Today’s Reading: Isaiah 26-27
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

An older woman in Nazareth Village teaches a young girl how to make a blanket from sheep wool. In our modern world where we are equipped with all kinds of supposed labour saving devices, we are too busy to take time to do such things. At least this is the case with most of us. Let us create an atmosphere of “Peace” in our homes by slowing down our frantic activities and by spending time with children and young people in order to pass on the knowledge of the good things of the past.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Isaiah 26:3
You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Chapter 26 is a good example of what a “Happy New Year” should be! Our key verse speaks of “perfect peace” (literally in Hebrew, “Shalom shalom – peace peace”). A double peace to all our blog participants!!! In this New Year let us take “the way of the just!” (26:7). Let us say to the Lord, “I will seek You early!” These daily blogs posted early each morning should help make the New Year the best ever!!!
Chapter 27 tells that God will be victorious over Satan. This is symbolized by “The fleeing serpent…the twisted serpent!” (27:1). Let us determine to “Resist the Devil and he will flee!” (James 4:7 – read James 4:7-10) Jesus said to His followers, “I give you authority to trample on serpents…” (read Luke 10:17-20). Let’s trample on the fleeing serpent this New Year! The result? “Peace…peace” (27:5)
Thank You, Lord God, for the blessings of the past year. In the New Year I ask for Your power and authority to back me up as I resist the Devil. I know he is not continuing to harass me but he’s fleeing away at full speed. I take authority and order him to stay far away! I pray in the Name of the One from Whom Satan flees, Jesus Christ! Amen!!!
Our eldest son, David Reynold, was featured on yesterday’s blog as he reported from Haiti. Just before he and Kathy left for Africa, they hosted Norma-Jean and me for breakfast at 7 a.m.; we had fish-shaped pancakes and read all the Scriptures where Jesus spoke of fish. At 8:30 we visited the magnificent new Toronto aquarium, Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. Reyn took pictures (check out one of Norma-Jean and me below). At noon we ate at a fish diner, and then in the afternoon we went to the Ontario Science Centre with its “Under the Sea” Omnimax theatre production. Our kids said the theme of the day was inspired by our commitment to follow Jesus and to let Him make us “fishers of men!” They are now fishing for men, women, boys and girls in Uganda, Africa (click here for an update).
HAPPY NEW YEAR from me to you!!!
P.S. Over the years whenever I’ve been asked to sign my name, I’ve written Isaiah 26:3, our key verse, beside my autograph. It’s been my special verse for over 50 years! Now I’m claiming that promise for my healing. As I type this I’m in hospital. It’s now almost 4 years since I was given 2 years to live. I’ve quoted every day something my Dad taught me, “Be my symptoms what they will, Jesus is my Healer still!” I believe that in spite of the fact that I’m in a room that says, “Negative pressure room.” Norma-Jean took a picture of my door and also the door down the hall which says, “Positive Pressure Room.” I’m considering changing the doors. Hah! I truly believe that “Jesus is my Healer still!!!” Behind which door do you live??? (pictures below)

Norma-Jean and me at the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Aquarium in Toronto. This day gave me constant reminders of Jesus’ Words, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt 4:19) This may be the best New Years Resolution ever! All I have to do is follow Jesus and He’ll “make me” all I should be!!!
Happy New Year this is going to be the best year yet.
Many thanks and blessing for your blog each morning so appreciate what you are doing.
I agree with you Irene! This is going to be the best year yet!
I agree you should change rooms! we pray all goes well in the hospital!
Looking at the first picture reminds me as a kid on a farm we raised sheep and when they were sheared I had the task of carding the wool, cleaning it with 2 paddles with small pins in them, and then I spun the wool, I remember my grandmother (my mom’s mom) working the pedal and singing in Russian and spinning the wool. Praise and thank God for memories regardless good or bad!
I was reminded of how important this blog has become! It is Bible study, it is a sermon, it is a prayer room, it is space where beliefs and views can be shared in peace, it is an avenue for people keeping in touch with each other, it is a place where believers and non-believers can come and read and not be intimidated, it is quiet, it is a place where one can reflect on their life, it is a place where one can read about other places around the world! This is a wonderful place to come and participate and receive God’s grace each day!
Amen and God bless!
Amen Sah…God Bless you!
Amen! Thanks and blessings to you!
I’m sorry to hear you are in hospital and am “bowled over ” by your determination and persistence and positive attitude. No “negative pressure” will change your positive attitude! I am praying for any positive change needed for health. Thank you so much for your blog!
Happy New Year dear David!
YES positive pressure should be your room!!! Your blog has encouraged me to follow the daily discipline of Bible reading and study! Thank you for inspiring me and” keeping on keeping on”- even when you have been laid up again in the hospital for treatment, you continue to awaken early and post the blog!
I trust that “Be your symptoms what they will, Jesus is your Healer still!” I believe God still has a lot of work for the very loyal and hardworking servant that you are- to do. Although, I do hope that you can rest and rejuvenate and be able to go back down south this winter!
Praying for a rich harvest for 2016!
love and prayers
Amen to that!!,
We agree with all Prayers to our Lord and Saviour as above. I start each day
with your blog.
Jill and Alex
Happy New Year to you David, and to each one who faithfully serves so we can feast in our morning time together in the Word, prayer, and beautiful pictures. Your dedication is a gift to us – Thanks! May health, healing, peace and power be yours every day of the year. Many blessings, Flo.
“Happy New Year” to you David (you are loved and so much appreciated!) and your wonderful family and to our wonderful dedicated fellow Bloggers!!!…
…love starting my day in prayer and with your guidance through HIS word…I know The Lord is with you…and our prayers To HIM on your behalf make a difference.
May our Lord bless you with strength and good health. Thank you David and Norma-Jean for your faithful persistence in the word and in this blog. You have been such an inspiration and encouragement with your positive messages and insights in teaching God’s word and in sharing your personal thoughts. Praying for you and your family in this new year.
Praying for you, David, and giving thanks to the Lord our God, who is our almighty healer and physician, that His Hand is upon you, now, in hospital. Praise Him for your positivity keeping us alive and well on this blog, entrenched in His Word. You are a testament to faith and we love and admire you, fine sir! Happy New Year, fellow beloved saints!
Trust in the Lord for ever, for in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength. Isa 26: 4
We Will Not Be Shaken, Brian Johnson
I am thinking of you, David Mainse, as I post the lyrics to the song,
We Will Not Be Shaken Lyrics – Bethel Music & Brian Johnson
For we trust in our God
And through his unfailing love
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken x 2 (repeat)
Though the battle rages
We will stand in the fight
Though the armies rise up
Against us on all sides
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken
For in the hour of our darkest day
We will not tremble, we won’t be afraid
Hope is rising like the light of dawn
Our God is for us he has overcome
For we trust in our God
And through his unfailing love
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken x 2
All those against Him will fall
For our God is stronger, he can do all things
No higher name we can call
For Jesus is greater, we can do all things x 2
For we trust in our God
And through his unfailing love
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken
We will not be shaken x 2
Reg & I enjoy your blog daily and we have learnt so much from you. May you and your family have a Holy and Blessed New Year. We pray for you daily and as you know God’s resurrection power will lead you to His complete healing and restoration. We send your daily blog to all our friends and relatives all over the world.
Praying for healing while you are in hospital, and may the Lord bless you today and always.
“Shalom shalom – peace peace”.
I am sure that we all pray for wisdom for your medical team and a speedy recovery so that you can continue this daily inspirational blog.
David The Lord is with you, and I am praying for the Lords will in your life as well.
Tomorrow is my son wedding day. Please everyone say a prayer for us that all goes well. He has asked me to speak at the wedding. My ending is, and I can promise you if you keep seeking the Lord Jesus. There is such a thing as Happy Ever After.
Happy New Year to you David, Norma-Jean, all the staff at Crossroads, and all fellow blog followers. So enjoying the blog. God bless everyone and know the best is yet to come. Romans 15:13.
Thank you David for the Bible study and the good admonition for the New Year. Sorry and surprised you are in the hospital and amazed that you have not slackened your pace at all in doing this blog. Thank you. As Evangelist Reinhart Bonkke said last night at the Toronto Airport Church, “let us not soothe all our doubts but rout them.” God can do and is doing great and marvelous things. Believing God for your complete restoration and healing. God bless you and Happy New Year to you, Norma Jean and all the family and staff of Huntley Street!
Thank you Beverlee for the information I requested and Happy and Blessed New Year to you and all fellow bloggers for all your sharing and concern in 2015!
Happy New Year to you, Ger, and God’s continued blessings to you and fellow blog friends in 2016!
Happy New Year Pastor David and Norma Jean. I am blessed by this blog. You are in my prayers for healing. Thanks so much.
Holding you both up in prayer. May the Lord be your Protector. Asking for God’s Perfect Will for you and that you be moved to the “positive” room!
Many blessings of peace to you and your lovely family in the new year of 2016!
Thank you for your inspiration and faithfulness David. Your message this morning was one of great meaning to me. It is one of those times that I wish I could pull up a chair beside you and discuss the wonders of the God we serve. I am touched and humbled at this moment by your dedication and how God uses His Word. May God bless you and keep you, and make His face shine upon you.
Hi David, There is nothing negative coming via your wonderful Blog. It is Spirit, and Truth and LIFE to all who read it and believe it. l thank God for the positive fresh Word that comes through each morning, fresh breath, revitalizing and encouraging! Even though you are in that room, nothing can stop your very positive take on life!! Looking for a good report, keep on keeping on precious brother. Our prayers are with you. Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year Dear David and your family! What a blessing your
Blog has been to me. I say amen and amen to all the positive
Comments and prayers posted by your followers.
Praying that many will be touched by the Spirit of God while you
Are in the hospital.May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand
As you are recovering.
Surprised that you are in hospital, David – and even more, that you are continuing to do your blog from there. The spiritual message of the negative and positive rooms speaks volumes. Our “Mind-set” is so important. “Looking unto Jesus”. When I was typing ‘positive’ room, I mistakenly typed in ‘powerful’ room. Everything changes when Jesus is in the room with us. “Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the door behind you; hide yourselves for a little while..” Isaiah 26:20. “There is a place of quiet rest, near to the Heart of God. A place where sin cannot molest, near to the heart of God. O Jesus, blessed Redeemer, sent from the heart of God, HOLD US, who wait before Thee, near to the heart of God.” Our human prayer is that you continue to “HOLD DAVID” so close to yourself. Continue to use Him for your glory. I love 26:3, especially in the KJV, “whose mind is ‘stayed’ on Thee” – It says to me, ‘keep your eyes on the Lord and don’t move’. O God, thank you for all that you have done and are doing for David. May your healing process continue. Also strength and peace to both David & Norma-Jean “as thy days, so shall your strength be” (KJV) or “and your strength will equal your days” (NIV). Giving you glory and praise as we trust in you, our ‘Rock of Ages’. Happy New Years David & Norma Jean. Happy New Years to all the bloggers. Have a great day. Samuel
and Amen!
Wow, well said Samuel. I agree with prayers and blessings for David and Norma-Jean!
Amen, amen, and amen, Pastor Samuel!!!
We cannot always control the circumstances of our life but we always have a choice on how we will respond to them. Thank you David for being a living example of one who chooses to respond positively. Praying the Lord will sustain you with His comforting presence and promises. God bless your 2016 and all those reading this blog.
Praying for you
I will pray for you. Thank you for your teaching and the witness of your character.
Happy New Year 2016 to everyone!
Many thanks Pastor Mainse for your key verse ISAIAH 26: 3.
This will be my key verse too.
Because you are the perfect example of what TRUE FAITH IN GOD
really means!
May our Lord Jesus Christ bless & heal you for your FAITH in Him, Amen!
I am with you, Joy. I take on this verse, as David has.
You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You. Isa 26:3
Thank you so much David for your faithfulness each morning in posting this blog. May your health improve each day. Many blessings to you and Norma Jean. You are much loved.
Happy New Year blog friends, brothers, and sisters, in Christ. Can you feel it – the birth of a new year for Christ. Where will He lead us today, next week, next month… wherever we reside, rest, recover, heal, and grow…
Our Lord Jesus is our comforter in times of stress, our healer in times of need. He is steadfast in His ways. He is with you Pastor David and all those who seek out His wisdom, understanding and blessings… Rest and gain strength brother in Christ for tomorrow will be here sooner than we think. God bless you and your family as we pray for a speedy recovery.
This is the day and the New Year of 2016 that the Lord has made – let us rejoice, be free, find peace, and be happy. God Bless fellow bloggers!
Praying for you David.
Thank you, David and all your family, and all the faithful prayer warriors God has given. May God bless and strengthen each of you. Please, Lord God, help us to be those who trust in You. In Jesus’ name, amen
It will be a happy New Year,David.I began writing poetry right out of the blue in 2011 about 2 months before I was baptized.(I am not a fan of poetry).It’s a long story and I do not want to appear to be seeking glory that belongs to God.It was a daily ministry to the grieving (and the cement to my faith) and still frequently occurs.The poems would come suddenly about as fast as I could type them.I say this so you will know their true source.(You may have others attempting to give you a similar message?)I believed when I wrote this simple poem that it was meant for you but was reluctant to post it right away.Nuff said.Here it is and may the holy Spirit speak to you today.God bless
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be my most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
PS: Two of my closest friends and you and Norma Jean had mutual friends
in the 60’s while John ministered in Brighton,On.This Anglican priest still lives outside Brighton.Shirley and his wife were close friends (she is a lay pastor herself.) as,I believe,was your wife.Thank you does not cover the blessings this blog has bestowed on me.Blessings
David, thank you for your guidance, for your honesty, for your reelection of a good and godly man. In you, I see HIM. You are close in prayer, this morning, for healing and good health throughout year ahead!
I was thinking of getting another Bible for this new year. There are soooo many. Do you have a preference? Study Bible? Version?
Thank you.
I recommend the Jeremiah Study Bible. It is the NKJV and includes clear information on “What it says, What it means and What it means for you”.
8,000+ study notes, concordance and full colour maps. David Jeremiah’s prayer is “That God will use this Bible to help you fall in love with scripture”.
It is now my favourite study Bible.
Thank you……..Calgary no longer has a Christian Book Store so it is difficult to examine. I wondered if this Bible is only the Study Notes of Dr. Jeremiah, or if it includes other Theologians Research?
I use CBD (Christian Book Distributors) on the internet in US $s.
Dr Jeremiah uses many resources.
Hope that is helpful.
Thank you
I am so very thankful to the Lord for your example of what a true servant of God looks like. I consider you one of God’s greatest gifts to Canada and the church here. It is a comfort to know that our days are in His hands and nothing takes Him by surprise. I pray that He will show mercy to us and raise you up once again. You and your family are so loved David and Norma Jean. Thank you for your sacrifice in preparing your daily blog. Only eternity will show the impact you have had, are having and will have on this country (and this world)! God bless you in 2016.
Bless you David and Norma-Jean and all your family. Thank you for all you provide us with, your strength, wisdom and love!!! May the Peace of God that passes all understand guard your heart and mind at this time of need.
I pray the Lord be with you in this time in hospital providing you with all that is needful for you for total healing!!! In Jesus Name I pray the Greatest Physician!!! Amen!!!
A Blessed New Year to all!!
A year ago last August my daughter and I attended a Sunday evening Healing Meeting at Crossroads. There was a quiet, prayerful, peaceful atmosphere as you shared scripture portions with us. You prayed for us and one of the seven ministers up front prayed individually for me. I am 85 and have several health challenges but I have been much stronger since that night, for which I heartily praise and thank the Lord! We appreciate how God has wonderfully used you throughout your life. We pray for God’s healing and continued blessing upon you. “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for thou art my praise.’’ Jeremiah 17:14
God Bless you Pastor David. I was also surprised to hear you are in Hospital. I am amazed that you are still giving us fresh bread today.
My prayers are going out with all the bloggers for your healing in the name of Jesus. He is ABLE
Happy New Year David M, to you and your family. I am sorry you are bringing it in by being in a hospital, but perhaps the Lord has someone there who needed a touch of your ‘positive-ness’ so I’m praying not just for healing for you, but there will be that one, (or more) there in that hospital, staff or patient, who will begin this new year being blessed by your wisdom and faith. Bless you!!
This month it is 1 year since I started reading the Bible thru with 100 Words. I guess I am half way thru’ the BIBLE PTL !!
I want to wish you, Norma-Jean and family and staff at 100 Huntley Street TV.. many blessings for 2016. I praise & thank GOD that as you lean upon HIM, HE gives you strength, and a complete recovery. I thank HIM also, that HE enables you to continue with this daily blog. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!
Happy New Year to all in Christ Jesus. I agree in prayer with my fellow saints for a full recovery to health for David, a full transfusion of the Lord’s divine blood as His blood is compatible with ours. No need to cross match!! Praise God. He is our Perfect Donor! He is always willing to trade places with us so that we can go free. Oh the wonders of His love. Thank you Jesus.
David you are in thoughts and prayers as well thank you so much
Like others surprised by the news you are in hospital.
Heavenly Father I ask in the name of Jesus that you surround Pastor David with you loving and healing presence. Strengthen him and bring him to full health. May he rest under the shadow of your wings and feel your complete peace around him. Amen
Thank you for your faithfulness in getting our daily manna to us.
I pray 2016 will be a wonderful year with Jesus as our focus.
Blessings fellow saints.
Happy New Year to You David and your Family.
Sorry to hear that you are in the hospital. May the Lord continue to Bless and Heal you.
Today is one year since I started to read through the Bible 100 Words. This blog has been a blessing and a delight for me. I enjoy your teaching and how you explain the chapters using the key verses and the pictures to make them come alive.
You are in my prayers and I am thanking the Lord for your faithfulness and the example you have shown to us.
Blessing fellow bloggers and all the best for 2016.
To Karen, may God give you the right words to speak at your son’s wedding! May God bless this marriage!
To Bill Marshall thank you for your poem! Don’t stop! Consider doing a small book of poems, perhaps something that people could play on CD with inspirational music in the back ground!
God bless this site! God bless, restore and renew David Mainse and his entire family!
The kids told us earlier in December. Have been praying for your healing! Love what your Dad taught you. Reminds me of what Hannah Whitall Smith wrote. God bless you!