Today’s Reading: Psalms 147
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The sun burst over the unique sandstone topography in Timna Park in the Jordan Valley in Isreal. Such a scene should cause us to think of our Mighty Creator! It is most appropriate that the first and last words of today’s reading would be, “PRAISE THE LORD!”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 147:3-5
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite!
Our Creator not only created the stars, but He has a name for each one. Even with all our modern technology, astronomers have never been able to see all the stars and number them. Only our infinite God understands the vastness of the universe. Even though He is great in power, He is even greater in His care for His creation and, in particular, for us! He comes to us and heals the brokenhearted and binds up our wounds! We must remember that this Great Lord made us in His image, and therefore, He will not interfere unless invited to do so by those He put in charge of this world. That’s us! God chose the ancient Israelites to receive His Word for the entire human family, and through them we have been given the Word of God which we read every day. With this privilege comes an awesome responsibility… to do everything in our power to make sure the whole world would hear of the mercies and judgments of our holy and loving God.
I am reminded, O God, in each Psalm I read that You are great! I marvel that You, the Creator of the universe, are so concerned about me as an individual. I pray for Your Spirit to so fill me that I will be able to effectively communicate Who You are to others. There is one person to whom I should speak today, and when the opportunity presents itself, may I be faithful and effective in sharing Your Word to that one, and others, by my words, my actions, and my giving. In the name of the One who did this 100% of the time, Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
I have the honour of being called “Founder” by the men and women of God who currently lead Crossroads. Our website carries the daily 100 Huntley Street television show. I call this a “show” because we want to “show” the great God of the universe, Who “heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” We, as a human family, must understand that the majority of the inhabitants of earth have made it clear that they don’t want God involved in their lives. God is not a dictator. He is a Lover! His great heart is broken! We’ve rejected His love. We’ve taken prayer and the Bible out of our public schools and much of the public square. Ever since our first human parents, we’ve separated ourselves from God and from His maintenance of creation over which He gave us dominion. Thus nature is left on its own, and the result is disaster after disaster. It’s our fault, not God’s. Yet we can respond with God’s love after such disasters and help to “bind up their wounds.” Crossroads provides ways to help (click here).
Yours for reaching out to others with God’s unending love,
Today is the day
to pray for the Persecuted
Churches all over the world.
We have freedom to worship
and praise God in our churches.
Psalms 147 reminds us that God
is able to do all things for us when
we ask Him.
Amen Carol, Blessings to all this Lord’s Day.
Amen, Carol, amen!
YES, Amen Carol!
G’day,yall.It took a while to find this poem that mirrors today’s reading but first is one I stumbled on while searching which praises His unimaginable greatness although inadequately,for who can achieve that?I’m running late for church.God bless
Mighty Tower
You created all,thus,all is yours,
And only You have supreme power,
For You alone open our doors,
And you are the mighty tower.
You judge most fairly in truth and love,
For Your goal is for all to receive
Their mansions in Your home above,
Abundant to those who believe.
We see the stars,as yet unnumbered
And You know what each is called by name,
When You placed them unencumbered
And gave them light with holy flame.
Your creation is more than we see,
For we are Your children in school
Who will pass to eternity
Guided by Your holy Jewel.
(G W) Bill Marshall/20-Jan-16
How Great Is Our God
Can you count the stars at night
Or know every angel by name?
Perhaps when day has lost it’s light
You can count the days man lived in shame.
How many grains are upon a beach
Or drops of rain make a river,
For can you know what’s beyond reach
Or how many souls are left to deliver.
He knows each one of these things,
He knew each of us before birth
And He knows what trials each day brings;
That’s one way to tell what each is worth.
He and the Father created from naught,
Every star and world beyond sight,
Then in six days,created from thought
This school to show wrong from right.
He knows every hair on your head,
He gave the grain you were fed,
And when you are safe in your bed,
You can thank He Who died in your stead.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 20-Dec-13
Beautiful, Bill!!
Persecuted Church
Song-When The Saints
by Sara Groves- Listened
this morning to the song.
When the Saints by Sara Groves
powerful words …thank you Beverlee for posting the song!
Thank you for the new song, Carol????
Blessings to all and praises to our God!!
Oh, how we love You, Jesus! I have been playing this song over and over and over–so in love with worshiping You! God bless ye, merry saints, as we worship Him together!
How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
Ps 147:1 NIV
Jesus What a Savior – Housefires (Featuring Kirby Kaple)
Oh Hallelujah!!! Thank you Beverlee????
Yes, what a great God we serve so Lord help us not to limit You. Thank you Beverlee and William for your poems and songs. Lord we pray for the persecuted church today all over the world that you will protect, and preserve them giving them a great testimony to share. Help us to be faithful to pray for them often, in Jesus Name. Amen!
Amen, Ger!
Yes, Amen Ger!
What a powerful word of Praise unto the Lord is today’s scripture reading!!! For He is worthy of all PRAISE!! and of HONOUR AND GLORY! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!
Spectacular photo Reynold…thank you for posting it for us to enjoy!!
Great Key verse!! Thank you Jesus, You came to heal and to save!! Thank Heavenly Father! SUCH GREAT LOVE!!!