Sunday, June 5, 2016


Today’s Reading: Matthew 3-4

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Sunrise over the Galilee. It’s a new day and a new beginning for Now is the opportunity to begin with thousands of others this two-year journey through the world’s runaway bestseller, the Bible. I’ve proven that in the one-year journey, approximately 70% don’t complete reading every word in the Bible!!! But in the two-year commitment at least 70-75% actually succeed at the challenge of reading every word!!!


Key Verses: Matthew 3:14 & 4:19

“I have need to be baptised by You and are You coming to me?”… “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”


Later in Matthew 11:2-15 Jesus says, “There has not been one greater than John the Baptist.” Such a great man needed Jesus!

What was the evidence of John’s greatness?

(1) A great message! “Repent!” Turn from your own way and go God’s way (Matthew 3:2).

(2) Humility! He did not consider himself a great personality, just a “VOICE!” (Matthew 3:3).

(3) John recognized his own need. “I have need to be baptised by You” (Matthew 3:14).

John the Baptist, according to Luke’s Gospel, was named by an angel. His birth was prophesied in advance, and he was eventually beheaded because of his stand for Truth. What a great man! Yet he confessed to Jesus, “I need You.” THIS IS GREATNESS!!!


Jesus, John needed You, and I need You desperately! I’m confident that, as the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:19, “God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” I pray for the grace of Your daily supply! Amen!!!


Watching TV or reading newspapers, I have from time to time talked back to the screen toward the person whose troubles have just been exposed, “YOU NEED JESUS!” 

His timing may not be to our liking. I remember the singer Jimmy McDonald saying on the 100 Huntley Street TV show, that there are four ways God answers prayer:

  1. NO (It’s not the best for you, at least at the present time).
  2. GROW (We must change first in order to handle wisely the answer to our prayers).
  3. SLOW (Circumstances must change first. God is committed to working within the free will of others).
  4. GO (This is God’s “YES!” and we can expect results soon).

Listen very carefully and you will hear God’s answer.

Yours with much love,


P.S. Please send me a comment letting me know you’re starting with me for the next 730 days, providing God gives the graces of continuity, consistency, and what I like to call, plain old sanctified stubbornness…the determination to “never, never, never give up!” Those five words made up the entire content of a school graduation speech made by the “Man of the Century” (20th), Winston Churchill!!!


144 thoughts on “Sunday, June 5, 2016

    • I look forward daily to your blog. It certainly has been a blessing to me. Have followed it for a couple of years. Truly a blessing. Pray that other family and friends will join us. Thank you ! !

  1. Jesus had a mission, He knew who He was and what He was to accomplish. In chapter 4, Jesus spoke with authority when He made the call to Peter & Andrew to follow Him …. and they did. He taught, preached, healed the sick and “great multitudes followed Him”. I believe that if we are willing to follow Jesus today; to be adhere to His teaching, to be sensitive to His gospel of love, to be open to being healed by His touch, then we too can all be a part of Jesus’ mission to this lost and dying world today.

  2. Yes, David, I am with you, for this third round of going through the Bible. I have sent your blog to my children and grandchildren too, with the hope that my entire family will be growing in grace and knowledge of our gracious Lord Jesus.

  3. thank you David! May God continue to bless you and give you strength to keep this blog going. I have shared same with friends and I receive a blessing each day I read and meditate on it. Having been to Israel and Jordan, I love Reynold’s pictures and the links you attach.

  4. This is my third time starting this venture with you, I can’t say that I’ve read your blog each day, hopefully this will be the time that I do.

  5. I am along for the journey again. I started back in the fall of 2012.
    The Lord’s faithfulness and yours are a great inspiration to me.
    Thank you for your commitment and I pray that the Lord will bless
    you abundantly!

  6. With you, again, David, and looking forward to every word. Beautiful sunset over the Sea of Galilee. Enjoying the heavenly sound of rain in the trees and birds chirping, this morning. Wishing all saints a precious day, in the Lord.

    “…let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” Hebrews 12:1–2, NKJV

    Hillsong Worship – Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) – Worship Lyric Video

  7. I promise to follow your blog daily to the best of my ability. I praise God for healing you and renewing your strength.

  8. I am with you. I save on my iPod daily journal entries of thoughts and conversations I experience with Jesus while reading each day’s assignment. Below is my first entry two years ago. Thank you. Thank you again for your encouragement and guidance.

    “My intensions with this Journal is to strengthen my fellowship with Jesus. I want to get more close and personal with God by talking, listening, dreaming, planning, debating, agreeing, obeying, repenting, and reading the Bible with my Holy Ghost whom I love Jesus Christ.” -Matthew from USA

  9. Like the video version. Suggest instead (or in addition) to listing Video Version in the top bar, a quick link be placed at the end of David’s 100 PERSONAL WORDS. It would be great to finish reading the blog and then link over at the end to see and hear David summarize what was read. As it is now, we must think of scrolling to the top to find it categorized.

  10. Yes David I am with you , third time around. I have it to all my friends to get aboard. Hopefully they will. Thank you, much appreciate the journey with your blog daily. My morning beginning here and I am so grateful.

  11. I have been challenged to read through the Bible once again. I have never travelled to the Holy land but the photos help me visualise Scripture. Thank you and praise the LORD for His faithfulness. God. Bless this ministry.

  12. Dear David: Reg and I read your blog daily. The first thing in the morning when I wake up at 5.30 I check my mail and like having my coffee early, I send your blog out at 6, all over the world to my friends to read God’s Word. Reg does it when he has time of course. God bless all of you.

  13. Every day I start with praying / studying your blog. How I appreciate having this tool
    early each morning. I will (God willing) do it for the 3rd time and am telling all my
    friends about it. Had a miracle of healing of heart condition in 1979 (word of
    knowledge by Jay Rawlings) . Thank you David for stepping out and making all the
    necessary sacrifices to provide such an amazing tool to read the Word of God.
    We are so thankful the Lord healed you and that you are so willing to do anything the Lord ask you to serve the Body of Christ. Blessings to you and Norma-Jean.
    Love Nicole


  14. Thank you, David, for your faithfulness and obedience to God’s call on your life as He leads you through His Word daily. Thank you for the support of your wonderful, caring family. I started with you last spring and will continue to follow you. I am learning so much about our Lord, the region, and life in the times of the Bible. May our Lord keep you healthy and strong as we all journey and grow together.

  15. May God bless you with good health to continue this blog. I look forward every morning to receive my daily bread from the Word of God .
    Thank you for your faithfulness.

  16. HI David, I am on to round three with you. This is the way I have been starting my day for the last four years. You are a blessing in doing this journey through the bible, thank you.

  17. Good morning David,
    Yes I am with you again. I look forward to our new two year journey. I thank God for his faithfulness.

  18. Dear David, will be participating again on this wonderful journey. Enjoyed the previous one. I appreciate your prayerful insight and love your determination to continually bring fresh bread for us to eat. You are an awesome man of God and pray that you be abundantly blessed

  19. I’m on board! I completed the previous 2-year cycle and an looking forward to another 2. I also am telling others, as opportunity presents, about the blog. Thanks for providing this and got all your efforts!

  20. Thank you David for fresh bread out of the oven each day. I am now receiving my own copy of your blog. I followed your instructions and it works Before, my girl friend was sending it to me from her e-mail. I salute you for a well written commentary on the Scripture. I have been on a cancer journey. I came to Burlington that summer when you were praying for folk and I believe that God has completed the work in touching me. As far as I am concerned I have no cancer. I had stage 4 ovarian cancer which is a silent killer they tell me. I go down to Princess Margaret Hospital to get my CA 125 blood work done. They are happy with the results and so I don’t see them until September of this Fall. God has done a marvellous work in my life and I praise Him for it. I am also doing alternate medicine at the Naturopathic College on Shepperd Ave. to detox my liver and kidneys from the chemo and to strengthen my immune system. What an amazing God we serve!!

  21. Praise our Lord for his healing for you. I have followed your blog twice and I plan to continue. 3rd round is fresh as ever.

  22. I just happened to see that you were doing this again, on a post on Facebook. I tried to do it once before ( I started half way thru) but got out of the habit and didn’t finish it , sad to say.
    I am hoping that I can make this my daily routine. With lots of discipline, perseverance and of course Gods help.
    Thank you David,

  23. Good Morning David; God Bless You – You’re looking Good, PTL! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you – I learn so much from you. Thanks for fresh bread every morning – it’s the best bread! God’s Word and understanding it and doing it so help me Holy Spirit. I’m with you for another course! Lord willing – Pat.

  24. My husband passed away in 2012, at the age of 58.
    I have known The Lord my whole life, as I reflect back that almost made it more painful at the time! After the numbness wore off a little, I felt so alone, abandoned, angry….you name it!!!
    Seems that The Lord can take our pain and sadness and hurt and just love us, because He did me!!! Little by little I was able to feel HIS tenderness, His loving acceptance of my pain and anger..almost like, in my darkest moments a little warm light would burn!
    About one and half year ago, I started reading this blog, God has taught me a lot, still have a long way to go..but… Thanks be to our Heavenly Father I am learning so much!
    So yes I am in, God helping me!

  25. YES David I am in my 80th year too and will start on my 2nd time doing the study. Thank you so much for your uplifting comments may God bless you and your family for following is command to spread his word.

  26. Thank you for the honour to share the “fresh bread” you serve every morning.God bless you for your faithfulness.

  27. God bless you. I appreciate your daily blog and the Lord willing, I will be following the blog for my third time.
    My prayers are with you and your family as you minister to so many around the world.

  28. I am with you for the 2nd time. I really enjoy your blog. It has been a great blessing to my life and walk with the Lord. Thank you!

  29. I am excited to start this third time around and expecting something new I had not seen before, new and fresh each morning.

    God bless and keep you and your family in good health.

    Blessings to all this day. Hallelujah!

  30. I’m in again. Standing with you for the next part of this exciting journey, David, and the team behind the scene. Have you thought of adding share buttons to this blog–Google+. Facebook, LinkedIn. Pinterest, etc.? Food for thought.

  31. Thank you David.
    This will be my 3rd time going through the bible with you and I still have a great time with you and lot’s more to learn.
    Repeat, repeat, repeat.
    Jenny Smith.

  32. Yes David, I am with you all the way – I so appreciate all the hard work that goes into providing us with your help and insight with the Scriptures.
    May God continue to bless you and keep you and all your loved ones in good health

  33. Thank you David for continuing . I signed up when you began and my husband Jack signed up shortly after and we have been so blessed by these devotionals and were so glad when you said we were going to continue.
    Praying for you and your family daily
    Alvina Neufeld

  34. WOW!

    I am with you for this third two-year spiritual journey for fresh daily manna, DV.

    I have already promoted this daily blog to my bible study friends at St Andrew’s.


  35. Yes we are with you for another two years God willing. We enjoy the blogs very much . They are very inspiring. God Bless you all

  36. Having just returned from a 2 week trip to Israel makes the blog even more meaningful. I will continue on with you…..

  37. I’m with you,brother David—looking forward to reading through the bible these next two years.
    I pray for you and Norma-Jean each and every day. May the Lord richly bless you both.
    Much, love Bob. Hope to see you soon here in Lakeland.

  38. Thanks David. I am with you again. As wel enjoying longer sessions of Bible reading at random days. god bless I have done the ‘pilgrim trip ‘ to Israel once in 2004.. Would not be sorry to do it again, God willing.


  39. I will be following your blog for another two years God willing. Thank you for your faithfulness and devotion. God bless.

  40. I will be enjoying the third time around with your 2 year bible study God willing. Repeating never hurts but helps to better understand. God bless !!

  41. Have followed your readings and blog but not always consistently. Will try it again! Have sent website to my children and I pray they check it out. Thank you for your tireless dedication to this blog.

  42. David, Start each morning with your blog. So glad the Lord has given these extra years to you. You are a very positive representative for our Lord! The grace of God on this endeavor,. Your sister in Christ

  43. Good Morning David …back again for another time through the bible. Thank you for your leading , for the ‘fresh bread’ every morning. Excited to see what the Lord will have for me this time through. Blessings!!

  44. Thanks again for the structure and blessing this brings to our lives. I will be on board again. Great way to start our day. Blessings to all.

  45. I am so thrilled to have this opportunity to go through the bible once again with such inspired guidance. This time around I am going to use the Tree of Life Version found on Bible Gateway. I was thinking of ordering this new version and now I can study it with your blog.

    Heeeere we go!!

  46. With you again David for this two year journey through the bible growing in wisdom and understanding, thank you so much

  47. David,my husband and I are looking forward to the next two years of following your blogs, a two year study of scripture. Praise God and thank you for your faithfulness to do this, it is such a blessing to us.

  48. I’m with you, David for another trip through the Bible. Third time for me, too! God bless and sustain you through this journey, your writings are a blessing to me, and 100 Words keeps me faithful to daily Bible reading.
    Thank-you for your faithfulness. Some mornings when I grumble about having to get up before 6:00 I remember you’ve been up since 4:00, making this study possible. Thank-you again.

  49. I am in again, for this 3rd round…..wake every morning knowing you will be in my inbox to make my day….Praise God for you….AMEN

  50. I am starting the second time through the Bible with you. Thank you, what a blessing to read through the Bible with so many others and have your commentary. I enjoy the video version.

  51. Brother David (and everyone working on this amazing blog), we wanted to express our thanks to you all, the Holy Spirit and Lord almighty Jesus to keep this blog going for a 3rd time around! We’ve been with you the entire journey, and look forward to many, many more insightful, wise, fun, and wonderful posts 🙂

    Blessings to you all!

    John & Jade

  52. On the road again with you David …. thank you and praising God for you and the strength, and health He gives you daily as you continue on for another 2 years.
    Blessings to all who help you with this journey!

  53. I am starting your blog again. I completed the previous one and started part way through the first one. My mother who went home to the Lord this past Fevruary, started me on this and we would often discuss the days reading even in the hospital.

  54. I have been with you for about three and a half years now and plan on being with you as long as I’m alive and can tun this machine on. I am so thankful to you and The Lord for this blog and am always telling others about it. Your in my prayers, and thank you so much for being so diligent. Irene

  55. I’m looking forward to my 3rd time to read through the bible in two years with David Mainse and my fellow bloggers. With the addition of the video it will like bringing David into our own home for 2 minutes to reflect on God’s word for the day. May God continue to bless this ministry as it meets our needs. I admire you David!

  56. Hi David, just letting you know that I am with you for the third round of reading the scriptures through. The sunrise over Galilee is beautiful. “Strength” and “Peace” to you & all bloggers especially all with special needs. (Psalm 29:11 NKJV).

  57. For sure what could be better for spiritual training, on board and promoting to others your wonderful message

    God Bless David

  58. I too am on board for another two years , God willing. I have enjoyed and been blessed by the past four years with you. Thank you and your family for all you do to help us all grow spiritually, Blessings to all.

  59. I have been following you for the past 14 months, maws not able to access the blog prior to that, but will follow through now!

  60. Thank you David and all following this blog….am finding it very rewarding. Am learning so much, and I will continue on this journey with you.
    Am praying for good health, peace,love and joy in your lives. ❤️❤️❤️

  61. God willing , excited to learn more about the precious Word of God. Planning to get up at 4 am to worship and meditate and listen to my Fathers voice in heaven.
    Speak to me Lord Jesus so I will do Your will.

  62. Thank you David for your continued commitment to send out “fresh bread” every morning. You bless and encourage so many of us.
    I am with you for the second time around (missed the first round). I am also trying to encourage others to join in.
    God bless you and strengthen you each day more and more!

  63. Sorry that I’m so late in commenting David. Yes, am continuing with the Plan. I also share your blog daily on three Facebook sites.

  64. Yes David I will do it again I have followed you from the start. I love it. I even have start a note book where I write the chapters in. Keep up the good work God bless

  65. I am late also David but I have continuing on with this Bible reading and blog. God bless you today. It is great to see a good response to this blog.

  66. Thank you David for your 100 words, I have been following with you from the very beginning, and am going to go through it with you again! Thank you so much for all your great work, and dedication you place in helping us understand the bible more. God bless !!!

  67. I am reading along with you through the Bible in 2 years. I have watched 100 Huntley Street since the day the program started, I believe on this day, June 5, in 1977. Even though I went to church all my life, through this telecast I realized I could have a personal relationship with Jesus. Thank you.

    David, I grew up in Pembroke, Ontario and even went to PCI (Pembroke Collegiate Institute) like you, but about 10 years later.

    Your ministry showed me that Jesus will never leave me .He has worked many miracles in my life.

    God bless you.

  68. Hi David, thanks for the opportunity to complete my first full 2 year cycle in about a month, and then go on from there. I look forward to the Word and the words and prayer each morning. I especially enjoy the pics from Israel as we had an opportunity to tour there last year. Thanks to you and each one who assists prepare our morning moments together. It really helps being faithul and consistant in reading, thinking and praying through the Word of God.

  69. I am Following for the second time. I start my day with this and am so grateful you’re doing this again David! Bless you and I pray you remain well and strong.

  70. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to read and study the Bible together! I am excited to start all over again! Praise the Lord!

  71. I am on board with you, David. I look forward to this every morning. God first, David’s blog second. You can’t imagine just how much I appreciate you doing this. God bless you.

  72. Haven’t quite completed my 1st reading thru’ the BIBLE but will complete it in Jan/17. I am so thankful that I found this blog and praise GOD for the opportunity to go thru’ it with you and all the bloggers. This is truly a great blessing to me. Also thanking GOD that HE gives you the strength and health to continue along with the help of your family members and anyone else contributing to putting it together. PRAISE GOD FOR THIS BLESSING

  73. Yes, I would like to be on board for the next two years! God bless you for your obedience and faithfulness, David!
    You are such a blessing to so many…..myself & husband included!

  74. Looking forward to joining you again for the 3rd time. Your blog is SO appreciated and is such a great way to start the day! Thank you to all who pour so much into this every morning. I find all the comments enlightening and interesting as well.

  75. David & Family thank you for your insights and sharing with all of
    Us your Christian walk and journey with our Lord and Savior, Jesus
    Looking forward to our daily 2-year study..blessings

  76. Count us in Pastor David. Blessings to you our brother in CHRIST
    Terry & Marianna Felvus – evangelists / Missionaries to India / serving the house at Lakemount Worship Centre- Grimsby On.

  77. It’s my privilege to start my second two year trip (God willing) reading Gods word with you via your blog. I have been blessed by your words of faith and confirmation of Gods faithfulness.
    Making this journey with you and others gives me community in my reading and greatly adds to my motivation to continue. I have gained so much from your self effacing and personal insight. I’ve also gained a greater understanding of the enormity of God love and appreciation for His holy word.
    Thank you for your gift to my faith journey.
    I started somewhere in the middle of your first two year ‘trip’ and have found increasing consistency in my daily devotions. Your non judgmental encouragement has been an inspiration.
    Thank you David for 100 Huntley and your example that serving our great God doesn’t end when we retire and that worshiping and serving Jesus is a daily blessing, not a duty.

  78. I have just started with you in reading the bible in the next two years. Looking forward to this new adventure…

  79. Yes David I will reading again with you. Thank you and God bless you for your faithfulness and encouragement, you’re blog is a blessing.

  80. Yes David, I am committed to another two years. This will be my second time through the Bible. Thank you so much for your dedication to this daily blog. I look forward to it daily. God Bless you!

  81. I have just read through all the comments of fellow bloggers and yes I am with you David on this two year Bible study. I started just last summer and God willing I will be able to finish with you two years from now. I like to end my day with your daily Bible study.
    Thank you to your whole family for all of their input into this blog.

  82. Hi David, I’m just starting with you again. I look forward to learning and loving God more and more as we go through his amazing words together.

    Thank you for doing this


  83. Hi Davd,
    By following your blog, I have finally read the whole bible. I look forward to doing it a second time with you. Thanks!

  84. Count me in David and ecstatically so. Bringing some friends along too who also are being blessed by your blog. God bless you Immensely!

  85. My wife and I thank our Father there are servants willing to fulfill His will.
    Thank you for your faithfulness.
    Blessings and continued good health.
    Merv and Pat

  86. Yes David, Eldon and I are on board. This is my 3rd time through and I feel like I have such a better understanding of God’s precious book each time. Thank you for your faithfulness – we love you!
    Eldon and Janet

  87. I am with you for another trip through the Bible. I joined half way through the first 2years and appreciate your insights and teaching. God bless you and give you strength for each day.

  88. Hi David. God bless you for your self-discipline and dedication to this work of love! I have begun and failed a few times to stay with you on your 2-year plan but I am determined to stick with it for the long haul this time. Prayers and blessings for continued and renewed health and mental clarity. Let’s do this!!!

  89. Hi David,
    I’ve invited some of my friends to join me on this 2nd inspiring journey. May you be strong to fulfill the objective of leading us through the Bible! Thanks for your words.

  90. Yes Pastor David I am reading through the bible with you for the second time. God bless you for your commitment to feeding us our daily bread.

  91. Hi,David,I’m well into my second time around.Thank you for this blessing.God bless
    Our Father

    Oh God our Father you love us so,
    We are blind and can not know
    Just how great and kind you are,
    Content to love us from afar.

    We turn our backs and still you care;
    We close our eyes but you are there.
    Oh,why are we so far gone:
    We must choose freely for Zion.

    We hurt you daily by endless sin
    But still your light guides us in.
    You could not know how weak we are
    So you sent us Jesus to bear our scars.

    We are a mixture of sin and praise,
    But still you lift our spirits to raise
    The love that you see in us still,
    A desire to follow your holy will.
    G W (Bill) Marshall /Oct 10,2011

  92. I am with you as you lead us in another two years through God’s Living Word!! Thank you for your faithfulness.

  93. I will commit to add your blog to my daily computer time and pray for your strength to keep going -even if it is not posted from 4 to 630. lol. thanku very very much for subduing the flesh and esteeming others so highly.

  94. I finished the last go round with you & I will do it once more. I am so grateful for this daily discipline. Your faithfulness is inspiring. I pass these on to a friend. He reads his Bible daily but, this will give him another way of looking at it. Praise God for your healing. You are in my prayers often as I also am in the sunset of life & sincerely appreciate every God given day. Blessings too, to your sons & daughter in love who help you with this blog.
    Yours in Christ,

  95. We will be joining you again and really like the 2 year format . Reynold’s photography is amazing.

  96. Count me in….third time around! Perhaps not daily but inconsistently consistent through the scriptures! Thank you David for your faithful daily ministry! Shalom!

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