Suggested Reading: Matthew 15

The present day entrance to the historic village of Capernaum. The sign reads "Capernaum The Town of Jesus."
Key Verse: Matthew 15:9
“And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”
The third commandment, (Exodus 20) “You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain,” includes worship not founded solidly on a true understanding of God’s Word. Moses, upon his descent from Sinai, discovered the people worshipping with the practices of the religion of Egypt. Satan went into the religion business because he wanted to be worshipped. What Lucifer failed to receive in Heaven, he convinces men to invent on earth. The ancient temples of Egypt were an effort to copy the approach to God in Heaven with “the god of this world” depicted by an image in the inner chamber. Daily, daily, daily read God’s Word.
Dear Lord Jesus, I worship God in Your Name with an ever-increasing understanding of the Scriptures. I read, mark, inwardly digest the written Word, the Bible. You promised the “Spirit of truth ” (John 16:13) will guide me into all Truth. I ask now for that guidance as I meditate on Your Word. Amen!
In my first year of Bible College, I was required to memorize 50 Bible verses. I had learned memory verses in Sunday School, but this was different. I was required to quote all 50 verses one after the other. I’ll never forget the aftermath of that exercise. I took my Bible and hugged it to my heart, walking up and down the hall, worshipping God for the gift of His precious Word. The Holy Spirit transfered the Word from my head only, deeply into my innermost being. The result? “Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11).
Yours for a pure heart,
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Many years ago I spent a lot of time memorizing passages in the Bible – some were long like Proverbs chapter 3, Psalm 103, Romans 8, the 23rd Psalm and others. Those passages have been a treasure in my heart and I have quoted many of them often in prayer.
Great freedom can be found in Christ when we know him and have taken him into our hearts. Unfortunately for many, they seek soley for the purpose of intellectual gain or to seek merit for themselves thinking this will make them wise or give them credence aong their peers. In short, hypocracy is just as prevalent in our day as it was In the day of Jesus. Jesus knew us, he knew we humans were prone to hypocracy, corruption … to SIN. Yet God came into this world … this sinful world … with the purpose of saving us from our very selves! Yes, to regenerate our souls and to make us new creations in Him. Praise God this day for saving us, for giving us the word, and for sending the Holy Spirit for guidence.
I am enjoying this blog David. In my life I have found my strength and hope in psalm 121. It always seems the Lord provides the appropriate verse or reading at the right time on my journey through this life. The scriptures are my GPS on my days when I feel lost! Thanks for reminding me about that. Bless you for your effort here.
I found the same experience when I took the Bethel Bible course. It was trans-formative for my walk with Christ
I don’t know if I could remember that many verses but I do have have some typed
around my apartment that I have memorized and are in my heart.
Lianne Hogg
“O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.
So I have looked for You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.
Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips shall praise You.
Thus I will bless You while I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.
My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness,
And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.
When I remember You on my bed,
I meditate on You in the night watches.
Because You have been my help,
Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.
My soul follows close behind You;
Your right hand upholds me.”
– Psalm 63:1-8
David, this idea of blogging is great. It is something we can refer others to and when we are not watching, some will click in and read. God’s Word will not return void. God bless you and this new vehicle of telling others about Jesus.
Navigators was a great program for learning scripture memory verses. Many times I have reflected on a scripture to help me put life in balance and perspective. Tendencies which we humans have such as denial, distraction, minimizing the truth, displacement and blame, all serve to create a fog which misguides us from Christs teachings. Somewhere deep within comes a prompting as to which way to go. Anything left or right of this truth is often so clearly seen as hypocracy, or simply … illness. I too pray for purity of heart but find life and human nature can be a bumpy ride.
good morning DAVID
good morning DAVID; Your Prayer for Truth as the guiding source when read scriptures for it allows the Lord Jesus to become your personal guide througth the many examples that he can highlight to your personally lived experiences. It explains how so many people find diferrences in the same wording but find it speaks to them in a most personal way, that only a close freind walking along with you through the words as you have walked daily paths with family and neighbours. Then we find “WHAT A FREIND WE HAVE IN JESUS” You have been such a friend example to our Nation and I thank you for it Goodnight David
Dear David, thank you so much for your pictures, verses and life stories.
I am enjoying them very much. God bless you
Your blog is a blessing to me. Thank you so much.
Today you mention that you are an old-timer and social media is new to you. I am an old-timer too and it is also new to me but God is encouraging me to use social media as well. I am trusting the Lord to launch a ministry for Him. I have a gift to encourage through my writing and I am now using Facebook and a website that I have started up to use my gift.
You are and always have been an inspiration to me. God bless you David.
Love in Christ
Thank you for doing this, it is wonderful to have God’s word on my computer each morning as well as your teaching. Reynold’s pictures are amazing as well.
Blessings to all involved.
I thank God for your obedience in doing this teaching. It is a real pleasure for me to think that I am reading from the word of God His Truth and sharing His Truth with others along my day. God Bless you and may the Lord Jesus keep you strong and healthy.
thank you again David Mainse for your faithfulness in sending these wonderful devotions. When I turn on my computer in the early morning, as I am a 6 am. riser and there it is. Thank you again. God Bless you!!!!!