Today’s Reading: Psalms 45-47
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Glimpses of grandeur are seen everywhere as you walk through the ruins of ancient Philippi. The glory of ancient civilizations is in ruins, but not the glorious Church about which Jesus said, “I will build.” The Church is built of living stones; Jesus, Himself, is the Chief Cornerstone in the eternal building! (Ephesians 2:19-22).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 46:1-2a, 47:1
God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear…
Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples!
Shout to God with the voice of triumph!
In yesterday’s reading, words such as “reproach, scorn, derision, dishonour, shame,” etc., were jumping out at us, but not so today. Today the words that stand out are, “a good theme, blessed, glory, majesty,” and over and over, “gladness.” The New Testament writer to the Hebrews quotes extensively from Psalm 45 (Hebrews 1:5-9).
Psalm 46 likens God to an unending river. These streams “make glad the city of God.” Psalm 47 begins with, “Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!” The sons of Korah, who composed these hymns of praise to God, did not try to contain the river of God within them. The river burst forth with strong emotion in spontaneous worship to God! There is a place for human emotion in our personal relationship with God. Expressing our feelings to God is a healthy part of our lives. Singing is an expression of the human soul. Psalm 47:6 encourages us to SING! SING! SING! SING! What are we waiting for? Let’s just sing praises to God now!!!
Lord God, as I read and sing these Psalms, my heart is overflowing with the knowledge of Your goodness to me. I pray that I will never take You for granted, but that I will acknowledge You with gladness every day without fail! You are the Source and the River of gladness which courses through my entire being. I worship You! I exalt You! Hallelujah!!! Amen!!!
Years ago I heard the story of a man who attended a rather formal church service where he heard the reading of a Psalm of praise to God. He raised his voice and said spontaneously and loudly, “Praise the Lord!” At the close of the service the minister was greeting the departing congregation and when he came to this man he said, “Sir, what were you doing shouting out as you did?” The man answered, “I was being blessed by God.” The minister responded, “I’ll have you know that this is no place to get blessed!” It’s a humorous story, but it makes the point that we need to be more free in our expressions of praise to God. Of course Psalm 46:10 makes the point that there is also a time to “be still.”
It was a New Year’s Eve when I asked Norma-Jean to marry me. We had driven to Buffalo, New York, to attend a great church service. The people were the most spontaneous worshippers I had ever come across. I confess that I was so blessed by God in Norma Jean’s “Yes” to my proposal that I joined the people in loud praises. I did all that our key verse tells me to do. I clapped my hands, and I gave a “shout to God with the voice of triumph.” That’s just over 57 years ago, and I’m still expressing my strong emotions to God!!!
Yours for enjoying freedom in expressing praise to our God,

This mosaic artwork in ancient Philippi must have been a most beautiful floor in its day! Philippi was the city where Paul and Silas sang praises to God at midnight while their hands and feet were held in the stocks in the local jail. No wonder they were miraculously set free and the prison warden and his family became believers (read Acts 16:20-34).
Singing shouts of joy and praise to the Lord, our Almighty King, along with you, David, amen! And worshiping You with the angels, dear Lord! Blessings, fellow saints!
Raised to Life, Elevation Worship
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. For The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Oh, the strength of Your shield, the peace of Your voice, the holiness of Your Name, oh Lord, God, makes us rest assured that we are safe and well. “Be still and know that I am God” is one of my favourite scripture verses and is written on a felt board that is on my door. Everytime I go out or look at it in the hallway, I am reminded that all is well because God is in my heart, amen!
Thank you Beverlee Kay.
I use many of your posts with a family I met at the London regional cancer clinic.we pray through messenger . Morning noon and night.
Yes,” shout to God with the voice of triumph”(Psalm 47:1) Blessings everyone!
I played Anne Lotz video on forgiveness to my friend who does not have a computer. I held my cell phone to the speaker and she listened. She has had a long time problem with forgiveness with family members. She phoned me with “good news”. She phone a family member and that member was also feeling the pain. They ministered to each other and decided to let the past go. Several other members of the family also agreed and they are all being healed. Praise God. With further preaching on TV Sunday on forgiveness she made the move.
Praise God, Doreen! Forgiveness has such healing powers, amen. It is the key that opens the door to set the pain free. .
This blog is such a blessing! Thank you, David and all involved in it. Isn’t it amazing that as you honour Him, God is involved in it too?
David, speaking of Philippi, I composed this back in April and MAY have also shared it here. If not, here it is again.
Robin Aldrich
I was told in strict fashion
to ensure that these Jews
be watched, and kept guarded,
or my head I would lose !
They’d offended their brothers,
and disrupted the City.
Who cares? I don’t !
From me, there’s no pity !
I’m paid for my duty
and their wounds I ignore.
So WHY the praying and singing?
They’re chained to the floor !
One is named Silas and the other is Paul
They are preachers or scribes
or much worse, I recall.
They’ve broken the laws
and I’m sure I won’t weep
for their plight; this dark night.,
Just let me have sleep !
Nothing’s New in this world,
There’s no Hope to employ.
Come daybreak… real mourning
will replace their false joy !
All our lives are so hopeless
as we groan in life’s Battle.
Whether free men or slaves,
we’ll ALL die, like cattle !
It’s now Midnight, and I thought
I felt a great shaking.
So we cried , as the earth
opened up with much quaking.
“ All is lost “, I cried out,
for I knew I must die
by my own hand, if the prisoners
could face a free sky !
Their shackles had dropped off;
their cell doors had sprung.
I thought that those prisoners
must be gone; every one !
A light was soon brought;
… every prisoner was there !
I despaired of my own life,
but I heard Paul declare …
“Do yourself no great harm ..
put your sword down… don’t fear.
You can see for yourself
we all are still here ! “
A Light shone within me
like never before.
I knelt down in trembling,
my face to the floor.
“I’m a dead man, and Sirs
this life is depraved !
Tell me what to do now
Sirs, to be saved ! ”
They then said with one voice,
‘It’s Jesus, you see …
Whom YOU must Believe in
to be REALLY set free “
We proceeded to my house.
I bathed their sore stripes.
( my family soon Baptized
trom Death, into Life )
Not only did Jesus give
Freedom and Grace.
Philippi then released them;
no charge did they face !
Where once I’d intended
to fall on my knife ..
in despair …
So special Robin. Shows great talent. Thanks very much.
Wonderful, Robin!!!
I rejoice with you “Clap your hands all you people, shout unto God with voice of triumph” Rejoicing in the Lord who triumphed victoriously!!! Our KING AND OUR GOD!!!
How pleasant it is “to be still and know that He is God” He will sustain me He will lift me up and lead me with His righteous right hand on paths of righteousness for His name’s sake… His name is Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God…and He loves me with an everlasting Love…Praise His Holy name!!!! AMEN! I will rejoice in the Lord always…for the Joy of the Lord is my strength!!!
Thank you Robin!!! a new life had begun!!
Great pictures…especially the cloud-burst..looks like a ball of snow covering
the sun. Beautiful colour combination in the mosaic artwork. Thanks Reynold!!
2 days after a drunk driver killed a family member I met the person and told them that I forgive the person!. This person hugged me real hard and I told the person that it could have been my family member who was driving drunk and maybe could have had an accident and killed somebody!
That was only possible because God made it so and the sad part was that the person who was forgiven took their life 6 months later!
that experience also enable me to forgive others in my life; it brings the words to me:
this blog has been very helpful to me, reading the experiences others have had, it gives me encouragement and really brings it home that we are all brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ and I am very thankful for everyone sharing. It is the honesty that I value plus the relationships that everyone has with Jesus Christ!