Today’s Reading: Psalms 31-32
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

King David’s Tomb is a site traditionally believed to be the burial place of David, King of Israel. It is located on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Notice the harp, violin, and musical notes on the drapery that covers a sarcophagus, a stone casket. Songs, hymns, and poetry in the Hebrew language are the inheritance we have from King David. Jesus would have sung David’s songs in Hebrew. Our English language translators have done a great job in capturing the beauty of David’s language, particularly in the King James Version (1611 to about 1770 English). One of the reasons the New King James Version (the 1970s) is used in this blog is that while moving to modern English, the translators managed, for the most part, to keep the beauty and accuracy of the original English translations.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 32:5
I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.
The key verse should sound familiar to us because of our common human condition. David shows us that the only way we can experience the freedom and joy God intends for us is through acknowledging and confessing our sin. A New Testament teaching we should read regularly is 1 John 1, the entire chapter.
There are two other verses in today’s reading that we may want to read again. Jesus began His ministry quoting His Bible during His wilderness fasting, and now here are His last words from the Cross quoted from this hymn composed by David (31:5). Let’s move to these words, “Make Your face shine upon Your servant” (31:16). Back in Psalm 4 David writes, “Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us.” David is borrowing from Moses here. Moses taught us a three-fold blessing which we use in our benedictions even today. Check it out from Numbers 6:22-27.
Lord God, my prayer today is Psalm 32:5-11. I’m reading this to You Lord! Thank You that as a result I can “be glad,” and I can “shout for joy!” Amen!!!
From my childhood the expression “to know by heart” meant I had memorized a poem for recitation to my public school teacher in front of the class. In Sunday School I was required to recite the weekly memory verse “by heart.” My mother and older sisters made sure I had it right. Again and again Jesus quoted from His Hebrew Bible. He’s my example of the importance of the “Word.” I’m learning daily to count on the Holy Spirit to bring to my memory Scriptures which I’ve learned by heart that show me how to respond to the need at hand. Please join me in reading John 16:7-15. The Holy Spirit guides within the authority of the written Word of God. I’ve learned to always check with Scripture, and to take the next step and actually pray the Scriptures, This past weekend Norma-Jean and I saw a most powerful example of this in the movie, War Room, currently showing in some local Cineplex Theatres. Please, please, don’t miss this. I never thought I’d live to see such a powerful Jesus message on a theatre screen! (click here for information).
Yours for proclaiming the joyful message of salvation through Jesus,
P.S. It has occurred to me that some of our blog readers may have children visiting today. So let me link you to one of Crossroads’ recent productions which ties in with our key verse on forgiveness…click here for one of our children’s productions from The program is called RocKids TV.
Thank you Pastor David. We just started a series this Sunday on forgiveness and read Psalm 32! Thanks for the link to the movie. blessings to you.
Great movie….saw it last night with some friends….read the book so was looking forward to seeing it on screen….this is a confirmation to me as The Lord is dealing in my heart this summer….on prayer….changing my whole morning schedule….I thank The Lord for what HE alone can do in hearts!!!
Amen, David! Wonderful Psalms, today, and new testament readings! Thank You Jesus, for dying for us, so that we received the gifted blessing of the Holy Spirit, in our lives. Praying for God’s continued blessings to all saints, today.
Heart of Worship, Michael W. Smith
Felt the spirit of prayer on me this morning so spent longer than usual in prayer as there are many needs. Led up to you speaking about the War Room movie. Also our new pastor spoke Sunday on prayer and he wants to show that movie in our church. Love Psalms 32; “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye.”(Psalms 32:8). Also took note of the blessing on the children of Israel. Thanks David for all the messages and links. Blessings saints!
Happy Birthday, Ann
God is Good and people have been so blessed by your ability and willingness to serve. From a friend in Alberta.
Lord Jesus “I have acknowledged my my sin to you and my iniquity I have not hidden, I have confessed my transgressions to you Lord, and you forgave the iniquity of my sins”…
I’m set free to worship, set free to love You, set free to rejoice in You…thank You, thank thank You: Holy Spirit You teach me the way of the Lord and guide me on paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake.
free to” Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice and again I say Rejoice!!!”
Amen, Irene, amen!!!
Thank you Rev. David: I prayed Psalm 32:5-11 and read the links you included enhancing the prayers in today’s Psalms. What a blessing!!!
Yes “The War Room” is a must-see! I found myself praying with her at the end of the movie! Very very powerful
Thank you Rev. Reynold Mainse for that great photo King David’s tomb!!!
AMEN to Psalm 32:5-11 David! YES I saw War Room-loved her powerful, booming prayer at the end! Lord we lift up ALL the unbelievers!! Help us to STAND! Also I have the book Prayer Warrior on order-so excited to get it-also your book which should come some time in December. I now know by heart Psalm 32:11- Be glad and rejoice in the Lord, all you righteous; shout for joy all you upright in heart! Blessings to all my righteous blog buddies!!
Very thankful that I decided to do a drivir’s refresher course! WOW! I sure needed that practice! Will be doing another hour next month!
I would encourage everyone to do this; to enroll with a Driving School for about 3 lessons! I learned so much! I have been driving for years but I had not so good habits plus I learned alot in the last 24 hours! Praise and thank God for Him giving me this idea!
I am off to swim exercises! I never thought I would be thankful for a Mental Illness but I am because it has helped me with the cost of swimming! AMAZING!
I’ve posted prayers before about the Lord granting me a BIG financial breakthrough of some sort, enough to pay off debts, help family, friends and find homes and people who would take in room and board and help so many of our men who are lonely, single, mixed up, need somebody to love them enough to see past the addictions and see a person and help that person to get back on track. Not impossible with God!
I’m always praying for your winfall Sah because I can only imagine how many people you will help with it!!!
Posting this comment rather late in the day as we had to away for a good chunk of it. I was heavily promoting War Room at every opportunity on Facebook these last few weeks and we managed to see it on it’s second day of opening in Canada. Here is the link detailing where this terrific, challenging and inspiring movie is playing. See it soon , because it will only continue to be shown as long as audience attendance justifies.