Today’s Reading: Psalms 28-30
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

On the Sea of Galilee, a statue beside the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy shows Peter kneeling before Jesus after His death and resurrection.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 30:5
For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.
It’s hard to imagine the despair that David tried to express in Psalm 30. He was running for his life from his father-in-law, King Saul, whom David would follow as king. After a desperate prayer, David would always end with praising God, together with a statement of his unwavering faith in God’s power and God’s willingness to deliver him. David knew the continuing anger of Saul and the weeping it caused. This is not the way with God! We know that God wants life and joy! Yes, God is angry with sin, but when we ask His forgiveness, His anger toward us ceases. We do need to weep in repentance, not in self pity. Joy is the result!
In Psalm 29, the phrase “voice of the Lord” is repeated six times. The problem is that we are not good listeners most of the time. Hopefully this blog quiets us sufficiently so that we can hear what God has to say. Psalm 28 should result in a spirit of rejoicing because of our confidence in God’s answers to our prayers. God hears our voice much better than we hear His! We may think that those around us don’t listen to us, but God is a GOOD LISTENER!!!
Lord God, I thank You for listening to me when I pray. In this I have complete confidence. Therefore, I pray for all those people that come to my mind. . . . (name them). Help me to care about those things about which You care, O Lord. I pray in the Name of the One who rose early every morning to spend much time in prayer, Jesus, Himself! Amen!!!
My eyes have been drawn to read again and again Psalm 30:11a, “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing.” I don’t often dance, but there are times when joy is so strong that I break free of my reserve, and away I go! It happened at least once on live television when a young man, who had escaped from an Eastern European communist country, was playing a lively tune of rejoicing on his violin. Some may remember Georgian Banov. I’ve attached a clip of that spontaneous dancing (click here). Also, from Crossroads 360 under the topic “Arts Dancing” is the most amazing, joy-filled video. Little Clara, an autistic girl, shows amazing talent and brings such joy. Her parents were interviewed by Magdalene, one of our 100 Huntley Street reporters. I dare readers to watch this without experiencing joy and perhaps a few tears (click here).
Yours for turning mourning into dancing!
Ann Mainse, our daughter-in-love, as we say, celebrates her birthday today. Ann reads this blog faithfully before it is posted and ensures that I’ve used correct punctuation, etc. Ann has edited a number of books, written widely published articles, and is in demand as a speaker for conferences, etc (click here for Ann’s web site). Happy Birthday Ann! Thanks for all your help! Below is a picture of Ron and Ann.
Happy Birthday Ann have a wonderful year God Bless
Happy Birthday Ann! Thanks for all you do for David’s blog and Crossroads. Have a wonderful day
Have a great year, Anne. God bless you and the fam.
Happy Birthdday ! Ann and many more to come I didn’t know you had a blog but
what do you expect these days everyone (almost) has one. David you are a
great dancer.
Lianne Hogg
Happy Birthday, Ann! Your many hours of help editing David’s blog has been a blessing for us all! Thank you so much!!
I couldn’t help being full of joy when I watched the video of you dancing Pastor David. What a beautiful way to start the day, praising the Lord in The Word, song and dance. Have a wonderful birthday Ann, I also thank you for your part in this blog it is much appreciated. Love to all Eleanor M.
Happy Birthday, Ann! God’s continued blessings to you! And thank you so much for editing the blog. Thank you, David, for providing links that fit so well with the theme of today’s Psalms. Your personal story on your blog about your son Eric’s near drowning was remarkable, Ann–a testament to God’s loving grace and compassion, turning a near tragedy into a life of triumph. The story of little Clara, with autism and her brilliant mind and ballet ability after overcoming such odds; oh how we see God in her, amen! The violinist Georgian Banov’s escape from a communist country and brilliant violin playing and song expressing his triumph through God’s saving grace, was joyful, including your dancing along with him, David. Here I was, this morning, feeling sorry for myself because my friend forgot to pick me up for our early morning lake swim, which I so rely on, right now, struggling with so much pain. But the Lord our God, brought me back to himself, humbling on my knees, and giving all the thanks and praise! How great are You, Lord, indeed! How precious is this day You made. We shall rejoice and be glad in it! I can’t stop singing Jesus Loves Me, amen! Blessings, dearest saints!
Jesus He Loves Me, Chris Tomlin
Have a happy blessed birthday, Ann. Thank you for your help in participating in this wonderful blog. God bless you!
Happy Birthday Ann Mainse; thank you for all you do in this blog presentation.
Happy Birthday, Ann. Thank you for all you do, God Bless!
Hi Anne, Happy Birthday! You are doing an awesome job on this Blog. Well done! Thanks!…Blessings!.
How crazy is that! Of course you are Ann without the E…..You would have picked that up immediately…Sorry!
What joy is expressed today in both the dancing videos – especially inspirational little Clara.
Happy 50th Ann, and thanks for your dedication and all you do with David’s daily early morning blog which I am sure we all appreciate.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
Amen, Graham!
Happy Birthday Ann, have a great year, and thanks for all you have done for us.
Beverlee Kay, I am so sorry you have so much pain, I pray that you will have a cancellation, and have your surgery soon. I had back surgery 45 years ago, after 10 years of pain. My hip surgery has been a success, I am walking without pain, I pray you will have relief soon.
Psalm 30, God used this Psalm when I was pacing the floor, after a personally, very painful experience. I remember reading “Weeping may endure for the night, but Joy cometh in the morning”. I remember waking in the morning and I had slept for 5 hours!!! How I praised God for being with me, before that time I used to doubt my salvation, but after that, I never doubted again. Yes, the experience was painful, but the ” good” God brought from it was worth all the pain.
Blessings on all my ” blog buddies” have a great day.
Thank you, Mary, for your prayers and Psalm 30. God bless you, dear sister-in-Christ!
May the Lord be gracious unto you Ann on this your birthday. May He grant you good health and much happiness. Thank you for being a big part of our daily blog.
Yes happy birthday Ann. Eccl. 9:4 – 12 reminds us to celebrate life with the Lord and our spouse. Blessings, George and Marilyn
Dear Ann A very happy birthday ..God Bless you And many more years….R…
AWESOME David, loved your dancing.
Happy birthday Ann, have a GREAT DAY.
Love, Jenny.
Oh what a joyous way to start our day today-thank you David!! Happy Birthday to you Ann and thank you for all the perfect punctuations!!! I love how we’ve been praying for days and days that we trust in Him and today we pray in PAST TENSE Psalm 28:7-my heart TRUSTED in Him, and I AM HELPED!! Glory be to You God! Praying for all of us Psalm 29:11-The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. AMEN!!!
Happy Birthday Ann and thank you for your part in 100words.ca. Looking back on our trip to Israel with fond memories. Enjoyed all the dancing today on the blog as well as Clara’s fighting spirit. Last year this week(the 23rd) I was heading out to Bulgaria. Love Georgian’s playing. Glad you are swimming again Beverlee and thank you for your songs. Yesterday, our family had a reunion, the Lord blessed and I saw some victories. Thank you Jesus. Blessings everyone!
Amen, Ger!
What joy is revealed in Ann and Ron in that Birthday picture…I pray for continued joy and strength for your life together for years to come.
Little Clara, God’s gift of Joy!!!
Loved the lively music and the clip of you dancing. He turns our mourning into dancing: His mercies are new every morning. He is our Rock and our salvation!!! Praise His Holy Name. Amen!!!
Be blessed all you Saints for the Joy of the Lord is your strength!!!
Happy 50th Ann GOD bless you in the year to come. & Thank you for your part in David’s blog… It was surely a joyful time listening to the lively music and especially seeing you dance Pastor David and the joy of seeing what GOD can do for little Clara. Blessing to all.
thank you David for your faithfulness to God and your continuing ministry. I needed this Bible reading so much today! It greatly blessed me and as I prayed and wept afterwards I saw a picture of a flower, held safely in the hands of God, being carefully crafted through pain and sorrow….joy comes in the morning!
What a surprise! watching the click of Georgian Banov playing, I noticed people in the front row from my community in British Columbia! WOW!
What a musicial gift Georgian Banov has and to be able to share this gift with others is wonderful!
A lovely picture of Ron and Ann! Very colorful and very happy! CONGRATULATIONS!
I don’t buy lottery tickets BUT I sure pray that the Lord would bless me with a supernatural increase in my finances! I have a dream! I would like to buy some homes, equip these homes with familiies that would offer room and board to the many single men in my community! These individuals need a loving family environment, 3 meals a day plus, people who would put them to work in preparing the meals, someone to talk with, someone to encourage them and get them cleaned up and into some courses or some good training work places! These guys are very lonely, and yes, they are somewhat mixed up BUT with God’s help, I am convinced they can be lead back on track and become very productive citizens in the community!
That’s my dream and I would ask that you please pray for me.
YEP! God didn’t make junk! Beautiful dancing by Clara! Thank you Lord God for all the blessings of this day. AMEN
Good to have those visions for others, sah.