Sunday, February 10, 2013


Suggested Reading: Judges 8

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the audio speaker symbol above the scripture portion)


Dubbed the "Pompeii of the East," Jerash is a Greco-Roman ruined city located 80 miles north of Amman, the capital of the modern kingdom of Jordan, near the place where Gideon and his 300 crossed over Jordan. The impressive, beautifully preserved ruins of Jerash include places of worship and other buildings from the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine Christian, and early Muslim periods. The Oval Plaza seen in the photo is central to the ruins.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.

NOTE TO READERS: In yesterday’s email version of my blog, there was a technical glitch and it may have appeared a little out of whack. Sorry about that. For those who had a problem viewing the video of Pastor Gideon Chiu praying at the spot where Gideon chose his army, you can watch it by clicking here. Thank you for those who left a positive comment about the new feature of the link to the audio reading of our scripture portion of the day. The consensus is to keep it going, so we will!

Key Verse: Judges 8:34

Thus the children of Israel did not remember the Lord their God, who had delivered them from the hands of all their enemies on every side;

The people of Succoth and Penuel made poor decisions. Zeba and Zalmuna made poor decisions at Tabor. Gideon made good decisions when he heard from God as recorded in yesterday’s reading. Now there is no indication that he’s listening for God’s directions. How often we rush ahead on our own without waiting on God. There comes a time when we must move forward. Beware of what someone has called “the paralysis of analysis.”

In 1st Corinthians 1:6 Paul writes, “Now these things happened as examples for us.” “These things” would include Israel’s decisions and experience during the time of the judges. When we forget God in our decisions, we become victims of our circumstances rather than victors over our circumstances.


Father, teach me to be careful to consult You daily in prayer concerning my decisions, and may I move forward with trust that You are directing me. Teach me, please, from the examples I’m reading here in Judges. I believe You for this! In Jesus’ Name! Amen!


When I think of “Tabor,” I think of the town of Taber, Alberta, Canada. Rev. Dale Lang was the minister of the Anglican church there when his son was shot and murdered in the corridor of the high school by a deranged fellow student. Dale and his family made the decision to use this evil act for good. I’ll never forget how, during the live funeral service that was carried on national TV, in that very high school auditorium, Dale walked to the spot where his son was killed and spoke of their forgiveness for the young man who had committed this crime. Then, with spiritual authority in the Name of Jesus, he cast out the evil from the school. Dale became Canada’s Pastor from that time forward. I’ll never forget slipping into the back seat of Dale’s church during a Sunday service sometime later, and finding lots of young people worshipping God while Dale led them in song playing his guitar. He and his wife became regulars for some time on the daily 100 Huntley Street telecast. Dale joined me daily on TV for a year, along with Professor of ancient history, Paul Maier, for a one-year journey through the book of Acts. Dale made good decisions following his family’s tragedy. Check out this video of a unique opportunity I had to go up in a hot air ballon with Dale, as he’s also a skilled balloonist (click here).

Yours for taking the time to wait on God for His decisions, and then moving forward,


A family walks down the main Roman Road, the Cardo Maximus, in the old city of Jerash. Pillars and ancient buildings are on each side of the street.

14 thoughts on “Sunday, February 10, 2013

  1. Interesting how Rev. Dale Lang drew refference in flight, how he can control verticle but not horizontal, when flying the baloon … how only God was in control of horizontal movement. Such is life, he alludes to, and the need for prayer and relationship to have any assurance we are on the right path moving forward. Great video, thanks for sharing! Didn’t know you were a licensed Private Pilot as well! Makes sense, given your passion for flight and aviation.

  2. David, I think you make a very good point. We need to remember and to consider God in all of decisions, and then move forward in faith. For as you said, if we don’t consider God in our decisions, we become victims rather than victors of circumstances. I think of my own life, and how many times I have been stultified my own lack of initiative out of fear of making the wrong decision. I think it’s best to seek wise opinion i.e. the Bible, prayer, those who walk closely with the Lord, then make the decision and move ahead in faith. Trust that God will open the right doors if it’s within His will, but move ahead in faith nevertheless. Remember, Jesus said that He would always be with us and that He would never forsake us. He loves us and is on this journey of life with us. We are not alone.

  3. I am so grateful for this blog and for the fact we have such a Faithful God through His Holy Spirit who will direct my path each day.

    Asking God each day for a renewal of His will in my life only serves me for the good.

    Thank you David and fellow bloggers….have a wonderful day with blessings from above.

  4. Rev Dale Lang made a big impression for The Lord on me and many others when he spoke at a prayer breakfast in Ottawa not too long after his teenage son was murdered. A lovely human being. World needs more like him…lots of character, all for the good.

  5. Thank you, David, for your encouragement on God’s guidance and particularly timely for me, is the “paralysis of analysis” element of truth. Your blog is to me, one of the ways through which God is guiding me. Blessings from Him!

  6. I know that when I am fearful it is from satan so please pray for us as
    We do for you !!!!!! Thank you David and
    Norma jean!!!!! You are our hope and strength from our holy Lord Jesus! Thankyou for listening to Him Amen!

  7. That was fun to watch! And insightful too. As always I am so grateful for this blog and for the comments of my fellow bloggers. I look forward to reading their insights as well

  8. Thank you David, for posting the video of Gideon and the gathering of people in Israel from 2001. Even though it’s now 2013, I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit as I watched it and participated in Gideon’s prayer and the worship of the people. Walking together with the generations is actually something I am prayiing and fasting about today – how cool is that! Praise God and bless you!

  9. Thanks, David, for re-posting the video of Gideon leading the people in worship on such a monumental spot. It was moving.

    However, so disappointed to read, once again, that the people of Israel fell short of remaining disciplined to God, after Gideon’s death, at the end of Judges 8.

    So happy to praise the Lord, this Sunday, and ever grateful for all the blessings He has given us. Amen!

  10. I tried the voice and I don’t hear a thing….keep trying! I enjoy reading the blog which is great and good making a person think of Jesus more and falling in love with Him every minute.

  11. Thank you David and fellow bloggers I really enjoy the comments made. I agree whole-heartedly that leaving God out of our decisions can be lead to severe consequences but hopefully we learn and grow deeper in our relationship with Christ.

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