Today’s Reading: Matthew 15
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The present-day entrance to the historic village of Capernaum. The sign reads “Capernaum The Town of Jesus.”
Key Verse: Matthew 15:9
And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
The third commandment (Exodus 20), “You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain,” includes worship not founded solidly on a true understanding of God’s Word. Moses, upon his descent from Sinai, discovered the people worshipping with the practices of the religion of Egypt. Satan went into the religion business because he wanted to be worshipped. What Lucifer failed to receive in Heaven, he convinces men to invent on earth. The ancient temples of Egypt were an effort to copy the approach to God in Heaven with “the god of this world” depicted by an image in the inner chamber. Daily, daily, daily read God’s Word.
Dear Lord Jesus, I worship God in Your Name with an ever-increasing understanding of the Scriptures. I read, mark, inwardly digest the written Word, the Bible. You promised the “Spirit of truth ” (John 16:13) will guide me into all Truth. I ask now for that guidance as I meditate on Your Word. Amen!
In my first year of Bible College, I was required to memorize 50 Bible verses. I had learned memory verses in Sunday School, but this was different. I was required to quote all 50 verses one after the other. I’ll never forget the aftermath of that exercise. I took my Bible and hugged it to my heart, walking up and down the hall, worshipping God for the gift of His precious Word. The Holy Spirit transferred the Word from my head only, deeply into my innermost being. The result? “Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11).
Yours for a pure heart,
P,S. This Sunday is Father’s day. I’ve just read John 4:20-24. The pictures below are from when I preached on Father’s Day in 2014. Looking back to pleasant, God-blessed days is an encouragement.

Myles’ dad, Todd Neilson and Papa, Bruce Stacey, were on the platform with me as I presented Myles with a special book from his Great-Grampa. The book contains 50 responses from my blog partners to Myles’ question (see blog posting from August 28, 2013).
There’s always a need for concern when someone replaces the gospel for man-made doctrine or man-made ritual. Not that there may be anything wrong in and of itself with ‘religion’ or religious philosophy, It’s just that it’s so easy to take our focus, our eyes off the Lord in the best of times without ‘religion’ muddying up the waters. It takes discipline, a willingness to heed the Holy Spirit, a commitment to reading and to act upon God’s Word, and a regular conversation (prayer), and relationship with the Lord to help keep our eyes totally fixed upon Jesus and not be swayed by doctrines or religions of man. I pray that we might all keep our eyes fixed solely upon Jesus and not upon man or man-made objects of affection. Amen.
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word.vs11( David says) “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee. Therein lies the answer to Dillen Millard and Mark Smitch’s dilemmas and every other young person who has gone astray. Yes, I know, we’ve ALL sinned and ALL come short of HIS glory and there is none righteous. The world has laughed and mocked at the church down through the ages and still does and for the one who continues to sin against this Holy GOD,-he will pay a dear price. At some point in our lives, some of us “wake up” and turn to JESUS upon hearing the word, repent and become born again. Would to GOD today thousands yea millions would turn to CHRIST WHO is able to save to the uttermost those who will come to the Savior is my prayer for today. Wisemen still seek HIM.
Rev. Terrence (Terry) Felvus -Grassie
What a precious story about your grandson. Those blogs are an encouragement to me as well. God Bless!!
Oh how I remember the story of Myles. How is he doing today?
Thank you Pastor David for you daily encouragement to stay connected to Our Saviour through The Word and for your explanations along with Reynold’s pictures. We are truly blessed and fed fresh manna each day. Prayers and blessings for those in need.
Thank you David for all your personal words I to remember your story about
your grandson Myles. I don’t think I can remember 50 verses from Gods word
have a wonderful day everyone
Lianne Hogg
Amen, Lianne!
Meditating on your statement about taking the Lord’s name in vain David. Does that help explain what it says in Matthew 7:22-23?”Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” We are living in perilous times. I remember little Myles and his questions as well. God bless him and all of you.
Strong scripture this morning, from our Lord Jesus. Yes, those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and defile us. We must make our minds and hearts and bodies right with the Word of God. Amen. Wonderful memory with Myles, David! Hope you are feeling better, today. God’s blessings, dearest saints, in the Lord.
“And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God.”
Deut 28:1-3 ESV
Trust and Obey, Big Daddy Weave
Amen to your prayer today David! I was moved by your personal words- challenging myself to memorize 50 Bible verses. I love your blog it’s changed my life! Thank you! Blessings to you and all bloggers!
praying for you David M. God keep you well
Please pray for me. I am having such a hard time coming to terms with my brothers slip back to drug addiction. I don’t know if he is alive or not. I pray to God daily, hourly in fact. This time around it is so hard. I miss him.
Lord Jesus, I pray that Donna would be able to release her brother to You Holy Spirit to draw him into the Kingdom of Light out of the Kingdom of darkness.
I pray for the “Peace of God that passes all understanding to guard your heart and mind Donna as you rest in the Lord:
Math 11:28-30 Jesus said: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” NLT Study Bible.
Yes Lord, I pray for Donna’s brother’s deliverance. You know where he is at right now so protect him Lord and give him a desire to be free. Draw him Father to yourself and set him free in Jesus Name. Amen!