Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 13
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Two Shepherds milk a sheep amidst the ruins of Jerash, Jordan. This photo is a reminder of the ewe in Nathan’s story (II Samuel 12:1-4).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Samuel 13:15a, 28
Then Amnon hated her exceedingly, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her…Now Absalom had commanded his servants, saying, “Watch now, when Amnon’s heart is merry with wine, and when I say to you, ‘Strike Amnon!’ then kill him. Do not be afraid. Have I not commanded you? Be courageous and valiant.”
Lord God, I pray that I will pay closer attention than ever to Your “instruction in righteousness.” Please Lord, write Your Word on my heart again today, and every day. Keep me faithful in my daily reading of Your Word I pray. In the Name of the One who lives in my heart and who is always faithful, my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
As I read today’s awful, tragic story, I thought of the tabloid papers that it seems impossible to avoid as I pass through the checkout counters at the grocery store. I try to avert my eyes so that I’m looking at my groceries and concentrating on my payment. Nevertheless, in the corner of my eye, there they are, filled with lurid headlines, half truths, outright lies, and awful pictures. I’ve spent a lifetime checking out Bible stories and have concluded that, while some of them are horrible, they are, unlike the tabloids, an accurate record of the human condition. In other “religious” writings, I find that the writers do not have their sins splashed across the pages as we find in the Bible. To me, this honesty is a great proof of the fact that “holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). I believe that God is and that He has responded to diligent seeking hearts with truth. I’ve just taken the time to read a New Testament chapter, Hebrews 11. What an amazing gallery of God’s celebrities! It’s far more interesting than any tabloid, and there is one great advantage in reading the Bible… It’s TRUE!
Yours for making the Scriptures the vital component in our spiritual DNA,
P.S. I watched this past week the Easter message of the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom, David Cameron. Every country should be blessed with such a leader (click here). He is one of the leaders I pray for almost every morning. Two years ago this week, Margaret Thatcher, a former PM of Britain, died. I put a link to a transcript of her message to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on 100words. It’s well worth reading again (click here).
Samuel 13 was disturbing to read but ever so thankful for Hebrews 11–faith lifts us up, amen. I am struggling right now and the ever refreshing reminder about faith rekindles me this morning. Thank you, God! Thank you for your prayers, dear saints.
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. Ps 42:1b
As the Deer Pants, Robin Mark
You alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship You, amen!!!
P.S. the link is a continuous feed for worship songs, just let it keep running….. He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave!
Thank you dear Pastor for the video of David Cameron. I have put it on my Facebook as I think my friends need to hear his message. On a personal note, my husband and I spent our 50th wedding anniversary yesterday in Toronto, visiting my surgeon for my I week checkup. I am coming along but have to take it easy for the next 5 or 6 weeks . Thanks again for all your prayers, I do appreciate all of you on this blog. Praying for you Beverlee Kay.
Praying for you, too, Eleanor! Amen!
Thanks Beverlee Kay.
“In sickness and in health” Congratulations on your 50th anniversary and thanking God that you are able to be together at this time. Prayers for your healing and for you helpmate.
Eleanor I am so thankful that you are on your way to a full recovery! PRAISE GOD FROM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! Praise and thank God for the skilled surgeons and doctors and staff that looked after you! Perhaps click on Beverlee Kay’s music link on You Tube and celebrate your recovery to some Gospel songs! I am very thankful to God for being with you at this time! AMEN AMEN AMEN
I agree Beverlee this chapter is hard for me to read as well
I will keep you in my prayers
Lianne Hogg
Very bizarre behaviour by Amnon and distressing to say the least.
Margaret Thatcher was such a great role model to me and hopefully to countless others. This is one of her quotes:
“My policies are based not on some economics theory, but on things I and millions like me were brought up with: an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay; live within your means; put by a nest egg for a rainy day; pay your bills on time; support the police.” (Interview September 1981).
I appreciate how you link our learning to the world around us! I don’t know how you are aware of so many things, but I appreciate the incite the Holy Spirit imparts to you! Keep sharing your concerns and the highlights you see for us around the world. It gives us a greater perspective and widens our prayer window too! I knew nothing about the UK PM until you spoke of him! Now I will learn more! Thank you!
The scripture today was very disturbing to me…but the Bible tells it like it is…revealing the cruelty of man and the compassion and faithfulness of God.
What a great word on Faith in Hebrews 11…a word of encouragement.
thank you Rev. David for the link of David Cameron and Margaret Thatcher…words of hope that this world has within it leaders of integrity and faith in God.
Praying for you Beverlee for peace of mind and strength in all you need.
Amen! Irene. I agree with you.
Praying for all the people on this blog.
Thank you everyone for your prayers as I pray for you, as well. What a blessing our prayer blog is–amen!
Yes, this is a very sad and tragic part of the Bible. Thank you David for the link to Prime Minister David Cameron and Margaret Thatcher. Glad to hear him say that England is still a Christian nation. Praying for you Beverlee and Eleanor and would appreciate your prayers as I worked too hard last night to avert some flooding here at the house. Thanks and God bless you.
Thanks Ger, I am praying that you will regain your strength. I thought I would be able to go to church tomorrow. However, I know now that I can” t, I must let the healing take place. Bless all blog friends.
So nice to see Prime Minister David Cameron’s strong Easter message.
Canon Rob Towler mentioned in his Easter Sermon that there are some in the US who are trying to be politically correct and want to talk of “Spring orbs” instead of “Easter eggs”!
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
Thank you so much for the words of the U.K. P.M. David Cameron & of the late former P.M. Margaret Thatcher. They moved me greatly & are so refreshingly true. God Bless you David Mainse for this wonderful blog of 100 words.
I can’t handle the harsh Scripture! I’m listening to THE PM and Thatcher! Blessings to everyone!