Suggested Reading: Song of Solomon 1-3
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

On this coin that was minted in Jerusalem is Yehonatan the King surrounding a lily flower. It is a Bronze prutah of the Hasmonean king Alexander Jannaeus and is dated 104-76 BC. Song of Songs, chapter 2, verse 2, likens the beloved to a "lily among thorns."
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Song of Solomon 2:10
My beloved spoke, and said to me:
“Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away…”
The story is told of the conference of Jewish Rabbis who were faced with the decision as to which writings were to be included in the Bible. One Rabbi said that the Song of Songs, as it is called in the Hebrew Bible, was much too sensuous and should be excluded. Then the aged Chief Rabbi stood to his feet and said, “Brothers, all the other books we are including in the sacred Scriptures are like the Holy Place in the Temple, but the Song of Songs is the Holy of Holies. It is all about intimacy with our God.” Of course they included Song of Songs! For our readings, it is vital to understand that all expressions of affection and physical lovemaking are pure, true love, not to be taken in an erotic, lustful way.
Historically, this is the courting and marriage of a shepherdess to King Solomon, and the delights and heartaches of wedded love. Later in life, Solomon married many women. This special person may have been Solomon’s only true love. Allegorically, it pictures Israel as the object of God’s love and as His bride. Israel was unfaithful to her Husband. The Prophet Hosea lived out God’s relationship with Israel. God instructed him to marry an unfaithful woman (read Hosea 2:19-23, Hosea 3:1). Make no mistake about it! “GOD IS LOVE!” For a New Testament reading check out 1 John 4:9-19.
Lord God, just as You chose Israel as Your “Spouse,” so You have chosen all who believe in Jesus as Your “Bride.” I pray for Your grace so that I will be faithful to You, not prostituting myself by yielding to temptations to commit spiritual adultery with a world that is opposed to You, and living in a way that is so dishonouring to You. I love You, Lord Jesus, and I pray this in Your Name and for Your sake, Amen!!!
Today, I’m going to the Go Train shortly and heading to downtown Toronto to a clinic for treatment for MDS leukemia. I know that every time I go to make a call or click an icon on my iPhone, up will come a picture of my bride, my spouse, and me. Norma-Jean is my love. I think of her when I read the song of the Shunamite maiden and Solomon. That same picture is on the back cover of my latest book, This Far By Faith. As you can tell, I’m very fond of that picture. If you haven’t received your copy of my book yet, here’s how to get it (click here). I’ll ask Ron to put that picture here at the bottom of today’s blog.
I’ve just read all 85 responses to Wednesday’s blog where I asked, “What do you think?” in relation to my continuing this blog past March, the month predicted by the doctor for this normally terminal illness. I’ll quote just one comment. David L. said at 9:47 a.m. these words, “Blessings to you David, Bloggers, and though you probably won’t read this blog, everyone who follows the Bible reading through 100words. Our God is a God of miracles. Obviously, David, you have work here on earth that is not complete.” I have not been able to read every response since I began on June 3rd, 2012, but lately I’ve been faithful to read everything readers say. You are a great encouragement to me. Keep them coming!!!
Yours, as the Scripture says, “And to communicate, forget not!” (Hebrews 13:16 KJV),
This is a very beautiful picture of both you and your bride, David. May God be with you and bring you comfort as you head into Toronto for an update on your health. Our prayers are also with you. God Bless!
We continue to keep you in our prayers. We also hope you will be able to continue your blog. We feel if God keeps you feeling well then He would like you to continue for the benefit of people like us. Wishing you good health and hope you get more good news.
Thank you David Mainse. You are amazing to have made a 2 year commitment to rising extra early for this blog and people obviously love it. I think it is really selfish to ask you to extend your 2 year commitment, when we have the luxury of reading it any old time and certainly do not rise at 4am. You should be free to do whatever else is good for you at 4am once the 2
years expires! Love you very much and I know you hear from God.
Amen amen!!!!
I thank God every day for your family and the ministry of Crossroads/100 Huntley Street. As I look at this picture, I remember that just a few short weeks ago, you both as well as Ron and Ann, sat in a shepherd’s cave in Bethlehem sings songs celebrating the birth of the lover of our souls. Thank you for your selfless giving in sharing every ounce of strength that you had to make my dream of visiting Israel a visit that was more than I could have asked for or imagined. I pray for continued strength and the passion for Jesus that is so infectious for others to even deepen in your lives. God Bless, Lois
What a lovely picture of both of you. If God wants you to continue doing this blog
than keep on . I must admit I don’t understand the book of Songs but maybe
some time I will
Have a safe trip David Keep up the good work God plans for you!
Lianne Hogg
Good Morning David
So wonderful to see you the other day looking so well! God is THE GOD of miracles and I am so grateful for HIS hand of healing on your life. We are believers that BELIEVE that you will fly past that date the DR’s gave you as we know your DR is divine and has a plan for your life that cannot be determined by man. Keep up the great “ploughing” , I know you would tell me that if “your not dead your not done!” by God’s amazing grace keep on spreading the gospel!
Praise God!
That is a great picture but you look so much better now!!! Praise God!!! You are covered with prayer from all your blog buddies as you go for your treatment today. May God keep you and sustain you and give you the strength and courage you need each day as you continue to do His work. Blessings to all today!!
Amen!! Amen!! & Amen!!!!
Praise God!!!
Nancy xoxoxo
Thank you once again for your faithfulness to our blog, and be assured of our prayers as you go to your appointment today. Always a wonderful picture to view but you are looking better now.
Father go with David today and may he feel our ever loving presence with him.
I love that the Rabbi said it is The Holy of Hollies, our intimacy with God!!!
…Father go with David today and may he feel our ever loving presence with him… through Christ Jesus – AMEN!
Nancy xoxoxo
Thank you God our father for giving David the strength to do your will , we thank you for his obedience to you father in using him in rising early to speak to the hearts of every believer , bless David as he goes gor his treatment and lengthen his life to do your will comfort his spirit as well as Norma Jean and give them peace your peace and life abundant in Jesus name amen 🙂
We love you and God bless you and your family at this special season of the birthday of our saviour the Lord Jesus Christ Amen
As you said, the Song of Songs is meant to be metaphorical to God’s relationship with His people. An innocent mind would see only this metaphor or parable. Jesus spoke of the virgins who waited for the bridegroom. They are the daughters of Jerusalem to which the Shulamite spoke. The bridegroom is The Beloved. Yet, often it seems God calls Jerusalem names that are like “the beloved.” Anyway, the faithful relationship between a king and his wife is supposed to be like the relationship between people and God minus the carnal influence in Solomon’s humanity.
I have been studying Song of Songs with Discovering the Jewish Jesus on TV. This was a first time for me. I look forward to going through it again. I have felt some very close moments with the Lord in this study and look forward to experiencing more of His love as we go through this book. I do believe (and pray, David) that you will bypass that date given by the doctor. May God’s perfect Will be done.
Truly, the warmth that people express to you and that you express of God is better than a lecture. Jesus made God personal. Thanks for doing the same.
God bless you David and Norma Jean. Norma Jean is so beautiful and young looking. It is a life served praising God. Praise keeps you young. I see the Lord in you. It is the love, compassion, Joy and peace. The Lord is so good. He is amazing and wonderful and there is no one like him. Thank you for your courage and bravery. You both are a wonderful testimony and example.
God bless you, David and Norma-Jean and I pray as the Shunammite woman in 11Kings 4:26, …It is well.” Have a safe journey.
For brief periods and when away in the absence of WiFi, I have made an effort to communicate a reply daily since beginning the beginning of this blog. I was uncomfortable with having my comments posted in search engines, wanting to edit many of them. So, I dropped my last name over a year ago and continued by my chosen name, David. Obviously, no confusion as David Mainse has never commented in replies and we are all responding to his writings/teachings. I have determined to complete this journey from the beginning by digesting to the best of my ability and providing a heartfelt response to David and our Lord. This being said, I pray for your continued strength and healing, David, and will always be grateful to you, Ron, Ann and Reynold for Have a great day, to all!
Bless you on this beautiful day, David!
I treasure your bible evert day thank and God in heaven bless you each an every day that He has chosen to gift us with you!!!!!
Hi David,
Your faithfulness to God has meant so much to me over the past 36 years. Your daily blog is a personal connection that I cherish. I pray that God’s healing hands be on you so that you can continue His work well into 2014 and beyond.
Dear David & Norma Jean,
I pray God will continue to give you strength today and every day as you go for the check-up.
We are so blessed to have you folks. I have a lot of love for 100 Huntley all of you Ron,Ann,Moyra,Jerry etc. What a wonderful ministry. I get so much out of your 100 words each day.
I have a wonderful church here in Calgary, Centre Street, we are so blessed to have Pastor Henry, he would be a great guest on 100 Huntley God is Good.
I love the picture today you are a lovely couple.
May God Bless both of you each day as you Bless us with 100 Word.
I love this picture of you David and your beloved. I saved it to my computer album when it was posted before. I think you are looking so much better now, and that is wonderful to see. Praying the Lord’s comfort and presence be with you as you go for treatment today.
Yesterday a fellow blogger: Rosemarie Henning posted her husband had died. I am sorry for you loss Rosemarie. May our Father wrap you in His arms of love and comfort, and give you courage and strength as you learn to walk this new path alone. May family and friends be extra close as you enter into the Christmas season, and may your memories bring comfort as well.
There is a great blog type support site by other widows in various stages of widowhood that might help you through this time of grieving and healing:
Songs of Solomon 3:5
“Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
Do not arouse or awaken love
until it so desires.”
Da vid The Lord put this on your heart to do this in two years. He will be faithful to you and you will continue in His work.
I appreciate you so much. I am suffering right now from a fall and look forward to 100 words each day. Blesings
Dear Pastor David – your blogs are are always inspiring and helpful – you are an example to us to be totally surrendered to God so He can use us. From your pictures it’s evident God is healing you in answer to so many praying for you. With God “Nothing is impossible” and He still heals today! May God continue to heal you and give you and Norma Jean and your family, His peace and grace as you trust Him each day. I appreciate you and your blogs.
I have to agree with Ruby that picture is a beutifull picture of you and Norma-Jean , but , you do look healthier now.
Thank you for sharing your life with us , your brothers and sisters in Christ / faithful fallowers of this blog.
We love you and Norma -Jean dearly.
Stay warm, stay safe.
May the Lord put a hedge of protection around you and all of your loved ones
In Jesus name Amen!
Love and prayers to all.
Amen, David! You are such an encouragement to me and all fellow saints on this blog, your books and television ministry. Just to think about the grace that exudes from you in our thoughts and prayers is amazing! I am so blown away by the love Jesus has to uplift every single one of us. When we serve our lives for His glory, we are redeemed in such a miraculous way, it is too precious to be explained by words! Only the insurmountable feeling of love in our hearts can express our thankfulness! Praise God! We love you, Norma-Jean, your family, and the entire ministry family, David Mainse! May God continue to bless and uphold you, in Jesus Holy name, amen, amen, and amen!
Pastor David,
Your daily blog continues to be an encouragement for me, and look forward to it each day. Your ministry is an inspiration for my family,
Thank you for your obedience . Know that you and your family are always in our prayers. We continue to join you, giving always thanksgiving and praise.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Hi David
first of all thank you so much for this bloc. I love it. Secondly I have a praise report which shows that doctors don’t always know what they are talking about. I was born during a bomb attack in Holland I was paralyzed from the waist down and my parents where told If I live I would be good for nothing. I was told later in life that I had slight spinabifada I am know 71 years old and I had a family I am walking since I was 3 years old even drive a car. So you see God is a God f miracles Keep trusting Him and keep this bloc going to the Lord calls you home for a very deserving rest Our greatest joy is when we will see Him God bless Elisabeth
Brother David your posts have been such a blessing to me and an encouragement to me I also share them on my facebook page every day, and many people are blessed too. I hope that you will keep on with this blog, I believe that the Lord is adding years to your life, I know that He is. God Bless you and Norma Jean, Love you both
Hi David and Norma Jean. Well David I enjoy reading your blog I am one of the girls who grew up in Brockville and remember when Ralph and Reynold and Norma Jean and her Dad came to Prescott for tent meetings. Edith Osborne is my sister in law so while visiting in Toronto once I was able to be a counsellor on 100 Huntley. So I have always felt I know you even though I really don’t. I enjoy your blog and am impressed with how you are making every day count for Jesus. My prayer for Edith now and also for you that as your days so shall your strength be. the picture is lovely.
God is amazing, His amazing blessings shine through you. Bless you and Norma Jean, have a wonderful Christmas with you family.
May the Peace of God sustain you as you travel to receive your treatment and may that treatment be covered by God’s Love and healing power. In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray.
I to believe that the “song of Songs” is a relationship between The Lord Jesus and His Bride