Suggested Reading: Jeremiah 42-44
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The temple of Edufu was dedicated to the falcon god Horus and is one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt. The walls of the temple are covered in inscriptions that tell many stories. The gods of Egypt are mentioned twice in today's reading.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Jeremiah 42:6, 42:20-21a
Whether it is pleasing or displeasing, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God to whom we send you, that it may be well with us when we obey the voice of the Lord our God…For you were hypocrites in your hearts when you sent me to the Lord your God, saying, “Pray for us to the Lord our God, and according to all that the Lord your God says, so declare to us and we will do it.” And I have this day declared it to you, but you have not obeyed the voice of the Lord your God…
These people probably did not intend to disobey God. Someone has said that “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” It seemed reasonable to them to ask Jeremiah for direction from God. But their hearts were hypocritical, not reasonable. Fear, a heart condition, won the day. “Egypt” is mentioned 22 times in these 3 chapters. No doubt they still celebrated “Passover” to help them remember that God had delivered Israel from Egypt (Exodus 12:12-14).
It seems that Jeremiah was forced to go with them back to Egypt. When they arrived, Jeremiah again warned them of their folly (43:10-13).
Jeremiah 44:7 is a commentary on the human heart and the foolishness of the human mind that decides to go our own way rather than God’s way. God says, “Why do you commit this great evil against yourselves, to cut off from you man and woman, child and infant, out of Judah, leaving none to remain?” Most of them died in Egypt, never to return. This was not to be the case of the Babylonian captives. They returned to rebuild the Temple and Jerusalem.
Lord God, I pray that I will reason, according to the Scriptures, and obey You with both my mind and heart. Deliver me from the hypocrisy of saying one thing and doing another. I ask this through the Person and work of the One Who always said exactly what He intended to say, and then did what He said, the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!!!
Babylon or Egypt? Neither place was God’s highest plan for His people. Judah was still there as an option. King Zedekiah and many others were forced into Babylon because of their stubborn resistance to the Word from God, and in today’s reading, and later Johanan and the remnant still in Judah, exercised their own free will (they were called “proud men”) and went to Egypt where they died. Again and again I’ve had to simply obey what I believed God was saying to me through His written Word, the still small Voice within me, or through the counsel of men and women of God!
In yesterday’s blog I mentioned the first ever conference of Christian leaders which gathered in Moscow from all 15 Republics of the Soviet Union. It was obvious that communist rule was an utter failure and that the people would shortly be freed from this curse on the human family. Several pastors who had resisted the cruelties of communism, and like Daniel in Babylon kept the faith, referred to “THE 70 YEARS OF THE DARK RED NIGHT OF COMMUNIST RULE,” boldly proclaiming that their 70 years of captivity (roughly 1917 to 1987) was now over. At the time of this conference the Communists were still in power. In fact, the Pastor that I referred to yesterday said, gesticulating with his twisted fingers on his right hand, “The communists even called me the other day and offered to break my fingers again to straighten them back, this time in hospital under anesthetic, but I refused. When I preach and lift my hand to make a point (this was said with laughter from himself and the other Pastors at my table), people really pay attention!” Perhaps this will help explain my statement yesterday, that I felt totally unworthy to be in this man’s presence and felt like crawling under the table, let alone be the preacher for two nights of the conference. That night I preached with God’s help on “The Church Through the Centuries After Persecution Ceases.” I had studied the history of persecution over the past 2,000 years and came to the conclusion that the Church is the greatest blessing when the Gospel is preached fearlessly, whether under persecution or freedom!!!
Yours for “OBEDIENCE” to God!
P.S. With the Crossroads ministry emphasis on “Pivotal Praying” during the month of February, there is a special feature on the website called “The Prayer Exchange.” You can submit any special prayer requests onto the Prayer Exchange Wall, and you can pray for others as well. When you have prayed for a person’s need there, you then click “agree in prayer,” and the number shown of people praying for that need continues to increase. Check it out HERE. Also, on the right side of that web page, you can sign up for emails about prayer being sent out daily in February.
Jeremiah certainly had one tough row to hoe. He would be so hurt by the way his people were so hypocritical. He obviously loved God so much that he constantly faced adversity from his own people.
Thanks for today’s study Rev. Mainse.
I pray to our heavenly Father that Communism will never get a foothold in Canada or the United States of America and that we’ll always have good God-fearing people like Stepen Harper running our government.
God bless us all today.
We pray for our leaders today that their hearts wil be bent toward God and they will lead by His Spirit to rule our country.
Learning so much through the life of Jeremiah whose heart was bent toward God. As he heard the voice of God, I pray that I will continue to hear Him through His word and that still small voice.
Thank you, Jesus, that our spirits have been made alive in You.
God bless everyone today!
Thank you Father for your written word. Thank you David Mainse for your insight and teaching on the written word. I truly value this new ministry of yours – 100 words…
Thank you Father for the SPIRIT filled bloggers… They truly administer to me… As a babe in Christ, you all teach and influence me. It is a joy to see how the HOLY SPIRIT works through each of you…
May God continue to bless this ministry for his honour and glory. Amen and Amen.
One could say, “you’re on fire,” David. You know where your strength can be found and the power of the Holy Spirit! Let us continue to listen to that still small voice, Who guides our daily lives. Perfection we are not, but life is a continuum. Press on, in Jesus’ name!!
David, Thank you again, for your faithfulness. In my thougths and prayers this morning, I ask that the hole world get on there knees befor God and ask for his help. An unreasonable request? Not realy, God can do any thing!
Forgive us Lord, for our unbelief. Help us believe.
For some reason I do not get the automatic delivery of anymore. I have to go back to an earlier one and skip to the “comments” link and from there find that day’s blog. I don’t know why this has happened. I guess I will have to sign up again? Also, I have tried and tried to find our where “Son of God” will be playing in our area (Hamilton/Burlington) and I can’t seem to get that information. I have a gift card for a movie and wanted to use it for that. Any suggestions? I sure hope we (my husband and I) are following God’s leading correctly. I sure wouldn’t want to be in the position of these people disobeying Jeremiah. I do agree with Pat, Lord help us. In Jesus Name.
Hi Doreen: Acccording to the website, you will need to contact your local theatres to find out if they will be playing the Son of God movie and when. It will not be released until Feb 28th in the US.
Hi Doreen,
I checked online for you and found that Son of God will start showing February 28 at Silver City. The two locations I found for the areas you requested are 1250 Brant Street, 905-319-8677 and
795 Paramount Drive, 905-560-0239. The phone numbers are there if you wanted to call to confirm this info.
God Bless and have a great day
It is clear reading today’s blog that true courage, that which stands for God’s truth, cannot be had without a relationship and submission to God, Our Father. Such courage, to the extent of martyr ism, is astonishing to say the least. Thank you to the true soldiers who have led the way and advanced our Lord’s Holy Word. Blessings and His strength, to all!
Dear Rev. David M.
Today’s scripture showed us once more the importance of obedience and listening to that still small voice. Thank you Rev Mainse for showing us the way since the beginning of 100 Words and never stopping whatever circumstance or trials you encountered.
Looking forward to gathering my sisters and brothers in Christ from our local Fairview Alliance Church here in Quebec to watch the movie Son of God.
Rejoicing in advance for the impact of watching on live screen Our Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Redeemer, King of Kings, Lord of Lord Son of God –Jesus Christ our Savior and Coming King.
Heavenly Father please let this movie bring many new souls who will be touched by your Spirit watching this movie come to a realization of You. Open the eyes of their hearts that they might see You clearly. May You be glorified in granting this request. In Jesus Name. Amen and Amen.
Blessings to all my fellow saints in Jesus Name.
xxx Carole
Carole….I attend outlook Alliance Church here in outlook…..I hope the film comes our way. Also saw the film compelled by Love…biography of Heidi Baker at a church in Melfort…a hundred wows to that movie!!! I’m hoping churches everwhere will see it…it is amazing!
And should be shown at church time…seems like people are reluctant to go to evening stuff.
Grand blog again today! Blessings all ?
Thanks Diane for the info you sent. I looked and looked yesterday at those theatres and they showed a few dates but every time I clicked on Feb 28 or the March 1 & 2, they said it was not showing there? Anyway, I will phone those numbers tomorrow and see if I can get the help I need. (I’ve been out all day today). Thanks again so much.
Your very welcome Doreen,

Perhaps the film is being released on February 28 and not showing at Silver City on that date?
I question why the well-preserved temple to a false god is still around. I think it should be crushed down to tiny pebbles. God is a jealous God & I believe He would not want anyone to go near it, to admire the workmanship or to take photos. Maybe when Jesus returns He will have all those sites crushed all at once.