Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 29-30
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

At Timna Park, 20 miles north of Eilat, a life-sized replica of the biblical Tabernacle has been constructed. While no original materials (e.g. gold, silver, bronze) have been used, the model is accurate in every other way based upon the biblical description. This “Holy Place” of the Tabernacle housed the golden lampstand, the altar of incense and table of showbread. The lampstand (menorah) was beaten and fashioned out of a single block of gold and had three branches coming out of each side of the central shaft. The seven lamps on top of the branches were likely round saucers with pinched rims which held the wick and olive oil.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 30:14-15
But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it. See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil…
HAPPY NEW YEAR to my blog friends…May God bless you in amazing ways in 2017!!!
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). When God first called Moses to lead the Children of Israel out of slavery, Moses tried to avoid the task by telling God that he had problems speaking (check out Exodus 4:10-16). In our readings over the past few days, it’s obvious that after 40 years of leadership, Moses no longer had a problem speaking. Four times in today’s reading Moses stresses, “Keep the words of this covenant and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do” (Deuteronomy 29:9).
The Apostle Paul quotes our key verse in Romans 10:8 and then gives us some powerful words of assurance of our eternal salvation. Romans 10:8-15 tells us that when we speak our faith in Jesus, who is Himself “the Word of God,” we truly have “life and good.” Amen!
Lord God, thank You for the gift of speaking. Please grant that we will never speak “death and evil” by gossip, slander, half truths, and other destructive words. May my words always speak life and good in this New Year of 2017. I pray In the Name of the One whose words are most powerful, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, Amen!
In Grade 10 high school I was given a book of words. The title on the cover was “WORDS ARE IMPORTANT.” The student sitting next to me changed the title to read, “WORDS AREN’T IMPORTANT.” Learning new words every day was truly important, I discovered. When God made it clear to me that my vocation (calling) was to become an ordained minister of Christ, I realized that a large part of carrying out my responsibilities was my use of words. Words are my trade, my means of communicating God’s message to precious people. One of the greatest communicators during the 20th century was Malcolm Muggeridge. On the BBC, he debated such people as Bertrand Russell, the noted agnostic. In my opinion, Muggeridge won the debates. He and his wife Kitty appeared on 100 Huntley Street to give their witness for Christ. He also was our narrator for The Scroll, a musical masterpiece composed by Bruce Stacey, which was the centrepiece of our Crossroads sponsored pavilions at several World Expos. The epitaph on Muggeridge’s tombstone reads, “HE USED WORDS WELL.”
“WOW! It’s 2017! Two years ago on New Years eve I was presented with Superman pyjamas. Ron took my picture and his son Adam doctored it. God promises that if we wait on Him, among other things, we will mount up on wings as eagles.
A blessed New Years to the Mainse’s family and to everyone who shares their thoughts on this blog!
I am so thankful for this blog! I get great encouragement from reading the blogs! Let us always pray for one another!
The picture of David is super cool!
Those pj onesie’s are very popular, just about everyone who comes swimming has these on when they leave, when my children were younger I always brought their pj’s along to change into if the evening went on, that way they could go straight to sleep when we got home! They are very comfortable!
I pray everyone will stay as healthy as you can; I pray for grace and mercy and wisdom in our countries, I pray for our leaders to listen and respect one another, I pray for our families to come together and support and help each other……….
Thank You, Lord God, for the Word and being the root of our salvation. Thank you, superman David, for 100 Huntley Street and We are so blessed. This past year has been an especially difficult one with loss, pain and hurt. But I thank God for reminding me that beneath all the struggles, the incredible gift of forgiveness is the root by which we are freed. When we see forgiveness as the light through the darkness, and take the higher road to embrace it, rather than hold onto people and pain, miracles unfold in our lives. There is no greater truth, and we place our faith in Him–it is all because of Jesus! Wishing all saints a Happy New Year and already thanking Him for the newness and greatness that it brings for 2017.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor 3:17 NIV
“Break Every Chain” Tasha Cobbs, First Baptist Church of Glenarden WOW!
To each and everyone of my sisters and brothers a very happy new year! May the Lord bless you and His face shine upon you.
Love your sister in Christ Lucienne
Indeed God never made us robots… our choice and continues willingness to Obey Him opened our eyes and hearts to see God’s Wonderful Purposes and Provision for us in Christ. I’ve changed my ‘posting times’ on my ‘Home of Faith and Fun’ facebook page: KOTTON CANDY ( htttps:// ) to try to ensure that I reach as many of the 23,000 folk connected to it, join with David as early as possible in their day, across the globe. Many are in India and Nigeria. God Bless you David.
Sorry- that linked above to my fb page was incorrect …
it is
Happy New Year David & Norma Jean and your family. I have been getting an email from Pureflix Canada under the name of Crossroads Christian Communication, and they want me to fill in and subscribe, etc. which I feel is spam. Please email or phone me and confirm what is going on. I never signed for this and they said that I subscribed to this.
I too received the Purefix e-mails and believe it is a result of a free promotion arranged by Lorna Dueck and her Crossroads team.
You can delete the e-mail if you are not interested.
Blessings to all for 2017!!!!!!!….to continue what You have started… Lord…in each one of us….we know You will continue until the day of Jesus Christ…
Amen! Janina.
Happy New Year to you & Norma Jean. May God’s richest Blessing be yours as you continue to provide this invaluable resource, which we daily enjoy.
Happy NEW Year David, Norma Jean and all who are following! It’s a year of restoration, renewal and rejoicing in HIS Holy name! Bless you all!
Happy New Year to you Pastor David and the entire Mainse Family, also to the 100 Huntley St. and Cross Roads Family.
Shirley I do not think it is spam. Pureflix is like Netflix only is has Christian Movies. The were talking about it on 100 Huntley St. where anyone who has subscribe to Huntley St would be given a month’s free trial as of of Dec 25 and if interested could pay $8.00 per month to continue.
Happy New Year to you David and your whole wonderful family. Thank you for your faithfulness in producing your daily blog. You have been a blessing to me and my family and I am so grateful for you! Praise God for you!
Thanks You, Lord God, for all Your faithful people. Please bless, strengthen and embolden us to share the best news ever of what God has done, is doing, and will do for us. Please help us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow You. In Jesus’ always-faithful Name, amen
Thank you David for teaching the Word in an interesting way. Thank you Lord for bringing us to 2017 and help us to live out each day with your anointing, strength and blessing. I am anticipating God to do great things! Happy New Year to all!
Love your SUPERMAN PJ’S.
David Mainse THANK YOU for your Blog and Vlog.
Im with you now since you first started my 3rd time through the bible with you and everyone day I learn more, thank you for being such a wonderful great servant of God by teaching me so much.
I love you.
Not only are words important but the integrity of the speaker Thank you for your example over these many years
Truly God has been so good. My prayer each day continues to be Psalm 143:8
And trust even at 85 to show me the way I should go
Blessings in the new year for you and your family
I guess that makes Norma Jean ‘Wonder Woman’, David? I used ‘Words Are Important’ in high school too. It was an excellent tool that has proved a blessing across the years.
Thanks again for the trip to Israel we so enjoyed with the pair of you two years ago. We can so much better relate to all the news concerning Israel these days. Some of the ‘experts’ doing all the dividing of Israel had better find some consultants who know Scripture. The Lord says they are wasting their time. Unknowingly, they seem to be setting things in place for the Battle of Armaggedon. Blessings to you and yours.
A new year! YES forgiveness is a must! No matter how much we dislike something or someone, at the end of the day we need to forgive, the situation may always remain YUK! BUT we need to forgive daily!
I have had so many WHACKY WILD incidents happen since Dec 24!!!! BUT I have forgiven all the nonsense, I am thankful for the prayer line which is available 24/7 at Crossroads 1-866-273-4444 and the prayers partners are incredible and so caring and professional when praying for anyone! I’m glad that prayer line is there for anyone….
many of you have prayed for me and I ask for continued prayer support, I’m in debt very deep~ Needs a financial breakthrough to clear debts and help family/friends/missions in my community……thank you for praying
Lord Jesus I pray for a miraculous financial breakthrough for Sah! I pray for your wisdom for her for what steps to take to get out of debt. Jesus I pray for peace of mind and for Your Joy to fill her heart at this difficult time. Amen!!
Happy 2017 to you Pastor David, Norma-Jean and the entire Crossroads family.
Praying God’s continue blessings upon you and all our blog family.
Thank you for showing us the path which we are to follow through daily bible readings and explanations.
finally am on track, and with the opportunity to extend “A HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR TO ALL!!
I did not receive a blog in my e-box on January 2, 2017…although the date above say January 2, 2017
thank you Irene for your continued prayer for me! God bless you!
Happy New Year every one thank you for your prayers
Happy new year David we are watching your house in Florida still is beautiful trusting God for your healing &a ability to enjoy all your God has given you. PS we missed Today’s blog yesterday’s blog was repeated so we read the next two chapters in anticipating the Jan 2nd blog .
To the Mainse family, and all my fellow bloggers, blessings for the New Year!
May the Lord watch over your coming and going, both now and forever more.
Psalm 121:8.
Happy Nerw Year trusting God for your total healing your beautiful house is awaiting your arrival chapel starts tomorrow would love for you to speak please check your blog today it was a repeat of yesterday love you & Norma Jean
Jan. 2, Have not received any blog today yet. God bless you. Ger
I just about died and seeing the pic of you flying helped me realize I am still here God still wants me around as he does YOU…thank you for all your inspiration over the years.
Still waiting for today’s blog.Thanks and God bless
I had forgotten I had written this:
Happy New Year
At this time each and every year
We reflect back on that road of life
To see the loved ones we hold near
And to bury the hurt with the strife,
So may this change be your treasure
As you walk down this new road
And may you find joy without measure
And the faith to lighten your load.
GW (Bill) Marshall /Jan 01, 2016
Happy&healthy New Year! to everyone!
No blog today?
no blog today? In Jesus Name, I pray all is well with you Pastor David!!
Happy New Year dear David and Norma Jean. We wish you a very blessed and healthy 2017. We continue to pray for you daily and for the ministry of Crossroads that you founded! We are so blessed to read through the Bible with you yet again ! We trust that God’s healing hands will continue to be on you dear friend and that God will continue to use you for His glory. Your passion for souls and for His kingdom to continually expand is contagious and we are so inspired by your encouragment everyday to not just live life for ourselves .Much love to you and the big Mainse family!