Today’s Reading: Psalms 48-50
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Israel’s flag flies proudly over Mt. Zion. In the distance you can see the Church of the Apostles and the Church of the Dormition. The first-century Christians met on Mt. Zion, where they built a Judaeo-Christian synagogue-church that became known as the Church of the Apostles. Over the centuries a succession of churches were built on the site and later destroyed. These included the great Byzantine Basilica Church of Hagia Sion (Holy Zion), known as the “Mother of all Churches,” which covered the entire area now occupied by the Church of the Dormition, the Cenacle and the Tomb of David. Also located on Mt. Zion is the traditional site of the Upper Room, where Jesus instituted the remembrance of His broken body, His shed blood, and where the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 people on the birthday of the Church (Acts 2).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 49:15
But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave,
For He shall receive me.
The first two verses of today’s reading (Psalm 48) are sung, probably not with the same tune as the sons of Korah, but still in worship of the one and only “LORD” Who is “GREATLY TO BE PRAISED” (click here for a recording — and why not sing along!).
Psalm 48 is an amazing example of God revealing Himself long before people had much knowledge of God’s plan for resurrection, Heaven, and eternal life. C. S. Lewis states that God chose this approach because He wanted His people to love and serve Him for Himself, and not for the benefits they would receive from Him.
In Psalm 50, Asaph teaches us that as well as being our great King and our Redeemer, God is also our Judge & Jury, and because of His holiness and His “Rule of Law,” we will suffer the consequences of breaking His laws. Yes, we have the assurance that our sins are forgiven, but we must never forget that we will continue in this life to reap the results of sinful choices.
Lord God, I am very aware that in this life I will reap what I have sown. Not only will I be affected by the consequences of my sin, but I bring sorrow and hardship on others, particularly my family members. I ask Your forgiveness Lord, and I have the assurance that You forgive me, but I also know that my body and the circumstances I have created by bad choices do not forgive. Therefore, Lord God, I pray fervently that You will keep me from sinning. Grant me the grace to truly repent of my sin, so that I quit sinning and begin living a truly holy life 24/7. In the Name of the One who lived a sinless life, Jesus my Lord! Amen!
This blog is a result of my daily devotions. I would be honoured if readers would post it on Facebook, etc. I ask you to pray for me so that the Holy Spirit will be able to bring helpful and inspirational messages from the heart of God.
Here in the western countries, we have deliberately subjected ourselves to “the rule of law.” Our Queen and other heads of state, along with our governments, police forces, the military, businesses, and individuals must all submit to the laws put in place by our elected governments. If a government is to function as our founders intended, it must submit to the highest law…The Rule of God’s Law! This is why the founders of Canada unanimously voted to make our definitive statement for our existence, “He [God] shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth” (Psalm 72:8 – see photo below). I confess with great sadness that my Canada has sinned against this commitment of our founders. I pray fervently that God will be merciful to Canada and Canadians. I love God, my eternal Saviour, and I fear God, the eternal Judge. The last eight statements in today’s Bible reading (50:16-23) puts the fear of breaking God’s laws into me. “God, be merciful to me a sinner!” AMEN!!!
Yours for living 24/7 under the rule of law, both man’s law and God’s law!!!

Psalm 72:8 is engraved into the stone of the main entrance on the centre block of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city. Rising directly above these foundational words is the magnificent Peace Tower.
David, it is wonderful to be reminded of that powerful scripture over the entrance to the Parliament buildings in Ottawa. It is needed now especially as we once again vote for a Government to lead us in our broken world.
Father God
I pray for David that you would speak to him through prayer , and give him your
words that he may tell many others inspirational messages not just on our blog, but every person .
in Jesus name Amen
I am not on face book but am sure there are many David.
My mom’s surgery has been put back for the fourth time its hard to wait my
family that are away are coming to help her so that helps they are going to fill
me in on whats happening when its time she goes to Halifax. Thanks to everyone who is praying for us.
Lianne Hogg
God bless you and your mom, Lianne. Praying the Lord brings her surgery, very soon. In Jesus name, amen.
have your Mom in my prayers!
May God give her patience, grace and mercy, May He heal her from her surgery, May He bless the entire staff doing the surgery, May God grant this Mother good health and able to enjoy her life and her family once again!
May God be with Lianne and her family, may they all travel in safety! We thank you Lord God for the forgiveness of all our sins, for life everlasting. In Jesus Name We Pray AMEN
I love your blog,David!I have read New Direction in the past and watched Huntley since the late seventies .I think u should have a “ “page on facebook.I have a page on Facebook called”I’ll Fly Away”.I have my testimony written on this page and I just sent it easily to over 200 of my non Christian friends on Facebook ! If u had this blog on Facebook I could send it easier to friends on Facebook that I don’t have in my email contacts!Go for it!It’s easy to do or just get Ann or Ron to do bless you and the lovely Norma Jean! I bought my first harmonica at her family’s store in Galt many moons ago! Jenn Lahey.
Dear David Mainse. Back on Sep 14th you had a video inviting people to start your bible study. I was away for awhile and am just catching up on past blogs of yours. I sent that video out to everybody on my address book. I know some will just pooh pooh the whole thing but have asked them to forward it to others who might love the idea of studying the bible with you. Meant to take my tablet on my trip to Italy but lost it in the Toronto airport. Miracle of miracles (thank u Jesus) they found my tablet and its been returned to me. I don’t belong to any social media (yet) but think they are a wonderful way to get The Word out.
God bless you, your family and team for this humble blog.
Lord I pray for this nation of Canada that “He shall have dominion also Sea to Sea and from the rivers unto the ends of the earth” Psalm 72:8
and for continued health and wisdom for you Rev. David in all you do for the Glory of God.
Thank God for the spiritual heritage of our nation but it seems to be slipping away. Facebook is a great way also to spread the Gospel. I have shared more scriptures than I ever have before with family members and some friends. I have informed them about and some do read it but don’t blog. May the Lord continue to give you inspiration as you seek Him David.
Amen! Irene Ochotta. Praise God Almighty in whom we trust!
Amen…God Bless our land!
Thank you for the wonderful prayer, David, and continued blog. We are ever grateful! Praying with you and the rest of the saints for Canada, our Prime Minister, government and the politicians running in the federal election. We live for our Saviour and King and are redeemed by His loving grace, forgiving us of our sins, and leading us to eternal salvation. May we be immersed in the Holy Word and seek Your guidance and direction, in all things. Thank You for Your undying love for us. Amen, amen, and amen!
I give out the website to people every week. Some have been so happy to find it. Thank you David. I need my fix everyday. May God use you as His instrument in the Way He desires.
What a marvelous picture…The Israeli Flag appears so strong and firm!!!
with the over Mt Zion.
should say “over Mt Zion, with the church in the background”