman.
Thank You by Ray Boltz
Let EverythingThat Has Breath-Matt Redman.
Bill you write/type wonderful poems don’t put yourself down God gave you the
gift we thank him for the gifts he has given. We use to sing that doxology in
our church awhile ago .It was nice to sing again, we should have it in church more.
God Bless all the Mainse families , and bloggers today
Lianne Hogg
ah I just love God work. God has giving David a couple years to enjoyed his family and friends. and yes praise God for his wonderful work. and now He rejoicing with the angels in Heaven. Love reading the blog it blesses me.
David your desire fulfilled now as you are now rejoicing in the Lord…praising and glorifying Him in His presence!!
Thank you for the music link David I enjoyed joining in praise both with you and Norma-Jean as well as the young men!
Thank you Beverlee for the music link with Russ Taff!
So refreshing to join in praising the Lord together in song!!
Here are words to a song that came to mind as I prayed David’s prayer:
“Glory, all Glory be to God
Glory, all Glory be to God
Praise His Holy Name
All the angels sing
Hallelujah, Amen!!
Have a glorious day, giving glory to God, who is worthy of all praise!!
Lord God thank you for each blogger this day! ALL their messages are very uplifting and the songs are SO beautiful! Thank you everyone for posting, let us continue to pray for one another REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS AMEN AMEN AMEN