Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Today’s Reading: Numbers 14

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


The Temple of Kom Ombo stands on the east bank of the Nile, right next to the river, about 4 km from the town of Kom Ombo. It was dedicated to two Egyptian gods, Horus and Sobek. Lucifer inhabited these temples in order to receive the worship he coveted in Heaven but failed to receive. He was cast out of Heaven and banished to the planet Earth where his final incarceration in the Lake of Fire is guaranteed in the final judgment.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Numbers 14:19

Pardon the iniquity of this people, I pray, according to the greatness of Your mercy, just as You have forgiven this people, from Egypt even until now.


How strange! The majority wanted to go back to Egypt. This, in spite of the Red Sea miracle, the water from the rock, the manna, the pillar of cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night. Before we judge them harshly, consider how attractive the old world can be to us when the going gets tough. When Moses preached God’s judgment on backsliding, it’s amazing how quickly the plan was changed (14:35). Then they made another big mistake. They presumed that God would restore everything as it was (14:44). Not so! There are consequences to a rebellious spirit. Yes, they were forgiven and God did not destroy them. It’s true that God is great in mercy. Nevertheless, they had forfeited the Promised Land. I expect to meet most of these people in Heaven, but in this life there are God-given opportunities which, if missed, will never be ours again.


Lord God, I ask, by Your grace, as I daily submit to Your will, that I will not miss opportunities to follow Your plan. Help me to make You my #1 Priority. In the Name of the One who always did what He saw You doing, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! (See John 5:17-20).


I gave my life to Jesus at 16 and at 18 decided to give myself fully to Him for His Ministry through me. In my early years, I struggled often with the assurance that I was doing the will of God. Then I learned Jesus’ secret as to where He found the will of His Father. Remember, He never used His divinity to help Himself. He lived His life as a Man. His favourite name for Himself was “Son of Man.” Here’s the way Jesus did it. Read with me Mark 1:35…”Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” Also, Matthew 14:23…”And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on a mountain to pray.” Then Luke 6:12…”And it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray.” My passion is to be like Jesus. With God’s help, I’ve made early morning prayer a daily priority.

Yours for a consistent daily life in prayer and in God’s Word, so that knowing and doing God’s will becomes a way of life,


P.S. This week in Jerusalem you can check up on me at where I participated in the Tuesday, November 11th, afternoon service. Imagine three services each day with over 4,000 people in attendance in each service in the great theatre and in the overflow areas.

P.P.S. Check out the pictures below at the Sea of Galilee. They were taken during our Israel Tour two years ago and posted when we were at today’s same Bible reading portion. This is a two-year through the Bible reading program. In the early years of the Crossroads ministry, we published the reading challenge in magazines and in ten different books. Now here is this 78-year-old man embracing hi-tech Internet blogging. Thanks very very much for joining me daily!!!

Norma-Jean and I singing "Man From Galilee" in a boat on the Sea of Galilee two years ago today. I am missing my sweetheart this week, but I pick her up at the airport, God willing, this Friday at noon. Yeahhh!!! I expect to have some new Israel pictures posted soon.





17 thoughts on “Wednesday, November 12, 2014

  1. Great pics David, and a stern warning in our reading about our need to have unwavering faith. Lord help us in our prayers to remain focused and attentive to Your message. His strength and blessings, to all!

  2. The lessons learned in Numbers 14 are powerful reminders not to take God’s love and mercy for granted. Thanks for your message, today, David, about the power of prayer set by Jesus’ example. The photos are awesome! Enjoy your reunion with Norma-Jean (God willing)!

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

    Thank You our Heavenly Father, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, for Your great presence in our lives as we serve to honour worship and glorify You. Blessings dear saints.

  3. Yes a stern warning today to keep faithful to the Lord. Great pics as well and a good inspiration for early morning prayer. Blessings on your reunion with Norma-Jean and the tour group.

  4. Love these pictures of you and Norma Jean and the Sea of Galilee It was the high light of my trip to Israel last March the boat trip on the lake It was just marvelous

  5. Amen!!!…The Lord has been doing a new thing in my morning time…for these past few weeks…that only HE can do…and completing that time with this daily reading and all…is awesome….thanks to you David and your family for your faithfulness and insights from my fellow bloggers…

  6. WOW!
    What a powerful link to your afternoon session in Jerusalem yesterday which I recommend to all bloggers.
    Anna’s testimony towards the end in particular was so moving.
    Thank you for your faithful ministry and we are praying for your safety over the next two weeks.
    2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus..

  7. Rising early each day and reading God’s Word is also my way of honouring Him.
    It almost seems, this day and age, that some people are punished for 3 – 4 generations after their relatives sinned. Fortunately it isn’t our place to judge our fellow man.
    Love the links u give us Rev. DM;Pics are lovely and your teachings invaluable.
    God be with you and your group in the blessed State of Israel. What an honour it would be to meet Mr. Netenyahu.
    Blessings fellow saints on this bitterly cold day in west central Alberta.

  8. I appreciate so very much this blog and the uplifting encouragement from my fellow bloggers.

    I find if I start a little later, things do not go so well. Staying close to The
    Lord and reading His Word is my boost for the day. Prayer is an essential and powerful privilege to have.

    Be safe Pastor David and blessings to both you and Norma-Jean when she arrives. Blessings fellow saints.

  9. Thank you Pastor David for impressing us on the importance of daily prayer.

    I joined in your powerful prayer this “Make You Lord #1 priority in my life”.
    The Joy of the Lord is evident in you and Norma-Jean as you sing together..thank you for sharing.

    I don’t know why I did not receive today’s blog (Nov.12)…I was able to get it from yesterday’s blog.

  10. Thank you Rev. David…I went back into the link…was able to join in the Tuesday morning and afternoon as well as Monday evening sessions…Thank you for that privilege…to be able to join in the worship and to hear Ann’s testimony!!! Thank You!!!

  11. it is AMAZING to read how the Word of God changes lives! I would ask that people keep me in your prayers! From now until the end of December. life gets REAL tough! it’s dark in the a.m. and before you realize it, it’s dark in the p.m. and it’s very hard on me….I praise God every minute of every hour for turning my broken leg into me learning how to swim because that is where I escape to is the pool, I am thankful Mental Health pays for my tickets, I started going to the tanning booth which Mental Health pays for to boost my serotonin levels, again, this was suggested by a Naturopath….it does work, feel free to pass on my info to others if it will help…I trust the Lord to help me focus on my health and now that I understand it so much better, I can cope a little better….anyway, forgive me for rambling, thousands of people suffer, and I pray that something I do/say might help someone else, and writing about it, is very helpful, we talk about so many other illnesses, people understand, I told the Lord that I would speak up more for Mental illness because I know so many suffer in silence, I pray someone will read this and feel comfortable to talk about mental illness…blessings to everyone and keep warm

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