Today’s Reading: Mark 1
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This is the synagogue in Capernaum, the town where Jesus lived and taught. This late fourth century A.D. “White Synagogue” was built upon the remains of the earlier “Synagogue of Jesus.”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, Click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 1:17
Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
The word “immediately” is repeated seven times here. Do you think that God is seeking our attention and wants to motivate us to ACTION? From the moment Simon (Peter), Andrew, James and John met Jesus, their priorities were radically changed. Number one is Jesus! And Jesus, Himself, takes on the job of MAKING these fishermen “fishers of MEN.” “IMMEDIATELY they left their nets and followed HIM” (Mark 1:18). “What Would Jesus Do?” became most important to them (“WWJD”). Jesus delivered a man from an unclean spirit; He emphasized Peter’s family as a priority by healing his mother-in-law; Jesus healed people and cast out demons; Jesus rose early to pray privately; Jesus preached; Jesus recognized the role of the Jewish priest, and much more. Follow Him and He makes us all He desires us to become.
Lord Jesus, You promised to “make me” as long as I follow You. Here I am, Your follower. Reading this blog daily is one way I’m following Your Word and Your work. I pray that You will live in me and work through me today. There are immediate needs all around me. Please help me not to procrastinate but to act today with all the love and power with which You are loving and acting. I pray this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!
I’m receiving feedback from blog readers that the two-year program of reading through the Bible is working so far. Many have said that they’ve tried a one-year program, but found they failed to comprehend well what they were reading. The two-year plan allows us to assimilate (make part of ourselves) God’s thoughts as expressed in His Words. One of the advantages is that anyone can start on any day and complete the Bible reading two years from that day. I find that by moving from Matthew to Genesis to Mark and back and forth from the Greek Scriptures to the Hebrew Scriptures brings not only variety but balance.
“Immediately” speaks to me. I’m 80 on August 13th, and at 18, while a public school teacher, I began to preach. Eventually, by following Jesus, a new congregation was planted in the Chalk River/Deep River area of Ontario. That Church is thriving today. I simply could not wait ’til after my theological education to start preaching. The opportunity was there and following Jesus means stepping out of my comfort zone and working for Him.
Yours for WWJD and action “immediately!”
By design, God planned to bring people unto Himself so that they may be saved. The most efficient way was through relationship, so here we see Jesus connecting with others, so that we might also go into the world and connect through relationship as well. We can’t underestimate the power of a personal relationship with others, this is the area in which God works, where His Spirit can move and change lives. So the next time that we really connect with an un-believer, know that God is at work in that relationship and that it could be a real life changing God-moment for that person. We are ambassadors for Christ in this lost world, He has entrusted us with much, let us not take it for granted.
Oh Lord God, we are Your fishers of men and we seek to glorify You and Your Kingdom, here, on earth, as it is in heaven. Yes, we seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness and know that all these things, will be added unto us. Amen, amen, and amen. Wishing all saints a blessed day in the Lord.
“so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12 ESV
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God
I enjoy the two-year reading program through the Bible. Thanking you Pastor David, and all those who assist you by getting the blog ready every day again.
It is ‘Manna’ for the soul.
Blessings to one and all.
Thank you again,David.I’m well past my 2 yr mark seeking more nourishment and receiving it.I began writing poems right-out-of-the-blue just before I was due to be baptized in the ocean at Camp Pagweak,NS,June 26,2011.I was led,relunctantly,to a ministry of writing poems for those who lost children,for about a year and a half to two yr and sporadically still.This poem is not one of those.God bless
What Would Jesus Do?
What would Jesus do,if He were here today,
Would He still see hope in we who follow
And bring back the many gone astray,
Filling the void in this land so hollow.
What would Jesus say to those with no light,
Would He remind them of His Father’s love
That shines in those with souls so bright,
Whereby they’ll share His home above.
What would Jesus do with hearts of stone,
Would He warn them of Hell’s damnation
Where together they suffer all alone,
As so many will find from this great nation.
What would Jesus do where all else failed,
Should He climb back upon His cross,
To let them see where He was nailed;
He did it once to save our eternal loss.
What would you do to pay that holy debt,
Would you wait to feel the fires of Hell
Or would you see the Devil’s threat,
Where so many will hear sin’s last knell.
G W(Bill) Marshall /April 21, 2013
Thank you for making the commitment to lead us through this third two year cycle of daily fresh bread. It must have been difficult when you were in hospital. Thanks to Ron and Ann for helping with the many technical aspects of this blog.
Congratulations on your 80th birthday coming in August.
As we surrender to the Lord, he will “make us to become” fishers of men. Looking forward to all He can do through us. Campmeeting in Maine starts today. God bless you saints!
I am reading along with you all. I feel so up lifted after reading and praying with you David. Thank you that you are listening to our Lord and Saviour. The ripple effect is amazing. God bless!
David,whenever anyone is talking with me about a problem they are dealing with,and asks my advice,I always use WWJD. I am delighted to see you referring to WWJD today.The wisdom of the readings and your responses to them, should be read by EVERYONE. What a different world it would be if this were so. Thank you David. You are a blessing to us all.
I saw an elderly man in McDonald’s today reading a red letter Bible. I went over and touched him on the arm and gave him a thumbs up! I told him about the blog and also about your upcoming birthday (and age), he said he was just a little younger than you but his birthday is also in August. I hope to see him again next week. I wouldn’t miss a day of 100 words.
Amen, Doreen!
Pastor David thank you for your emphasis on the “immediately” they followed Him…would that we would respond so quickly to His call, His invitation!!!
Thank You Jesus for Your invitation to eternal life…the Gift of eternal life!!!