Suggested Reading: Matthew 16 & 17

An hour drive north of the Sea of Galilee is Caesarea Philippi, also known as Banias. Here you can view the remnants of the Temple of Pan. It was here that Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do men say that I am?"
Key Verse: Matthew 16:16
“Simon Peter answered and said, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'”
Six verses later Peter actually rebuked Jesus. Jesus tried again and again to tell His disciples that He would be killed and would rise again. For some reason He could not penetrate their preconceived beliefs in the Christ who would overthrow the Romans and establish Israel as a sovereign state. So Peter moved from thinking the thoughts of the Father to thinking his own thoughts, receiving this response from Jesus, “Get behind Me Satan.” Peter’s mind was the battleground in the war between The Father God and the liar, Satan. To which voice will you listen? How do you know which voice is truth? The answer is that this is the very reason this two-year journey through God’s written Word is so important!
Please, Holy Spirit, do for me as Jesus promised. Guide me “Into all truth.” Amen!
58 years ago I rented a hall and began a Sunday School for my public school students and others. People began to regard me as a minister. For example, a lady named May, about 70, showed up at my door and announced, “Win is dead, I want you to take his funeral.” I said, “I’ll find a minister.” “No” she said, “If you don’t do it I will just stick him in the ground without a service.” I stood in front of the coffin in the little cottage and said something like this, “We don’t know why God would take Win.” Actually Win was 85 and had a heart condition. After the burial, in my room I confessed that I didn’t know God’s Word well and I took my Bible, opened it and placed it on my head, saying to God, “With Your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, I will learn to think Your thoughts, and I will then be able to speak with assurance.” Then I went to Bible College and set out on a lifetime commitment to know God’s thoughts.
Daily learning His thoughts,
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Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:11
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
The voice I listen to is God who speaks the truth through the holy spirit satan tries his best through other people and situations but he does not speak truth.
Lianne Hogg
Happy Fathers day David!
Happy Fathers Day, David! You have been like a father to many, including me. Thank you!
Happy Father’s day, David!
Thank you for taking the challenge to guide us through this journey every early morning. I am so much blessed and charged with boldness and faith by your words. THANK YOU! Keep doing what you are doing and be a role model for whole generations 🙂 You are richly blessed by the Almighty.
Hi David…Thank you so much for your prayers for me ( Barb Champion) just emailed me to tell me.. Trusting the Lord with all of this Body/Lung disease for sure and well the Dr’s are hearing all about the Great Physician…all 13 of them, as im a complicated them…Fearfull and Wonderful made by the we just continue on ..its been a strange & Different 16 months but we know ( Dr’s Treat ) but ( Jesus Heals ) im praying for you as well my brother…as we pray for the Kingdom work to be done.. ( the Birdhouse lady )
sending prayers & hugs for your day…Diane Finley McCooeye…WOTL (Isaiah 50.31) im a life changed by 100 Huntly st in 1995 ( PTL ) throught the Power of the Holy Spirit..
David…the note above ( Isaiah 40. 31 ) the meds have made my eyes not so good…. and i did not proof read
enjoy the early morning as well with you…as we soak in the presence of the Lord….. Blessings again….Diane
With God, His plan is Win! Win! Win for God! Win for Us.
WIN!=”” What’s Important “NOW”!
Your blogs are real treasures, David. As the Lord pours His blessing through you, may He enrich every aspect of your own life far beyond anything you could ask or even imagine! We love you in the Lord.
Dearest David Mainse
Precious child of God. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your faithful service.
When you announced that you were writing this blog everyday for 2 years, I promised myself that I would follow it each day for 2 years. Thank you!
My heart sings during and after I read God’s words and then yours. Thank God! Thank you!
I am refreshed and strengthened because of it. God is so great!
Happy Father’s Day to you and to the greatest Father in heaven!
May God keep you well and heal you! Amen.
God bless u David and thank u for this blog.
Dear David, I had a chuckle when you said you placed the Bible on your head and asked for guidance from the Holy Spirit of God. I find myself getting behind, and trying to catch up, really enjoying your blogs, and the pictures Reynold takes.
Hi David your blog always makes us think and turn our minds to a Kingdom perspective, thanks for helping renew our minds.
Love you lots Christine