Sunday, December 2, 2012


Suggested Reading: Acts 11-12

(click scripture link to read online)


Ruins of a Roman hippodrome in Caesarea. If you look carefully to the left you can see the seats from which the spectators would watch the chariot races taking place in the oval space in the center. Reynold's shadow is seen on the bottom right.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Acts 11:16-17

Then I remembered the word of the Lord, how He said, “John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God?

Our Scripture records an amazing shift in the hearts and minds of these believers in Jesus who practiced the religion of Judaism. Peter had baptized Gentiles without them first becoming Jews. For this breach of Jewish practice, Peter was on the carpet back in Jerusalem defending his unprecedented action. The key point in Peter’s defense was John the Baptist’s prophecy and it’s fulfillment both in the 120 in the upper room and now with the same “they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God” experience.

Consider the two deaths in chapter 12…that of James, the brother of John, and that of Herod. What a stark contrast one with the other. James was put to death by Herod. The end result was the opposite to what Herod intended. The fisherman Apostle, James, now sits with the King of Kings forever. The kingdom Herod sought to hold, crumbled. The glory he sought was instantly lost. The result of his pride was undoubtedly eternal damnation.

Another James, the one known as the brother of Jesus, is rising to leadership. We first hear of him in Mark 6:3. He gave us the book of James. Stay with us daily and we’ll get to James’ book eventually.


Lord Jesus, I thank You that, as John the Baptist said of You, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” By Your grace, You have baptized me in the same way as You did for the believers as recorded in the book of Acts. I magnify You in my worship (I must do so quietly just now as people are sleeping nearby as I type this). Later, Lord, I’ll go outside in the freshly fallen snow and praise You with great joy with more volume. As Paul wrote in Eph. 5:18-21, I desire with all my heart that I will continue to “be filled with the Spirit.” Amen!!!!!!!!


My Grand’pa Mainse and his brother Ed would meet each morning at the fence between their farms for prayer. They were what they called “Shouting Methodists.” It is said that they could be heard over on the next concession. I’ve heard my Doctor of Theology father shout for Joy on one occasion. I’ve been so filled with the Spirit at times that It’s next to impossible to keep quiet or to express what’s going on inside of me in my ordinary english language. Of course, one can control one’s exuberance. The Scripture says, “The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet”(1 Cor. 14:32). I find great strength for each day as my human spirit is filled with God’s Spirit. I experience an effective witness for Jesus and my cup of joy is filled to overflowing. Norma-Jean has recently given to our children and grandchildren a book entitled, “The Blessing.” The subtitle is, “Experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit today,” by Thomas Trask and Wayde Goodall, published by Zondervan. This is an excellent and thorough teaching resource. If you are hungry and thirsty for God’s Spirit in a greater way in your life, I recommend this excellent book (click here for information).

Yours for being “Filled with the Spirit.” By the way, I believe that this daily blog will help you and me to grow in God, so that our capacities for the Spirit of God will increase. I think about this: Am I continuing to be a small volume spirit or am I increasing in size? I think I’m growing and thus I can experience a greater measure of God’s Spirit that ever before.


12 thoughts on “Sunday, December 2, 2012

  1. Thank youDavid for today’s message. Praise God we are saved by His grace. May He fill you today with strength to continue to Shout Praises to His name. HALLELUJAH!!!!

  2. Dear David,

    Thank you, thank you for your daily blog. We’re so enjoying your thoughts! I read part of a short story from you 50th anniversary book to an
    old friend of mine, from school days. She was so inspired by it, that I mailed
    your book “100” to her. She thoroughly enjoyed it and aspires to your
    close walk with God. She, a Catholic, recognises that the Holy Spirit is key
    in your life, and prays for a similar relationship. To God be the glory!

    Sincerely in Jesus,

    Elaine Guse

  3. Thank you David for this message today. I am trying to start my day on a positive note, so I logged on here first to gather some of your wisdom, courage and strength to go on.

  4. Your blog gives me such great inspiration daily. I always find strength and more hope in my journey of growing closer to God. You are an inspiration to every Christian out there to practice their faith by obedience to God’s calling. You are God’s blessing to all of us.

  5. Psalm 100:5 (NLT)
    For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continues to each generation.

  6. Hi David, Wow,my mind went back to the time when an evangelist came to our church and offered to pray for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit,l went forward and l opened my mouth to find l was speaking in other tongues so fast it sounded like a record on fast track,and there was nothing l could do about it as my tongue was surrendered to him. Slowly my tongues came back to a normal pace.l was so excited l drove home and my husband greeted me at the door,l guess my face was glowing,then l began to laugh.l laughed and laughed until my face actually ached,l wanted to stop but it wasn’t happening! Slowly l did was such a supernatural experience,that left me with such a joy and refreshing that has stayed with me to this day! Yes we all need to be continually filled with him!

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