Saturday, September 23, 2017


Today’s Reading: Psalms 33-34

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


At the entrance to the modern city of Jerusalem is a light rail bridge, known as the Jerusalem Chords Bridge. It was built in 2008 and symbolizes King David’s harp.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 34:1

I will bless the Lord at all times;

His praise shall continually be in my mouth.


The words, “the Lord,” occur 26 times in these two Psalms. There’s a saying about “the Lord”… that “He’s either Lord of all or not at all!” There should be no half-way measures in our faith! The Apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore, I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:3). The primary work of the Spirit of God in the earth is to make Jesus known as Lord of all. This blog is intended as an extension of that sublime purpose.

How do we “bless the Lord?” We please Him! We worship Him! We live a life which brings the smile of His approval! We read His Word and meditate on His Word daily! We pray in faith, believing Him for His response! We share His Message in our personal witness and in our support for ministries that are proven by researched fact to be effective in reaching the peoples of the world with the Good News of Jesus’ death, resurrection and the gift of forgiveness of sin and eternal life through Jesus Christ. So we can list some of the ways we bless God. Now let us think of the ways He has blessed us and is blessing us. It’s no wonder that we identify with King David when he writes, “His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Hallelujah! We magnify You O Lord! Bless Your holy name! Amen! Amen!


Lord God, I pray that I will do as David did, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” Grant that I will experience Your blessed Presence at all times. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!!!


Norma-Jean, my wife, is a multi-tasker. My tendency is to focus on one thing at a time. I guess that’s one of the general differences between men and women. However, I’m learning to multi-task in my commitment to King David’s statement, “His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” I don’t always speak the words of praise out loud, but they are there in my mouth at the tip of my tongue. It’s the same with Paul’s encouragement to “Pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Yours for giving thanks in everything!


P.S. Ron here again in Dad’s hospital room. He continues to hold on, but every now and then he speaks very clearly about going to be with Jesus. Yesterday Dad was talking with Ann and he said, “I want to be unleashed!” Ann asked, “From what?”, and he said, “It’s like I’m in a jail cell…I want to be free!” His eyes were closed and Ann said, “Let’s talk about Jesus.” Dad smiled, and then a few seconds later he said “Tell Him ‘I’m ready when He’s ready.'” Dad has been very “ready” for a while now. When the time comes and Jesus takes him home, it will be very difficult, but we will try to do as Dad exhorts us in today’s blog and “In everything give thanks.”

51 thoughts on “Saturday, September 23, 2017

  1. Thank you Pastor David Mainse for this blog. I had problem with consistency in my bible reading. But I just follow your blog every day and went through the whole bilble in two years. More than that, daily bible reading has become a habit of mine. This also strengthens my walk with the Lord. You are like a big brother to me who leads me through the Book. God bless!

    • Amen! For me as well, David has helped me be consistent with my bible reading every morning. His explanations and references to other bible verses make so much sense. The more I understand the more I want to dig deeper into the bible. Thank you David (and Ron and Reynold), for being our guide(s) through the bible. The whole package brings the bible to life.
      God bless you David and the whole Mainse family. You are in my prayers.

  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as you prepare for your Dad’s “home going” . His faith over the years will soon be sight! Take care of your precious Mom and each other. Yours in Christ

  3. Dear Lord Jesus, our brother David wants to be set free from his earthly frame, please grant his wish. We willingly let him go to be with you, which is far better. May he slip into your loving arms, very easily……Thank you Lord…You do all things well.

  4. Thank you for sharing this time with us, what a precious gift as we wait on our Father with you all. May all of you, David’s family and Crossroads receive a double potion of blessing as he enters Fathers Presence. He will be so missed but we will meet again! Love and prayers, there are no words but our hearts are with you, Karin

  5. Blessings and prayers as we await God’s perfect timing.

    Our hearts are heavy for all of you and pray God’s strength at this time.

  6. Ron Ann
    When God’s timing happens
    your father and my father will
    be in heaven together.
    My father passed away
    Mar 30 /17.
    Peace of God.

  7. Dear David. We are praying for peace to settle over your room as you sit there with your precious daughter Elaine today. We just spent time with Eldon’s Mom who passed peacefully into the arms of Jesus on Tuesday. What a blessed assurance to know that Jesus was hers and she is now experiencing that “glory divine” We pray that the ‘blessed assurance’ will continue to settle on you and that is, and has been your story and song praising Jesus even as you lie in that prison cell of a broken body all the day long. May ‘visions of rapture burst on your sight. may the angels descending “bring echoes of mercy and whispers of love. As you perfectly submitt to God’s perfect timing may all be at rest as you watch and wait and look above be filled with His goodness and lost in His love.

  8. Praying that your dad will soon be free from his “prison cell” body and ushered into the presence of the Lord.
    Also that Norma Jean and the family will experience supernatural peace and feel the presence of God.

  9. Thank you for sharing with us your journey of love for your dad, our prayers are with you and your family. We have so enjoyed traveling to Israel with you all and to share in the minstery!! God bless you and your family at this time! Helen

  10. Praying that dear David would hear the call today from His Heavenly Father,
    ,Come on home David, I am calling you home today”
    Just imagine seeing His Lord and Saviour face to face and the many of his loved ones that went before him.

  11. Thank you for all you and your family are doing to honour your dad …this great man of God. Blessings to you all as you bless us too.

  12. Oh the sorrow that we feel at a time like this but oh the bliss of knowing he will be set free and in the presence of the waiting arms of Jesus.
    Thank-you for sharing with us these last precious moments.
    Forty years ago I rededicated my life to Christ through the ministry of David. The Lord has used him mightily.
    May God wrap his loving arms around all of you and fill you with his peace and comfort.

  13. It is always so hard to say goodbye. We know where David is going and what a reunion that will be. I respect David so very much and have been fortunate to follow along with him on this blog and Huntley Street and he has been truly a blessing with his witness of our blessed Lord and his faith has inspired so many.
    Norma Jean and all the Mainse family we are praying for each and everyone of you. May you feel the peace and love of God at this very difficult time.

  14. Praying for David and his loved ones as well as his ‘unbeknownst’ loved ones.(us).I hope this reflects how he feels.God bless
    Set Me Free (Pst.David Mainse)

    Set me free,oh Lord,from this prison,
    As I praise Jesus,’the Lord arisen’,
    For I want to be at home with you,
    Here I’ve done all that I can do.

    Set me free,oh Lord,so I can roam
    With You along those golden streets of home,
    Let me walk along and ask of You
    What my mortal mind never knew.

    Just call my name and there I will be,
    As a babe in the womb needs to be free,
    But in your timing all is made right;
    When I behold Your wondrous sight.

    I still linger here for those behind,
    For your plan still holds wonders they will find
    And there is no hurry for me to go
    When life is so short here below.

    Now they’ll show Your message every day,
    To tell the world You are the only way
    And Your work goes on ’til Your return
    In hope that all will heed and learn.
    G W (Bill)Marshall /23,Sept,2017

  15. David’s faithfulness, and that of all the Mainse family, is a great witness to the goodness of Our loving God. Paul also spoke to us from a prison cell.
    May God bless you all. Thank you for all you do, in Jesus’s name.

  16. What a difficult time it is to say “so long” to the one we love so dearly, as you release your Dad to the Lord, may you find the Lord’s Peace, Joy and Comfort.
    Thank you again for this daily blog!!!

  17. Once again those who have written before me this morning portray my heart & soul expressions .
    William your poem is so ‘ in touch’.
    David s journey into joy is revealing to us all how he is ‘finishing well’.
    We are all gleaning ‘ glimpses of Glory ‘ Witnessing how it is a ‘struggle ‘
    Davids’ life continues to be a testimony of the reality thereof; only with persevering in faith and how we need one another in ‘such a time as this’.
    Thank you so very much for sharing these ‘Holy Moments ‘ with us.
    Ron and Ann , Norma Jean and each one of your precious family.
    With love in prayer

  18. Praying Ron for you and you’re family!! David, you’re father has been such a shinning example of Christ in each area of his public and private life. God be with each of you as you take this journey. Psalm 23.

  19. Amen to all the comments above my father and stepdad went to be with Jesus many many years ago for my dad it will be 23 for my stepdad it will be 18 so yeah any any moment now David will will join will join those two people in and have fun yes it will be very difficult to say goodbye but we will see our loved ones once again which is the Blessed hopes that we have I pray for Norma Jean and the family at this moment and we know that you are all in God’s hands I pray for everyone family friends co-workers that Huntley Street and all who no David we just lift him up to you Jesus amen

  20. Thank you Ron and Ann for updating us on your Dad daily. He and Norma Jean have been such a blessing for so many years. We pray for a peaceful release for him.

  21. David, may God richly bless you at every turn in this journey. And thank you for all you generously give to all of us. Thank you Ron and Ann for lovingly sharing these updates with us all. David, you and Norma-Jean and all your family are all in my thoughts and prayers, with much love.

  22. To Ron, Ann, NormaJean & family. Thank you for sharing these special moments with us. I have been a follower of David’s ministry for many years and have been blessed. I pray for God’s peace to be with all of you

  23. Our Father who art in Heaven; Hallowed by Thine Name; Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven; give us this day our daily; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against, and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil; For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory Forever and ever AMEN AMEN AMEN

  24. adding my prayers to all for David to be released into the arms of Jesus and for comfort and peace for all the family. I do not have enough words to thank David and all the Ministry for their help as we all journey homeward bound. Bless them all Lord. amen

  25. Amen, dear Pastor David, you have been in my thoughts and prayers today as you wait for the upward call to be with the Lord. Praying for you Norma Jean and all the family. Thank you Ron for keeping us posted.

  26. This comment is for Ann: – My daughter, Leslee, was just visiting her Dad at Juravinski this evening and noticed you and the Mainse family gathered in a room nearby. My husband’s name is Ian. He has B-Cell Lymphoma. Years ago we lived in Brantford and I would often see Norma Jean at the supermarket. Ann, you attended a women’s conference in Milton which I helped to organize when Tressa Lemky was the speaker. I do pray for God’s love and comfort to enfold you and the family during these days, and ask also for your prayers my husband, Ian. Blessings, Lyn

  27. David, our love and prayers are with you, as you wait for Jesus to take you Home to be with Him. your Lord and Saviour. I thank you for your life-long Ministry. You have been so important in helping me in my Christian walk. I pray for Norma-Jean, Ron and Ann and all the precious Mainse Family. May God give you strength and peace in this very difficult time. Thank you, Ron for keeping us informed each day of your Father’s condition.

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