Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Today’s Reading: Leviticus 15

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


Among the ruins of the 2,000-year-old Qumran community are small pools which were used for ceremonial bathing. The steps leading down to the baths were each divided to ensure that the impure people descending did not touch the cleansed ones returning up the stairs. Believers in Jesus know that we are cleansed by His precious blood (1 John 1:7).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Leviticus 15:31

Thus you shall separate the children of Israel from their uncleanness, lest they die in their uncleanness when they defile My tabernacle that is among them.


One of the physical conditions described in our reading is found in Mark 5:25-34. The woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was immediately healed of a 12-year constant discharge of blood. Jesus, our High Priest, changes everything. These ceremonial laws were for a specific purpose and a specific time. They taught certain health lessons which were important to a great multitude of former slaves who were wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. These laws seem to have the purpose of honouring God’s dwelling place, the Tabernacle. We are not under the authority of these ordinances today, nor are observant Jews. The denomination within Judaism known as Pharisees were burdened down with intricate rules and regulations. The Apostle Paul, a one-time Pharisee, wrote, when confronted with teachers who sought to turn believers in Jesus back to some of these ceremonial laws, “Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1).


Lord Jesus, Your servant, Paul, taught us, as You had taught him, that the Law is fulfilled in loving my neighbour as myself (Galatians 5:14). Grant me grace, I pray, to do this constantly. Deliver me from being self-centred. Thank You, Jesus! Amen!


Recently I watched a TV show called “The West Wing.” In it the producers and writers put Scripture into the mouth of an actor who played the part of the U.S. President. The quotes were from the most sacred Jewish writings, the Torah. He quoted from Exodus and Leviticus. These verses were never intended to be used in this way as a put down of those who stand for biblical moral standards. When confronted with a woman taken in adultery, Jesus confronted her accusers, who were more intent in discrediting Jesus than in carrying out the ceremonial law. They dropped their stones when Jesus said, “Let him that is without sin among you cast the first stone.” I have a stone on which I wrote this in large letters. It’s a reminder that, along with the laws, the word “forgiveness” is written over and over in the Jewish laws. Jesus exemplified this when He said to the woman, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” Hollywood, in most cases, gets it wrong. I’m constantly on guard when I watch something like “The West Wing.” God is holy, loving and forgiving. I’m a sinner (1 John 1:8-10) and I deserve death, but God gives me life. I feel the need to worship God. I’m going to search Google and join in singing, “Amazing Grace.” I worship You, Almighty God. I am the object of God’s love.

Yours for a thorough understanding of Scripture, understanding the reason for the Law and for the “Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me,”


P.S. Talk about the reliability of the fact of Jesus’ miracles. Here’s a very interesting historical record of a miracle Jesus performed in the words of another Roman historian (click here).


20 thoughts on “Tuesday, October 7, 2014

  1. Thank you Davis for bringing p
    New Testament passages into the reading to put perspective on the Old.
    Thank you Beverly for the quote yesterday from “Streams in the Desert” by L. B. Cowman
    I picked up my copy and read it through in the book, which has been sitting in my room, neglected. Very meaningful.

  2. Thanks for always lifting us up, David, reminding us we are the object of God’s love; for the prayer, today; Amazing Grace, and the link to the article with documents found witnessing Jesus’ miracle giving life back to the stillborn baby. Rejoice!

    Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Phil 4:4

    Wishing all saints a blessed day!

  3. My eyes are glazing over too as I read through this book. It’s my first time reading it and I find myself mystified and amazed at the same time. I am thankful for the comments from you and for the footnotes in my bible. Thank you for your faithfulness.

    God bless.

  4. A lot of these rules and procedures we’ve been studying in Leviticus also seem to have very practical applications not just ceremonial. God’s been instructing his people how to deal and control the spread of everything from mold to infections. It seems there’s always a reason for God’s words, he doesn’t just like making up rules, they have very practical applications to help us live in this fallen world. He’s not some “kill joy” when he forbids adultery. coveting and greed, I think He knows these are the cause of so much misery.

    I’m learning so much in our studies here, this God truly appears to me more and more as a caring Father.

  5. Thank you for your faithfulness each day. I read each word aloud as I believe if It was important enough for God to include we should as it applies for everyone’s benefit.

    Wonderful link to the historical find about our Lord’s miracle with the mother and stillborn child.

    Praise to Him alone.

  6. WOW!
    What a wonderful recent find in the Vatican as described in your PS today.
    I believe that the Roman historian has confirmed the eyewitness accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
    2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
    PS We enjoyed the bulk of the “The West Wing” but we always have to be on guard for producers’ personal interpretations.

  7. Some might look upon these rules and laws as a thing of the past, but all societies need rules and regulations. Don’t we still live under a lot of rules and regulations? We have regulations about food production to ensure what we eat is safe– we still have regulations about public health, such banning smoking in the work place, and trying to confine the spread of germs in hospitals, restaurants etc. I supposed if mankind were to survive another two thousands years, perhaps some future society, reading just our law books alone would think we were pretty oppressed bunch.
    God’s rules and law were given for the same reason we still have rules and law, to ensure the healthy, harmonious running of society. Being a law abiding citizen doesn’t make us superior to those who don’t, but being one help us to function more effectively in society in a way the benefits the society and us. Likewise God never intended his Laws to make us righteousness, just to be a means to protect us and help us function as morally as possible in a fallen world.

  8. Good morning brothers and sisters. Thank you David Mainse for your continuing Spirit-filled teaching on scripture. It is an amazing discovery that you have posted a link to in todays blog. I have just posted it to my facebook page…

    Praise God! Have a blessed day everyone.

  9. Wow!!! Just this morning before school our 11 yr. old granddaughter asked her mother how can we know the bible is true? I had sent thru the link to the historical find on Jesus’ miracle ………Our a God is always on time!!! This article is worth sending on.

  10. Hi David:
    If you Google my name “NES DAVISON” you will find an instrumental recording titled Amazing Walk With Thee which is a combination of Amazing Grace/Just a Closer Walk With Thee that I recorded a year or so ago. I also have CD of the same title containing a number of other selections such as God of the Mountain, Long Black Train, Hava Nagila & a few others. If you like what you hear I can send you a copy of the CD.
    Best Regards, God Bless & Keep up the Great Work !!

  11. WOW!! is the right thank you David for sharing the recent find for us .
    you are right Donna where would we be without rules to follow
    Have a wonderful day everyone
    Lianne Hogg

  12. my son whistles or plays Amazing Grace on an instrument sometimes. he says he dont no what song it is, but i think he does (i like hearing him). please pray for him, he has issues with anger and pray for a guard over the words of his mouth and his thoughts.

  13. I googled the article re Ignazio Perrucci re him finding ancient papers at Vatican re Jesus miracle and Snopes.com came up and stated that it is false. It was put out by a web site called World News Daily Report, a news and political satire site. So sad!!

  14. Sah, I was reading today about the Lord sending a plague or sickness on the king and his household when Abram told Sari to lie and say she was Abram’s sister (not his wife) to protect himself. I do now see that God does send plagues. (I had not realized this before).

  15. Thank you Donna M nice words…I wonder what God must be thinking, He created Order, a friend commented he’s been married to the same gal for 38 years! No sexually transmitted diseases there! What a miracle blessing to have that piece of transcript found! I used to think I was condemned for LIFE! I broke all the rules! then one day GOD spoke, I remember I was so shocked, how could He still love me…BUT HE DID AND STILL DOES! i grew up with mixed messages, but who hasn’t? I’m afraid I did the same with my children, Lord God I have sinned. I’ve done some very dumb, stupid things! I am sorry! So sorry! Please forgive me dear Lord, in Jesus Name I pray. amen. The Lord is using this blog to remove “the scales from our eyes” Thank you Jesus Thank you. AMEN

  16. a friend had her paddle board stolen, they cut right through the wire at storage she goes to chruches to meet people I said thank you God because she also hears the Word at the same time…pray that her board is returned and maybe they will apologize and my friend can forgive yes God does send plagues, I realized that after I believe He wants to send a message….how wonderful to hear someone play or hum AMAZING GRACE will pray for son of louann….may the Lord also guard my words and thoughts also…I need energy, I need a great increase to my income I wish to get my place fixed up, then perhaps sell it and just find a small suite in town and no more looking after a place, I just would like to enjoy thse senioir years, make rag quilts, go swimming, Bible study, chat/coffee with people and not have to be concerned about my home and the responsibility and expense….Lord I sure do need You to help me…thank you.

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