Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Today’s Reading: Psalms 23-25

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The Golden Gate, also known as the Eastern Gate. According to Ezekiel 44:1-3, the Messiah will one day return to the Temple Mount through this gate. The Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sealed off the Golden Gate in 1541 in an attempt to prevent the Messiah’s entrance.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Psalm 23 is classic literature and worthy of memorization. Even better than this is that it is true! We may want to read it aloud slowly, meditating on each line, applying it to our personal experience. David, the shepherd king, knew from childhood the literal truth of his words. Jesus, perhaps thinking of this Psalm, said, “I am the good Shepherd.” Let us add to David’s words the words of Jesus found in John 10:1-18. Jesus speaks of sheep and shepherds 20 times. He says that “The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.”

Yesterday we read the Psalm of the CROSS. Today, the Psalm of the shepherd’s CROOK. Then in Psalm 24 we have the Psalm of the CROWN. Psalm 24:7-10 are also worthy of memorization. In the PAST, there is the finished work of Jesus on the CROSS! In the PRESENT, His shepherd’s CROOK is our constant source of guidance and protection! In the FUTURE, the CROWN…Jesus as “the King of Glory shall come in.” Amen! Amen! Amen!


Lord God, the third Psalm in today’s reading is my prayer. I pray for You to (1) “Show me Your ways,” (2) “Lead me in Your truth,” (3) “Remember Your tender mercies and Your loving-kindnesses,” (4) “Pardon my iniquity,” (5) “Turn Yourself to me, and have mercy on me,” (6) “Look on my affliction and my pain,” (7) “Forgive all my sins,” (8) “Keep my soul and deliver me,” (9) “Let me not be ashamed,” (10) Let integrity and uprightness preserve me.” ….. Amen!!!


I’m truly lifted up in my spirit as I sit at my laptop computer. I don’t know how anyone could read, “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in,” and not feel a surge of emotion! There’s another reason my spirit is lifted up…Happy 59th anniversary Norma-Jean! Thank you for your amazing commitment to me on September 19th, 1958 (see photo below). You are more beautiful to me than ever!!

The Islamic Sultan Suleiman in the 1500’s may have sealed up what is known as “The Golden Gate” (picture above), but when Messiah returns to the Mount of Olives, from which He ascended into Heaven (directly opposite the gate), a few stones will never hinder His entrance into the Temple Mount area. The angels said to the astonished and bewildered disciples of Jesus after He had ascended and disappeared from their sight, “This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into Heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into Heaven.” Suleiman, as a Muslim, said he believed that Jesus was a great prophet, but his Jesus was not the “SAME” Jesus. Suleiman did not believe in the death of Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb of God. He did not believe in the literal physical resurrection of Jesus out from among the dead who showed Himself alive by many infallible proofs. I’m expecting the return of the “SAME” Jesus of whom Psalms 22, 23 and 24 speak!!!

Yours for knowing and loving “THIS SAME JESUS” (see Acts 1:1-11),


P.S. Ron here again at Dad’s bedside in the hospital. Last night, here in his room, we had a glorious time of singing and communion together as a family. Dad was alert and enjoying the Presence of God with us. Although it seems Dad is nearing what David wrote of in today’s reading… “The valley of the shadow of death,” he certainly has no fear…only much comfort from the Presence of the “Shepherd.” Today is Dad and Mom’s 59th wedding anniversary. They will have a special time together in the hospital today. Thank you for your continued prayers and words of encouragement on the blog comment section. God bless you!

Our wedding day, September 19, 1958

Norma-Jean and me in 2013.

64 thoughts on “Tuesday, September 19, 2017

  1. God bless the Mainse family! Congratulations on 59 years of marriage! Wonderful! God has indeed blessed this marriage and this blog and the wonderful children and grand-children and great-grand-children!
    God bless the special celebration of this marriage between David and Norma-Jean!
    Thank you Ron for posting; bless your family and may God bless Reynold’s family also!
    Yes I also expect the return of the Same Jesus! May God grant the Mainse a very special blessing as they celebrate 59 years, may God heal David Mainse in Jesus Name AMEN!

    I posted a request for prayers as I had to deal with a company over some unpaid bills! I paid them but the company had no copies of paid bills! Today one of the Bank Managers, Megan, took the papers and will further investigate! Please pray that this situation will result in the company seeing that I did pay the bill! God knows I paid the bills!
    Thank you and God bless all the bloggers, I so enjoy the comments and the care and concern everyone shows toward David Mainse and his family and as well as to each other! THAT’S A GOOD THING!

  2. Thanks again, Ron, for keeping us informed. My ladies group at a Free Methodist church in Ottawa prayed for your father and the Mainse family yesterday morning. I have so appreciated this blog. Although we are reading about Jesus as the Great Shepherd, your father has been a shepherd in the service of the Great Shepherd, seeking and saving the lost. Congratulations to your parents on their 59th anniversary!
    Sah, I’m sorry for the problem with the bills. I’m prsying it will all be straightened out soon

  3. What a beautiful milestone -Happy Anniversary – thank you – and to all the family for work you do for the Kingdom of God- bringing us the blog daily I am so grateful.
    Praying for the family peace and comfort – God’s Blessing to all.

  4. Our prayer team at our local,Christian RadiomStation in Sudbury lifted David and your family up in prayer yesterday. So,many fond memories and all he has accomplished in his Christian journey. Some of our people had the privilege of meeting David in person as he visited us here in Sudbury.
    We just marvel,at this man of God and thank him for being the great man of faith that he represented over our nation.

    When I first became a “born again” in 1980, It was so good to have Huntley St. On the air to help me better understand the Bible. David is still helping christian better understand the power of God,s word through this daily blog.
    Thank you David Mainse for your faithfulness all of these years.
    Praying that David and his beautiful bride be blessed today as they celebrate their 59th anniversary.

  5. Dear David and Ron and extended family,
    On Sunday there was shared prayer for all of you in our Chapel healing service. Thank you for keeping us informed, through the blog, of reflections on stages in David’s God-blessed evangelical, pastoral, and family life. and his developing medical situation. What a wonderful God-incidence of those events with the blog readings. And just as David has taught and shown us a saintly example of how to live the Christian life, he is now giving us an outstanding Christian example of how to live during the approach of (potential) death (i.e. transition to another stage in Christian life). Congratulations, David and Norma-Jean, on your God-blessed lives together, and on the outstanding Christian families from which you came and which you have raised. Thank you for being such a great blessing in their and so many other lives. We pray God’s continuing blessings on you and all those you hold in your hearts. Again, profound thanks to you and to our triune God.

  6. Happy anniversary David and Norma Jean. Am continuing to pray for you, David, and for comfort for all the family. You have been a good and faithful steward.
    Audrey Smith



  7. Happy Anniversary.
    Praying for David, Norma Jean and family during this time. God is faithful. Certainly David has been faithful. God Bless

  8. As I look at the photos I am reminded of. ….. ‘May you grow old together with the ageless beauty of kind and gentle spirits’. Such an example David and Norma Jean have set for their family and for their ‘family in Christ ‘ around the world. My heart is full of thankfulness for each of you. I know you are in His Presence and I pray that hurting souls be brought to the truth of the message David shared as you walk with our Saviour through this time. Amen!
    Happy Anniversary David and Norma Jean.

  9. Happy Anniversary, David and Norma-Jean. May you cherish each other’s love, today, together. Thank you for the update, Ron. Prayers for all of you. I am overwhelmed with tears and emotion, of love and gratitude to your father and family. Memories of 100 Huntley Street and the face and voice of your father speaking through that television, reminding me when I was so lost as a teenager that Jesus loves me and is there for me, come to mind. Oh, to see the face of Jesus, David. What a glory for you, it will be!! Well done, oh good and faithful servant. Well done!! We love you! Blessings fellow saints in the Lord.

    To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. 1 Timothy 1:17 ESV

    All To Jesus I Surrender by Robin Mark Lyrics

    • Many years ago, God touched my mother in a most beautiful way through David. From that time until her death in 1981, she served the Lord Jesus with deep devotion, excitement and fire. Thank you, David for your unwavering faith and commitment. May The Lord Jesus bless you, Norma-Jean and your family in a special way at this time.

  10. Happy Anniversary David and Norma Jean. I appreciate the updates on David’s health. I feel that he is such an important part of my life that, even though we’ve never met, our spiritual connection is familial. 100 Huntley Street and David’s sincere and gentle demeanour stirred up my faith to where I gave my life to Jesus in 1993. I am a charismatic Catholic and I never felt judged or made to feel that, because I was Catholic, I was less committed to The Lord or unsaved when I watched Huntley, as I’m sometimes made to feel.
    David you love The Lord and share that love with people of all walks and faiths. Thank you for that.
    Bless you David. I’ll look forward to meeting you on the other side of the veil someday.

  11. Happy, Happy Anniversary!!! 59 years together hand in hand until the very end. Thank you Jesus for the peace and comfort you are giving all the Mainse family especially to Pastor David and Norma-Jean as they share this special day together. May they sense His Presence is a mighty, unmistakable way!!
    Pastor David will soon be hearing these words when God decides it is time, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant. Enter now into the presence of the Lord”

  12. Amazing Ron! Your time of worship and praise last night in your Father’s room together as a family. And today your 59th Wedding Anniversary dear David and Norma Jean! Happy Anniversary and may the Lord Jesus bless your day with many blessings there in the hospital. Feel such peace concerning David this morning and had to check this blog to see about his condition. Love, joy and peace on your special day! Amen!

  13. Here is another one for you, David…

    It Is Well With My Soul

    It Is Well With My Soul
    Horatio G. Spafford, 1873

    When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well with my soul. Refrain:
    It is well with my soul,
    It is well, it is well with my soul.

    Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
    Let this blest assurance control,
    That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
    And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
    My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!—
    My sin, not in part but the whole,
    Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
    For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
    If Jordan above me shall roll,
    No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
    Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
    But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
    The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
    Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
    Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul!
    And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
    The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
    The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
    Even so, it is well with my soul.

  14. What beautiful readings today, and what a special blessing that David and Norma Jean are still able to celebrate their Anniversary together today! Congratulations to them. We are so grateful for their lives and their example.They and their family have been a real blessing to Canada and many other places for so many years now.
    May the Lord wrap His arms of love around you all.

  15. Congratulations David and Norma Jean. I am so glad that you were able to celebrate your 59th anniversary yesterday with you family. My prayers are continuing daily for all of you. God bless you and surround you with His presence. PS. I am thinking of the hymn, TO GOD BE THE GLORY GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE. I can imagine Norma Jean singing it in her beautiful voice. Love from Eleanor M.

  16. Dear Ron and Family:

    Praying for you and your family as you travel through this valley. Your family has been such a blessing to me over the years and I pray that you may feel supported and blessed during these difficult days. May God’s grace and peace be upon you!

  17. Thank you Ron for keeping us (bloggers) in the loop.
    Your Dad has been a true example of the Great Shepherd to us all.
    “Dear Lord Jesus hold the Mainse family close to you as they journey this path you have for them. In the midst of sorrow may there be great joy and peace. Amen”
    Blessings on David and Norma Jean’s 59 years of marriage.
    You are loved, respected and appreciated.

  18. Congratulations on your anniversary, David and Norma Jean! What a wonderful milestone!

    I appreciate this blog and Bible reading so much…thank you David for your dedication in making it available to all of us.

    My husband and I are praying for you and your family. “The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms”

  19. Happy Anniversary David and Norma Jean.
    Blessings to all the Mainse family. Thank you for sharing your life and love for Chist with all the fellow bloggers. You have helped so many people and we thank you deeply.

  20. Happy 59th wedding anniversary to David and Norma-Jean! I am rejoicing that you two can be together on your very special day. My heart is overflowing with thankfulness for you both and for this ministry, through which I came to Jesus in 1979. God bless you both in amazing ways today.

  21. This is a note of praise and thanksgiving on behalf of all those,like myself,who have neglected to voice appreciation over the years……THANKYOU…David!!!! Peace and Blessings for you and your family at this most special of times!! Happy Anniversary to you and Norma Jean. love and blessings….Doreen

  22. Hello,Ron and David.Congratulations on 59 yr of wedded bliss,David and Norma Jean.What I feel has been expressed by others so I will not waste your time further.
    For my fellow bloggers,here is a short lesson by Joe Amaral on the Eastern gate related to the passage below and shown in today’s lesson:


    Ezekiel 44:1-2New King James Version (NKJV)

    The East Gate and the Prince
    44 Then He brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary which faces toward the east, but it was shut. 2 And the Lord said to me, “This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter by it, because the Lord God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut.

  23. Good morning Ron: Happy Anniversary to your parents….and know my prayers join the many others who are upholding your Dad and the whole family through this time.

  24. A Very Happy 59th Anniversary to Pastor David and Norma-Jean. Blessings to both of you as you spend time together.

    Prayers and blessings for the Mainse family and those at Crossroads.

    I’m sure too that our bloggers are emotionally bearing prayers at this time.

    Pastor David has been our Shepherd through the many years of Huntley St. And this blog.

    Thank you our faithful Shephetd. Love and prayers to all.

    • Yes. -well spoken.
      Praising God, too, for David and Norma-Jean and all their family and friends- World-wide!
      Sending ❤️ Love,

  25. Happy 59th wedding anniversary David and Norma Jean. May your day be filled with much joy, peace and love. Thank you David for all you have taught me through this blog. Thank you Ron for keeping us so well informed about your dad and for you and Ann continuing with this daily blog.

    Praying for all of you.

  26. Happy 59th Anniversary, dear David and Norma- Jean! What a milestone !
    May you experience unexpected blessings today, as you celebrate this very special occasion.
    Thank you both , and your whole family , for your commitment and godly example.
    You are loved and appreciated by so many. As you have poured yourselves into the ministry and the lives of so many, may it be poured back to you “pressed
    down, shaken together and ruining over”

    Lifting you all up in prayer .

  27. What a gift… to celebrate your anniversary together. The Lord knows our hearts.
    May our Loving Shepherd carry you in His strong, gentle Healing Arms today.

  28. Thank you, Ron.
    Surely David has ben God’s messenger to our country through the years. I have read the Bible through a number of times using the books from Huntley Street. there is a deep sadness in my being about his illness, but thankful too for the presence of the Shepherd and He is above all.

  29. Happy Anniversary, David & Norma-Jean! I pray that your celebration together today is very precious and sweet. You have both been an amazing example to us – a true model of faithfulness to each other and to God’s calling on your lives. May God bless you both!

  30. Happy 59th anniversary David and Norma Jean. You both have been a shinning example to all of Canada what a Christian marriage looks like God bless you both.My prayers for you and your family continue.

  31. I agree with all the above comments…. so i say a happ y Anniversary
    To you both. I am so happy you were able enjoy this day together Love
    to you both God Bless you . Love Rosemarie…

  32. We are praying for you David and your wonderful wife and family. We have been so blessed by you and your family and want you to know you are in the Lord’s hands as always – you inspire us as a role model with your attitude and life. Thank you!!

  33. Happy 59th Wedding Anniversary to a Dynamic Couple We are praying for u David. . May you and Norma Jean be blessed with God’s choicest blessings, peace, love, understanding and healing. Reg and I celebrate our 59th on Oct. 18th 2017.

  34. What a beautiful couple!!! Blessings on your 59th Wedding Anniversary, as you spend these wonderful hours together near each other in the hospital room!! God Bless you all as you “wait upon the Lord” and as you celebrate this day!!
    Praise Jesus for the Mainse family; in particular for the years David and Norma-Jean have had together. Thank you Lord for their commitment to You, and to each other all these years.
    I’ve been blessed to have met you, and to hear your words of Wisdom and encouragement David. I recall your thoughtfulness Norma-Jean as we returned to Toronto from the “Journey of Hope” tour to Israel (2001). I was waiting for my son to pick me up; you saw me there and wanted to know if I was okay, or needed a ride. I thank you again for your concern:) God bless you and your loved ones at this difficult time. Jesus hold them in the Palm of Your hand I pray, in Your Holy Name, Amen!!

  35. Happy 59th Anniversary David and Norma Jean! I feel as if I know you both personally as I have followed the 100 Huntley Street programming for many years and have been so tremendously blessed! Thank you so much, both of you, for your faithfulness and for your entire family’s faithfulness throughout these many years! I love you all and my prayers are with you all!!

  36. Prayers for you, Sah, trusting God to work out the situation with your bills.

    Congratulations to David & Norma-Jean as you celebrated your 59th Wedding Anniversary. What a great milestone in your lives. What a great partnership throughout all these years! What “a great blessing to have..and be able to enjoy “this great moment!”… I would love them to be able to reach their 60th but rejoice in this day the Lord has given to them!

    Thank you Ron for keeping up to date with your dad’s journey. It is a step by step journey for David, for Norma-Jean, for each member of the the Mainse Family – and for all of us who are affected – lifting David and all – in prayer.

    I am reminded of a verse of a song and it’s chorus, and a song about “Heaven” …one, as we live our lives on earth…and the other, as we head towards our Heavenly home…..

    “Jesus, Saviour, I will follow,
    Follow just where Thou shalt lead,
    Tough the path bring pain or sorrow,
    Thou wilt meet my every need.

    “Walk with me, walk with me,
    All the way from earth to heaven,
    blessed Master, Walk with me”.

    “Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    Thou art with me!!”

    “I hve a home that is fairer than day,
    And m dear Saviour has shown me the way;
    Oft when I’m sad and temptations arise,
    I look to my home far away.

    My home is in Heaven, there is no parting there,
    All will be happy, glorious, bright and fair,
    There’ll be no sorrow, there will be no tears,
    In that bright hoe far away.

    Friends I shall see who have journeyed before,
    And landed safe on that beautiful shore;
    I shall see Jesus, that will be my joy,
    In that bright home fare away.

    O who will journey to Heaven with me?\
    Jesus has died hat we all may befree;
    Come then to Him who has laid up for you
    A crown in the home far away.
    Author:Ada Garnett

    “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to A LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, TO OBTAIN AN INHERITANCE which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, RESERVED IN HEAVEN FOR YOU, who ARE PROTECTED by the power of God through faith”
    1 Peter 1:3-5

    • TY Samuel Fame May God continue to bless you and your family abundantly! Your prayers are very heart warming!

      In the Name of Jesus Christ Lord of all Nations I rebuke the devil! he is nothing! Our Lord God reigns over all and He will bring peace to my situation! Blessings


  38. Happy Anniversary David and Norma Jean. You are two beautiful precious people. Thank you for all you years of ministry to God’s people.
    May the Lord bestow extra special blessings on you this anniversary day.

    Thank you Ron for keeping us informed – helps us to pray better
    Bless you and all your families

  39. Happy Anniversary David and Norma Jean!
    What a beautiful couple you are. Enjoy this blessed day together with your family.
    Thank you for your years of faithful ministry and for this blog.
    We feel blessed to have had the opportunity of meeting you both on the Israel
    trip in 2013. (as well as Ron and Ann). It was the trip of a lifetime and one we will always remember fondly.
    David, I’m continuing to pray for your healing. Thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thank you Ron for continuing to keep us all informed.
    God Bless you.

  40. Happy 59th Anniversary dear David and Norma Jean, my husband and I send our love and we are praying for you both daily, the Lord bless you both richly, I want to thank you both for your daily ministry to our country Canada for giving us daily Christian Television, your ministry has blessed me so much over the years,
    with love and prayers
    Gayle and Beth Cooper

  41. Happy 59th Anniversary David & Norma Jean,
    You both are such an inspiration to us all. We are continuing to keep you all in our prayers. Much love.

  42. I have always being touched by the stories David Mainse shared with us! In particular he was honest about many things! The story about David and the apple; That spoke volumes to me!
    Sometimes we do not acknowledge our insecurities and it is easy to embelish things, HOWEVER, God knows the truth and sometimes it takes years to get the truth out, but if we trust the Lord He will help us bring the truth to the surface;;;;we then find out that many more people have such stories…….
    forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us!
    God bless you David and your beautiful bride, Norma-Jean! God continue to bless your marriage and your ministry…..thank you in Jesus Name we Pray amen

  43. Happy Anniversary David and Norma Jean. What a truly beautiful bride and groom, then and now. How unfortunate that you have to spend your 59th anniversary in the hospital, but as long as you are together right! I’m praying for you David, as everyone is. We are all selfish and want you to get well and be with us for a long time yet, but it’s up to God really, but He knows how much we love you and still need you here. It was you that brought me to know Jesus so many, many years ago when I tuned into Huntley Street. Keep well brother David.

  44. Happy 59th Anniversary David and Norma-Jean! My prayers are with you, God has a plan, and it is the best plan!………Hoping for a mighty miracle!…………Quality Life, No Pain, and joy unspeakable!…….Another chapter for your next book!

  45. Happy Anniversary David and Norma-Jean Mainse. You have been such a tremendous blessing to me and to so many others. You and your family are in my prayers.

  46. Blessings prayed for our compassionate shepherds David & Norma-Jean celebrating in Rembrance & reflections of 59 years of marriage together.
    Blessings prayed upon each family member as you commemorate the love &’devotion you’ve witnessed; even more so now as you experience an ever deepening love with Holy encounters .
    I’m feeling very emotional as it brings memories of precious moments with my Mother & Father in these ‘entering into Gods Presence times’.
    Thank you Ron for sharing glimpses with us. This is how your Dad always was ‘so real’. He touched my innermost being when I was so lonely & happened to watch Huntley street …..making a difference in my daily life.
    Since then this program has been the highlight of my day.
    Watching and listening to you and your family members along with the others on 100 Huntley Street has given me joy and purpose for sharing and caring,
    I’m grateful for Davids blog and how you and your family help to keep it going.
    Many times through the day and night I’m interceding.
    Sincerely in Jesus Name ‘ Thine Will be done ‘.

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