Today’s Reading: Jude
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

From En Gedi, Israel, looking north along the shore of the Dead Sea, the waves, heavy with minerals, roll slowly toward the shore. Today’s reading tells about people who are like “waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame.”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Jude 24-25
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.
This short but powerful letter gives us a huge challenge, as well as great encouragement. After praying that “mercy, peace and love” would be multiplied, Jude then challenges us to “Contend earnestly for the faith!” The word “contend” means “to assert,” “to affirm,” “to grapple with,” and “to go head to head”! Just think! Jude uses that word “contend” again in describing the confrontation of Michael, the Archangel, with Satan! (verse 9). This gives us some idea as to how we are to engage in the battle for Truth! Jude says that we can do this by (1) Building yourselves up, (2) Praying in the Holy Spirit, (3) Keeping yourselves in the love of God, and (4) Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Let’s read two or three times verses 22 & 23 and decide firmly to “contend” with “compassion!” Finally Jude gives us a most beautiful and powerful benediction, our key verse. Amen!!!
Yes! I pray Jude’s benediction. Lord God, keep me from “stumbling,” and may I be filled with “exceeding joy!” In the Name of Jesus, “God, our Saviour!” Amen!!!
When I was 12 years of age, my mother died. I was angry at God but loved my minister Dad who, at that time, had taken on two country churches in the Ottawa Valley. I listened to sermons and knew that he truly practiced what he preached. But it was not until after he had left for his mission to Egypt when I was 15 that I came to “grapple” with whether to believe in God or not. It was when I was 16 that the owner of the Chrysler dealership, where I worked part time, took me on, not just as an employee, but as a lost soul who needed Jesus. Syd Healey truly contended for my salvation by incessantly quoting Scripture, arranging for me to drive his 1952 Chrysler New Yorker to church (what 16-year-old could resist that!), and the result was that I made a lifetime decision to believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him forever.
By the time I was 18, I was a public school teacher in the village of Chalk River, Ontario. I remember clearly struggling with the challenge of conducting myself as a follower of Jesus should. I memorized Jude 24 & 25 and would quote it often. Later in my life as a Pastor, I would often say those words as the benediction at the close of a Sunday service. To this day, those words fill me with joy and confidence!
Yours for the wisdom that comes from “God our Saviour, Who alone is wise!”
attended a concert where God’s Word was sung with prayer, praise and thanksgiving and attending were a group of young men who are drug free for one year! All praise and glory and thanksgiving to God! Please pray for these young men!
today I am also celebrating 21 years smoke/alcohol free and 21 years of swimming! All that was done by God! so thankful, so very thankful……
forgot to mention that the concert was titled GRATITUDE!
Amazing photo. Yes, sinners are like waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame. The scripture of Jude is wonderful to read and read out loud. Thanks for your example to memorize it, dear David. Yes, we maintain our life with God. We pray in the Holy Spirit, keep ourselves in the love of God, and look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And on some we have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, we pull them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh. Blessings, dearest saints, in the Lord.
“Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offense.” Proverbs 19:11, AMP
Mighty to Save, Hillsong (multiple songs including scripture, prayer; powerful)
Here I Am to Worship, Hillsong (beautiful and better sound quality)
“The day had gone; alone and weak
I groped my way within a bleak
And sunless land.
The path that led into the light
I could not find! In that dark
night God took my hand.
He led me that I might not stray,
And brought me by a new, safe way
I had not known.
By waters still, through pastures green
I followed Him—the path was clean
Of briar and stone.
The heavy darkness lost its strength,
My waiting eyes beheld at length
The streaking dawn.
On, safely on, through sunrise glow
I walked, my hand in His, and lo,
The night had gone.”
—Annie Porter Johnson
Streams in the Desert, April 16
Thx. U again, for Poem-I was able to send to a downcast friend ( and Widow) who lost job on Thursday.
Ahhh. What is the name of your friend, Laurie, if it is okay with that person, so we can pray for her/him?
We pray to you, our Heavenly Father, our loving Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit. Many friends and family members are struggling, Lord. We know when two or more are gathered together in prayer, that You hear our petitions and answer, accordingly. We cry out to You, now, for You know the specific individual needs of Laurie’s friend, Nan’s brother Murray, and Janice, Lord. Oh help them God. We know You can deliver them. Redeem them and restore them with hope and everything they need to overcome. Bring them to Your loving embrace and grant them mercy. Hold them close to You, that they grow stronger and become secure in Your arms. In Jesus’ precious Name, we pray. Amen, amen, and amen.
What a good idea to memorize Jude 1:24-25. I have added it to my cell phone’s “Home Screen” along with a few others so I can quickly call it up
Please pray for my brother, Murray. He emailed me last night and he was sounding very hopeless and lost. He indicated that he is so very tired and indicated he doesn’t want to go on. He is feeling worthless, gets a job for a few months then gets let go in favour of the younger ones. Living in the worlds ways has not been working out for him, as we all know we need Jesus. I sent him back the Huntley Street prayer line number. Also how and why he needs to get right with God. I ask you all to pray for his salvation, and a job for him. He has recently been told he has COPD. We are not particularly close. My other two brothers have tried to help him out different times, but he seemed bent on going his own way. There are many other things in his life that he has not dealt with.
Reading Jude today was just what I needed. Thank you all for being here.
Lord I pray for Murray for Your intervention in his life. I pray that he comes to the end of himself and seeks You Lord. I pray Lord that the Holy Spirit of God draw Murray into the Kingdom of Light out of the kingdom of darkness. Jesus in Your Name I pray for Murray’s salvation. Thank You, Amen!
Janice needs God’s favour and blessing upon her right now. Probs in the workplace. Investigation ongoing. May the truth come out and may God’s Perfect Will take over. Thank you. I will read and re-read today’s blog. So helpful. Beautiful day here in Southern Ontario.
so many sad defeated feeling people that need prayer/touch from YOU LORD….will remember Murray and Janice….Thank you again for wonderful words of encouragement!!!
Yes, it is a privilege to contend for the faith when I put it on the internet everyday for my family and friends to read. The Lord said in Isaiah 55:11 that the Word would not return unto Him void. It is sowing the seed in expectation that the harvest will come just like Syd Healey did in your life Pastor David. God is answering prayer in my life, and will pray for Murray and Janice. Lovely poem and songs Beverlee. Beautiful photo Reynold. Lovely sunny Saturday here and the farmers are gearing up to sow soon. Blessings!
Thanks, Ger. Updated email from him was more postitive. He may have taken my advice. God is good. Murray still needs our prayers.
Blessings to all bloggers today.
In the past few months, periodically does not appear in my email- including today. I have had to re-register a few times. Can this be remedied?
Always good to hear your testimony Pastor David! And your words of wisdom.
Joined with you in Prayer Pastor David and made it personal. The Word of God is Powerful!!
What a peaceful scene portrayed in today’s picture. Thank you Reynold!
Was blessed singing the song “Here I Am to Worship”.
Thank you Beverlee.
I always so enjoy your commentaries and blog!
They are always full of truth and hope and faith!
They are also honest and ” to the Point ”
God Bless and keep those young men, and you too SAH!!!