Suggested Reading: Jeremiah 11-13
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Here in Nazareth Village an actor holds up a scroll in the synagogue. During Jeremiah's time, a lost scroll, probably the book of Deuteronomy, the Covenant, was discovered and read to the people on the instructions of good King Josiah. A short-lived spiritual revival resulted.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Jeremiah 11:3-5
“…Cursed is the man who does not obey the words of this covenant which I commanded your fathers in the day I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and do according to all that I command you; so shall you be My people, and I will be your God, that I may establish the oath which I have sworn to your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day.’ Then I answered and said, ‘So be it Lord [Amen].'”
The discovery of the lost book of the Law (probably Deuteronomy) happened on Jeremiah’s watch (read 2 Kings 22:8-13). It taught about the curses for disobedience and the blessings for obedience to the words of the covenant. Many times Israel had said “Amen,” or “So be it Lord!” They would be blessed for a time and then break the covenant and suffer the curses they would bring upon themselves. The Lord’s “green olive tree” (spiritual Israel), which He had planted and which, from time to time, had produced “lovely and good fruit,” would now be broken down and burned. How sad and how unnecessary!
The first 6 verses of Jeremiah 12 are addressed to Anathoth, Jeremiah’s hometown. Jeremiah proclaimed his message from God with a broken heart. In today’s reading Jeremiah asks 12 questions. Four question words are used: “What,” “Why,” “How,” and “Where.” The “When” question is conditional upon the response of the people. The final words of Jeremiah 13 are, “O Jerusalem! Will you still not be made clean?”
Yes, yes Lord God, I ask to be made clean and to be kept clean through the washing of the blood which Your Son and my Saviour shed on the Cross. I pray for grace to “walk in the light as He is in the light,” and then I experience 24/7 that “the blood of Jesus Christ [Messiah] cleanses us…” (1 John 1:5-10). With my faith in Jesus Christ, the final Sacrifice for sin, I trust You, Lord! AMEN!!!
It was a great comfort to me to hear my Father, Rev. Dr. Roy Mainse, preach a message from 1st John on “cleansing.” My father had returned from his mission in Egypt and had taken on the responsibility of Pastor of two churches. I moved back home with Dad and attended both churches, where I heard the same message twice. That particular message has stuck with me ever since. He said that the word “cleanseth” (he used old King James english) is in the present perfect tense in the original Greek language. I learned that as I asked God for cleansing (Jeremiah’s question, “Will you still not be made clean?”), I have been made clean and I am being made clean constantly in God’s sight. The Greek verb “cleanseth” means that it has happened and that it continues to happen. I had been struggling with this issue during that first year after I had made my lifetime decision to serve Christ fully. I know that in my eyes and experience I am a sinner, but God sees me through the cleansing blood of Jesus and only in Jesus am I made pure and holy.
Yours for daily shining the light of God’s Word into our personal lives!
P.S. I gained so much under my Dad’s ministry that year. Here’s a picture of my father, a truly great man in my eyes.
How wonderful that you have this great photo of your handsome father. And more wonderful still is the admiration he earned from you by leading a Godly life. His impact on you seems not to have suffered despite significant separations in your formative years. And Canada is now the beneficiary because of your important ministry and discipline of prayer. Thank you Rev Dr Roy Mainse.
Thank you David for sharing your father with us that picture if him you can see the tenderness of Jesus I his eyes
Oh for the blood of Jesus that cleanses us of ALL sin and we know that we will mess up but thank God for His love to us while we were yet sinners Christ Jesus died for us in our place and we have an advocate to the Fathrr that Jesus out Lord is constantly interceding on our behalf
Praise you Lord Jesus for your precious and Holy Love
Bless all my fellow brothers and susters in Jesus name Amen
Thank you for sharing about your Dad pastor David, and the great legacy he has left you and yours, and now we are blessed through it as well.
Greetings and prayers to all.
Thank you once again for allowing us to see Godly living…faith in action. It inspires me to do better.
Blessings to you and your family. GEORGE
Funny, in light we see a shadow, yet in darkness our shadow does not exist. In light we can see our path, yet in darkness we search and stumble. In light we can see the glorious earth and all that magnificently surrounds us, its life, vastness and colour. In darkness we reflect inwardly to follow the “dictates of our heart.” Lord, You are the Light which surrounds us, the Light within us and the Hope for which we live. Thank you for your prayers lifted for my sister. God Bless!
Such a piercing picture of your father, Rev. Dr. Roy Lake Mainse, expressing so extensively his faith and commitment serving Christ!!! Thank you for sharing!
Here’s a metaphor I think every Canadian can relate to right now– trying to free ourselves from our sinful nature is a bit like trying to shovel your driveway in a snowstorm that never ends. It is pointless, you will either exhaust yourself trying to finish job that cannot be finish or you will just give up and let the snow bury you alive. But if you had a substance you could coat your driveway with, something so the snow would never stick, but just melt away — how much would you paid for it? But what if the price was so high, you could never afford it– but someone came along and paid the price for you, so you never had to shovel the driveway again.
In a way that is what Christ did on the cross– he paid the price in His blood for God’s forgiveness, so the storm of sins that our sinful nature produces, never sticks to our souls ever again. I know it is a silly metaphor, but as I am going out to shovel my driveway yet again this morning, it seems apt.
Yes… This is so simple and lovely… Stay warm when you shovel the driveway.
It’s a great metaphor thanks
What a blessing to have a Godly father!!! It is evident from this blog Pastor David, that your father made a lasting legacy for you and your children/grandchildren and great grandchildren. How blessed they are to be able to hear about this mighty man of God and to see the fruits of his work through you.
I have some exciting news this morning!!!!! The babies (identical twin boys) are coming home today!!! God is Good – All the Time!!!! They are 11 days old today. Thank you, thank you, thank you blog-buddies for all your prayers on their behalf. I will not be able to see them for a couple of days as I have a bit of a cold but I can help out in other ways.
Have a great day!! Today is much nicer than yesterday – it was nasty. I drove through a whiteout but God kept us all safe (I had 3 of my granddaughters in the car with me – a 15 month old and two 3 year olds). I only had to drive 3 miles but it was a long 3 miles. We were all praying to arrive at Grandma’s house safely and we did. When we pulled in the driveway, I said to the girls – “Now we have to thank Jesus for keeping us safe” and they said with me “Thank you Jesus”!!
Praise the Lord, Ruby! 🙂
Wonderful!!! Praise God for safety too. Oh Ruby when you feel better how very much you will enjoy your precious twin boys and take note as they grow how very close they are. Blessings to all.
I am in agreement with all the posts of thanksgiving, today, David Mainse! We are so grateful your great grandfather, Joseph Mainse, converted to Christianity and changed the path for the generations of Mainse’s who followed as righteous ministers and servants of the Lord (Oct 3, 2012 post). Thank you for your father, Roy, being an incredible example and teacher for you, your family, and ultimately, us! You have passed this legacy on and we thank you for the ministry you have provided.
Continuing to pray for your sister, David, and all prayer requests for fellow saints on the blog. Wishing everyone a God-centered and blessed day!
Thanks again for sharing the photo of your godly father, which shows on his face, David. And Praise God for all the answered prayer. God is in our midst!
As I reflect on yesterday’s blog…..His mercy endures forever…..once again we see how merciful and forgiving Our Lord is.
Thanks for sharing again Pastor David, and as Beverlee mentioned how your great heritage is continuing to pass on to future generations.
Your father’s love for The Lord shows in his face.
I’m so pleased that you plan to re-post your two years of blogs again. I wasn’t aware of the blogs until Jan. of this year. Now I won’t have to go back to June of 2012 and rush to try and read them all before June of this year. That would be disrespectful to rush through the Word and not have time to absorb it. Thanks for presenting a meaningful way to read God’s Word.
May God continue to bless you and your work.
The Spirit just led me to go back to yesterday’s blog. I am so thankful because there were so many new comments to read!
Dear sister-in-Christ, Wanda, I bring your prayer request for your brother, Bradley, before our Heavenly Father, our Gracious King, and the sanctity of the Holy Spirit. Lord God, you know the depression that lies deep within Bradley. We pray that his heart be opened to receive Jesus into his life. We know You can do anything by Your mighty power and saving grace, God. We pray for the ultimate healing of Bradley, that he be cleansed by the precious blood of our Saviour and your blessed Son, Jesus Christ! We pray for evil enmity within Bradley to be rebuked in the name of JESUS! We pray for the proper medical intervention to begin working for Bradley. We call for all angels to encircle Bradley in protective wings. Lord, we pray that Bradley be freed from the past that has haunted him. We pray for his complete healing and for comfort and peace for Wanda and her entire family. And Lord we know by your Holy Word that where two or three are gathered together in prayer, that it shall be heard and answered by You. We pray for Your almighty gift of the love of Jesus to be brought to Bradley now, in His Holy and precious name. Amen, amen, and amen.
God bless you and keep you, Wanda!
David I would just like to say you may have learned a lot from your father, but
I have a learned a lot from you. Thanks fo much for sharing with us.
Thank you for your daily devotions. You looked quite well when you were on 100 Huntley recently from Florida.Thanks again for the incredible trip to Isreal. God bless
Dear Rev. David M .
Thank you so much for sharing with us this wonderful picture of your Dad Dr. Rev. Roy Mainse. What a great man of God who followed the legacy of his dad and passed it on to all the next generations and by the same token impacting each of us as well.
Loved your metaphore Donna… , will be sharing it .
Ruby , last year I had a similar incident as yours in a white out as I was praying and my husband was driving and uttering that he was very scared because he could not see the road anymore and as I cried out to Jesus suddenly the flashing lights of one truck right in front of our car came out of nowhere and guided us to the city. So yes we serve an Amazing God.
Keeping your sister in prayer David .
Have a blessed day everyone.
xxxx Carole.
Thank you again David
Lianne Hogg
I love the photos and words every day..they help keep my eyes on whats important in life.
as I asked for prayers for my brother Brad yesterday..I once again bring before the Lord and fellow bloggers…my heart is heavy and tears flow frequently…he is now in a 28 day detox and I just don’t know what to think anymore.
Thanks everyone…hard to know how to help someone !
Keep praying for him, Wanda, for the light of Jesus to come into his heart; don’t give up on him!