Today’s Reading: Psalms 28-30
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

On the Sea of Galilee, a statue beside the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy shows Peter kneeling before Jesus after His death and resurrection.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 30:5
For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.
It’s hard to imagine the despair that David tried to express in Psalm 30. He was running for his life from his father-in-law, King Saul, whom David would follow as king. After a desperate prayer, David would always end with praising God, together with a statement of his unwavering faith in God’s power and God’s willingness to deliver him. David knew the continuing anger of Saul and the weeping it caused. This is not the way with God! We know that God wants life and joy! Yes, God is angry with sin, but when we ask His forgiveness, His anger toward us ceases. We do need to weep in repentance, not in self pity. Joy is the result!
In Psalm 29, the phrase “voice of the Lord” is repeated six times. The problem is that we are not good listeners most of the time. Hopefully this blog quiets us sufficiently so that we can hear what God has to say. Psalm 28 should result in a spirit of rejoicing because of our confidence in God’s answers to our prayers. God hears our voice much better than we hear His! We may think that those around us don’t listen to us, but God is a GOOD LISTENER!!!
Lord God, I thank You for listening to me when I pray. In this I have complete confidence. Therefore, I pray for all those people that come to my mind. . . . (name them). Help me to care about those things about which You care, O Lord. I pray in the Name of the One who rose early every morning to spend much time in prayer, Jesus, Himself! Amen!!!
My eyes have been drawn to read again and again Psalm 30:11a, “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing.” I don’t often dance, but there are times when joy is so strong that I break free of my reserve, and away I go! It happened at least once on live television when a young man, who had escaped from an Eastern European communist country, was playing a lively tune of rejoicing on his violin. Some may remember Georgian Banov. I’ve attached a clip of that spontaneous dancing (click here).
Yours for turning mourning into dancing!
P.S. Ron here again at my Father’s bedside in the hospital. As we await the Lord’s timing for Dad to be ushered into His immediate presence, there is a sense of God’s peace in the room. The words of today’s blog, which Dad wrote two years ago, are particularly poignant today. It’s hard for our human minds to comprehend how God can “TURN OUR MOURNING INTO DANCING,” but that’s a result of the amazing hope we have as believers in the risen Lord! I just put my laptop computer on Dad’s bed and showed him the dancing video clip he referred to above. Dad broke out in a big smile! Our key verse says, “Weeping may endure for a night…BUT JOY COMES IN THE MORNING!” Thank you Jesus!
Great video timing for dancing in the Spirit of the Lord! May the peace of God’s love be so glorious for you all, as God takes David home. Oh, what a joy for him that will be!!!!! To see the sweet shining face of Jesus!!!!! All for Your Glory, Lord!!!!!! We love you, David, and love to all the Mainse family as you share this precious time together. Blessings fellow saints in the Lord.
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.
Psalm 62:5 NIV
It Is Well With My Soul
Thank you Beverlee this is very serene and beautiful, it is perfect for this time. As we all join in prayer for Pastor David may we feel as one voice, many blessings to all.
Amen Beverlee and Eleanor M.
Praise our Lord Jesus Christ in whom we trust.
Amen! thank you Beverlee for posting “It is Well With My Soul”
Hi Ron, I’m so glad to hear that listening to the video brought a big smile to your father’s face. It brought a huge smile to me too. Your father has brought so much blessing to others. Those blessings live on as people’s lives that have been changed through his ministry create a ripple effect and more lives are changed through them.
Me too Eleanor !
As I reached for my phone this morning to read and get an update on your Dad’s condition, my heart rejoiced when I read how he broke out into a smile as u read him his blog written 2 years ago. This blog has blessed me and many others from day 1! My continued prayers are with the family as ye all gather around his bed awaiting his home going. May God grant you all his peace and turn your morning into dancing! David, a man of .total integrity—how we all LOVE YOU!! BLESSINGS!!
Oh, so precious! You and Georgian Banov dancing Pastor David. Blessed to hear of your big smile. Meaningful to me too as have been on a mission trip to Bulgaria three times with MREE. Couldn’t sleep so got up in the night and prayed for you Pastor David. Good to hear of that peace in the room Ron. God bless all of you there today! Love the key verse! Ger
How utterly amazing is the Lord Jesus Christ that we serve.
Amen Darlene!
How wonderful to hear you are there Ron. You and Ann are such faithful folks who serve your Saviour and your parents and family so well. As we read the Psalms and the blog this morning we are weeping but rejoicing with you as your precious Dad is waiting for a glimpse of his eternal home . May the joy of His presence surround you all at this bitter but sweet time.
Janet and Eldon
Praying for the Mainse Family
Some of the most cherished moments with my mother who is now deceased was the time spend together as we waited for her spirit to depart her earthly body. There was sadness but also a deep sense of peace; a glimpse into eternity that awaits all of us. Like many commenting on this blog I had such a profound gratitude for David and his faithfulness to the Lord– without his ministry on television I might never had this personal relationship with Jesus that sustains me daily. Continue prayers for the Lord’s peace and strength be upon David and his family. Amen
Holding you all in my prayers. We walked a similar journey with my Dad (who was a faithful crossroads supporter) in March 2017. Yes our mourning turns to dancing when we rest in the assurance of His new home in heaven that is being prepared for us all!!
Thank you Ron for the update, I also enjoyed the video, it will be something we can go back and look at in future days. You father is such a lovely man and I know we wont forget him, he has done so much good in this world for so may. I can imagine the joy there will be in heaven when he finally arrive there.
Weeping yet rejoicing – our reading in Psalm 30:5 is so timely this morning. Watching David dance on the video brought me to tears of joy, knowing what awaits him soon. Love and prayers for David and the entire family.
I am praying also for the folk who have been following the blog & those who have known David & family. It is so wonderful to know that David will go into the presence of the Lord & yet we feel loss to come, of his teaching, experiential stories, & his friendship. We will, through Jesus sacrifice, meet again. That IS joyful knowledge!
God be with you all, our thoughts and prayers go out to Pastor David and family’s.
Our family is continuing to keep David and his loved ones in our prayers.
May the Joy of the Lord be your strength. Here’s another “dancing” video – “The Holy Ghost will set your feet a-dancing!”
Thank you Mary Lou. I remember the Cameron’s they when the were at a CFO Family Camp at Living Faith, just out of Caroline.
Thank you Ron and Ann., I look forward to David’s blog every day. give Dsvid and Norma Jean our love. Praying for you all. Please remind David that he is in our prayers, every day.
Bill and Hazel, Absolom
Hello Hazel.
Searching to find you folk and was taken to your comment on David’s blog. Beautiful. They were truly blessed years standing with David and the faithful team. Good to see Ron and Ann continuing on with the vision.
Would love to hear from you.
Russ and Ann Johnson
I have always trusted your Dad’s insight of God’s Word and will pray for him and your family, as he has prayed for many over the years
It was nice to see David smiling , and dancing I can picture him smiling right now
thank you Ron and Ann for the updates . The message really goes with today.
Lianne Hogg
Thank you so much Ron and Ann for keeping us informed . You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. You are such a blessing!!
Great Video! Dancing in the Lord. Thank you for sharing it with us.
And thank you Reynold for that wonderful photo. Reminds me of Psalm 23:4 “”Even thought I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Your Rod and Your Staff, they comfort me.”
Thank you Ron and Ann for continuing to post this blog even in this moment in time as you sit at your Dad’s bedside in the presence of our Lord and Savior. What a special moment in time!! God bless you all!
Loved Georgian Banov’s rendition on the violin & song centred around seeking first the Kingdom of God and David’s dance. How appropriate is this theme today, “Turning mourning into dancing”! I immediately thought of David as he is near slipping into the presence of God into a dance that will never end. Our hearts are with the family. We feel like part of the family standing by sharing in this moment with the Mainse Family. Not wanting him to be in pain or discomfort but just responding to the call, “Come up higher”. Sad for the loss – but blessed by the huge legacy he has left behind … that will continue to glorify our Lord and reach hearts for Christ…and joy…knowing he will see the Saviour he has loved and served all these years. We are with you in our hearts, in our prayers, in our love and in our sadness…and gladness…because of “the Living Hope..our inheritance…reserved in Heaven” for all those who love the Lord…
Praying for the Mainse Family in this sad but joyous time as they watch David go to be in the presence of his Lord. Thanks for sharing him with us over the years. He will be missed but will always be in our hearts. Thanks David for being you.
Please pray for strength for my friend Iris who lost her son Joe who fell over a cliff and died in Oregon last week. His body was found on Tuesday which will give her closure, but the pain will still be there.
Sah, I pray that there is progress in your missing payments and it will soon be found I know how stressful this is for you.
Have a wonderful and blessed day fellow bloggers.
TY Thelma! Yes it is very stressful! I did make the payments, God saw me make the payments! I trust He will straighten everything out! Thanks again for all who have been praying!
David Mainse May God bless you and keep you in His care! Glad you smiled! thanks to the Mainse family for keeping up this blog!
Dear David,NormaJean, & family, Thank you for your ministry through the years ! You are in our thoughts & prayers ????We send His love????
Thank you Ron for keeping the blog family informed.
May the Lord be your Comfort and Peace.
Praying for all of you!
Our prayers for the Mainse family. May the Lord’sl peace be upon them!
I’m late getting to this and one of my poems jumps to mind as being rather timely.You know how we all feel.God bless
I searched and searched in my files for “Perfect Faith” but can’t find the one I wanted so I will take that as God’s will because I stumbled on this shortly after my search began.It also seems fitting.(I had a ministry with poems for about 1 1/2 yr for grieving mothers.The poems came as if being dictated.)
Listen,hear my voice in the silent breeze
For I call out to you in your sorrow
And as the sun shines o’er the trees,
I will whisper on each new morrow.
You cry because of the great loss you bear
And I speak gently while you are asleep,
For in this way your grief I share,
And cry with you each time you weep.
I am there for you when you call My name,
I am there too as the morn awakes,
But dawn fades like a candle flame,
As does the sound My small voice makes.
Trust me and listen,you will find my voice,
It will grow as your faith grows stronger
And one day you will make a choice
To trust and fear death no longer.
That day will come when faith will set you free,
For you will hear me when I speak,
Then you will know that it was me
Who brought hope when you were still weak.
GW(Bill) Marshall/27 May, 2015
This SDA pastor has a beautiful voice with a beautiful hymn:
Coming Home
Amen, yes he does have a beautiful voice, thank you for posting the link!!
Your poem is most appropriate; thank you for sharing!!
Hi Pastor David, Great to see the video of you dancing a jig with Georgian Banov…What wonderful high energy music…If the Lord wills to take you home,l can imagine you dancing a jig with your mum and dad, they will be so glad to see you and best of all…….Jesus will be there to greet you with a big hug……Love you Lots my precious brother.
Thinking of David and praying with the others. Praying for His strength to surround all of you who stand by him.
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