Suggested Reading: Song of Solomon 4-6
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The Church of All Nations, also known as the Church or Basilica of the Agony, is a Roman Catholic church located on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, next to the Garden of Gethsemane. It enshrines a section of bedrock where Jesus is said to have prayed before His arrest (Mark 14:32-42). In the garden, there are some extremely old olive trees; perhaps they were there at the time of Christ. In 4:12a of today's reading, the spouse is likened to a "garden enclosed." This is a term of endearment indicating the exclusiveness of the marriage relationship. Here, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter began his human efforts to fight for Jesus, which ended in his denial of Jesus at the High Priest's palace. For a brief time Jesus and his beloved Peter were separated, as were the "lovers" in today's reading.
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Key Verses: Song of Solomon 4:10
How fair is your love,
My sister, my spouse!
How much better than wine is your love,
And the scent of your perfumes
Than all spices!
Whether we read this poem as simply a love story between Solomon and the lovely Shulamite maiden, or a portrayal of the love between God and His people, we will not find a more tender and moving expression of love. The young woman, having missed her opportunity to welcome her beloved on his unexpected visit, goes out to search for him. Deep within her heart, she is certain of his love.
Could it be that we, who say we love God, do not respond to His presence immediately, and we miss the relationship He desires to have with us. Like the Shulamite we can search in many places for Him, but the message is clear in the last verse of our reading (6:13a): We are called to “Return, return…Return, return!” Let us return to the place where we first met Jesus, not to the physical location, but the place of repentance as did Peter after he had been challenged for the third time by a waitress in the courtyard of the High Priest (read Luke 22:47-62).
Dear Lord, like the Shulamite, I realize that I don’t deserve Your love, but I also recognize that You have chosen to love me. Please forgive me for not responding instantly to Your presence and Your love. I pray for grace to learn to return and to remain constantly in Your presence. I thank You that You have promised to never leave me nor forsake me. I’ve read this Lord, both in Deuteronomy and quoted in Hebrews 13:5. I pray this in the Name of the One who said, “I am with you always,” the Lord Jesus Himself, Amen!!! (Matthew 28:18-20)
Just before I awoke this morning, I had a dream. Like the Shulamite says in the song, “I sleep, but my heart is awake.” Her dream involved searching for her beloved, and of being beaten and wounded during her search (5:2-7). My dream was of a current person, constantly in the news, Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto. His “veil,” cover up, has been ripped off and surely he has been severely beaten and wounded by his own poor decisions and by the enemy of his soul. In my dream I saw him restored, in good shape physically, and he was telling of his return to the God of his fathers. He was sharing that he had encountered Jesus and his life had been transformed. He was smiling and people were beginning to respect him once again, because he had changed so dramatically for the better. Dream over, and I awoke. I thought, “Wouldn’t that be great!” I’ve tried to call him and I wrote to him about a month ago. I offered to come and see him if he was interested, but I’ve not heard back. I don’t know whether or not he has any connection with a pastor who could help him. He really, really needs Jesus. Let’s all keep praying for him to return. He did say on TV that his father was a Bible teacher.
Yours for the “return” to God of all who have known Him as children but have run far away, where they have been beaten and wounded,
Yes Rob Ford needs our prayers lets all keep those you are far from Christ return this Christmas and make this a better place. Blessings David for your blog.
Thank you David you are a great example of forefathers that teach by example to pray for those in authority over us. There peace will flow to us.
We need more shinning lights in the world to show us the way. Sometimes we don’t see too much light,but,yes we are to be the light. Lets continue to love our neighbours.amen. Marg
Lord, thank you for your presence in all life’s happenings. You are, an awesome God!
Yes Lord God our father thank you for drawing back all those who have known you once in their lives , draw them by your Holy Spirit and put many believers In thier paths to speak to them aboit Jesus especially mayor Ron Ford bring hom back to you Lord amd restore to him his place you nave placed him in as mayor
Every person who once knew you bring them back to you Lord in Jesus name Amen
Love is never deserved, it is given– it is choice, but for love to do what love is meant to do it must be received graciously, not demanded or taken by force or deceit. Often in my early Christian walk I kept asking God, “Why do you love me?” and the answer I always heard in mind’s ear was “Because I choose to.” God doesn’t have to love me, I am not entitled to His love— and knowing that helps me not to take His love for granted. I don’t feel losing His love for He promised to always love me, but His love is so deep and profound that to truly understand what it means to be loved by God is a mystery I keep exploring each day.
Well said Donna. If all would know just how much God loves them, it would turn this world on it’s ear. Unfortunately there’s things such as pride, deceit, crime, etc., and all of Satan’s works which fight hard against the things of the Lord. The love of God however is greater than all.
That is surely a ‘God-given’ dream! What a blessing to read!! We will be praying for Rob Ford & his return to Jesus. Also that you, David, will have an opportunity to meet with him & help him in whatever way the Holy Spirit leads you to. Thank you for sharing it with us all & everything in the blog each day! It has been a great blessing in our home & we read it to my mother who has been in hospital for 5 months (but returning home on Tuesday). She has been a 100 Huntley St/Crossroads supporter since the beginning & she loves to hear the blog as she is not a computer user. Christmas blessings to you, Michele & Jim.
I am so pleased that you have tried to connect with the Mayor. Please keep praying for him.
Wow….how exciting. Your dream is God’s plan for Rob Ford’s life. Redemption is possible. May Rob have dreams and visions and experience a download of God’s incredible love that will change his life….and may we contend for his soul….and that God’s plan and purpose for his life to be fulfilled. Pray for Israel during the hardship of this present snowstorm! What do you think this means?
For Rob and all those who have wandered away AND for this generation of people/children who have not had Bible reading and moral teachings in schools and in society.
Jesus simply does not have a trace of this carnality in His Words. Praise Jesus. However, He does obviously refer to the book when speaking of faithfullness. Also, Revelations speaks of the faithful Bride who is New Jerusalem. God, in many places in the Old Testament, speaks of Jerusalem as the Bride. Pertaining to Rob Ford, he recently said something like he had a Jesus moment and he was working on his drug and alcohol problems. I will be watching to see your dream come true of him.
Thankyou David !!!! You pray for others in spite of the pain and tribulation you suffer with such strength and courage through our Lord in heaven!!!!
Amen praise God 😉
Praying for Rob Ford and all the lost souls that need to repent and surrender their life to Jesus Amen Amen
Have a blessed day blog buddies
xxx Carole
Thank you David for your refreshing view regarding Rob Ford – God has truly sent you to us, to remind us of the forgiveness that was shown to all of us, and the grace that has been extended, regardless of what we do in life! You are truly a blessing in our home, as we open our hearts to The Word, through your daily blog. May blessings of strength, health and joy cover you, Norma Jean and your family!
God bless you, David, seeing how open you are to the leading of the Holy Spirit, in spite of how your flesh feels. I too, will be praying for the Lord to open doors for you and the mayor to meet, and that the Lord will prepare his heart to what you have to share with him and that he’ll receive it. I also agree with everyone commenting on the many who have fallen away from walking with our Lord, as my husband and two sons are in the list. Yes, I will come into agreement with all your prayers, in Jesus Name and give Him all the glory due Him!
May His kingdom come and His will be done in these situations!
David, Your prayer touched me deeply…”Please forgive me for not responding instantly to Your presence and Your love. I pray for grace to learn to return and to remain constantly in Your presence”. Moment by moment we desire to be “in His presence” however the reality of our human-ness makes that an impossible task by our might alone. We thank you Jesus for understanding our weaknesses and comforting us with the promise that when we fail you will not leave us…we have “The Word” and Your Indwelling Spirit to remind us to look to You.
David…keep up the great work…I love your Blog…I hope you will never set a date to quit writing it.
Rob Ford must be on your mind for a reason. I too will remember to pray for him.
And that you will be able to meet with him.may God bless and keep you and your family.