Suggested Reading: Numbers 14
(click scripture link to read online)

The Temple of Kom Ombo stands on the east bank of the Nile, right next to the river, about 4Km from the town of Kom Ombo. It was dedicated to two Egyptian gods, Horus and Sobek.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Numbers 14:19
Pardon the iniquity of this people, I pray, according to the greatness of Your mercy, just as You have forgiven this people, from Egypt even until now.
How strange! The majority wanted to go back to Egypt. This, in spite of the Red Sea miracle, the water from the rock, the manna, the pillar of cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night. Before we judge them harshly, consider how attractive the old world can be to us when the going gets tough. When Moses preached God’s judgement on backsliding, it’s amazing how quickly the plan was changed (14:35). Then they made another big mistake. They presumed that God would restore everything as it was (14:44). Not so! There are consequences to a rebellious spirit. Yes, they were forgiven and God did not destroy them. It’s true that God is great in mercy. Nevertheless, they had forfeited the Promised Land. I expect to meet most of these people in Heaven, but in this life there are God-given opportunities which, if missed, will never be ours again.
Lord God, I ask, by Your grace, as I daily submit to Your will, that I will not miss opportunities to follow Your plan. Help me to make You my #1 priority. In the Name of the One who always did what He saw You doing, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! (See John 5:17-20).
I gave my life to Jesus at 16 and at 18 decided to give myself fully to Him for His Ministry through me. In my early years, I struggled often with the assurance that I was doing the will of God. Then I learned Jesus’ secret as to where He found the will of His Father. Remember He never used His divinity to help Himself. He lived His life as a Man. His favourite name for Himself was “Son of Man.” Here’s the way Jesus did it. Read with me Mark 1:35…”Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” Also, Matthew 14:23…”And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on a mountain to pray.” Then Luke 6:12…”And it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray.” I’ve just looked out the window of my hotel room here on the Sea of Galilee. There are hills all around that rise from 600 feet below sea level to well above. Jesus spent most of His public Ministry right here. My passion is to be like Jesus. With God’s help I’ve made early morning prayer a daily priority.
Yours for a consistent daily life in prayer and in God’s Word, so that knowing and doing God’s will becomes a way of life,
P.S. Check the new pictures below. Here in Israel, we’re 7 hours ahead of the Crossroads studios in Burlington, Ontario.
How many of us have missed an opportunity to step out in faith and do something bold on God’s behalf. Perhaps witnessing, perhaps giving to a charity, perhaps befriending a lonely person, perhaps giving of oneself to a new venture in faith. Maybe some of these opportunities are now past and cannot be regained, but many opportunities are still available, just waiting for the harvest. I think if we just spent time in prayer thinking of just one thing that we could do in Christ’s name, God just might use the circumstances that develop, for His glory. It’s never to late to begin to step out in faith in God’s order of things.
Great pictures David, you and Norma Jean look like you are simply having the time of your lives! Good for you! I pray that you continue to have an inspiring, enjoyable and safe journey. God Bless.
How wonderful to read your blog this morning and to see the picture of you and Norma Jean on the Sea of Galilee leading God’s people in HIs most high praises in song! I will never forget that day of our trip a few years ago when we joined you.
The Lord has been teaching me through your blog and through the lifejournal daily bible readings that the disciplined life of prayer and study of the word FIRST thing in the day is so important.
We are so glad you were able to take this trip and may the Lord bless you with strength and stamina as you walk in your healing before so many witnesses in the Holy Land!
One thing I am a part of in our church is an intercessary prayer line . Our leader
sends emails for people to pray for. Its nice to see when we see or hear God’s
answer to them. God said never to cease praying.
God Bless you and Norma Jean
I’m glad you are enjoying your trip take care
Lianne Hogg
At the beginning of today’s chapter, it was clear Moses had his hands full with an insurrection among the congregation. When people are on a journey and the destination is not yet met, there can be so much contagious grumbling and discontent. How easy it can be in todays life to fall into this trap, forgetting where we have come from, and that God is leading us to where we are going. Appreciate the time and effort you put into sending us your daily words. Thanks for the pictures … looks like you are having a great time!!
Love the pictures. Thankyou…Lorna
Amen David,
I never want to miss what God has planned for me or my household.
I am going to print off this one and keep it.
Thank u and God bless u and Norma Jean in Israel
Enjoyed your blog and photos today, David. You are challenging me afresh. Enjoyed the testimonies and prayer on !00 Huntley Street today as well. Interesting to see the photo of the tour group. Lord Jesus help us to do your will.
Another great message – and the photos were an added blessing…I wish I was there with you. Just an aside…would it be possible to post the day before, the scriptures to be covered the next day? I read them the night before in preparation for the next morning – then pray about the material, and sometimes look up some material. In John I found things got jumbled up a bit, and now too find myself getting behind. If it is not possible I do understand. Blessings: Ellen
Thank You David for teaching me how to pray the Scriptures! Thank you for the lovely pictures. I am blessed to be part of this blog.
Awesome….too awesome for words…. the blog, the pictures….. great stuff David…… we love you Lord……….
until next time….. we are Joyful in Hope, Patient in Trials, and most of all Faithful in Prayer…. as this is how the Relationship developes….. thank you Lord….that Faith is a Gift from You……
Enormously positive way for Monday to continue unfolding! The lesson, the gorgeous photos, and the divine location (‘comments’ too…) are so full of life that… “My cup runneth over!” 🙂
Enormously positive way for Monday to continue unfolding! The lesson, the gorgeous photos, and the divine location (‘comments’ too…) are so full of life that… “My cup runneth over!” 🙂
David, I was catching up on some of the comments of your wonderful bog, and was on the comments dated the 9th of November when I came upon this comment dated the 11th of November, from Elizabeth Cooper. I felt I needed to reply to Elizabeth today. Knowing Elizabeth’s comment didn’t show up on the 11th. Please go back to the 9th comments all the followers of Davids blog and read dear Elizabeth’s letter.
Dear Elizabeth Cooper, I pray you will see this reply to your comment of the 11th of November. I want you to know God loves you so much and will never leave you or forsake you. We have all failed God, some daily like me, but thank Jesus He forgives us quickly and brings us back into His loving arms. Grab hold of those loving arms and let Him hold you. You are not alone, God sees you and is there. Isaiah 41:10 says…Fear not, for I am with you; Do not be dismayed; I am your God; I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. That victorious right hand is Jesus Christ our blessed Savior. Hold on to Him Elizabeth. He will never let you go.
My prayers are with you Elizabeth,
your loving sister in Christ Nancy
My prayers are also with you, Elizabeth. I feel you have touched many lives in a loving way throughout your life. On behalf of those who may not have been able to thank you so openly, I thank you for them and I believe our Lord does too.
Thank you for these healing words. Although they were for another, they spoke to me in a way only God can. Thanks for this blessing.
Thank you God for this blog. I made it to church yesterday. The first time in many years. I was encouraged by following God’s word in this blog, and by the faith of all people to make it happen and also by the people who respond to it. To witness and share such faith and devotion has been healing. I have shared in the past I’m on sick leave and still too shy to state why but I must say this blog and the recent series on your show has reached to many more people than you realize. But God knows. And I thank God for your outreach ministry.
I am really enjoying your pictures and write-ups from Israel, David.
Thank you so much for taking time out of your daily schedule to do this for us.
With love and prayers in Jesus Name. Judy
“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You” Isaiah 26:4.and, “Trust in the Lord forever for in Jehovah the Lord is everlasting strength.-verse 5.
So glad I found this blog! One of our friends is on this amazing tour of the Holy Land. So good to have another connection with where she is!
This is my sign on day, I’m so excited to join this journey with you, David and
Norma Jean, I will be praying for you as you revisit this wonderful land of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your wonderful words and your courage…:)