Thursday, June 5, 2014


Today’s Reading: Matthew 3-4

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Sunrise over the Galilee. It's a new day and a new beginning for Now is the opportunity to begin with thousands of others this two-year journey through the world's runaway bestseller, the Bible. I've proven that in the one-year journey, approximately 70% don't complete reading every word in the Bible!!! But in the two-year commitment at least 70-75% actually succeed at the challenge of reading every word!!!


Key Verses: Matthew 3:14 & 4:19

“I have need to be baptised by You and are You coming to me?”… “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”


Later in Matthew 11:2-15 Jesus says, “There has not been one greater than John the Baptist.” Such a great man needed Jesus!

What was the evidence of John’s greatness?

(1) A great message! “Repent!” Turn from your own way and go God’s way (Matthew 3:2).

(2) Humility! He did not consider himself a great personality, just a “VOICE!” (Matthew 3:3).

(3) John recognized his own need. “I have need to be baptised by You” (Matthew 3:14).

John the Baptist, according to Luke’s Gospel, was named by an angel. His birth was prophesied in advance, and he was eventually beheaded because of his stand for Truth. What a great man! Yet he confessed to Jesus, “I need you.” THIS IS GREATNESS!!!!!


Jesus, John needed You, and I need You desperately! I’m confident that, as the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:19, “God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” I pray for the grace of Your daily supply!!! Amen!!!


Watching TV or reading newspapers, I have often shouted at the screen toward the person whose troubles have just been exposed, “YOU NEED JESUS!” Two years ago now, when I first started this blog, I urged people to order from Crossroads the book that Crossroads published called, It’s All About Jesus. This is a book of true stories of Jesus meeting human need in the present. Please go here and order this book of proofs that Jesus is alive on earth today, and in His Name God answers prayer.

His timing may not be to our liking. I remember the singer Jimmy McDonald saying on the 100 Huntley Street TV show, that there are four ways God answers prayer:

  1. NO (It’s not the best for you at least at the present time).
  2. GROW (We must change first in order to handle wisely the answer to our prayers).
  3. SLOW (Circumstances must change first. God is committed to working within the free will of others).
  4. GO (This is God’s “YES!” and we can expect results soon).

Listen very carefully and you will hear God’s answer.

Yours with much love,


P.S. Please send me a comment letting me know you’re starting with me for the next 730 days, providing God gives the graces of continuity, consistency, and what I like to call, plain old sanctified stubbornness…the determination to “never, never, never give up!” Those five words made up the entire content of a school graduation speech made by the “Man of the Century” (20th), Winston Churchill!!!


168 thoughts on “Thursday, June 5, 2014

    • Thank you for this blog, I have been through the bible with you for the past two years, and am looking forward to another two years, daily reading keeps me focused on The Lord and his will for my life.

      • David, as one of your 2013 Land of the Bible pilgrims, I am committed to following you in this reading, internalising, and applying the bible in these next 2 years. Thank you for your commitment to doing this blog. The pictures that go with the blog are a wonderful memory booster of this wonderful trip.

    • Good morning, I am following along for the second time. Thank you for starting this new journey once again. I am very excited to read God’s word along with your message. God bless you, Lisa.

    • I’m in for the second trip through the Bible. Thank-you, David for your faithfulness. Also praising God for my brother who just received word from his doctors that he us in full remission from multiple myeloma after a stem cell transplant. God has been leading us one step at a time through this, and He is so good!

    • just to tell you I am starting the second round with you . I enjoyed the first round so looking forward to this round as well…

  1. Thanks very much for this opportunity to study God’s word together. Many bless to all as we journey together through God’s Holy word.

  2. Never giving up–Jesus is my light salvation and saving grace. Without You, I am nothing. I need You, Jesus, how I need You. I need You, Jesus, now, and always. I am nothing without You. I am everything with You. I need You, Jesus, how I need You.

    “But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, “Lord save me.” And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him.” Mt 14:30, 31

    “Come nearer to me, My child, and do not be afraid. As I reached out to Peter when his faith failed and he began to sink in the boisterous sea, so I am reaching out to you. You do not have to fear Me–for My love is greater than your sin.

    “You still put too much “stock” in what others think of you. Their good or bad opinions mean too much to you. So you take too much delight in the one, and suffer too much pain in the other. I am your Shield and great Reward. I am the Lord who forgives and redeems you. I am He whose love is unchangeable–and I offer you a fellowship deeper and more stable than you have ever known. I can be the crowning experience of your life–if you will come nearer to Me, and not be afraid of Me.”

    Echoes of Eternity, Listening to the Father, Vol 1,
    Hal M. Helms, June 4, p. 118

    Exactly what I needed to hear and be uplifted by, today. Praying for all saints to be blessed and abundant and prosperous in all things. God bless you, David and Norma-Jean Mainse.

  3. with you all the way!! So thankful you stayed on board for the second journey. Look forward to this every morning.

  4. Together with my wife, we have made personal commitments to read the Bible and your blog over the next 730 days. May Our Lord’s blessings and strength be upon us all!

  5. Thank you David Norma Jean and all the staff for this daily devotion. I love the pictures what gets added onto it.
    God Bless you all.

  6. Hi David, thank you for continuing with this blog and this wonderful journey. I just finished this up last week over the full two years and I am so glad you have decided to do this again. I am in for the next two year, God Bless you!

  7. I am reading your blog again for another 2 years. Thanks for your commitment to praying and writing everyday, David. I have watched you from the beginning. Crossroads, 100 Huntley St. is a blessing to our nation!!!!!!!!! We are truly blessed by God in Canada and I know a huge part of that is your obedience to our heavenly Father and care for people.

  8. Glad to be on board for the second time. So good to begin the day with God’s precious word. Reynold’s photographs are amazing and give us who haven’t been to Israel a chance to see the beauty of this precious land.Thank you Reynold and also Ron and Ann for the part you play in this blog.
    David I’m from Brighton ON and I believe that was your first congregation as pastor. We attend Evangel pentecostal church.
    My father in law watched your program daily and we could see his relationship with the Lord grow which was so neat. He had breathing problems and was on oxygen but would never miss the broadcast. He went home 23 years ago. Thanks for the seeds you planted in his life that brought forth goo fruit. Thanks and God bless you.


  9. David, I am so very grateful to God for you and The Crossroads Family.
    You David and your MDS journey are a gentle reminder that it is not over until God says it is over.

    Yes, Yes, I am with you 100% on this 2-year journey through The Bible.
    Thank You for all the lives you have touched and continue to touch,

  10. I had been searching for my next project and God pointed me here. 2 years seems like a long time so today’s encouragement to never give up was perfect answer and the final confirmation I was needing. Count me in.
    I love the pictures and the personal reflections. May God bless you today.

  11. I am beginning again, planning to be with you for the next 2 years or however long you do this. May God bless you and your determination.

  12. Dear David, I completed the first 2 years with you and
    looking forward to the next 2 years with you. I am so
    blessed to be able to read God’s Word each morning.
    In doing so it keeps ones faith strong in the Lord.
    God Bless you for your faithfulness to Him and all others who make this blog possible.

  13. Hello David,

    I am with you, (GOD Helping me) I pray for you and Norma Jean.
    Thank you kindly for being you.
    I love Jesus.

    Many Blessings & Prayers

  14. Good morning, 🙂 I just finish reading the bible with You David and i am starting again, looking forward every day. Love the beautiful picture it remind me of the trip to holy land.
    God bless you & have a wonderfull day. Michel 🙂

  15. Hi David, I have followed your 100 words for almost 2 years, I am blessed by this special bible study . Thanks for your hard work Blessings Dan

  16. Good morning David!!

    Yes I will be here for the next 730 days with you reading Gods word!! I will never, never, never give up either!

  17. Thank you!!! The Lord bless you an keep you.
    I plan to read the bible daily with you. I have been very Blessed as I have come on board to read the Word and your comments.

  18. HI David
    I am with you for another 2 years. Really enjoyed the first round and looking forward to reading the Bible again with you for the next 2. Eldon is going to join me ! May God continue to give you the strength to keep on keeping on! Thanks for your encouragement today to never never give up!! Love to you and Norma Jean. Hope to see you at the lake again sometime soon!

  19. David, Thank you so much for this spiritual food every morning. I am starting with you again and this time I am reading it out loud to my husband who has Alzheimer’s and he is loving it. God Bless you richly for your faithfulness .

  20. i am with you, and i intend to be with you till the very end by His grace. May the Good Lord grant us all grace to be humble, to be able to recognize our needs and to focus on doing things that will bring glory to His name always…Amen and Amen! God bless us all fellow bloggers

  21. During the last two years I have always looked forward to spending about 1/2 hour reading the Word and enjoying comments from David and our fellow bloggers the first thing in the morning. I feel like we are one big family…. I have committed to go on another journey through the entire bible in the again. What a great way to start the day.

  22. I have started the readings (yesterday). I’m really looking forward to this journey. I signed up for the emails (twice) but haven’t received any yet.

  23. David, it’s a great joy to take this journey again with you. So thrilled to see that you’re restored to health. You continue to be a great inspiration. My brother-in-law has just completed the 2-year journey with you, and would never read the Scriptures before, but clicks on every link and reads/listens to everything included.

  24. Never give up are great words of advice. I started part way through the first 2 years and look forward to the next730 day. I feel blessed to be apart of your leading through the Bible each day. Thank you David.

  25. Hi David….I have been reading with you since I signed up for the trip to Israel last November so am now starting from the beginning.The trip made the Bible come alive for me & I thank for this study as it keeps me in the word everyday.You are in my prayers!

  26. Thank you David. I completed the last 2 years with you and, God willing, I shall be with you for the next 2 years again. God Bless, Bill

  27. I have been with you for the last 1.5 years and have been inspired by your dedication and love for Jesus. Am praying for you. Looking forward to the next 2 years.

  28. I am grateful for the opportunity to be starting another 2 years. Thank you to you David and your family for your commitment and dedication. Looking forward to another 2 years of blessings.

  29. Thank you for today’s study. With a diet of locusts and honey, John probably had a strong stomach and zero weight problem. Not 100% sure what “do not put the Lord your God to the test” means. Does it mean we can’t ask to be healed, etc?
    Sunrise over the Galilee is very beautiful. Thanks Reynold.
    I pray for the RCMP and the families who lost their loved ones in Moncton, NB. yesterday. Like you Rev. DM I feel the need to shout that the madman who shot the RCMP members NEEDS JESUS.
    Looking forward to studying God’s word for the next two years and beyond with you et al. Thank you for the opportunity.
    God bless us all.

    • Lynda it is a matter of attitude– testing God is requiring Him to prove something to you before believing Him– so if you place conditions on your prayer like I will follow you but only if you heal me first, that would be testing God. But if you ask for healing because you believe and trust God, take Him at His Word, and willing to accept His will for your life even if means He does not heal you, that is something different. It is all in the way approach Him that determines if you asking by faith or demanding evidence before believing Him.

  30. Definitely with you David. I need Jesus; I need His Word; I need this blog. My brother Lou went to Fredericton today to see if his cancer has gone into his bones. Please pray for him as he and his wife are not serving God. He went to Ontario when he was 16 and spent 52 years there in Toronto, Scarborough, Whitby and then retired to Barrie. Then he had a desire to return home in 2008. Would appreciate your prayers fellow belivers as this will be difficult but nothing is too difficult for God. Am blessed to see so many joining you David on this journey. Blessings everyone!

  31. Lynda, we certainly can ask the Lord to be healed. I think it means not to test the Lord needlessly or in vain so to speak just to get his reaction. I hope that helps.

    • Thanks very much for your reply Ger. I kind of thought that was what it meant but it’s great to have confirmation.
      Will put your brother Lou and his wife on my prayer list. I have a couple of relatives in the same boat too.
      May God bless them and you.

  32. Yes, Pastor David, I am with you again. I did the first 2-year journey with you and am committed to doing it again, Lord willing. I was wondering about the children’s section you said that you were going to add this time around – have you changed your mind?

    Blessing to you and your team and thank you for your commitment and faithfulness to this journey.

    • Hi David, praise God that you are looking and feeling so well. I started reading your 100 words just one year ago, I am committed to carrying on for another year. Thank you for your unbending faithfulness.

  33. Hi David:
    Darlene and I read your blog each day and will continue to read for the next 730 days, God willing.

  34. Dear David
    I am with you every morning I look forward to 100 every day it is a real blessing.
    We are so blessed that God has healed you, he knows we need your words every day, It is his words through you.
    I pray for you.
    What a great family you have all of you on Huntley Street.
    Sincerely, Doreen

  35. Dear David God willing l am with you. Studying His living Word for the next 2 years. Bless you David for your labour of love. Dear Lord come along side of me and my brothers and sisters all over the world. Help us to never, never, give up

  36. Started sporadically part way through the last journey and finished the last year committed .. I have a busy household an so wake at five to have my time with God .. I look forward to my fresh “bread” every morning! Thank you for starting again!

  37. David, I read this blog every morning as I eat my breakfast. I am eating twice, once in the Spirit, and once in the body! I have been very blessed to eat so well every day, and plan to continue!
    You and your wife and family are in my daily prayers.

  38. Yes David, I will commit to continue with you as we go through the Bible….thank you for never giving up. Your dedication and determination is amazing. :Love, Bea

  39. Hello David. I am starting the second journey with you. God Bless.

    Could we pray for my Uncle Norman. I visited him in the hospital last night. Not doing very well.

  40. Hi David, I started reading your daily blog approximately 8 months ago and I look forward to it daily. May God continue to Bless you in His work.

  41. God willing I am with you for another two years, although technically I am still finishing my first go around since I came on board last year– but even when I finish my two years I will continue if the Lord wills

  42. My dear friend told me about 100 Words and the 2 year bible study. I am excited to begin this study with you. May The Lord be you and with each and everyone of us as we begin this journey together.

  43. I am with you! I came late the first time around and wanted to do the whole two years. I enjoy your comments and PTL for your healing. I have two siblings who have Kronic lymphatic luekemia, both are doing fantastic. Both are trusting the Lord for their complete healing.

    Praise The Lord,

  44. I am so excited to be starting 100 words right from the start up this time! It has blessed my mornings. Invited my brother to follow this blog as well, praying he will use this opportunity to become a reader of the word. So thankful God has answered our healing prayers for you David!! Glory to God. Thank you for your obedience and deligence in doing this daily. May the Lord continue to strengthen you!

  45. I really enjoyed the pass 2 years reading the Bible through with you. I am doing it again……Thanks

  46. I’m in! Blessings to you Mr. David Mainse (and Norma-Jean) and thank you all (Ron & Ann) for the wonderful tour of Israel, I wouldn’t of had it any other way!!!! First of all I came to the Lord and overcame many addictions/hardships and then I grew in the Lord by watching and learning from 100 Huntley St tv program, I toured Israel, now I am reading through the Bible again through this blog. God has truly anointed you to help those who struggle in life. Keep on being blessed my friend!!! ~ Linda

  47. Hello, I am joining on for the second journey. This has been the best thing I’ve ever subscribed to! I’m hoping not to miss a word this time around! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! God Bless you! 🙂

  48. Thanks David for doing this a second time. Your commitment to rising so early in the morning inspires me. I have watched Crossroads and 100 Huntley since I was very young and living in Timmins (I’m in Ottawa now) and have been so blessed by the testimonies of God working. I’m looking forward to following your blog for this second pass.

  49. Yes, Lord Jesus, please be with the families of the RCMP who have lost their loved ones in Moncton. What sorrow and loss in my province!

  50. Yes Pastor David I am with you again on this bible journey for the next two years. Thank you for your teaching helping us understand more clearly every chapter and book in the bible, love and blessings to you

  51. yes, David M…I followed you through the first blog journey and am still following as we begin this second. Thank you for doing this again. 🙂

  52. Following for the second time. Thank you David, to your family, for your dedication and determination in making this blog happen. I’ve also encouraged 181 people on my FB page Basic Bible Truths to hop on board. May our Lord continue to bless you and strengthen you and may your efforts be rewarded.

  53. I’m with you David Mainse – hook, line, and sinker… Looking forward to continued daily reading from the Holy Bible and your spirit-filled commentary each day. It is truly amazing and a blessing. Love following the blog commentary as well… It challenges me to be more than a voice in the wilderness… God Bless!

    Praise God! Amen!

  54. So happy to have been part of this wonderful Blog Family for the past 2 years. Looking forward to another 2 years of receiving fresh daily bread! Thank you David Mainse and family for this very worthwhile commitment!

  55. I can’t wait to read 100 words every morning. Started 1 year ago, and will continue on as long as you do David. Thank you soooooo much!

  56. I’m with you with going through the Bible in 2 years; however, I will have a problem on the weekends. We go the the cottage every weekend and we do not have internet. Would it be possible if you could post the Bible readings 2 or 3 days in advance so I could do the readings and then when I get back home I could read the 100 words portions. Thank you for your faithfulness in posting this blog. God bless you.

  57. David: For many years I have reached for my Bible most mornings upon awakening. Now I grab my Playbook and call up your blog. Words cannot express how much I appreciate you and your family members for the insightful soul food you provide, May God richly bless all of you for your faithful ministry as you enter another two year commitment.

  58. Yes, for sure I am with you in this endeavour. Are you still focusing on children as you said? I do find it wonderful. God bless and keep. We are so thankful for your work and for God healing you.

  59. Thank you David and Norma-Jean for your steadfast devotion to our Lord Jesus. I see you as Canada’s spiritual leaders. How blessed we are to have your covering over this great country of Canada.Your obedient faithfulness to this blog is a precious gift to all of us. Thank you. Lord willing I plan to continue with you on our wonderful journey through the Bible and would also love to join you again on your Journey to Israel tour. God bless you with peace, rest and strength. Luke 1:37

  60. Happy to join you again on this second journey thro’ the enjoy Reynolds photos, has he ever considered publishing a book for your viewers, I, for one, would cherish a copy…Joan

  61. Yes David, I am going to be with you for the next 2 years, as long as The Lord enables me and gives me the health to continue. I just started 9 months ago approx and so I need to finish.
    Thank you to all your family who have a part in this blog, their commitment is outstanding, especially with everything else they are doing.
    May God richly bless each one with good health for the journey.

  62. Thank you for taking us through the Bible for another two years. I joined partway through the last session and have enjoyed every minute I have spent reading the Word and being challenged by your comments. May God Bless You and give you health and strength for the next two years.

  63. Thanks for this site. I am committing to reading the bible every morning and this makes it so easy. Your prayers are always just what is needed. Thank you

  64. I only started in Feb this year but plan to stay as long as this is on. Thank you so much this is such a blessing, so much more than just reading through the bible on my own.

  65. Thankyou for another journey –you are a blessing to many . Have been following since July of 2012 and am continuing. Awesome pictures for each day .

  66. I am excited to read the Word with you! My sister told me about this site. Love the pictures and descriptions as well. 🙂 Blessings, Lois

  67. Thank you Mr. Mainse,
    I am more eager to read Gods’ Word on this second two year journey.
    Enjoying this blog 🙂
    Diane 🙂

  68. My first reply. I have been with you since January 2014 and look forward to the next two years. What a wonderful way to start my day. Thank you for your guidance in the word which is really what matters in my life.

  69. I found your blog after you were well into it the first time through the Bible. I will continue to read daily as I find it to be a great blessing. Thank you for your commitment to do this.

  70. Knowing The Lord never gives up on me, I am committed to following each day once again, knowing I will learn fresh blessings from His Word.

    Thank you Pastor David et al for your commitment too.

    These past three years I have been through breast

    cancer surgeries and reconstruction and praising God for His healing. Great reports also from my doctors. Praise His Holy Name.

  71. I started following your daily readings last fall and am excited to continue as you start another 2 years. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Good food for the soul!!
    Also enjoy the pictures. They bring back memories of our trip to the Middle East. Thank you to all who have a part in sending this out every day!! God Bless each of you.

  72. Praise God for your healing ! God truly has a great plan. Your later days will be better than your former! So enjoyed the last two years. Many will enter the fold through this Blog.

  73. I am continuing on the second journey with you, David. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to sharing God’s word.

  74. Hi David, Norma Jean, Ron, Anne & all Crossroads family.

    Thank you for this daily bread for all of us. We appreciate your daily commitment.
    With the Lord’s help & will, I’ll be around the second time.

    May He be praised & glorified!

  75. Blessing to all of you,
    Thank you SO MUCH for this blog. I read it from time to time in the last year. But now, I will receive it on my tablett and with God’s help I will follow every day.

  76. Pastor Mainse. This is to confirm that I am with you again in reading the Bilbe Through letting it speak to me – and through me – to others. May God strengthen you and undergird you as he works through your life to inspire and bless others through you and this 2 year Bible Plan.

    Also, prayers for Moncton, NB – for the RCMP forces in the manhunt for the young man who killed 3 RCMP Officers and wounded 2 other RCMP Officers. May God comfort work his miracles as they the families receive comfort and strength for loved ones who were killed and full recovery for those going through surgery after being wounded.

    I was a Pastor in Moncton, NB for six years in the 70’s and a bit of my heart remains there and with the people I love and care bout. The RCMP Forces, the City and Province – and all those across Canada – that are affected by this tragedy need our support and prayers.

    Glad to be aboard for the 2nd round of 2 year Bible Reading Plan.
    Blessings to all who are also on board and those yet climb aboard and go for a great ride – and great discoveries – in the Word.

  77. I only came on board when you were half way through the Bible, so now I’m looking forward to journeying the whole distance with you, David. I thank God often that he has kept you going health-wise.

  78. To the David M. family, I’m so thankfull for this blog I will be with you all the way for
    the next 2 years God willing ….R….

  79. I’m committed to reading with you for the next 2 years.. . I appreciate your efforts and the pictures along with the words are wonderful! Thank you.

  80. Hello David Mainse,

    I have started the journey again the second time around with you reading through the Bible! It is a great exercise in discipline for me.

    I rejoice with you on the remarkable healing of your body and deliverance from the death sentence that was pronounced upon you!

    I would covet your prayers for my husband Doug who had a diagnosis of a potentially malignant tumor in his small intestines recently and currently awaiting surgery. My hope is that if he has the surgery that no tumor will be found and that the spots on his liver and spleen will be gone. I praise and thank God for answers to prayer and believe that He supplies ALL our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus!

    Ruth Ball

    PS: You may remember Doug from years ago. As a new chiropractor, he had some very difficult hard times in business and worked for awhile at the studios in Toronto as a Security Guard! Today, he is still practicing as a Chiropractor and is doing better in his practice.


  81. My wife followed you the first two years and I have decided to join in for the second time around. God bless you for the work you are doing and the service to our might God.

  82. I am starting over for the second Bible study. I continue to enjoy and learn from your teaching. Thank you for taking your time to help me learn God’s Word.

    much appreciated

  83. I thank God for healing you, Rev. Mainse! I am happy that you are doing the daily blog again. God bless you and your family.


  84. You Blog has helped me stay to read God’s Word as I am not able to attend church here (there is actually no services on Sundays where I live). I would LOVE to see a church established here at my building for Independent Living by John Howard Society in down town Kamloops. Thank you for your posts! May the Lord bless you in every way.

  85. Thank you David for your good works. God willing, I will be with you every single day. Ps. I really like this format as I like to listen. I’m so grateful for my faithful friend Lisette who has told me about you and your ministry. May God continue to bless you and keep you with us on this journey together.

  86. Praise The Lord for another 2 year journey thru the Word with your blog David, I am on board. Thank you. Diane

  87. Dear David Mainse I followed your Last 2 year journey through the bible and will be following this one as well .thanks to you and all your family and others who help put it together and especially to you We were in Israel in 2011 so the pictures taken by Reynold are greatly appreciated.May the Lord continue to give you the strength to continue in helping us all to understand His word better I love 100 Huntley Street .God bless you all.

  88. I’m IN!!!!!! Cant wait to begin!!! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, the Holy Spirit flows through you! Praising God for You and Your team!!! God Bless you!

  89. God bless you David,

    I’m embarassed to say that I’m in my mid 40’s and have never read through the whole bible. I was raised a Catholic but have only recently returned to the church.

    I’m not an educated man and I’m really looking forward to a complete journey through the word with your help and pastorship, it’s very exciting.

  90. Dear David, I plan to be with you again this year. Thank you so much for the blessing you are to me and many others. May you have the health and strength to carry on and praise the Lord for His healing. Anne Bargen

  91. David, I am excited to go through the bible again with you for the next two years. I’ve continued to learn something every day!!!! Thank you for listening to Father God and continuing on this study. God Bless

  92. Thank you David for your willingness to do this blog for another 2 years. It is a great blessing for us to join you in following Jesus. Thanks so much to your family members too. God bless and keep you all !

  93. WOW!
    Looking forward to another two years’ exciting journey through the bible with you David (God willing).
    Your daily 4 am commitment is a model for us all. I will pass on the invitation cards in the current Compass as suggested by Ron.
    2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.

  94. I have been so blessed and encouraged through this wonderful daily study for the last 2 years and excited to join you again! Forever amazed how much more I learn each time I read and study the Word of God!! Bless you all for your faithfulness.
    Because He Lives,

  95. Thank you David Mainse for your commitment to do the bible study again, I am with you all the way. I am trying to be more disciplined with doing this study first thing in the morning. God Bless You and All the fellow bloggers!

    • I too am thankful to be doing this once more. Unfortunately my comment is not functioning correctly. Thank God reply works.

  96. Thanks for your encouragement to study God’s word
    & never give up our faith in Him.
    I plan to keep on reading the bible with you, God willing.

  97. Enjoy starting at the beginning with you. Your blog has brought such wonderful insight into God’s Word. Thank you.

  98. We started reading with you last fall, David, so we are looking forward to starting from the beginning and reading through to the end with you. God willing, we will be with you for the next two years!!

  99. Praise the Lord brother
    I am with you through this journey of feasting on God’s Word. ..your program has blessed me ever since the 100 Huntley Street buildingI visited the studio and was introduced to your lovely wife Norma Jean and she called me “her sister in the Lord” that touched my heart, just gave my heart to the Lord through your program…Blessings!

  100. I’m with you David, for the next two year journey. Before your blog it was “Day unto Day” I was doing each day. The only other daily devotional that I have done that I enjoyed was Smith Wiggleswoth. He was an amazing preacher too.

  101. I completed the last journey through the Bible and have started and am committed to the second. God bless you for never, never, never giving up!

  102. Dear David. I am with you for this next session also. Look forward to it every morning. Continued healing and blessings

  103. Hi David, It’s amazing how alive the word is on the computer.l keep my bible on hand too with the concordance and journal as we go along. Thank you for being willing to enthusiastically start again! What a joy this is!

  104. Yes, I starting on the 2nd 2-year through the Bible with David. The Word is as fresh and exciting as from the beginning of the 1st 2-years! Thanks to God; His mercy and goodness allowed you to complete the 1st 2-years and lead us all through this next round of 2-years!

  105. Dear Pastor David,
    Yes I am I’m with you for the next days as well; thanks for all the great messages you have to offer. I am truly amazed and thankful for your determination, perseverance and dedication that you have- it inspires me! May God bless you abubdantley always; I wish to be like you!!

  106. Joining for another two years. I have learned so much from this study! The Lord bless you David and all the fellow readers.

  107. Hi David! I am excited about your 2yr devotional through the Bible. I started part way through the last one and was such a huge blessing for me. Have passed the info on to many others. Thank you for also having links to testimonies and you-tube videos, etc. I have passed along many of them to others also.
    Very helpful! Thank you to you and Norma Jean and family and ministry family!! Such a huge blessing!!
    Looking forward to daily 100 Words
    GOD bless you all,

  108. Thanks for taking the time to post your blog every morning. I have followed through the bible twice with daily reading for a year. However, I find the two year commentary is much more suitable as I don’t feel as rushed and can study the word more closely. Thank you for your faithfulness. May God continue to bless you with great health. I am still waiting on God for my healing .

  109. I had always been my intention to read the Bible in its entirety. I had read many of the books, some over and over, but never the whole thing. I started to follow your bog in November of 2012, after becoming very ill. I went back and read through all the blogs I had missed until that point. I’ve had major spine and nerve issues, but over the past two years I have been slowly getting better. During this time I have been able to fulfill my dream of reading through the Bible. I so wanted you to read through it with us again, and now my prayers and my wish have been answered, because you’re going to journey through the Bible with us once again.

    David, I want to thank you for helping me to fulfill my dream of reading our holy book, and become closer to Go. I don’t know if you know how much it means to all of us that you’re doing this for us and with us. We love you, your dear family, and the people of Crossroads.

  110. Thanks David for your sharing. Will keep praying that God will bless you abundantly when you continue with this blog. It’s always been very encouraging ready your sharings every single day. We can see God in you.

  111. Hi! I am so happy to hear of your improved and continued health. Yes, praise God!
    I have read the whole bible but I don’t read every day and often don’t finish studies that I begin by myself so i am willing to try to read ‘100 words’ and hope that i can stay with it till completion. Some in my ladies bible study group h
    ave agreed to attempt this together.
    I enjoyed reading Revelation with you last month.
    Thanks for serving! God bless!

  112. Hi David,
    I have read many of your blog posts over the past two years, though found it too much to keep up with the readings. I have read over 1/3 of the bible on my iPad over the past year beginning in the Old Testament and will continue with it until I catch up with your blog. In the meantime, I have found that I really enjoy listening to the readings on Bible Gateway. I am committed to following along through the bible with you over the next 2 years.
    I also want to let you know how much I enjoy watching 100 Huntley Street and reading some of the books that you offer.
    As a teenager I accepted Jesus into my heart. Without people to guide me I strayed and wasn’t even sure that I believed in God. A few years ago I came across 100 Huntley Street and became reconnected with Jesus. Logically believing in Jesus just didn’t make sense. But I feel Jesus inside me and I now believe that nothing else makes sense. Jesus has been with me through all these years that I have been in denial. When I prayed to him I felt like I had reconnected with a long lost friend.
    Thank you for all of the work you do.

  113. Hi David, I read your blogs off and on but this time I am praying to be faithful.
    I am behind 2 days already. Struggling with a lot of pain that makes me just
    want to lie down and sleep. I pray for you all the time and am touched by your
    honesty and care. Thank you.

  114. Thank you David for starting your blog for a 2nd time. Last time I joined late so this time I am with you from the beginning. My prayers are with you. God Bless you.

  115. Hello David, I am going to be with you all the way. May God bless you for doing this blog another 2 years. I started midway the last time & I am blessed to have this resource. It has become part of my daily routine. I’m presently catching up to you as for health reasons I fell behind but intend to keep going till i’m up to date once more. I’ve asked for healing & I do believe it will one day happen as God has been very good to me in the past. He is always with us. I thank God for listening to our many prayers for your healing. It just goes to show that your work for Him is needed & appreciated. Yours in Christ, Beverly

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