Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 14
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

In the Armenian quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, there is a church with this door built inside an ancient gate. Note the heavy bolts on the left. Security has always been important. King David knew that his security came from God, yet there is no record that he prayed about his decisions concerning Absalom. When big trouble comes (tomorrow’s reading), David turns to God in prayer. Why bolt the door when the enemy is already inside?
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Samuel 14:14
For we will surely die and become like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. Yet God does not take away a life; but He devises means, so that His banished ones are not expelled from Him.
Lord Jesus, Your Apostle Paul tells me that if I judge myself, I will not be judged. I can read that in 1 Corinthians 11:31. In that chapter the “Lord’s Supper” is presented. When I partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine, I seek to review my conduct and judge myself. You show me areas of my life where I need to repent. I pray for ongoing grace to live in that attitude of repentance. In Your strong Name I pray, Amen!
I very much encourage every blog reader to come along side the Crossroads Family of Ministries. In my opinion the flagship telecast, 100 Huntley Street, is the most effective television anywhere when it comes to confronting the culture, particularly now in 2015. Our son, Ron, who posts my blog for 6:00 a.m. each day, serves the Lord as the “Chief Ministry Officer” for the entire ministry. He also writes to all our supporting members each month. This blog may be longer than usual, so I ask you to take the time to read prayerfully what Ron writes to you. Please respond with your best ministry gift and if possible a monthly faith promise.
Yours for learning to judge ourselves,
Here’s Ron…
Hi folks! Thanks for taking the time to read this as we are about to launch into 10 days of special 100 Huntley Street programs, beginning on Monday. Here’s what we’ll be talking about…
Do we “engage” or “enrage?”
Is it possible to share timeless Biblical Truth without resorting to anger and argument? Is it possible to lovingly embrace those with whom we disagree without compromising our beliefs? The answer is a resounding “YES!”
The Apostle Paul wrote, “…we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the Church” (Ephesians 4:15).
If there ever was a time for Christians to lovingly communicate God’s truth about controversial and polarizing issues, it is now! But we must develop our convictions based on research, reason, and Biblical truth…and be able (and willing) to communicate these convictions with a love and respect that reflects God’s own heart.
One of our TV viewers wrote to us these words:
“As this world seems to spin out of control…we as parents are left helpless and hopeless trying to make a difference in our kids’ lives. 100 Huntley Street provides a different insight, bringing words of faith, hope and encouragement. Thank you! May God continue to bless this amazing ministry!” –Gaby, Markham, Ontario
Our Crossroads/100 Huntley Street ministry leader, Dr. John Hull, has clearly expressed his determination for us to be ACTIVELY ENGAGED in strongly, yet lovingly, speaking Biblical Truth into some of today’s most divisive issues. And as we look around us, we see 10,000 Reasons to Engage! That’s our theme for April…
Joining us this month on 100 Huntley Street is bestselling author and pastor Chip Ingram. In his timely and relevant book, CULTURE SHOCK, Chip tackles the tough topics that others tend to avoid, and he shows us how to bring light rather than heat to some of the most controversial issues of our day.
As a pastor for over thirty years, Chip has a unique ability to communicate truth and challenge people to truly live out their faith. Covering topics such as right and wrong, sex, homosexuality, abortion, politics, and the environment, CULTURE SHOCK is a must-have guidebook to replacing reactionary hate with revolutionary love. Chip writes…
“For too long the Church has been silent on these issues that are shaping our culture. For too long opposing groups have thrown rocks, slanted statistics, and vilified one another, even within the Church…Let’s put truth and love together and explore what the Bible says about today’s most divisive issues.”
We want to put a copy of CULTURE SHOCK into your hands and the hands thousands of believers across the country! It is a message that MUST get out if we are to be the kind of loving “salt and light” influence on society that Jesus taught us to be.
Your financial support means so much and is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for joining with us to ENGAGE a lost, hurting and deceived world with the TRUTH and LOVE of Jesus!
As our special “thank you” for your ministry donation this month, please allow me to send you a copy of CULTURE SHOCK. You can simply give online and ask for the book HERE or you can call us during the week at 1-800-265-3100.
Chip Ingram has also recorded a Culture Shock DVD video series, which we want to make available to you. Here’s the opportunity…
During April, we are highlighting the vital importance of monthly membership, so we want to send an extra “thank you” gift to those who make a NEW monthly commitment at one of our membership levels. Perhaps you would prayerfully consider becoming a member at our newest membership level called a “Genesis Member” at $20 per month (that’s 65 cents a day)…or our other levels are $30, $60 or $100 per month.
If God leads you to say “YES” to this monthly giving challenge, we would love to send you BOTH the book AND the 12-part Culture Shock video teaching series. Chip’s powerful video is recorded on three DVD’s and includes a study guide…perfect for your own personal viewing or to give to your church for use with a small group.
Again, you can simply call us at 1-800-265-3100 or make your pledge online HERE (I’m told that an option for monthly giving on that website will be available by Monday).
Thank you so much for your generous support. Together we will engage our culture with the unshakable Truth and amazing love of Jesus!
With you in Christ’s service,
Ron Mainse
P.S. Don’t forget to request your copy of CULTURE SHOCK, and be sure to watch 100 Huntley Street for our special programming days from April 13th -24th. Your support means so much in enabling us to engage our culture with the Gospel. Thank you so much for your faithfulness to Him!
Prophetic description with today’s photo–amen! But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Jn 14:27
My Peace I Give Unto You
Blessings dearest saints; praying for you, sister Ger!
Seems David had much to learn about being a loving Father: Also dealing with “Pride”…as do we….Lord Jesus I pray and ask for your way in all my ways…to turn to Your guidance and strength. Amen!
Great picture and your interpretation of it Rev. David…thank you!!
Thank you Beverlee for that link …a reminder from whence our Peace comes…and to receive it. God bless and strengthen you in this day.
Thank you David for this inspiring blog. Thank you Eleanor and Beverlee for your prayers. I have been strengthened in a wonderful way. God bless you.
So glad you feel strengthened Ger, God surely does answer our prayers. Blessings to all.
I am having a very hard time understanding 2 Samuel and it’s too much violence for me…..I get mixed up with all the names, I was very troubled by how David acted with Besheba….I had forgotten that he tried to hide the issue….reminds me of myself sometimes……
I am thankful for those who are or were ill are now feeling much better, I am thankful for those who had surgeries that God protected the doctors and staff and the person having the surgery PRAISE GOD THAT HEALING IS HAPPENING AND THAT PEOPLE ARE FEEELING BETTER……amen amen amen
Yes, Sah I agree with you and am thankful for those that are feeling better and are healed.