Monday, November 18, 2013


Suggested Reading: Proverbs 4-5

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Hierapolis, the “Sacred City,” is located in present-day Pamukkale in south-central Turkey. In the first century it was part of the tri-city area of Laodicea, Colossae, and Hierapolis. This connection between the cities lies behind Paul’s reference to Hierapolis and Laodicea in his epistle to the Colossians (Col. 4:13). Before AD 70, Phillip (either the apostle or the evangelist) moved to Hierapolis, where he was believed to have been martyred. The sun sets behind a tomb surrounded by a travertine hot spring fountain. Today’s reading speaks to us of “running water” “streams” and “fountains.” It’s about keeping clean!!!

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Proverbs 4:23

Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.


In Proverbs 4 Solomon details the influence of his father King David. David’s words were indeed retained in Solomon’s heart (4:4). When God asked Solomon what he wanted, he remembered his father’s words and asked for wisdom rather than riches, power, fame, etc. (1 Kings 4:29-30). We are in the midst of reading the proof that God gave Solomon his request, the “Book of Proverbs.” David had illustrated this gift of wisdom to his son by referring to the ancient practice in the marriage ceremony when the bride would put a wreath (crown of glory) upon the bridegroom’s head.

Proverbs 5 teaches divine wisdom in marriage faithfulness. Here is a strong warning to stay far from, and not even consider, sexual immorality. With an illustration of a fountain of water, Solomon shows that it is absolutely essential to remain faithful to one’s spouse. Lasting satisfaction and God’s blessing will come from honouring the marriage covenant. For a New Testament meditation see Matthew 15:15-20.


Dear Lord God, I pray that my heart will be filled with Your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. I realize that whatever I put in my heart will affect every area of my life. May my heart be so full of You that there will be no room left for that which is not of You. I pray in the Name of the One “In Whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9)…Jesus. Amen!


As I sit at my laptop computer typing these words, I’m thinking of the modern proverb that arrived with the computer age, “garbage in – garbage out.” A former co-host on 100 Huntley Street television used to ask people if they had put their garbage out so that God could pick it up and dispose of it. He had practised as a clinical psychologist at one time in Toronto, so he knew, as a professional, the importance of getting the bad stuff out. The morning after I first heard him say this, I was driving at about 4:30 a.m., north on Jarvis Street, toward our studios at 100 Huntley Street. There, in front of me, stopping every few feet, was Toronto garbage truck #100!! I got the message loudly and clearly from God, “David, get the garbage out! Furthermore, live in such a way that you don’t put garbage into your heart in the first place.” Amen!!! Amen!!!

Yours, knowing that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9),


P.S. Here’s a photo of the Jordan River and some members of our Holy Land tour group who were baptized Saturday afternoon in recognition of the fact that Jesus was baptized in this river by John the Baptist. Some were baptized for the first time in their lives and some were reconfirming their original baptism. What a happy time!!! Rev. Ron Mainse did the baptizing assisted by his son-in-law, Rev. Jason Patterson.



21 thoughts on “Monday, November 18, 2013

  1. I enjoyed today’s reading David. The Bible is a handbook of life to every generation and I believe it to be perhaps most relevant to today’s generation. Proverbs teaches truth to us, those led by the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit will recognize this truth for their lives. Blessings to all today and those who proclaimed their faith and were baptized in the Jordan River, what an exciting time this must have been!

  2. Wonderful baptism photos! They look like angels! Praying for the hearts of all saints to be filled with Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding–amen!

    I have a very special prayer request, dear saints, for my nephew, Christopher, who has found himself in a great deal of trouble. Please pray for God’s saving grace, protection and forgiveness for the poor choices he has made. Bring him to confession and repentance; guide and direct him. Please also pray for my sister, Marilyn, to have strength and comfort and a renewed sense of peace in her heart. And for my nephew, Tony, who is very upset and worried for his brother. I am very saddened but see the blessing in disguise behind everything and am grateful he was not in even more danger. I thank You, God for having saved him from further harm. Thank you saints for holding them up in your prayers.

    God bless you all!

    • Lord, I pray for Christopher, Tony and Marilyn today. I bring this family before you and I ask that you will undertake in this situation. Lord, you know all about it and we ask for the salvation of Christopher that he would turn his life over to you. I pray that You would mend this situation and that You would receive All the Glory for the answer. May Marilyn feel your presence and peace in this situation today and may she know that You are the Answer. In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN.

  3. Just like Beverlee, I thought those being baptised looked like angels – an angel choir perhaps. Proverbs contains so much wisdom – love it.

  4. Prayer for Christopher noted, Beverlee. Please include Kristie – very, very, rebellious (and has a husband & small child). Thank you all.

    • Praying for Kristie, Lord, and holding her up to You. Keep her husband and small child under the shelter of Your mighty wings. Bless this family with Your grace love and peace and wash them clean in the precious blood of Jesus.

  5. Amen to the baptisms in the Jordan River, and the renewing of our hearts and minds daily in scripture and prayer! I believe any sound psychological guidance today, having meaningful impact, can be sourced back to the wisdom and values based in the Book of Proverbs. Any “new age” deviation result sadly in despair and imbalance. It is a matter of appreciating priorities and directing our energies on the right path. Focussing our problems on the problem helps to clarify the problem. Impulsivity and deviation only compounds the problem. Looks like everyone is having a time, lifetime memories are built upon!! Have a great day, to all!

  6. Heavenly Father, we pray for the spiritual poor, the lost, the unrepentant, the non redeemed and all in rebellion. We ask they might know Christ as their true Lord and Saviour and that all lies that hinder them from Him be removed. We ask this according to the measure of Your Mercy for those named today in this blog and for all those your Son names now before your Throne of Grace. Amen

  7. Blessings on the newly baptised! Am praying for wisdom, knowledge and understanding for all of us and our families. Have made note of your prayer request, Carol and Beverlee. Lord Jesus, cover the young people in our families with your shield of protection as you see how vulnerable they are today with this modern media. Amen. Have a great day in the land of the Bible! Am enjoying it too.

  8. As always wonderful insight, wonderful pictures.
    And thanks fore sharing. I don’t have time to comment these days but ….theres
    not much else I could say. You blog buddies have it covered
    Blessings to all 🙂

  9. What a glorious time of Rededication! God bless you all in your pilgrimage!
    Pastor David, Thank you for remembering Rev. Father Bob MacDougal, in your blog today
    I remember him fondly in my trip to the Holy Land in ’87! He ministered to me in those early days of my walk!
    Your 100 Words is such a daily blessing!

  10. Dear Rev David M and fellow bloggers
    What a great blessing to be baptized in the Jordan River. Blessings on all who participated. Joining in prayer for Christopher, Tony & Marilyn that God will intervene. Praying also for Kristie, her husband and child. Father God we place these hurting people before your Throne of Grace asking you to minister to them as only you can.
    My son Richard and his lovely wife Alyson were married on Saturday and as I was wishing I definitely felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as the wedding vows were exchanged. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness, your unfailing love.
    God bless you all.

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