Sunday, January 5, 2014


Suggested Reading: Isaiah 34-36

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


This Book of the Lord was well used to the glory of God by my Father, Dr. Roy Lake Mainse. The notes attached are for a sermon entitled, "Time to be fully dressed." If it is enlarged to the full size of the screen I can read his writing. He believed that we need to "Search from the Book."


Key Verses: Isaiah 34:16a, 35:10

Search from the book of the Lord, and read:

Not one of these shall fail;

Not one shall lack her mate.

…And the ransomed of the Lord shall return,

And come to Zion with singing,

With everlasting joy on their heads.

They shall obtain joy and gladness,

And sorrow and sighing shall flee away.


Chapter 34 points out the desolation that will come upon Zion (Jerusalem) but the birds and animals will continue as usual. In Genesis chapter one, God created living creatures before He created man. To this day they find a mate and produce after their own kind. When we search the Book of the Lord, we find this to be a fact!

Chapter 35 is a beautiful promise of restoration. The words of our second key verse form a joyous song that we may have sung in the past (I unsuccessfully looked for a Youtube video of the song for us to link to).

Chapter 36 follows this promise with the terrifying threat against Jerusalem by Sennacherib’s mighty army. Sennacherib made two big mistakes. His messengers offended God by their over confidence in their own ability to conquer Jerusalem in spite of any intervention God might make. The Assyrian also overlooked a humble praying man, King Hezekiah. Sennacherib returned home leaving his dead army in the fields outside Jerusalem. In the temple of his god, his own sons murdered him as he worshipped. Click here for a poem by Lord Byron from 1815 that tells the Bible story.


Lord God, as I meditate on this story, I’m reminded that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10a). You are an awesome God! I rejoice in You with singing, and I am silent before Your all-powerful and eternally-wise judgments! Teach me more and more of Your ways, O Lord I pray! In the Name of the greatest Teacher ever, the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask these mercies. Amen!!!


Due to the misinformation that’s out there on the internet about Rick Warren (this month’s book offer from the 100 Huntley Street telecast is Rick’s book, The Daniel Plan), I’ve asked my son Ron, Spiritual Director for the Crossroads Ministry, to put at the bottom of this blog posting his answer to a person who wrote a message of concern about us associating with Rick Warren. Thank you Ron! True soul winners understand exactly why Rick does what he does.

Yours for the truth instead of the lies often found on the internet,



Ron’s Response to a Person’s Comment about Rick Warren:

Thank you for sharing your concerns about Pastor Rick Warren. Unfortunately, there is a lot of mis-information out there about Rick and his church. Having personally spent time with Rick and having conducted a series of interviews with him, I know him to be a man God is using to dynamically share the Gospel of Christ. Within the pages of his book, The Purpose Driven Life, there is a pure, direct and simple salvation message that has led many to make a decision for Christ. Just over the recent Christmas season, Rick gave the following praise report on his church website: “In just the first three days of our Christmas services 1,966 people have given their lives to Christ for the first time…WOW!”

It is sad to see some Christian leaders attack this brother in Christ without knowing all the facts and without going directly to Rick for clarification. Such people have taken certain statements by Rick out of context and accused him of taking a theological stance that is completely opposite to what he actually believes. One example of this is how some have accused him of promoting “Chrislam,” which is the uniting of Christianity and Islam, saying that we serve the same God. Regarding this, Rick wrote the following public statement:

“The so-called ‘Chrislam’ rumor is 100% false. If the guy who started this libelous myth, or anyone else who passed it on, had obeyed our Lord’s command (Matt. 18:18-20) to come directly to me, and then asked what I actually believed they would have been embarrassed to learn that I believe the exact opposite. As a 4th generation Christian pastor, my life & ministry is built on the truth that Jesus is the only way, and our inerrant Bible is our only true authority.

As an evangelist, I spend much of my time speaking to non-Christian groups. You cannot win your enemies to Christ; only your friends, so we must build bridges of friendship and love to those who believe differently so Jesus can walk across that bridge into their hearts. Besides, it is not a sin, but rather COMMANDED by Jesus that we love our enemies. In the past 10 years, Saddleback Church has baptized over 22,000 new adult believers…simply because we express love to those who don’t know Christ yet.

It is nonsense to believe that you must compromise your beliefs, or water down your convictions in order to love someone, or even just treat them with dignity.

Jesus was called “the friend of sinners” by the legalistic Pharisees because He hung out with (and clearly loved) unbelievers. I HOPE YOU will 1) Always believe that EVERYONE needs Jesus as their Lord & Savior. 2) Have the courage to associate with nonbelievers in order to love them and bring them to the Savior. 3) Consider being called “a friend of sinners” a Christ-like compliment. 4) Refuse to pass on rumors until you’ve checked for the truth with the person accused.

God bless you,

Rick Warren


Also, here is a recent statement from our Crossroads Founder, David Mainse, that he posted online in his blog:

“Some have misunderstood Rick and said unkind and untrue things about him. There is much misinformation about him on the web. I’ve personally investigated Rick’s life and ministry and am convinced that he is a true Pastor-Teacher and Evangelist! God is using him to penetrate the culture with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God!!! Rick’s book, The Purpose Driven Life, has sold over 30 million copies and has brought large numbers of people to a saving knowledge of Christ.”

I trust that this has helped to answer your concern. May God bless you, and thank you again for taking the time to share your comments.

Rev. Ron Mainse

Spiritual Director, Crossroads

Host of 100 Huntley Street



21 thoughts on “Sunday, January 5, 2014

  1. Thank God that David Mainse and Croasroads are attempting to speak truth into all the hysterical lies about Rick Warren and his church. I could tell by the hateful way the untrue gossip about him was delivered on TV by a certain elderly Bible teacher that this was not Godly. I no longer listen to the spreader of gossip as I’m so uncomfortable with it. My daughter committed her life to Christ upon reading The Purpose Driven Life, so Rick Warren will always have a place in my heart. He needs kindness now as he continues to minister Jesus despite the loss of his own son…God is surely with him. I have already ordered my copy of the Daniel Plan and added a donation because I appreciate your ministry.

  2. It has been said our mind is like a magnet. It will attract thoughts which support beliefs and biases. Simply put, if we think a certain way, we will attract thoughts to support what we believe to be true. Supporting thoughts for or against what we “want” to believe. This may be the case of the one who commented with accusations against Rick Warren, Crossroads and even participant commenters. However, this situation has been useful to clarify misinformation on the web, and in this regard is helpful. The true measure will be in reading “The Daniel Plan” with an OPEN MIND and prayerfully bringing its content, as it applies, to our Lord in prayer. Also, taking action! It never hurts to have critical thinking and to be objective. It does hurt to be close minded. Have a great day, to all!

  3. Touche, David. Our minds are like magnets of attraction to our own thinking. Thus, the very reason, as David Mainse has been teaching us all along, we must keep our minds focused on Jesus, the Word, and intimate prayer with our Heavenly Father. We become more like Him and attract people to us who are of the same thinking. And though I fully agree with your comment, when we allow our emotions and fears to take over, it is difficult to remain objective. Women, in particular, are much more emotional in nature than men because our hormonal make-ups are completely different and God designed them that way. We have to take that into consideration to explain why we don’t think and act rationally in every given situation.

    In terms of this blog, God has blessed David Mainse, his whole life through, as a gifted faithful and knowledgeable servant. David is carrying this work out for the Lord. Think back to the very beginning of the blog when David said the Lord began to prepare him the year before the blog to rise at 4 am every morning and practice his daily prayers, scripture readings and meditations. The blog came into fruition because it was God’s plan and David carried that out for Him with the two-year bible study and blog. Putting that all into writing for an early morning read is a great deal of work. David has carried this through, on top of having cancer!!! Praise God for his faithfulness and the gift it has given us to explicitly begin to learn the truth in the Holy Bible–God’s gift to us! We are so blessed!! Thank you David Mainse! Know how much all the saints love you!!

  4. Thanks for the explanation of Rick Warren. It’s so difficult to love some people but feeling stronger every day toward that purpose. Since the Devil will always be around trying to lead saints astray, we’re blessed to have you help us recognize his work. May the good Lord keep you strong.

  5. Thank you for publicly supporting the ministry of Rick Warren … As a grief counselor and author of the book ” Climbing the Stairs of Loss and Grief” — The Purpose Driven Life book is used as a follow up study.. to further help individuals understand their past , present and future ….leading to a further understanding of their purpose here on earth . It is through Rick Warrens book that many after having gently walked up the stairs of loss and grief and into a new healed life with the teaching of Rick Warren … “The Purpose Driven Life. ” . Many have given their lives to Christ and have found a purposeful new path to walk on and understand the translation of “Who am I now?” to “Who I am Now !”
    Thanks again 100 Huntley St. for supporting Rick Warren and his ministry.

  6. thank you for the words regarding Rick Warren……I wonder as Christians and particularly those in leadership, I really would like these leaders go to Jack Van Impe and talk to him about his remarks as he seems to spread rumors about Rick Warren. I believe that the leaders of the Christian church need to speak to him and clear up these rumous once and for all. I still am not feeling good inside…..i don’t know exactly what was said to set this whole situation to explode, but I would like to see something done to draw an end to the gossip, Jack Van Impe should not be sreading words of untruth and it needs more work. I was questioning all the fuss about the book “Purpose Driven Life” and it seemed it was the talk of the town. I still feel that somehting else must happen to put an end to this nonsense once and for all. Please help. thank you.

  7. I realize that you will likely censor this but I was very surprised to see a photo of
    Obama on this sight. Last year his administration pasted a new law making it elligal for pastors in the US military to lead people to Christ, orgive out Bibles .
    Oboma has betrayed his puppet masters by not drilling for oil in the US, by
    denieghing the Canadian pipe line and by appointing The Muslim brotherhood ‘s
    top people into positions in the US government , I could go on…..
    And all done right in our faces but worse in the faces of God fearing Americans.

    As I write this I am listening to Pastor John Hagee .Praise the Lord for he is not speaking a politically correct cermon. He is speaking the truth like it or not.

    What is my point well Ivgues

  8. Sorry ……What is my point well just that we must not compromise ever when it comes to our faith. How can we exalt any one who is against Jesus.
    Sorry but if you are going to mix pollatics with a Bible study you invite opinions

    Oboma in my opinion is unworthy of respect.
    I love you all, may God speak to your hearts may you search the truth……
    Blessings to you all.

  9. I do not think Jack VanImpi is untruthful. I have seen and read many many sources to support Jack’s position. He and Rexella are steadfast and are enduring being hated forhis names sake. They refuse to be conformed to this world’s evil ways. May God bless them. In Jesus name.

  10. Wow–it sure is sad to read the comments here, especially on a Sunday, when we are usually thankful and praising God and sharing blessings. What has happened in the past few days? Where is the heart of Jesus in this? Would he hate either person on his left or right side? No, not at all. He would say, focus on your heavenly Father. Keep your eyes toward heaven. Perhaps if someone doesn’t have something positive or supportive or prayer requested to add to the blog, he or she should refrain from making angry and hateful comments. I find it completely respectful to David Mainse and each other. You know it is the devil just trying to wreak havoc between us.

  11. As Christians we must remember that Jesus is the Lord of our Life, not Jack VanImpe, Rick Warren or even David Mainse. We must always listen to what these leaders say and check it with the Word of God ourselves and our knowledge of who God is and what God is about and not just blindly follow anyone. This is the reason why God sent the Holy Spirit, to help us do just that.
    Jesus warned us in the last days many will say they are the Christ, and I take that to include those who would speak in the name of Jesus, but their message isn’t the message Jesus taught. And St. Paul stated if anyone comes to you preaching a different gospel other than the one Jesus brought us in his death and Resurrection, even if it was Paul himself, we are not to listen to it.
    Jesus stated he was the way, the truth and the life-
    And we just when through Scriptures warning us about placing our trust in men over God. So the best way to avoid being mislead by anyone, is to know the Lord, know Scripture, and listen to the Holy Spirit when discerning what is being said by whoever. And if your conscience says it wrong, follow it and don’t let anyone convince you not to follow your conscience on any matter. It is okay to have a weak conscience — it is better not to do something that is okay if you think it is wrong than to do something wrong and think it is okay.

  12. Ask a person (any person) who is Jesus? That is the eye opener. I did hear a comment that Rick Warren speaks of Jesus, but his Jesus is not our Jesus. Let’s pray that God will minister to this afore mentioned couple according to His Perfect Will. He loves them. (I can’t throw a stone).

  13. The enemy would love to pull down a man of God…Praise God He is greater and His Love for the truth is Greater…than all the enemy wants to throw at God’s children.
    Thank you Rev. David and Ron Mainse for upholding Rick Warren and revealing the truth regarding his ministry!!!

  14. I think this is a touchie subject but there is no hate in my heart….I have prayed for Mr. Warren and his wife especially since the loss of their dear son. I love the Warren’s I care for them no matter what. Spiritual blindness needs prayer . We all need prayer. God is in control. Let not your heart be troubled comes to mind for these things must come before our dear Saviour’s retun. Amen!
    Peace be with you!

  15. So happy for this Blog and thankful for Ron who set things straight about Rick Warren I never believed any of the stuff that was being said about him. He is a faithful servant of the Lord and as Jesus suffered by the religious leaders of the day so has Rick. Our prayers are with Him and yourselves for holding up the truth. Thankyou.

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