Monday, January 21, 2013


Suggested Reading: Joshua 5-6

(click scripture link to read online)


This is the area of the Jordan River, near Jericho, where the Children of Israel crossed into the Promised Land. It is also the approximate location on the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized. Visitors have the opportunity to follow the experience of Jesus in these waters.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Joshua 6:27

So the Lord was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country.

Joshua’s dramatic encounter with “the Angel of the Lord” (5:13-15 & 6:1-5) must’ve been a powerful confirmation to him that God’s call on his life was as definite as that of Moses. Also, the specific instructions for the defeat of Jericho gave Joshua great confidence in moving forward. This was no ordinary angel. This was the Lord Himself as evidenced by Joshua’s worship.

The Gospels record that Jesus received worship. At the visit of the wise men (Matthew 2:1-12), through to eternity (Revelation 5:1-14), Jesus is worshipped. None of the great prophets and apostles ever received worship. In Lystra (Acts 14:11-18), people tried to worship Paul and Barnabus who were horrified at the thought of being worshipped. Let us worship the Lord alone. He is worthy! Let us join now the hosts of Heaven in worshipping Him. Here is a choir singing “Holy, holy, holy” (Revelation 4:8-11). Let us join with them in worship (click here).


Lord Jesus, You are my commanding Officer. Give me grace and willing obedience as You did for Joshua. I worship You! You alone are worthy! Hallelujah! Glory to Your Name for ever and ever! Amen and Amen!


Throughout the years, as one who seeks to follow Jesus and to listen for His instructions, I’ve been blessed with His guidance. This daily, two-year journey through the Bible is an example of my willingness to obey what I believe He tells me to do. When God asked the people to march around the walls once a day, and then 7 times the last day, it must’ve seemed foolish and tedious to some people. It may have been a mile or more around the walls. Some would’ve wanted to give up, I’m sure. Nevertheless they persevered. The digs around Jericho seem to indicate that the walls did not simply fall over but that they imploded into the ground. The Lord works with an infinite variety of methods. I think I’ve learned to expect the unexpected.

I enjoy reading the comments of my friends. For example, Doreen on January 18th (click here), thank you for your comments! And thank you to everyone who joins me!


P.S. Here’s a video clip that shows that God is at work. Yes, there is violence and war. God does not diminish men and women by robbing us of free will, but He draws us to Himself in such a way that we find delight in doing His will! (click here)


12 thoughts on “Monday, January 21, 2013

  1. Good morning David and fellow bloggers..
    As I was reading about the victory battle in Josh.6 I thot
    of a song we use to sing;
    Jesus giveth us the victory, He Who overcame on Calvary,
    Overcomes again in you and me,
    Hallelujah Jesus is the VICTORY! Amen!

    I also enjoyed singing, Holy, Holy, Holy
    Jesus puts a song in our heart…a beautiful way to praise
    our Savior.

  2. Next time I go into McDonalds I’ll wonder how may are reading David’s Blog. Doreen makes a good suggestion. To publish this in book form will enable others past the end date (after the four year period) to also journey through your thoughts and writings. You could include the words to the songs, as the links may no longer be available. Even too, the written scripture referrences. I’m sure you have thought already about this. I hope it happens.

  3. Thankyou David and Reynold! We are so blessed by this daily blog.
    I am especially touched by todays’ scripture, your thoughts and Reynolds’ picture.
    The pic. reminds me of the robe of righteousness we wear because of Jesus and of the fine linen, white and clean (Rev.19:14) that the saints will be wearing. What a picture!
    All men are created with the longing to worship-something or someone. I am
    everlastingly thankful that The Lord our God made the way for us to worship
    Him, the only true God, and He will never tire of us coming to Him. Praise Him!
    Praise Him! Praise Jesus!

  4. I was moved by Joshua’s encounter with the angel. Joshua fell down and worshiped him and asked what message the Lord had for him. The angel told Joshua the place where he stood was holy, and to take his sandals off?a moment of such humbleness and honour, re-affirming his faith!

    Thanks, David, for sharing your experiences that exemplify the same. The video this morning on Mervyn and Muriel Metawick was excellent!

    Wishing everyone a most blessed day!

  5. It is funny in an ironic way, I feel like I ‘m getting to know people who I’ve never met face to face. When I first read about Joshua’s encounter with the “Commander of the Lord’s Army God’s kindness and graciousness in affirming that just as He was with Moses so He would be with Joshua. Thankyou David and Reynold for the Scripture and pictures!!!! God bless everyone!!!

  6. Know God, study the scriptures, apprehend faith, pray without ceasing, trust in Him to move mountains … now watch Him do a mighty work in your life! If the walls of Jericho can come down, there isn’t any obstacle that God can’t remove from your life, if it’s within His will for you.

  7. Thank you David for your faithful love and service to your Lord and God of scripture. What a blessing to experience and live in the knowledge and relationship with Holy God almighty. Praise His name forever!
    In 1990 while listening to you on One hundred Huntley St. I fell on my knees, repented of going my own way, and gave my heart to Jesus! I was made new that day, born again! Praise God.
    As a young girl age 10, I desired to be baptized, but because of circumstances beyond my control I was not baptized. But, GOD, in His faithfulness heard my heart prayer, and many years later as an adult I was baptized in the Jordan River!
    How faithful is our God! Praise His name forever!

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