About 100Words.ca

A Message from Ron Mainse:

My Father, David Mainse, went into the presence of his precious Saviour on the morning of September 25th, 2017, surrounded by his family, ending a 5-year battle with MDS leukemia. The Lord graciously extended his life 3 years beyond what the doctors initially predicted, allowing his family and friends to enjoy for a little longer his deep wisdom, caring heart and passionate encouragement. A memorial website has been created for Dad at davidmainse.com, which includes a link to view his “Celebration of Life” service.  

We want to continue to keep Dad’s words alive through his daily “100Words.ca” blog, so my wife Ann and I will continue to update and post Dad’s commentary, prayer, and personal words from his previous years’ postings…as an ongoing legacy to our precious Father. We are honoured to be carrying this daily torch for Dad!


David Mainse recorded the video below to explain his inspiration for starting this blog…

The wording below is taken from David’s blog posting on June 3, 2014 (exactly two years after his first posting in 2012):


For those just joining us, today we re-start the TWO-YEAR DAILY BLOG! My name is David Charles Mainse, born August 13th 1936, in Quebec, Canada. So, I’m now 77 years old. This new two-year plan shows that I’m an incurable optimist, because in 2012, the doctors gave me two years to live.

You can tell a lot about the company you’re keeping when you are sharing a coffee. Someone may say, “Is there any milk in that jug?” The one who says “pass the cream please” is me! I’m not a total Pollyanna clone, but I am an optimist. I will call it like I see it, honestly and factually. I may be wrong from time to time. Only God is always right, and I am definitely one of His imperfect children. It’s not God’s fault that I come short of His high standards. According to surveys, the #2 most recognized song in the world is “Amazing Grace” (#1 is “Happy Birthday”). The composer of “Amazing Grace” used the words, “that saved a wretch like me.”  Not too complimentary. But, the song is hopeful. The blind can see and the lost are found. I believe that I fit in there somewhere.

Yesterday was the 52nd birthday of the ministry of Crossroads. I’m excited to report that it is “HAPPY!” I’m honoured, along with my wife Norma-Jean, to be the Founders. I can report good things about Crossroads. I expect to report in this blog, God willing, from time to time on the vision, the persons God has called to lead, and the results of the Good works of a ministry that is supported by God’s people. “Happy Birthday, God bless you!!!”

Now, here’s the plan for this blog:

  1. Beginning today, God willing, I’ll be starting our new, fresh bread, two-year journey through the WORLD’S OLDEST BOOK, STILL THE WORLD’S BEST-SELLER – – THE BIBLE. We will start in the New Testament, go to the Old Testament, back to the New and then back again to the Old. To start, I suggest joining me in reading St. Matthews Gospel chapters 1 & 2… a good place to start, THE CHRISTMAS STORY. In the 1970s, I led a “Through-the-Bible-in-One-Year” program. Unfortunately, when we reached Leviticus, Numbers or Deuteronomy, more than half dropped out! After much prayer, I believe I heard from God to extend the reading to two years. This change, along with the New to the Old and back again approach, reversed the drop-out rate. I knew because new materials needed to be ordered in order to continue with the program.
  2. I read the suggested chapters at 4:00 am. At approximately 4:30 am, I’ll spend time in prayer. This early start has been a habit of mine, most days, since I turned 40.
  3. Around 5:00 am, I am usually at my computer keyboard where I expect to write my blog (or re-edit my original writing from our first two-year journey). First, I’ll write “100 Words” (forgive me in advance as I usually go over 100 words) on the theme of the key verse which I’ve chosen from the reading for the day. Second, I’ll include a “Prayer for Today” that we can pray together. Then third, I’ll probably include another section called “100 Personal Words,” which might be a personal meditation or a story from my life. 
  4. My son Ron will format the blog in advance, and add a photo(s), taken by my other son Reynold, who is a professional photographer, as well as an ordained minister. He has spent much time in the lands of the Bible shooting photos for the blog. His website is www.reynoldmainse.com.
  5. At 6:00 am, the day’s “Fresh Bread” comes out of the oven and is delivered from my place to yours.
  6. Each day, comments and replies to my post are encouraged (I do read all the comments, although I don’t usually get to personally reply…sorry about that!).
  7. NOTE: You can sign up for the daily email version of my blog by completing the subscription info on the home page at www.100words.ca. If for any reason it does not appear in your inbox, sign up again.
MAY GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU BEGIN (OR CONTINUE) THIS JOURNEY WITH ME…and please tell your family and friends to join us too! Perhaps you can post my website link on your Facebook wall (if you’re into that particular flavour of social media).

Yours for thinking God’s thoughts as we read thoroughly His Words,



176 thoughts on “About 100Words.ca

  1. I have just found your blog & subscribed. It seems a manageable daily devotion. After reading your daily schedule, I was impressed with your early rising & time commitment to sharing the Word.

    I am in a transition time of my life & looking for God’s guidance.

    Thank you

    • I have figured out how not to be upset when the blog is late. I am behind one day so I always have it on time! It upsets my day if it’s not on time. Thanks so much David. Learning so much.

      • God Bless you David, I pray faithfully every day when saying my prayers, for your complete recovery, thank you for your daily blog. I live in South Africa now, i lived in Edmonton Alberta for 26 years, unfortunetly life was not very easy, i have been a christchen all my life, for some reason when things got hard i still prayed but became lost, It was through watching crossroads every day (I became a member) Thanks to crossroads i was born again and have become close to our Lord Jesus Christ and my faith is growing more and more in my life, I have given myself to Lord Jesus and He is now in control of my life, I know that without Jesus i would not be able to carry on with my life, I am totally dependent on Him, Im not sure of my future but have no worry about it because i now walk on the path that God has planned for me, just knowing that my future is wth Jesus gives me PEACE and CONTENTMENT in my life.THANK you David and crossroads Ron, Ann, Jim, Moira for bringing Jesus into my life again. May God keep on Blessing all of you for the wonderful work you do. To God be the GLORY, I love you all so much, God Bless, with much love, Jenny.

        • AS I have just started watching your Show,I’m thankful, that I’m able to know, that their are people like you,doing such great deeds.I will continue to watch forever.I will keep writing and continue to view whatever I can to continue on with what God has in plan for all.God Bless all of you.

          • David, your enthusiasm for the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an inspiration to so many of us. I thank you with all my heart for Crossroads and all the various ministries that bless us in our walk with Jesus. May our Lord bless and empower you for many more years!

    • Keep writing, Pastor David. You will never know who is reading but keep writing as I enjoy your writings. Blessing on you. I have a 62 year old brother with a diagnosis of terminal Cancer so I KNOW what you are going thru. He was told Aug 13 he has 4 to 6 months to live.Pray for his salvation with me. Thank you.

    • I have been enjoying your Daily Blogs David. They have been very interesting for me because our Minister spent 2 weeks there and then showed us the pictures and did a wonderful commentary. Keep up the good work. God is good and gives us all great guidance.


    • Dear Heavenly Father I pray for David as he goes for medical tests. I pray for traveling mercies. I pray also Lord that his body will handle the time change. Lord be with the doctors. Give them wisdom, direction and discernment as to what is the next step in David’s treatment of this form of cancer. Lord we know that You are a God that heals put Your healing hand upon David’s body Help him to feel Your presence and comfort. Be His strength when He is weak. Be with his wife and family as well as they are also traveling this journey alongside of David. Surround them with Your love joy and peace In Your precious name we pray Amen

    • Goodmorning David,

      I have been praying for you as you enter into the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix Arizona, You will find it a wonderful place, with puntuality like you never knew existed. My prayer went something like this, Lord, please take any anxiety or fear away from David as he enters this wonderful facility, Bless all the Drs and specialist that he should see today, open their eyes to know what can be done for this Godly man. God, thank you for answered prayers and we will be witnessing for you after David’s encouraging news. In Jesus Holy Name we pray.

      • Nancy Wigmore Dear
        David You have been such an inspiration to me since 1978.it was a rough year for me I had a malignant
        Brain tumor Christ intervened and I am still going Praise God.My grandparents introduced me to. 100 Huntley. Street and I have followed it since 1978. I thank GOD for a man like you who has lived your life in a Godly way.. I remember you in my prayers and your wife and family.. I pray you will receive a miracle and we all praise Jesus .. Yours in Christ. Nancy

        • Thank- you David for your 100 words Blog. A friend sends me this each day. It’s such a Inspiration for me. I also went to see all the ladies when they were in Calgary. They were all so wonderful and the love of our Jesus shone in them. God Bless you and all your family!

    • We have been praying that you will receive a blessing and God will grant you healing at Mayo Clinic.

      We look forward to reading your Blog daily. May God Bless Norma Jean and you and give you the strength and energy to continue to bless so many with your blog.

    • RE Agabus:
      I don’t think it says Agabus tried to persuade Paul not to go, but simply told him by the Spirit what he would face – to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Definitely, several tried to persuade him not to go, apparently including Luke (we).
      However, may I say, “You’re doing a great job”.

    • was reading the Scripture reading for today and was reading the part where He said to the disciples to eat whatever was offered. i watched Huntley st this morning and a guest said in some place (i cant remember what country) gave him guinea pig to eat. It was funny how the two things coincided

    • Happy 56th Anniversary, Dave & Norma-Jean! Over the years I have watched your television show and now I still have you through e-mail. Praise God. Your efforts are surely endless through him. God Bless you Dave and Norma-Jean. Thank you for not giving up on us and for directing our hurts and sins to be handed over to God for healing and mending. Amen.

    • We have enjoyed your ministry for many years. As you are still continuing ministry we are reminded of Psa.92;12-15 that “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree – – They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing –” Keep feeding us with His word. God bless.

    • Happy Birthday David! I continue to look forward to reading your daily blog and what God has revealed to you for the day. The Lord is also showing me more truths from the Word and I write them down. May the Lord give you a blessed day!

      • Happy Birthday David.
        May God Bless you with many more for His Glory.
        100 Huntley Street and Crossroads Ministry has
        blessed my life for many years.
        I believe one can’t get enough teaching in God’s Word. May God bless you
        with strength and wisdom to keep on keeping on to bring us the Good News. Thank You for this blog daily. Eleanor

  2. I turn my laptop on every morning for David’s blog of inspiration. I have been
    watching 100 Huntley broadcast ever since the beginning. I have missed Reynold and Kathy so the beautiful photos accompanying David’s message have
    brought many thoughts back of the time I was in the Holy Land. I have the
    photo of the Galilea Sea on by background. My grandchildren reach for my
    laptop every time they come so this has been a very good topic of conversation.
    If I miss a day I look at the video later. My husband and I just ordered the new
    book God Bless all

  3. Well David – I AM so glad you are giving some of us jr retirees a chance to hear the OLD OLD STORIES in a format our grandchildren may one day be able to access from an archive. I AM delighted we can give hearing to the voice of JESUS speaking througth our young children of some of the PRAYERS that their families and neighbours silently cried in to the wilderness as they fell upon their duties to sheild against impatient hourdes JESUS READ the promises of GOD’S WORDS into their inheritence as HEREDITARY KNIGHTS standing for
    living truths that supply life in the PRESENT. May we grow more in understanding the words of life that our 100 year vets have marked the pilgrim trail with tell ALL our Children in their own texting language “ILVU”

  4. “Fresh Bread” is always good to eat. I find the Word speaks volumes to my heart each morning as I give thanks for the ‘breath’ He gives. Your words are insightful and remind me to be thankful for a ‘heritage shared’. Thanks David, Be blessed as you rise up and speak to my heart and the ‘heart of a nation’.

  5. How do I get to a faith like yours? I called 100 Huntley Street when I was 18. Saved my life & brought me to repentance. However….Lost ALL everything.. .I Love your show and watch EVERY night. Yet….need prayer. Need help. Please

    • Wanda,I hear you I’ve knowen the Lord and have tried so hard for so long to be living a christen life,and it just seems to slip away from me, I took the ALPHA coruse and it got me back on track, and so far it has been good,all I can say is read your Bible and talk to Jeuse everyday all day as if He was sitting in the room with you,He will hear you and for me I feel His presents, I will be praying for you, God Bless

  6. Hello David, I am so glad that you are doing this blog, and you have inspired me to do my own vigil and then I read yours. I am praying for your health and I am facing my own health problem of a leaky heart valve. Please pray for me as I considering joining you and Norma Jean’s tour group to Israel. That would be a miracle! God bless you.

    • I know as for a gift is I am an encouragement lady even when I live bad moments and don’t share with others.
      I shut myself not tell anyone about my ups and downs.Lately it has been down for quite a while.I’M tired to battle in my mind–I get frustrated,impatient,lack of concentration,sadness,loneliness etc.
      Please pray for me David my brother.
      I love to read your 100 words-and look at the photographs.They are fantastics.Best of health.

  7. I have visited a lot of different Christian sites. However I find yours particularly exquisite. The photos, verses, prayer and your own writing are excellent. Thank you and praise God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for your inspiration and fine work.

  8. Dear David: I wanted to let you know how this blog has blessed my life. I started a few days from when you started and I got caught up with all the blogs today.
    I thank you so much. I am praying for you, and claiming 100% healing for you.
    Not only for this endeavour, but all the others that you have been obedient about serving our Lord .I have watched the program over the years and some in my family that watched where so blessed also. My Sister and I intend to come to Burlington and see all the things offred like the Tabernacle and Shroud of Turin.

  9. Dear David,
    Thank you for your daily blog and your transparency as a fellow believer
    in Jesus Christ. You are truly mentoring us in our walk with Jesus!

    We loved the 50th Anniversary week of programming that you hosted
    so beautifully. God is to be praised!

    We have watched the program regularly since 2003, when we moved to
    an isolated spot near Shining Tree, Ontario and you provided spiritual

    With many thanks,

    Gordon and Elaine Guse

  10. Hi David,
    My prayer is that I will learn discipline through joining your Blog. I thank God for 100 Huntley Street and the prayer team. When I think of changing my ways to be more like Jesus, I feel stronger and more peaceful because I know that His Word says that I only need to know Him to change and I do know Him. So here comes the change everyone. Be ready for a new me. in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

  11. You have learned the discipline of daily time in the Word earlier in your life. You are teaching me to do the same starting with your 100 word blog. Thank you for taking the time to share this with me (us).

  12. How do I get n to this blog, so that I can receive the emails daily from David, I so want and need it, Please someone help me on to it, I do not know very much about computers but I will try to follow instuctions(my spelling not good), I thank you every gets this and trys to help me. Dee

    • You can subscribe to the daily emails by completing the info in the boxes on the right side of the web page at 100words.ca.

  13. David
    I have known your family for many years your Dad was one of my Dad’s Pastor. Also Have followed your TV Ministrey for years.
    Enjoying your Blog each morning and the pictures are great having never been to the Holy Land. May God richly Bless you and NormaJean you are in my prayers. Beulah

  14. Thank you for the positive example of Christ you have been to us over the years
    we pray for you and the ministry every day.God bless and heal you.
    Always remember when you and your good wife were at our place for lunch and the lady across the road backed into your car– You were gone for quite a while and told us you had been able to talk to her about Jesus !

    • Dear David;
      I’M eager every morning to come and read what your thoughts and etc.Keep the good word out.It is helping me to grow and believe God is at work every where.
      Having a rough time so it helps to be focused on God loving nature and giving also.

  15. Dear David,
    Thank you, I enjoy reading you. Is there an email address I might have to contact your prayer partners? Phoning is not possible. Thank you for all the great years too!
    Lee Sellers

  16. Dear David,

    I enjoy your blog daily and would like to share it with my friends on facebook. The pictures your son takes are beautiful.

  17. thanks for your blog and devotional.
    On a different note. My son ‘s birthday is the same day as yours He will be 38 years old. wishing you many blessings, and good health for a long time to come.

  18. Dear David
    Your blog is such a daily blessing for me.Thank you so much.
    God bless you with continued wisdom and insight.

  19. I enjoy your blog and it couldn’t come at a better time. I’m going through a difficult time at the moment and the 100 words are encouraging. God Bless you and Crossroads. I plan to tell people about your blog

  20. I am so blessed every morning by your blog. The pictures are wonderful. Thanks so much for the effort and and committment you put into this every day. We are praying for you and 100 Huntley street each day.Never miss itin the evening if possible. I heard theres a trip to Israel soon ,can you meantion about it on 100 huntley street some evening?

  21. Today’s devotional about the story the Sunday School teacher told the class that one day God said, Enoch we are closer to my place than yours, let us go there, really touched my heart.

    I have told a few people in the past, trying to select those who cared, that I personally believe that the closer our walk with God is on this earth, the less of a transition it will be when we depart. Thanks David for that story.

  22. Dear David:
    I am enjoying your daily blog. I use the beautiful pictures as my background, and change them from week to week. You are a blessing and an inspiration to me.

  23. I Look forward every morning for your thoughts, comments and prayer on the subject.
    What I am most amazed is are the foto’s out of Israel. I have been there several times and really lost my heart to that beautiful land the Lord choose for His inheritance.

    Is there a possibility that you send these pictures as attachments as well so we can file them?
    It would be so neat if we could make a file from the pictures of Israel.

  24. David THANKS for sharing the awesome truths with your servant heart. Its a blessing to read the Word and your revelation of the truths.
    Blessings and keep on sharing!

  25. Thank you so much for doing this each day, Mr. Mainse. I find such comfort in your dedication as I have heard about your health. I know that all is well with you each morning when I find you in your daily blog. I am praying for you. Your scripture met so much to me today knowing that God has a plan and a future as my thirty year old daughter is having surgery in a matter of minutes.

  26. I rarely say things in one message, but this connection to the heart of God is a critacle breakthrough for me as I am not always able to watch a tv program. Reynald’s pics are a big + as well.

    • Simply complete the free subscription with your info. it’s on the 100words.ca home page on the right side.
      God bless!

  27. Thank you for adjusting the scriptures, vision problems make reading and focusing on the WORD more difficult when you have to continuously move the bar. I love this, the photographs, your guidance in understanding scriptures. Bless you and yours.

  28. David….it never fails. Every morning when I read your 100 words, I’m so encouraged and uplifted by your blog. You’re so down to earth, so easy to identify with as you share about your relationships with family, friends, life, whatever. It’s a pleasure to go throught the Bible with you, read your insights, and the pics are definitely an added bonus from that incredibly gifted photographer son you have. God bless you in all ways. Yours with a childlike heart, too! Phyllis

  29. Thank you for your words today I {Lila} am a early morning person too my window is out to the north. What a beautiful world God created for us. Its so easy to say that in the early morning. for When we start to see people who don’t walk with our Lord. Things don’t look so good, for they don’t understand their maker could come at any moment, and then they will see and have missed the beauty of their time with Him. PRAY PRAY PRAY

  30. I love it. I have an I Tablet and get it early in the morning. Sometimes I wish I could ask questions like: yesterday when Peter was denying that he knew Jesus, a young man wrapped in a cloth ran off leaving the cloth behind. Why would that be important to know? We wonder who he was and why he was mentioned. (I know you don’t have the time to answer peoples questions so if it is important I believe the Lord will reveal that to me). Otherwise, the blog is really great and I am enjoying it immensely. Thank you David.

  31. Simply want to say a very big thank you for this undertaking…I enjoy it so much and have learned so much and have been inspired to learn so much more…particularly about the Holy Land itself and the places Jesus travelled as he preached……I love the photos and descriptions and it brings to life the stories from the bible to get a glimpse of the actual places mentioned therein …..I pray that you continue with this full two year journey with good health and strength ….. Again, many thanks for this enjoyable learning experience!

  32. May you see God’s Blessing everywhere on this your 76th year since you were born. He has blessed both of us as we have been married 64 years. Keep up the good work. We enjoy all that you have given us through TV, and watch it grow.

  33. Dear David, Happy Birthday and many more. Thank you for doing the 2 year through the Bible and comments. This is my first time reading through the entire Bible and I was very pleased and excited that you were leading it.Praise God and may He Bless You.

  34. Happy Birthday to both of you David and Norma Jeanne. Thank you for your sacrigfisous service to the ministry and the people that your ministry touches.
    I had the privigage to meet you many years ago. May Jesus continue to strengthen and bless you richly every day. Please excuse my spelling.

  35. Can’t miss out on this specila date
    Norma Jean you really do rate
    Although you are younger by 3 years
    You’re alwauys filled with Joy & Cheers
    Happy Birthday Blessings with no fears.
    Thanks for standing behind David with prayers & tears
    Love you too!

  36. I really enjoy reading your Blog each and every day..I found it around the first of august,…it is a wonderful way to start my day.
    4am is an early time to rise.I always pray for my whole family before I get up each morning..
    We have such a loving and forgiving GOD
    He has been wonderful to my family and myself

  37. I want to thank you for the great incouragement you give each day. I alos have been doing another daily reading and it is very encouraging to see how God weaves a message through both of them that is just for me and brings both reading together. One week even the preacher at our Sunday service included thoughts from both of them. I am so blessed by all of this.

  38. Dear David:
    I thank the Father that you began this blog.
    I have been so blessed and my Sister and I are coming in Sept. to see the Tabernacle in Burlington.
    I lift you before the Lord David often and I know by scripture that you are
    already healed.
    I thank and Praise God that Jesus not only gave salvation but healing also.
    Know that Jesus is using you mightly in my life and countless others by this blog.
    Thank You
    In Christ’s Love

  39. Dear David….I am so glad you are sharing your commitment of two years through the bible……shared a talk on the Tabernacle to our Jr Teens and Sunday School class at church this past spring …..learned a lot myself!!…..came to see the replica at Huntley Street ……and have enjoyed your ministry over many years…..so uplifting and encouraging and thankful for your faithfulness…..and I will…. with HIS help…. keep up….
    Greatfully HIS….Janina.

  40. David, I am so blessed each morning by your short medittion, and Reynolds pictures are just amazing. They add so much to your words. Since I will never get to the Holy Land, I am so glad that I can see scenes of the places that Jesus walked. I have never before seen such beautiful photos of key locations, especially around the Sea of Galilee. Thank you both so much for your faithfulness and devotion.

  41. GOD BLESS ,-in this blog; since I’ve not had T.V. access (# of years),
    & recently have Internet, — “inner voice” has (at times) brought to mind:
    your super Ministry, I used to enjoy. Today, [Sep.14], am very happy to
    see your Blog.
    Might add: there was a wonderful lady on Prayer-line, in fall of 2011, =
    she prayed so wonderfully, re. son’s wife in hospital , Pregnancy issues,
    & not due, for over 2 mos. !! I later gave PRAISE REPORT, –God so
    wonderfully intervened & there’s a beautiful Grandson, [I held, Jul./12].
    God Bless, all, –at Ministry. Emma

  42. I am so blessed by your blog and the pictures are truly breathtaking! May God continue to bless you, Norma Jean, your family and your ministry. Susan

  43. I was very touch by reading your blog this morn as it always is good when we find someone else is on the same path through life. 2010 Feburary 10th had a breast removed. Had one treatment, and was so sick from it I refused anymore. I will be 80 in March, and close to seeing my Jesus. Yes we do get a little confusion when the cancer shows up in some one or our selves. Yes we need Dr’s. But I believe PRAYER is the most important, HE is in control. His HOLY SPIRIT your blog, my time in early morning with the LORD my Bible and journaling, and E. Stanley Jones “Victorious Living” 2 or 3 hour’s pass by before I know it but they are the best hours of the day. “THANK YOU FOR GOING THE EXTRA MILE AND GIVING USE THIS BLOG”.

  44. Thank you, thank you, thank you David. Met you again in Cranbrook this summer. Your faith is an encouragement as it is in God and from God. May He bless you and yours as you keep on going in Him. So glad of grace!

  45. Your honesty & integrity revealed in your blog of Oct., 12th was so refreshing !!!!
    Of the ministries I’ve known over the last 62 years, you & Billy Graham stand
    out as the “CLEANEST” financially !!! And your heart for the unsaved is a breath
    of “FRESH AIR” spiritually in the decadent times we live in !!! I have also, always
    appreciated your humble spirit. I first met you at a ministerial breakfast in Van-
    couver B. C., back in the 1980’s. God bless & keep you. Praying for you daily
    for a healing as well !!! Sincerely, in Christ, John Hartman.

  46. I love your prayers — they express my heart too. Thank you, David.
    With love and prayers, Judy from Edmonton, AB

  47. God bless you David. You provide me with food for my body and soul. Your openness in sharing your life experiences in your blog and your humble prayers for us every day are strengthening my walk with our dear Lord.I love the way you provide all the tools we need to have a complete message right here.I look forward to that message and cannot help but feel touched by something in the bible passage or something you share with us every day.I pray healing prayers for you David. Praise God!

  48. Thank-You David for Blog i just sign in today. I just wanted to say again Thanks for your wonderful telecast and your strong character towards the word of God. You are a perfect example of how we fellow Christian should be. Again God Bless you and your blog telecast and everything you done and as well your family YBI Christ Dave

  49. I found out about your blog from 100 Huntley street program
    I really like reading your daily blog that i signed up for.
    Thank you for opening my eyes to the bible again. You bring it to life for me. You make me think of our Lord and God more often than i did before. Please keep up this special effort.
    I saw you this week on the show and you are still inspiring to many and your topic about suicide is so real and I pray life saving…
    God bless you sir.

  50. Dear David:
    I thank you for your Daily Blog. It is a Blessing to me and to everyone who reads it, I am sure. My prayers are with you every day as you and Norma- Jean are taking another Tour of the Holy Land. I pray that our Lord will strengthen you and bring you peace and joy every step of the way. One of the greatest memories of my life is the Tour of The Holy Land with you and Norma-Jean twenty years ago. What a privilege and blessing that trip was to me. I am so pleased to hear that Ron and Anne are with you on this trip too. My love and my prayers are with you all.

    Dorothy Rogers

  51. David,
    Thank you for this amazing opportunity to travel through God’s Word with you and everyone else reading along. Thank you also for sharing your heart so freely with us.
    God bless you in this journey and always.
    With love and prayers.

  52. I appreciate all you are doing to promote the cause of Christ in our world.
    I am a new member of your great ministry and really appreciate the great
    effort that you all put in. I will be watching your blog while you are out of the
    country and praying for your protection. My heart is for the Jewish people
    and I bless you for all you are doing to promote relationship between our
    countries. With love and prayers …Maureen Biegel

  53. David, Thank you for 100 Words- each morning as I turn on my mobile phone the message is there and I can have a quick read over breakfast. Then, when I get in to my office, close the door, read the scripture, devotional and enjoy some 15-20 minutes quiet time with God before the business of the day crowds my mind.Praise God for safe travel in Israel and back home to Canada.

  54. I sure enjoyed your blog this morning!I too am a early riser,David,but not quite that early!(4am)LOL!!Most mornings its about 6am!!I’m recovering from my 5th heart attack,the first was in 1996,the last two within one hour was Nov.2012,but all is well & the LORD is good!!!I am in the LORD’S Hands,has been since age 17;I’ll be 60 Jan.29th.I love,honor & respect you in the LORD!!I too am an imperfect person,but I press on as Paul says,until that Glorious Day when this mortal shall be changed to immortal!!!Praise HIM forever!!!Lets press on David;our Eternal Home awaits!!!!!!!!!

  55. Thank you for your faithfullness in your daily 100 Words. Today, Saturday, I especially found what you had personally written (as a young school teacher) to be a blessing to me – I had tears in my eyes as I read it.
    I look forward daily to your writings – and especially your personal prayer.

    God bless you, David.

  56. Thank you for the 100 Words – all of them – but specifically those written today (Jan.14th, 2013). I did just that – showed love to someone even when it was a little hard to do given something that had just happened the night before. I did this before even reading your post for today. You affirmed for me the importance of loving others – even when they disappoint us!

  57. Dear David Mainse
    As I read about how you intervened to save the life of
    Pastor Wally Magdangal, it filled my heart with wonder
    and faith in how Jesus can use someone who can act
    in love to help another. You have helped so many others as well.
    Although, the internet is not always my favourite place,
    I have benefited greatly from reading 100 Words each day.
    Thank you for taking time to share your inspiring words and prayer.

  58. We continue to pray for you to be delivered from the cancer. We have like Hab. 2:2-3 written it down and made it plain on tablets and by faith claim the promise in ves. 3 “Though it tarries, wait for it: because it WILL surley come, it will not tarry.” Praise the Lord. Christian Love

  59. We enjoy and appreciate your blog. We try and read it every day. Found it a challenge when away from our computer, recently.
    Since about mid December we have not been receiving the photos at the very top of the daily message. We follow the google map to see the location of where the photo was taken. Is this a problem on my e-mail? or?
    Keep holding up the light, spreading the word, keeping the faith. Love Leigh & Hope Tupper

    • Your system might be blocking the pictures. Look for a notice somewhere on your screen that says something like “click here to download photos.” Otherwise, you can go to the web version at http://www.100words.ca and see the photo. God bless!

  60. You are held in the hearts of so many who grew in Jesus because of your television ministry and we agree in the healing of your cancer as you fly and enter the Mayo clinic. He provides healers on earth–in faith our Jesus will provide all that you need in the days ahead.

  61. Dear David This is the second day I have read your blog. I have watched Huntley street for 2 years. What has totally drawn me to it, has been your compassion for the world around you and how heart broken some of the decisions of our government have left you. I believe you are blessed in full measure with the heart of God. You are in my prayers , you have helped me see the love of God in action. God bless you with health & peace that passes all understanding.Kathy

  62. Hi David
    We spent 20 winters in Arizona and we attended a great congregation called Church On The Green. It is located by a golf course, hense the name. Ben Leonard is the pastor and an amazing preacher. The church is located in Sun City West and if you want to be blessed out of your socks you should attend a Sunday morning service. Tell them the Mastersons recommended you.

    Bill Masterson

  63. David. You are an amazing warrior of God, determined, willing and purposed to what you believe God would have you do and yet filled with love, compassion and mercy. Your ministry has been instrumental for over 30 years in my growing in my faith and continuing to be challenged to follow God to a greater extent than yesterday and not as deeply as tomorrow. May God restore your health, continue to give you dreams and visions to inspire many followers of God in ways that are pivotal in their life. I pray I will never grow old in attitude just like what God wishes for all of us. Keep young!

  64. The ministry of Crossroads and 100 Huntley Street has been a rich blessing in my life almost from its inception. As well, 100 Words, with the teaching, photographs and personal sharing continue to be a daily highlight in my life. Only God could give you the strength to accomplish this as you face the physical challenges in your life just now. I am now almost 74 and my mother died when I was almost 9. I grew up an only child and can so much identify with where you are at just now. You are in my prayers daily David. I am reading between the lines re your health, and we know that with God all things are possible, and a bright future lies ahead because we belong to Jesus. God bless you!

  65. Hello David
    As always I love reading your blog. The feature of listening to the bible reading is very favourable to me. It is a great addition to the reading for the day. At the moment as I type this,the reading is continuing on in Judges.. I have not yet figured out how to turn it off but I’m hopeful it will stop when I leave this site .I’m sure it will. Many blessings and prayers continue flowing your way. Cheers, Anne

  66. I did like the audio link to the scripture.
    Please continue it.
    I pray for you, your healing, your family,
    Crossroads, those who appear on Crossroads,
    CTS and your ministry each time I read the blog.

  67. The blog of February 11

    I remember the journey that many people went through waiting for a black President- I watched the stories, I prayed for the beloved black people, they are my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. What really is of concern to me is the stories regarding President Obama and the issue of him not being a Christian but rather a believer of Islam. I wish I knew the truth?

  68. Dear David,

    My prayers and heart are with you as you start this new round of chemo.
    I pray for strength for you and your family at this time and have every confidence
    that God will be with you to help you endure. Our God keeps His promises.

    Yours in Christ Jesus


  69. When I was praying for you last week as I knew you were going through another set of chemo, I couldn’t help but think of fellow cancer patients that would encounter you personally and would receive a tremendous blessing from Christ. I believe the Lord is constantly with you and those in your presence will encounter Him; remember those that were healed just by being in Peter’s shadow. I will continue to pray for you and your family and those the Lord enables to cross your path for healing and salvation also. Please pray for my family also for salvation especially my husband and father. Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement every day.

  70. When I was praying for you last week as I knew you were going through another set of chemo, I couldn’t help but think of fellow cancer patients that would encounter you personally and would receive a tremendous blessing from Christ. I believe the Lord is constantly with you and those in your presence will encounter Him; remember those that were healed just by being in Peter’s shadow. I will continue to pray for you and your family and those the Lord enables to cross your path for healing and salvation also. Please pray for my family also for salvation and health issues especially my husband and father. Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement every day.

  71. I am getting two of the blogs everyday. Tried unsubscribing and then subscribing again, and that worked for about two days. Now two are coming again. There must be a glich there somewhere somehow

  72. Thank you, David, for your continued faithfulness to God’s calling on your life. I read your blog every morning, and having had the privilege of getting to know you a bit, sense the heart, spirit and essence of your messages. Always on centre with the Word and Person of our Lord. I continue to pray for your total healing. No words can describe the scope of impact that your ministry has had. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  73. Shalom David–I’m a Messianic believer, and was blessed to read your March 28 blog, containing your letter to Mel Gibson.
    I have lost patience with the hiding of scriptures like Romans 11.
    This chapter is too convicting for those that would blame the death of Jeshua on the Jewish people, and also explains why most Jews didn’t recognize Him as the Messiah during His ministry on earth– if the Jews had recognized Him then–there would be no saved gentiles, as He was originally sent only to-“the lost sheep of Israel.”
    The Father put veils over the eyes of the Jews then–partly because of their disobedience, but more importantly, so that His salvation was opeded up to all gentiles–but this chapter in Romans 11, then goes on to state that the saved gentiles now have a responsibility to make the Jewish people JEALOUS of the gentiles’ relationship with God.

  74. I love to read your 100 words everyday. While watching the 100 Huntly Street on TV one day, I saw your ad. That is how I subcscribed to your blog. I really like the pictures that you post. I hope If your son can make a nice book with those photo’s. I would love to have those bible photo’s.

    May God bless you and your family.

  75. Happy Birthday David Wishing you a very blessed birthday full of the knowledge rhat you are special in so many people’s hearts! Thank you for your faithfulness to not only our God but also to those whom he has set before you so that His work was accomplished! Blessings and love, Elfie

  76. Happy Birthday David Wishing you a very blessed birthday full of the knowledge that you are special in so many people’s hearts! Thank you for your faithfulness to not only our God but also to those whom he has set before you so that His work was accomplished! Blessings and love, Elfie

  77. My. Wife. And. I. Need god. In. Our. Lives. As. Our. Kids. Were. Taken. By. Child. Protection. Services. Put.in. a. Temporary. Foster. Care. For. Six. Months. Hopeing. To.Get. them. Back. We. Wish. Their. Angles. Too. Help. Us. In. Need. At. This. Time

  78. Dear David:

    Thank you for your dedication to your blog. Today’s blog brings up an issue that I am struggling with. I am a Catholic and, as you know, we have statues in our churches. We do pray before statues. Personally, I do not worship these statues and have been told that they are just reminders of God’s presence. However, I really struggle with this. Do you think God could see this as an act of statue worshipping on my part? Many people think I am being silly in thinking this but it has bothered me for some time. Any thoughts from you would be most appreciated.

    God bless,


  79. Dear Mr David Maine,I would like to subscribe to your one hundred words bible studies but is experiencing difficulty ,can you please guide me through the necessary steps. Thanks

  80. I would love to have a copy of the two year journey through the bible . I,m doing it now in one year and its a lot of reading for me to understand for a senior citzen how many chapters do you read each day? etc

  81. I have followed David since he started the blog and have shared everyday with many others…just e-mail the blog to them daily. Thanks so much David and family
    for all the prayer, study and pictures put into the sharing of God’s Word. May He continue to bless and use each of us as we obey Him.

  82. Thank You.. I am with you too. Jesus is amazing….The love of God. A good spiritual breakfast….There is power in the word. Love the word of God.. You have a beautiful spirit and character… I read every word from cover to cover last year…
    God bless you… The lord is amazing.. He is a great God. Faithful, loving, powerful, very kind. I am so excited about the Lord.

  83. I have signed up 2x to receive the daily email of your blog and would really like to receive it but it still hasn’t been successful. Please sign me up. Thanks

  84. Dear David
    We would like to let you know that we are continuing to join you on the 100Words travel through the Bible for a second time. I have changed translations of the Bible to get a different perspective this time. Your blog has provided us with support and teaching over a period when my sister’s health has been very poor and thus our attendance at our local church has been sporadic.
    Thank you for the time you put into this task every day. We praise the Lord for the healing He has given you. God’s blessing on you, Norma Jean and your family.

  85. We would like to receive the daily 100 words walk thro the Bible each day. Thank you for these devotionals

  86. Thank you, oh good and faithful servant–David Mainse, and everyone who works to put the blog out. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! 100Words has been a complete blessing and has brought about a transformation in my life because it has taught me to be disciplined. Oh how I love to read the bible early each morning, pray, meditate on the Word, learn the truth about God’s teaching, and share with fellow saints by writing a post on the blog. Thank you for rekindling my relationship with God Almighty!

  87. We accidententially pushed the wrong place on our screen and got disconnected. We have tried several times to reconnect to receive the daily 100 words. Now we are Manually connecting daily but would like to have it come automatically.
    Faithful followers.

  88. I have also been cut off from the daily 100 words, I don’t think pushed the wrong screen, but it would appear that it was the same day as Robert Wakem above. I have tried to reconnect twice, but both times the email has returned “rejected” and the site has been disconnected. I used the contact@100words.ca email address. I have also tried to re subscribe but that has not happened either, maybe something is amiss at your end

  89. I guess you are like all the other “religious programmes”, only want to send your blog to people who will sent you money, thought you were different, guess I was wrong,

    Good bye

  90. Although I did not remark to this initial post, I have followed you from the beginning. I was there when you first announced your intentions to write a blog during your 50th Anniversary! I could see how committed and determined you were and was greatly inspired how this would be a blessing to everyone who participated. God Bless and be well!

  91. Dear David, I too was born in 1936/January. I am so appreciated of your 100 words. I can’t remember when I started but it doesn’t really matter as I intend to continue as long as it is posted. Whenever it does not arrive I go to the address which you have posted. Always it is corrected the following day or so. I have been forwarding it to a friend who had trouble receiving them. Its easier for him to do it this way.
    Someone wrote a negative comment about requests for donations & I would like to say something about that. Unfortunately it is not always understood how much money is needed to operate 100 Huntley Street et al. Giving is something most Christians do willing according to their abilities. It goes along with tithing & doing our part in God’s work. I am grateful for all at 100 Huntley Street. May each one of you be blessed.
    In His most precious name, Bev


  93. Hello David, Somehow I didn’t get your Blog again today. I wonder what keeps happening?? I don’t know what keeps happening over all the wires, but I miss your Blog so much when I don’t receive it!

  94. Thank you so much for your blogs I look forward to reading them
    Due to unforeseen circumstances I will be leaving Alberta. Once settled again. I will be in touch wit you
    I need strength and courage and good health to get through this difficult time
    I thank you for your prayers
    Blessing to you David , Norma Jean your family and all those that work at 100 Huntley Street

  95. Thank you for sharing the history of the blog. You are beautiful, godly and an obedience child of the Living God. I will continue to pray for your family, the ministry of Crossroads 100 Huntley Street to be strong, anointed by the amazing King that we serve.

    Peace, joy, hope, righteousness, prosperity be upon you, your family and the ministry of 100 Huntley Street.

    To God be the glory.

    In Him, Theresa
    p.s. pray for complete healing in you. God is the greatest healer and be confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.

  96. I have been receiving the blog daily up until March 18th when it disappeared. I have sent my email address to once again receive it but the system advises that I am subscribed……please check for me and see if I can still receive daily posts. I have enjoyed the blog for about three years and find it makes me think every day. I also love the photographs. Blessings. Jim

    • Hello Jim. We have tried to re-instate your daily emails, but our system shows your email listed as “bounced”, meaning that the emails we send have bounced back undeliverable. Are you sure that email address is correct and still working? Do you have another email address you can subscribe with?

  97. Likened to our physical bodies Bread is a delicious and amazing treat and how much more is the Living Word to our hearts.
    Thank you David for the very full and dedicated service that you have and are still giving to our Lord. This is the 3rd time of following your blog but not the 1st time to
    reading His Word for it began in Sunday School.
    You are in my prayers as well for each and every day our Lord gives to us. God bless you both.

  98. Dear David,
    You have been a part of my life since I first became a Christian.Through 100
    Huntley Street you have touched my life tremendously. The fact that you might not be with us any longer, I just want to say I appreciate you bringing the message of Jesus Christ to all of Canada. I have seen your ministry on TV from time to time but until the year of 2000 I gave my life to Jesus and started watching 100 Huntley Street. It saddens me that you may leave us, but I am happy at the same time because you will be going home to the Lord. David, we will never forget you and one day we will see you again when we also meet to the Lord.

  99. want to get back receiving the blog daily by email don’t know what happened but the last few weeks it doesn’t come to my inbox anymore. Help make this happen

    • The system shows you are subscribed. Check to see if your email program is automatically sending the emails to a “junk” folder.

  100. I really enjoyed reading David Manise’s blog … it has helped me in my walk with the Lord and to always keep my eyes on HIM instead of my circumstance with health issues since birth.
    Thank you Ron for keeping the blog and carrying on the tradition of your dad alive in our hearts even though it is Jesus that is alive in our hearts.
    Most of all I thank Jesus for giving us the gift of learning on these blogs.
    Jo-Ann Tahara

  101. Stop asking people to bend their neck for salvation when they need food and have no where to sleep.
    The world today needs more activism than politics(tax right offs). I plan on never being being a tax right off.
    I still blame the romans and find more salvation with Job and Socratese. I am second generation from ww1 and third from everyone being “family” with different DNA from ireland etc.
    My failure is that i suffer(no one needs die for me).
    I have a drink in me, and i’m not an alcoholoic yet, just bilolar exploreing my history and contemplating my future,,, activism is important these days, and doesnt exist because students are taught what to think and not how to think. If things turn 180 when stuff happens then you will disappear. Foof is food, religion is religion. Politics are gross and politics are politics.
    But , politically speaking,,, perhaps the christians have done what the romans could not.
    I want to live,,, i’ve spent 3 hours today sourceing the best sling shot today but perhaps it won’t work as well…..
    I do love music, ,,, chopin is my favourite.

    • Dear Andrew,
      I’m not sure if you’re still reading or will ever see this message, and perhaps I’m not the best person to reply, but you made some good points and I hope that your activism is helping others and yourself (perhaps your blog post above already has). This world, though it can be beautiful, does also have a lot of suffering, and I don’t think you are wrong to point that out. People who believe should do their utmost to to share with others, and if they/we see someone in need should extend help — whether it be with food, especially when the need is immediate, or help with attaining lodging, or with whatever might be the need. I hope that if you have not yet seen or noticed any of these kinds of works that you soon will, and that anyone reading will remember to share love and kindness in an actual way — materially and concretely way. Don’t give up your slingshot, Andrew Moore (pls. sling love — well, maybe the really bad giants need something else ;-). PS – The disciples were, and Jesus was and always will be, activists (and probably so are and/or should be His followers).
      A Reader

  102. Please unsubscribe me from 100 Words. I have enjoyed the blog for several years and thank you so much for sending it to me. God bless your ministry.

    • OK. Thank you for being with us for so long! We will unsubscribe you. Just so you know, there is an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each email. God bless!

  103. Thank you so much for continuing on with 100 Words. What a truly wonderful experience in going through the Bible. The wisdom and passion Pastor David Maine had for sharing God’s word is so evident (Thank you as well to Pastor Ron when filling in) So appreciate the added treat of all the daily pictures as well! Bless you all in your ministry.

  104. Hi,Ron.I believe I started following the blog about this time in 2013.I did not think I would last more than a week or maybe a month but I’m still here in 2021.I was a baby Christian in my early 60’s.I had great thirst but very little knowledge about our Lord,Jesus.There is too much to tell here but I am a deacon in our little country church (I turned it down at the first offer feeling unworthy and under qualified.) and vice chairman of our local camp (Pagweak) council (and we are having a very good summer,)My pastor and I are close friends also and he ‘volunteered’ me for the camp council 3-4 years ago.It is the faith of our camp director which is largely to credit for our success.I have learned so much from David’s great example and teaching on this blog.I can’t thank you enough.A ‘period’ denotes finality at the end of a sentence.That is why I ‘try’ to never use a period after “God bless”,so it is not a typo as I now say God bless
    I am not a fan of poetry but it was largely when poems started coming through me uncontrollably that my faith skyrocked.They were poems of comfort for ‘Greiving Mothers’ and later changed to poems of faith.It was like taking dictation.This is from my benediction file:
    Seeds Of Peace

    May seeds of peace find a home in your heart,
    May forgiveness help mend each broken part,
    For you are worthy when the last sunset falls
    To cross that bridge when the trumpet calls.
    So be not of sorrow for those gone ahead,
    They are more happy than we who are dead,
    For most of us fail to learn how to live,
    The secret is to open your heart and just give,
    For this is the way our Savior had taught,
    But through Satan’s lies,His words we forgot,
    So as time grows shorter we must reawaken,
    To remind the world of His love forsaken.
    G W (Bill) Marshall/2011

  105. Thanks for such a nice site I really liked it. And thank you very much for bringing God’s word to the world. I would be happy to share my work with you on the holybible.site site where I also spread God’s word.

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