Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 31
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Children surround a mother as she tells of the past and shares wisdom. Moses said to gather the “little ones” that they may hear, learn and observe (Deuteronomy 31:12). These followers of Jesus encourage all who visit “The Nazareth Village” to follow Jesus too!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 31:23b
Be strong and of good courage; for you shall bring the Children of Israel into the land of which I swore to them, and I will be with you.
Twice Moses said the words of our key verse to Joshua. We need to speak words of encouragement to leaders…Happy birthday Moses! (verse 2). For a reluctant leader, you’ve done fairly well. Yes, you’ve had some failures, and for that reason you are not leading your people into the Promised Land. You were a war-time leader. The nations through which you led the former slaves were determined to destroy you, but with the help of God, you won many battles. Now it’s up to the new leader to win the war. Moses, you showed up on the Mount of Transfiguration to encourage Jesus as He faced death in the most decisive battle in human history (Matthew 17:1-8). Thank you, Moses, for your faithfulness to God’s call.
It’s interesting to note the words “God said” and “Moses said.” Believing in the verbal inspiration of Scripture means that we have an accurate account. It’s good history. It doesn’t mean that Moses always, without fail, said and did all that God wanted him to say and do. After all, he was a human leader. Jesus always got it right. He’s the Leader we seek to follow (check out John 8:25-29).
Dear Jesus, You ALWAYS said and did what pleased Your Father. Like Moses, I’m very human. I confess I made mistakes in my leadership. Because of these errors in judgment, I’ve not entered into all of Your perfect plans for me and for those I have led. I’ve asked forgiveness and You have granted it. Now I pray that You’ll guide and direct the new leadership, and please give me the grace to encourage them more and more. Amen!
I remember the old song, “Home On The Range.” Some of the words are, “…where seldom is heard a discouraging word.” I want so very much to be an encourager, particularly of our leadership in the Church, in missions and evangelism, yes, even in government, and specifically in the ministry that sponsors this blog, Crossroads Christian Communications Incorporated, both in Canada and in the USA. Our CEO is Lorna Dueck. She has a worldwide vision for communicating the message of Jesus, both for people’s eternal salvation and also in obedience to Jesus, caring for those who need food, water, medical care, and in general all who need deliverance from evil. Click here to learn more about Lorna.
Yours for encouraging God’s leaders. Let’s help them all to have the best year ever in God’s cause during 2017!!!
Thank you Pastor David for your words of wisdom in presenting this blog…Lord Jesus, I pray for your continued love and health to enfold Pastor David and Norma-Jean and those within the leadership of Crossroads Communication. I pray in Your Mighty Name Jesus for the financial need of this ministry to be fulfilled. Thank you Jesus, Amen!!
Amen!! Thank you for this encouragement in prayer. God bless all with peace and good health.
Amen Irene.
to David Mainse
Your prayer is my prayer also! I too have made many mistakes, I confessed my mistakes, God has forgiven all my sins, I also ask the Lord to guide and give me wisdom and to be an encourager to others! In Jesus Name I Pray AMEN
Amen SAH..my prayer as well!
Amen…and my prayer too.
Who is watching the blog from Crossroads? This is the third time in the past week it has not been posted at 6 am on the correct day. Will look again, later, for Tuesday, January 3rd to be posted.
Jan. 3rd. Do not see the blog for today. Is this the case with others? Ger
Yes this blog has been posted before. It came late yesterday too.
However I pray it will get sorted out and that everyone will have a good day on this very wet day in Ontario.
Blessings to all and good health for 2017.