Today’s Reading: Matthew 21
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Key Verse: Matthew 21:29-30
He answered and said, ‘I will not,’ but afterward he regretted it and went. Then he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, ‘I go, sir,’ but he did not go.
Chapter 21 begins with the fulfillment of Prophecy (Zechariah 9:9). The people had all studied the Hebrew Scriptures, and after witnessing this Palm Sunday event (the triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey), they were open to Jesus’ teaching, the Temple cleansing, cursing the fig tree, His authority, and the parable of the two sons. Jesus’ message is very clear. He judges the promise breaker much more seriously than He does the one who was initially rebellious but ultimately obedient. Two sons are in this story. Like the two sons in this story, we may have made and broken promises. We still have a choice. We can repent of the sin of rebellion and dishonesty and do a 180-degree turn towards God’s plan and purpose for our lives.
Lord, which kind of son (or daughter) am I? Father, if I have failed to keep my word to You in the past, please bring it to mind, that I may confess, repent, and be made right before You. Thank You. Amen!
Please join me every day for fresh Bread. The Word of God is living Bread. I am malnourished mentally and spiritually if I fail to read and meditate on God’s Word daily. I need daily nourishment. Then I am strong! It was June 15th, 1977, that we began the daily 100 Huntley Street telecast from that address in Toronto. For months prior to that beginning, I could not escape the message of Psalm 19:2, 3 and 4. It was constantly in my mind. Please read those verses and meditate on them. This appeared to be what God had in mind for television. So after 15 years of a weekly TV show called Crossroads (1962-1977) and several years of the weekly children’s show called Circle Square, we launched into DAILY television. Of course, I considered not doing this. The cost was huge, but God gave me, our Board of Directors, and our team members the grace to obey the “Day unto day utters speech” challenge of Psalm 19:2, and God’s Word went out daily on Canadian television. God responded through the prayers and generous support of His people.
Love and prayers for the grace of obedience,
Thank you Jesus for another great day and read
I remember the old studio 100 Huntley Street
Blessings to all today amen 🙏✝️
Bless all Your people today, Lord. We need You so. In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen to the above.I pray for the peace of Jerusalem (while Satan wants ‘a piece’ of Jerusalem.) and the peace,prosperity and protection of all of Israel.He will protect His people though in the end 2/3 of Jerusalem may be wiped out in the final battle.
From Jerusalem
From Jerusalem like a mighty Lion,
Shall come His voice out of Zion,
As the heavens and earth shake,
But His people need not quake.
He is always the strength and hope
Of Israel’s children as they cope
In a world of sin and living threat,
But doom will pose never a fret.
In His hands shall the faithful rest
And in His heart,the chosen best,
But all who fail to know His name
Shall feel His wrath and their shame.
He is just and our loving Sovereign,
Who knows that we are all brethren,
So He forgives us within His grace
To take us home to His holy Place.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 2011
Thank You Lord, for this ministry. Bless the Mainse family greatly. Blessings all.
Thank you again William for the poem 🙏✝️
I agree with all the comments, prayers and poem above
and pray for peace in Jerusalem, Israel and the world,
in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.